Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby shinox23 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:33 pm

>Been lurkin on this one...
>Likes it
>Happily waits for a beta :3

That about sums it for me
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:49 pm

that's fair enough eldragon. None taken, although I beg to question as to why you felt the need to post that comment? If you don't fancy the look of the game, there's no need to check the thread. I do the same with the RPG game maker games - not a fan personally
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:52 pm

Also, Saggi's now been sorted!
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:33 pm

Nice! And dont listen to the haters
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:40 pm

Cool, thanks Shinox23 and whatdontlookatme!
I've finished two more of the sprites, gonna do a few more then I put some stills up of them...not giving any dark magician girl stuff away though until the final release...that would be far too kind haha
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby eldragon » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:52 pm

HairMetalIsGod Wrote:that's fair enough eldragon. None taken, although I beg to question as to why you felt the need to post that comment? If you don't fancy the look of the game, there's no need to check the thread. I do the same with the RPG game maker games - not a fan personally

well, its one of the only projects that are making progress, and i like that, i dont like the drawings, nor do i like the sounds, but i like seeing it progress. Their is no expression in it, no touch by an artist, well, not one that touches me. this i done with squares and circles. i would love to see one of your drawings, really, i do (doesn't have to be a sexist one), and i know, nobody around here ever saw a sketch done by me, not because i cant draw, to be honest, i can, but not that good as other people around here and i cant draw on the PC. Yet again, no offence. this is criticism and an artist who cant take criticism isn't an artist at all in my opinion, so learn from it.

so, to give you some criticism/ stuff to learn from:
-the sounds, *yuk*, it sounds like her vagina is all dried out or something, brrrr, its like you searched the internet, found a sound that looked like it and put it on this flash thinking, 'the quicker i'm done, the better'
- Mai's eyes aren't what they should be, i never saw a manga style eye like that, and its missing Mai's eyelashes.
- the body is a heap of lines and circles, as example, her boob is a circle in a circle in a circle and is totally static, it aught to move a bit up and down, not to much.
- some parts in the flash are still a bit glitch, the clowns legs for example
- the anatomy's are a bit of, the clown doesn't have a neck and Mai's knees are a bit weird.

you should put some more attention in this. yet again, its my opinion, you dont have to listen to it and i know this could really be taken as an offence, my whole post, but yet again, trying to help and no offence. and i still want a drawing done by you. (longest reply i ever posted on this forum xD )
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby eldragon » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:59 pm

whatdontlookaatme Wrote:Nice! And dont listen to the haters

im not a hater, if your referring to me, really, im not. im here on this forum for lurking, ok, i admit, but also, alot of my attention goes to the art, i know, its some weird section of art, but i also have other links with art so...

just saying, im not a hater, i'm not here to object my opinions to everyone, if you like his art/ flash works, its all okay for me, but i'm just saying, what if he could do this a lot better by putting some more work in it, the fans will be happier, the artist will be happier, and what the heck, i'll be happier. hope people will pay attention to what im posting.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:27 pm

It's alright Eldragon. I don't take offence at your post. I merely criticised the initial post because it basically read like "i don't want to see this game made". Which I am now aware is backed up by reasons that offer the constructive criticism that was initially lacking. I too am an artist (I do pretty much everything under the creative spectrum bar fashion...) so I can deal with ctriticism. I can see the various points you've made. I'd like to mention that this is my first animation ever - and i've been improving it (quite immensely since the inital post) bit by bit. When I drew Mai I was still developing a style. I still am developing my style - and to refer you to my pokemon game (the other WIP) I think that comes across alot better than in say this game. I may well get around to redoing certain aspects of this flash (ie redoing bits of Mai) at a later date. But as it stands my main aim is to finish this and pokemon up to a standard I am happy with. I can improve on them later and i'm learning as I go (got ambitious projects lined up). I assure you that I'm not trying to just churn out animation after animation - that would pointless and unartistic (the hentai-flash version of Justin Bieber).
I admit I value my flash art somewhat less than some of my other arts (ie my guitar playing) but I am definitely going to see these projects through. I am doing them because I want to do them and not to other peoples specifics. It does not mean that I don't want people to enjoy my work 9that's why they're on this forum) and it does not mean I am not open to criticism (if you'd seen the inital artwork for this, you'd be aware of my complete revamp from my initial artwork).

-About Mai's Eyes. They were exactly like that on the drawing I used to do Mai's head and hair and I think they're alright. I agree about the eyelash thing though.
-I agree about the knees. I'll b sorting this at a alter date (just going to symbol swap - easily done)
-Likewise with the breasts - although I quite like the rest of the body for the moment.
-The neckless clown wasn't intentional. The idea was that the collar would cover it up. I am aware this is not the case - that's something else i'll edit for the full game

In terms of SFX, I've been finding it quite difficult to find decent sound files. I don't want to use any SFX from hentai films as I tend to not like the japanese moans etc that you find in them. I found one decent one, which is the file all of Mai's moans come from - there's also like 7-8 more moans in the sound file that I will bring out over the course of the full game. The cum sfx could perhaps use a little bit of a trim but i'm happy with that. The sex sound effect for when Mai is being 'done' was the best i've been able to find thus far. If you can provide a better one i'd be really grateful!

So yeah I haven't taken offence at all, so we're all cool :)
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby eldragon » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:44 pm

HairMetalIsGod Wrote:It's alright Eldragon. I don't take offence at your post. I merely criticised the initial post because it basically read like "i don't want to see this game made". Which I am now aware is backed up by reasons that offer the constructive criticism that was initially lacking. I too am an artist (I do pretty much everything under the creative spectrum bar fashion...) so I can deal with ctriticism. I can see the various points you've made. I'd like to mention that this is my first animation ever - and i've been improving it (quite immensely since the inital post) bit by bit. When I drew Mai I was still developing a style. I still am developing my style - and to refer you to my pokemon game (the other WIP) I think that comes across alot better than in say this game. I may well get around to redoing certain aspects of this flash (ie redoing bits of Mai) at a later date. But as it stands my main aim is to finish this and pokemon up to a standard I am happy with. I can improve on them later and i'm learning as I go (got ambitious projects lined up). I assure you that I'm not trying to just churn out animation after animation - that would pointless and unartistic (the hentai-flash version of Justin Bieber).
I admit I value my flash art somewhat less than some of my other arts (ie my guitar playing) but I am definitely going to see these projects through. I am doing them because I want to do them and not to other peoples specifics. It does not mean that I don't want people to enjoy my work 9that's why they're on this forum) and it does not mean I am not open to criticism (if you'd seen the inital artwork for this, you'd be aware of my complete revamp from my initial artwork).

-About Mai's Eyes. They were exactly like that on the drawing I used to do Mai's head and hair and I think they're alright. I agree about the eyelash thing though.
-I agree about the knees. I'll b sorting this at a alter date (just going to symbol swap - easily done)
-Likewise with the breasts - although I quite like the rest of the body for the moment.
-The neckless clown wasn't intentional. The idea was that the collar would cover it up. I am aware this is not the case - that's something else i'll edit for the full game

In terms of SFX, I've been finding it quite difficult to find decent sound files. I don't want to use any SFX from hentai films as I tend to not like the japanese moans etc that you find in them. I found one decent one, which is the file all of Mai's moans come from - there's also like 7-8 more moans in the sound file that I will bring out over the course of the full game. The cum sfx could perhaps use a little bit of a trim but i'm happy with that. The sex sound effect for when Mai is being 'done' was the best i've been able to find thus far. If you can provide a better one i'd be really grateful!

So yeah I haven't taken offence at all, so we're all cool :)

you get total respect from me (other kind of respect than the normal lurkers here looking at your thead thinking ur some kind of god who can do anything and immediatly say people are haters for the least of critisism, i tried to straighten that out as well xD)and you'll be getting more critisism from me when i aught it necessery ;P like when i say it needs to be a bit darker, a touch of shadow at places where shadows are needed, just for the atmosfere of the game, try also looking at real people (yes, this maybe even means 'watch some porn), for the body, movements, etc etc... ;P and great to know you want to learn! :D oh, and i still want something drawn by you, on paper with a pencil or a pen, doesnt matter. :P
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:47 pm

woah woah woah, i dont take him as a "god", as you would say. I just think hes a good artist, criticism is good and all that but it looked like to me you were basically saying you dont want to see aymore work from him which i found harsh. So if you were just critisising him then i take back my haters comment.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:53 pm

New sprites if anyone's interested in seeing them :-) No scenes for them yet, still deciding which other scene to let you guys see before I work on the full flash file without giving more than screenshots away.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:54 pm

The furry dudes are cool but whats up with that guys right arm?
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:02 pm

Think its the angle I put the forearm at in relation to the bicep. Easily fixed.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:43 am

This is much better than my first works! I think you are moving in a good direction! I would take eggplant's boob advice from the other thread, though. Your nipples seem to be at a wierd angle / the boobs are just like circles instead of funbags.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby Krystal<3 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:07 am

everything seems a little bit rough and unlovely...it looks more like 2 pictures robbing on each other instead of a real sex scene but imo you did a great job anyway and you really got potential :)

may shouldn't wear underwear while getting fucked...looks awkward^^
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby eldragon » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:47 am

his dick is a bit too far to his right leg and a bit to far to the front
Last edited by eldragon on Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby eldragon » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:49 am

whatdontlookaatme Wrote:woah woah woah, i dont take him as a "god", as you would say. I just think hes a good artist, criticism is good and all that but it looked like to me you were basically saying you dont want to see aymore work from him which i found harsh. So if you were just critisising him then i take back my haters comment.
indeed, you could take my first post as a haters post, but that was not my intention, it was more my intention to start a conversation with HairMetalIsGod to tell him what wronged me. :) so no hard feelings!
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby eldragon » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:52 am

Image something i found ;P
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby KBridget » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:58 am

Wonderful!!!! Keep it up!
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:13 pm

Gorepete - Thanks Gore! Yeah I do need to revise Mai's model somewhat, make it more like the recent edits for my Pokemon game - although obviously at a different angle.
I'm going to sort out her knees as well, and use something I just picked up from one of Mt D's flashes, which is putting the knee onto the thigh instead of attatching it to the calf - it smoothes it and makes it look alot better!

Krystal<3 - It's not been fine tuned yet, i'll be doing that over the next week or so. That scene was sort of the draft model to get criticism etc - such as the already mentioned need for the hips to buck, Mai's sprite needing a rework, occational glitches to be fixed and some of the parts of Saggi played around with (mainly his neck and shoulders). But thanks :-)

Eldragon - Thanks for criticisms, i'll get them sorted onver the next week or so :-) also the image you attached won't show on ym computer for some bizarre reason. Could you PM it to me?

KBridget - Thanks :-)
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