Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Which character is your favorite so far?

Emilia (Warrior)
Rhiannon (Berserker)
Irine (Priest)
Cesca (Thief)
Thyme (Sage)
Lanie (Magician)
Sairyn (Martial Artist)
Asella (Paladin)
Total votes : 1714

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Adelhart » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:37 pm

Oh man, I'm already drooling about the CG Gallery mode... Curse my desire for absolute completeness! This is going to take up all my time this weekend haha. At least it's only the first week of university so I have the time to indulge myself haha
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Driscoll » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:57 pm

Is anyone else having problems with the new area? where the black monk dudes are training, the second I talk to anyone the game freezes, Or if I try to leave by the top, the game freezes
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby SquallLion » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:03 am

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Nek » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:06 am

Minor thing I noticed, if you transfer a save from version 0.07c into 0.08, and revisit the chamber where Gwynn was being held captive, it will trigger the fight with Xanrud again, even though the room is empty.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:37 am

Huzzah, the 0.08 is out! Time to regress from society for a few hours!
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Mango » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:57 am

I finally remembered what I wanted to say before. Is it just me or is Thyme a tad bit overpowered in comparison to the rest of the characters? It could just be because Thyme's the only one I've used that uses magic but she does quite a bit more damage compared to the more physically oriented characters. I know that the lower HP and defense is supposed to offset that but once you get Hex of Void it's kinda pointless (Quadra Curse is awesome). Hell, against Xanrud I just stuck with Hex of Air and I'm guessing he took off a good third of his own HP for me. Not that the game is particularly hard but well a bit more balance between the playable characters might be nice. If it's all just in my head then go ahead and ignore everything I wrote above.

Oh, and hurray for high purity events! Nonconsensual isn't really my thing. It's not a huge turn-off in fiction but it's definitely not one of my preferred kinks. So yeah, I'm pretty happy to know that I don't have to let myself lose all the time. Which actually makes me wonder, does anyone else play without losing on purpose? o.O
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Lucky777 » Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:29 am

Mango Wrote:Nonconsensual isn't really my thing.

Train 'em right and it becomes pretty consensual, actually.

There's no STRICT option to consent without a fight, but the surrender button is quick, and the scenes are close enough.

Mango Wrote:Which actually makes me wonder, does anyone else play without losing on purpose? o.O

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby KITAmaru » Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:02 am

Strange, I tried a fresh one but couldn't reproduce the bug. I started a completely new game (not from my own RPGmaker folder, mind you) with fresh saves from the version that I uploaded, played as Cesca, got a few H-scenes then saved and exited. CG's were unlocked and worked in the gallery. After loading up the game again, and accessing my save, I went and unlocked a few more, then exited--those CG's showed up in the gallery as expected. One thing you might want to do is cut out or delete the file called in your DLaby folder, then try again. Basically if it's deleted or doesn't exist there, the game will create a new one, and you can start from scratch--but even if there are existing saves in your folder after you delete, all the scenes that you unlocked from those will exist in the gallery when you load up DLaby once more.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Well, the Rhiannon H-scene isn't her own per se, it just happens to involve Rhiannon if you encounter her as Asella. If you fight Rhiannon as Asella, whether you win or lose will determine who gets to be uh... the dominant one, I guess.
Also, the recent music is from my RO folder; not VX defaults. :P

Are you using an old save file or a completely new game? Even with old saves this problem shouldn't occur, but it definitely should not in a new game, as I've tested up to that point with all characters. Hrrm... well, if you don't feel like playing through or whatever, just tell me what character you had, which things you had and I can attempt to replicate that.

Yeah, unfortunately I noticed that little bug when it was too late, but I'll try to figure out a solution in the future. Not exactly sure why this is; it might have to do with some of the switches being hit.

Originally Thyme was the weakest and I buffed her up in an attempt to balance things out, but it had an adverse effect, primarily because status effects are so broken... especially since the game here is mainly 1 on 1 combat, or 1 on 2-4 as opposed to 4 on 4 party battles. However, turns out there's a valid reason for that, sooo yeah. This isn't a copout, believe me! Lanie still needs to get buffed and so on--I forgot to increase her Concentrate to 3 turns, but ah well, it's already set for next patch. Expect the game to get much harder as it goes on, since I figure the fear of losing can make certain H-scenes more appealing in their own way.

There will inevitably be more high-purity events as we go along, hetero in particular (since Gwyn provides you with a steady dose of consensual yuri, for now at least ;D).

And yes, actually I know quite a few people who play not to lose, and thus have prepared several high Purity events in the future. I know there's quite a disproportionate amount of low Purity to high Purity events, given the nature of the game, but you can realistically expect at least 1 or 2 high Purity events each patch.

Hopefully you enjoy the better graphics on the CG's, I did this in order to make the scenes in the Gallery a bit more fun to revisit. Might even extend some of them, as well.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby soveryanonymous » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:59 am

I'm rather hoping the futa girl from the Stalls makes it into "returning NPC" territory.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Mango » Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:15 am

KITAmaru Wrote:Originally Thyme was the weakest and I buffed her up in an attempt to balance things out, but it had an adverse effect, primarily because status effects are so broken... especially since the game here is mainly 1 on 1 combat, or 1 on 2-4 as opposed to 4 on 4 party battles. However, turns out there's a valid reason for that, sooo yeah. This isn't a copout, believe me! Lanie still needs to get buffed and so on--I forgot to increase her Concentrate to 3 turns, but ah well, it's already set for next patch. Expect the game to get much harder as it goes on, since I figure the fear of losing can make certain H-scenes more appealing in their own way.

Fair enough and I can see how having it set up in such a way that the player is usually either against even odds or outnumbered would necessitate the overpoweredness of the player characters. I still say that Hex of Void and its delicious Quadra Curse, as much as I love it, is pretty imbalanced. Does it work off of a percentage of the stats being reduced or does it lower the stats by a static number? If it's the first then I'll probably still be spamming that at higher levels but if it's the latter then it'll become less useful as the game continues.

Good to hear that it's going to get harder later in the game. It's no fun if it's too easy and it's not as if losing is a bad thing in most cases.

KITAmaru Wrote:There will inevitably be more high-purity events as we go along, hetero in particular (since Gwyn provides you with a steady dose of consensual yuri, for now at least ;D).

And yes, actually I know quite a few people who play not to lose, and thus have prepared several high Purity events in the future. I know there's quite a disproportionate amount of low Purity to high Purity events, given the nature of the game, but you can realistically expect at least 1 or 2 high Purity events each patch.

This made me squeal like a little girl who got a pony for her sixth birthday. Yes, no grown man should be able to do that. Yes, I'm sure that if someone had been around to see me then he or she would have been scarred for life. No, I don't care.

You seem to be forgetting the twins though. They're a consensual event and Thyme will be taking them back to her cottage in the woods even if I have to buy RPGMaker and write it in myself. I'm not asking for a ton of new scenes or anything like that; I'd be perfectly happy with a little footnote mentioning them at the end. In the end though it's your game so do whatever you want as long as you enjoy making it. We'll all be here to enjoy playing.

KITAmaru Wrote:Hopefully you enjoy the better graphics on the CG's, I did this in order to make the scenes in the Gallery a bit more fun to revisit. Might even extend some of them, as well.

Oh I am. I'm actually in the middle of collecting all the CGs; like I said, nonconsensual isn't something I enjoy but I don't exactly hate it either. Funny thing though, my roommate walked into my room as soon as the orc scene started. He promptly walked out. :lol:
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:36 am

Ah, I've encountered a bug. After some time playing (with Skype and Steam open, if that helps things.) the game, I encountered the occasional minor lag. Then, later, I minimised the window, and lost the ability to open my menu using any key mapped to do so. In order to open the menu, I had to minimize and restore the game's window. I have to do this to go back in menus too, obviously.

I've exitted the game, made another copy using the archivey thing, but the bug persists.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Grape_Drink » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:37 am

I actually try and play with high purity as it seems more rewarding. I mean, I create second saves to use with low purity or high purity for... *cough* other reasons, *cough* but for the most part it just seems like its more of a reward to be able to maintain a high purity and still find a scene or two oriented for such occasions. I appreciate the surrender option, very useful, I just see it more as a way to gratify the player or add to the RP for a "low purity" sort of character.

Is it bad that the biggest difference I see between old CGs and new ones is more face (specifically eye) detail?

I also have to say that I find it rather ironic that even the high purity sexual encounters lower purity (not saying its bad, just ironic)

hmm... I noticed last version that taking a bath without any of the other pieces increases purity. Is that a glitch or is that supposed to happen?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Yugo654 » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:07 am

Kita, you forgot to answer my post on page 57 :C
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby KITAmaru » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:32 am

LOL. Hopefully I'm not causing any tension in your living situation that way!
And hey, no, I understand completely--actually, nonconsensual isn't my primary fetish, to be honest (if you can believe that); it's just that given the nature of the game, it seems to make the most sense, especially in a place like the Rogues' Division. However, you can be sure that I will address at LEAST one new fetish every patch, and I think I've done a decent job at that so far.

In other news, I found a few creature mods for 3DCG, so it looks like we'll probably have a pretty fun Arcane Division. Thing is, out of all of the damn animals and what not, I can never find a plain old dog. Wolves, werewolves, minotaurs, goblins, all that fun stuff, even a freaking pig, but no dogs. Hrm.

Also, Quadra Curse pretty much halves all stats as of right now. Pretty brutal, I know.
Ultimately I was thinking of at least reducing the duration / success rate of each status effect, but am not too sure about the numbers. For example, currently Paralysis is set to VX default, which is "After 3 turns, 15% chance of release". Confusion is 40% chance of going away after 1 turn, and Stun of course only lasts for one round then goes away 100%. Right now, Quadra Curse does not go away AT ALL so I'm going to need to fix that in the future.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Kr0min » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:33 pm

Aw yes, 0.08! But just out of Curiousity, Kita. When do you think the next patch will be released? After several months? next month? or in a few weeks?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby thaskippy » Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:32 pm

Hey I've been following this game for some time and I think it's quite awesome for the most part. Wondering if there is a way to keep your progress when going to a different version though.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Insomniac » Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:44 pm

KITAmaru Wrote:Insomniac-
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Well, the Rhiannon H-scene isn't her own per se, it just happens to involve Rhiannon if you encounter her as Asella. If you fight Rhiannon as Asella, whether you win or lose will determine who gets to be uh... the dominant one, I guess.
Also, the recent music is from my RO folder; not VX defaults. :P

Haha, I knew it! xD Recognized them from my own as well =P
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby BlueSlime » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:21 pm

Well done on this new version Taki. *slime clap*

I have no problem with Thyme being overpowered. *shifty eyes*
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby SquallLion » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:10 pm

too short! and I DON't see the new H -even. (I used the savegame from the 0.07 version)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.08 (1/7/12

Postby Rakarth » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:19 pm

Good to hear that there will be incentive to play to win.... :P Also about the bath. I can spam take a bath a bring my purity levels to above 100.. just wondering if you plan to change that sometime in the future?
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