RavenLord Wrote:You shoud think about making an archieve, just to seperate failed RPs from finished ones.
Suraru Wrote:That will mean me being a temporary GM, you can trust me not to abuse it, I will only move RP threads and ask GMs if its ok to delete some.
Thaedael Wrote:That being said I still think the RP-section is more effort than it is worth considering the maturity level of the rpers and what they contribute as a whole to the forums, but that is not my call. However with Taria on board now it is going to be more manageable so whatever you do I am behind you as always.
laa Wrote:About the actual topic, I'd see no reason to add any sub-forums while the activity remains this low. Of course, if it goes up at some point, it will be direly needed with a sub-thread; But I'd say it should be dedicated to both recruitment and OOC. Maybe make the threads the same, turning previous recruitment threads into OOC threads.
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