HairMetalIsGod Wrote:that's fair enough eldragon. None taken, although I beg to question as to why you felt the need to post that comment? If you don't fancy the look of the game, there's no need to check the thread. I do the same with the RPG game maker games - not a fan personally
whatdontlookaatme Wrote:Nice! And dont listen to the haters
HairMetalIsGod Wrote:It's alright Eldragon. I don't take offence at your post. I merely criticised the initial post because it basically read like "i don't want to see this game made". Which I am now aware is backed up by reasons that offer the constructive criticism that was initially lacking. I too am an artist (I do pretty much everything under the creative spectrum bar fashion...) so I can deal with ctriticism. I can see the various points you've made. I'd like to mention that this is my first animation ever - and i've been improving it (quite immensely since the inital post) bit by bit. When I drew Mai I was still developing a style. I still am developing my style - and to refer you to my pokemon game (the other WIP) I think that comes across alot better than in say this game. I may well get around to redoing certain aspects of this flash (ie redoing bits of Mai) at a later date. But as it stands my main aim is to finish this and pokemon up to a standard I am happy with. I can improve on them later and i'm learning as I go (got ambitious projects lined up). I assure you that I'm not trying to just churn out animation after animation - that would pointless and unartistic (the hentai-flash version of Justin Bieber).
I admit I value my flash art somewhat less than some of my other arts (ie my guitar playing) but I am definitely going to see these projects through. I am doing them because I want to do them and not to other peoples specifics. It does not mean that I don't want people to enjoy my work 9that's why they're on this forum) and it does not mean I am not open to criticism (if you'd seen the inital artwork for this, you'd be aware of my complete revamp from my initial artwork).
-About Mai's Eyes. They were exactly like that on the drawing I used to do Mai's head and hair and I think they're alright. I agree about the eyelash thing though.
-I agree about the knees. I'll b sorting this at a alter date (just going to symbol swap - easily done)
-Likewise with the breasts - although I quite like the rest of the body for the moment.
-The neckless clown wasn't intentional. The idea was that the collar would cover it up. I am aware this is not the case - that's something else i'll edit for the full game
In terms of SFX, I've been finding it quite difficult to find decent sound files. I don't want to use any SFX from hentai films as I tend to not like the japanese moans etc that you find in them. I found one decent one, which is the file all of Mai's moans come from - there's also like 7-8 more moans in the sound file that I will bring out over the course of the full game. The cum sfx could perhaps use a little bit of a trim but i'm happy with that. The sex sound effect for when Mai is being 'done' was the best i've been able to find thus far. If you can provide a better one i'd be really grateful!
So yeah I haven't taken offence at all, so we're all cool
Kuriboh and Harpies Brother.swf [ 15.63 KiB | Viewed 4543 times ]
indeed, you could take my first post as a haters post, but that was not my intention, it was more my intention to start a conversation with HairMetalIsGod to tell him what wronged me.whatdontlookaatme Wrote:woah woah woah, i dont take him as a "god", as you would say. I just think hes a good artist, criticism is good and all that but it looked like to me you were basically saying you dont want to see aymore work from him which i found harsh. So if you were just critisising him then i take back my haters comment.
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