A little fanimation of ye olde secret mermaid room. Re-drew a lot of the old sprites so that the animation could work. I'm new to flash so the quickest way was to just butcher it and start fresh. I hope the new look isn't too intrusive to the original style. I'm planning on adding many more poses and couplings so if you have ideas or critiques feel free to post them. If you have art suggestions go ahead and post a quick paint-over so I have a more complete idea of what you're driving at. Explanations by themselves just tend to be confusing. No transparency though please, it eats up system resources to the point where I can't flip the cells.
To Do list:
Fix FX animation layering (currently my biggest issue, I miss dynamic layering)
Add acting to mermaid and lizard faces.
More couples doing the horizontal monster mash.
Transition animations from one loop to another.
Furnish the room.
Block Samus animation loops.
Masturbation/introductory animation loops for newer mermaid.
Animation blocking of male characters.
On/off switch for couples.
On/off switch for pubes.
On/off switches for character colors.
Make sounds less "spammy"
There will be snacks and content! So if you have ideas make posts and maybe it'll show up!