Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 18/5/2013)

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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:29 pm

Those are some nice poses, although I'm not sure if those are proper shooting stances or not; many of them are simply using replicas or the like. The one girl who looks like she knows what she's doing looks like she's adopted a pose that doesn't rest her gun butt against her shoulder/collar bone to avoid the recoil putting her in a ward, and many of the poses I've got of Rebecca has the gun stock against her shoulder. Still, I'm dealing with gun sprites here and not the real deal; any reasonable pose will do the trick, so thanks for these, FruitSmoothie.

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:Fantastic work on the perspectives too, especially with limited pixel.. space..ness..... you know what I mean.

You mean like a chin being represented by just two pixels? Yep, I hear that. :lol:

Thanks to the others for their feedback, too. I've got some bad news though; another rl thing has come up that I can't pass. It means I'll be shelving
spritework till Monday. I was just about to get started on the zombie sprites, and here's what I've got so far:

ZombieScaledUp Reference.png
Zombie reference
ZombieScaledUp Reference.png (22.75 KiB) Viewed 3623 times

It's far from finished. It's lacking a couple of things, and I was about to get to them before starting on animating it, the threesome gif, and the zombie walking gif. Also, I've been fiddling with the Rebecca idle sprite; I'm not quite satisfied with it just yet so that's shelved till after Monday as well.

Just tell me things you want on the zombie sprite and I'll see what I can do. I'll be touching it up after I'm done with rl issues getting in the way.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:01 pm

Yeah, never worked much with sprites, must be annoying having to limit the art so much. I'm glad they're bigger now though.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:27 pm

That zombie looks so gruesome that I'd almost consider not having Rebecca fuck every single one in the stage.

Almost consider it.

But goddamn, that IS SAYING SOMETHING.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:00 am

It's very difficult to go wrong with zombies. GOod JOb, though #thumbs up#

Looks like the ribs are going to see some action too although... they seem to be way too low for ribs.. hip bone?? :s
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby KBridget » Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:06 am

nice work! X3 this is going to be so brilliant
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:34 pm

... Tired. Turns out today was NOT a free day. And it seems I have something to do again this week.
Somehow I managed to slip in a bit of time to do some spritework.

Zombie Idle
ZombieScaledPrototype.png (13.95 KiB) Viewed 3121 times

Now, I had gotten around to animating this idle sprite, but I didn't like how the animation turned out (it was fluid, but I just didn't like
how I posed him in the animation). Will try again later when I have the time.

Lucky777 Wrote:That zombie looks so gruesome that I'd almost consider not having Rebecca fuck every single one in the stage.

Almost consider it.

But goddamn, that IS SAYING SOMETHING.

I noticed the gore poll ZFied set up a while back, and was hesitant about putting in too much gore, despite
the zombie being a rotting, bloody, bitten, ripped-apart-corpse of a... thing.

I've toned down the amount of gore so that one side (the zombie's left) is clean; no bones jutting out and such. Detailed
him a bit to give some slight muscle tone and shine. In the sex scenes, this non-gore side will be the visible side.

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:Looks like the ribs are going to see some action too although... they seem to be way too low for ribs.. hip bone?? :s

Now see here, good sir! I put in a bit of work into this guy and I'll have you know...
that you are...
...absolutely right. I'd almost forgotten ribs don't go all the way down along the torso. Cheers for that. :D

Now for some bad news: I found out that there is ZERO chance of me getting any spare time to work on this tomorrow,
but on the bright side, I'll still be able to think about and plan the aiming-shooting animation gif, and also maybe get to work
on the threesome animation.

Anyway. Tired. Friend said I should get some rest. Got angry. Bit her. Friend tasted delicious. Bed.

Until next time, guys
Zombie Idle (Transparent background)
ZombieScaledPrototype.png (16.48 KiB) Viewed 3121 times
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:39 pm

FAPCOM Wrote:I noticed the gore poll ZFied set up a while back

Dat shit was for game-over screens, man. D :

I'm glad about the non-rotted side being visible for the sex scenes, but dayum. Now, more than ever, Rebecca actually NEEDS a "necrophilia" perk to be able to submit to them.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:59 pm

Anyway. Tired. Friend said I should get some rest. Got angry. Bit her. Friend tasted delicious. Bed.

Very nice my good sir :p Lovely RE 1 reference, if I'm guessing correctly.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:51 am

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:Looks like the ribs are going to see some action too although... they seem to be way too low for ribs.. hip bone?? :s

Now see here, good sir! I put in a bit of work into this guy and I'll have you know...
that you are...
...absolutely right. I'd almost forgotten ribs don't go all the way down along the torso. Cheers for that. :D

You're quite welcome, good sir! 8-)

Feel safe in the knowledge that I shall not stop criticising your work ;) a constructive fashion of course!

Absolutely love it so far. I... may even say favourite thread on the site at the moment. #sucking up#
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:35 am

Okay stupid question.

Why can't you guys use place holder frames for the missing animation and work from there?
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:42 am

Kuragari Wrote:Very nice my good sir :p Lovely RE 1 reference, if I'm guessing correctly.

Haha, not sure if it was from RE1 or 2. So sleep-deprived at the time of posting.

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:You're quite welcome, good sir! 8-)

Feel safe in the knowledge that I shall not stop criticising your work ;) a constructive fashion of course!

Absolutely love it so far. I... may even say favourite thread on the site at the moment. #sucking up#

I'm all for constructive criticism on these. I'm still very much groping my way through spriting and animation.

BlueLight Wrote:Okay stupid question.

Why can't you guys use place holder frames for the missing animation and work from there?

Um, to answer that, I'll use an example. A lot of the game dynamics (GameMaker coding) is tied in with the sprites, so right now I'm working on the aiming and firing sprite, and the way we left it, the gun case being discharged was handled by game maker.

I'd definitely have to nail the proportions so we don't have the casing going out from somewhere silly, like her breast... :? Then when I do proper animations I usually catch things that I wouldn't have if I'd used placeholders, like the need for Rebecca to bob up on her right foot pushing against the ground too, instead of just when her left foot pushes down. Well, to be honest, YOU guys catch these things, and that last one was a terrible example.

Oh right, also, if you guys see a lull in activity from my side, it's either I'm super busy with rl, or I'm working on a sex gif which I'm not supposed to post. Just so you know, this time it's a lot of rl, but thankfully also some of the latter:

Zombie frontal? Threesome?
ZomSmxFrontal.png (14.25 KiB) Viewed 2532 times

Hey, I didn't say anything about not posting stills from gifs. :P Anyway, my shading is off this time, because
I've had to run around the house finding a spare monitor after mine... died for some reason. Had to recalibrate
this old one.

Also, I need to work on his head. The reason it looks cuboidal is because I wasn't sure what to do with his face.
A gleeful expression in ecstasy at this detail would be... kinda weird for a zombie. Also, I'll replace it with a proper side-on
head afterwards because this is supposed to be side-on; him looking at her at an angle looks weird. Super weird.

Till next time, guys
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby KBridget » Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:46 am

Zombie frontal action!!!! I'm so happy to see an piece of update FAPCOM! It looks great. I don't think his head is the problem as much as her hips aren't high enough and it doesn't look like's boinking her as much as having her give him a thigh f****
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:05 am

KBridget Wrote: I don't think his head is the problem as much as her hips aren't high enough and it doesn't look like's boinking her as much as having her give him a thigh f****

Completely agree. Although it might be good as a starting point for the animation and then shifts her into position better. That'd actually be pretty awesome and dynamic.

FAPCOM Wrote: I'm still very much groping my way through spriting and animation.

Hur hur hur :p nice pun.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:03 am

#Giggles# Thigh job...

#Ahem# Yes, I'm a creature of many fantastic and just plain weird tastes.

I was worried about that thigh being a tad too high too, but I wanted to keep Rebecca's waist as low as possible becaaauuuuuuse:

Threesome it is!
ZomSmx3some.png (19.07 KiB) Viewed 2207 times

See, I wasn't sure if this was going to be a single zombie scene or the threesome scene. However ZFied in his infinite wisdom
has shown me the answer: Threesome it is!

The waist had to be as low as possible for her to be comfortable having the second zombie sit on her and get a tit-job, but also
high enough so that the one at the rear wasn't left out. Anyway, I've hoped this rearrangement works; things I'm looking out for

- Identical sizes for both zombies; don't want one being too large compared to the other.
- Rebecca not looking too uncomfortable; she is... probably an involuntary party, but don't want her to be turned off.
- I need the boobs to be visible enough, but I can't have the arms in a weird way. So the only restriction is the zombie arm;
you'll notice I changed the position of Rebecca's arms so her expression and her breasts are more visible. It was ZFied's idea.
- The head orientation of the rear zombie; is it alright or does the perspective look weird if he's looking a little ways towards
the player?
- Anything else you guys catch.

I've also asked ZFied that once this gif is done, whether it can be the universal sex scene, a placeholder for the other scenes
while I work on them. This might not be all too favorable with you guys, but it'll give us a chance to push for an early release.
I'm about as eager as you guys to see the sprites in action, and what needs work. Anyway, with this in mind it's important I get
this one gif right, so your suggestions are very much appreciated.

My checklist for today stands at:
- Worked on aiming sprite. Not quite finished just yet.
- Added changes to the running sprite as per everyone's suggestions. Her torso and the rest of her upper body rise
in tandem with both feet pushing off the ground; calf muscles reduced to make her look more natural. Her hair strands
dynamically flail according to movement. I still have to animate the arms a bit though.
- Posted the final check for the above threesome sprite.

Till next time, guys
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Spectre » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:05 am

Damn. Capcom might as well make this game official. If this keeps up, it will be the best RE ever.

Well, maybe not, but it's good to use your imagination a little. Anyway, both frontal sprites are brilliant. Though i ask: why not take her arm off the way of her breasts, in the first one on one sprite? Forgive me, but i'm a boobs man... the thigh thing is already noted, so i will leave it to you.

The two on one looks great...buuut...could you make Rebecca's arm straightened out? So the boobjob is more visible, that is. But the whole thing just looks great. I don't know if i can judge it any further without seeing it moving. Hopefully, we will soon. As always, a job well done.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:43 am

Regarding the pose.
Sitting zombie pins her arms by her sides with his legs thereby freeing up his hands to afford him a far more pleasurable and all around more realistically pleasurable tit-job.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby KBridget » Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:48 am

tell me the threesome sprite above is what happens if another creeps on you in an alternate position than your standard double team.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:40 am

Spectre Wrote:The two on one looks great...buuut...could you make Rebecca's arm straightened out? So the boobjob is more visible, that is.
... Arms straightened out while the zombie pins them for more boob exposure?
Why, that's just so ridiculous, it might just work!

On a serious note, I was massively worried about her tits not being visible enough, so this is a brilliant idea, Spectre, thanks!

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:Regarding the pose.
Sitting zombie pins her arms by her sides with his legs thereby freeing up his hands to afford him a far more pleasurable and all around more realistically pleasurable tit-job.
I love the free hands fondling her breasts idea too; unfortunately Rebecca just looks too uncomfortable in that pose, even if she is a far-from-willing participant. On that note though, I'll pencil in a boob-fondling sprite for later.

KBridget Wrote:tell me the threesome sprite above is what happens if another creeps on you in an alternate position than your standard double team.
I'm thinking that this will be the standard double team, since there's just so many sprites to go through. I might do the whole double-team-with-blow-job idea that was in the original stick figure sprites for an alternate character, maybe. We'll see.

Right now I think on the next release we'll just have the threesome sprite as the universal sex sprite, so if you get into sex with any monster, you'll go into this scene. Basically, in the next update it'll be the placeholder while I work on the other sprites.

Speaking of other sprites, I need some feedback on the shooting gif before I clothe her up:
Rebecca shooting sprite
BeccaShootPrototype.gif (19.67 KiB) Viewed 1852 times

I'm thinking maybe her left upper arm (the one furthest from view) needs to go back a little bit more as she's pushed by the recoil, or I might just be worrying too much and should just leave it as is. Speed can be adjusted within GameMaker itself.

Till next time, guys
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FruitSmoothie » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:48 am

Butt still looks off to me. Shooting stance is to face forward to the target with both feet at shoulder width apart, a least to my knowledge. I'm not a gun expert but this video has really good reviews: Only 2 minutes long. In the recommended videos, you'll find more by him, explaining different positions, how to fire while moving, etc. All his videos have really high likes and good comments so I figure he knows what he's doing :p

I mean in my opinion, if you're going to spend so much time working on animations, taking a few minutes to look at things like that is a good idea. If you're aiming for some realism anywho. I was trying to find videos of girls shooting pistols from the side, I either got ones that were at the right angle but didn't look like gun experts (Didn't follow the guys instruction) or they were experts but the camera angle was from behind. The point is that their butt jutts out more, basically :P One of the better examples I found: ... re=related What's nice about that is that she seems to be pretty into guns and you'll see her use different stances and braces herself differently to handle the recoil (Whether correctly or incorrectly, I don't know.) as she moves up testing higher caliber guns, so you see how the recoil effects a woman of that size.
Last edited by FruitSmoothie on Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:11 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby BlueLight » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:55 am

She looks unstable which might be because of lack of training or that fact that stars members are well known for doing stupid things.
"Lets split up again!" NOO!!! that's a horrible idea!!!

Anyways going off the stance for fencing you do about foot and half for the distance between both feet. This foot is the persons foot and not 12 inches.
Left foot looks horrible. a lot of things could be better and this looks very pixelyish thing...
Again she looks very unstable and it seems like her bullets are going to be flying all over the place.
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