Suraru Wrote:That would require it being brought back to life o,O
As said, it's still alive, lurking around in the very corners of the government.
BreathofFire and ren are the only people i remember saying anything interesting and not just the same bull shit.
Sopa is alive and there is no reason to believe it's going away. The fact is Sopa isn't this demon ink put on to paper design to kill the internet. It's a law to stop piracy which is a good thing. The problem was that it had to much power and avoided the courts.
I know everyone is calling this a victory but if you think about it you have to gain something for a victory.
This was just us defending are selves.
Now i personally hate Acta, and SOPA since they consider every one a pirate. But that being said i hate them because of a problem they have not because they can't be fixed.
Now saying Sopa is dead or wont be voted on again is like saying "I took a arrow to the knee". It's stupid and well lets face it! My character has taken a arrow to the knee how many times now and he's still kicking ass with both legs.
BlueLight Wrote:warning! When i have a head ache i like to bitch slap. I have a headache right now.
Okay let me state it this way. No site will be taken down because of sopa. There is a logical reason for this. It's because fucking sopa didn't get passed as a law on the 18th. I was told there was a threat of Veto but that's second hand information.
The reason why Mega uploads was taken down because there are already laws in place to protect copyrights and mega uploads is accused of not following the laws. Sopa just made it easier and could fuck up a lot of legit stuff. it was also able to censorship sites which i don't agree with in the least because i just don't fucking trust these people.
Let me say that what happened to MegaUploads was a planned well in advance. it's not really shocking the date it happen and because it fits perfectly for them say it was a victory for sopa. Sopa didn't go though and well the laws are already in place so they just went ahead with the plan.
BlueBody Wrote:I feel that Megaupload getting taken down was just very poor timing on the government's part. Also, I am still pissed now that I can't find my tv shows now without ads in between (I've resorted to using Hulu -__- )
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