Star Fox (SNES):
Quite fun, but not so much as 64...possibly because I actually grew up with the N64 title, due to my family being too poor for an SNES when they were on the market. The gameplay does pretty well, though there are times when I could've sworn I had enough room, then some off-screen thing behind me just
happens to graze my tailpipe, which is enough for full collision damage. Soundtrack is great, though most of the work seems to have been done on the Corneria theme...probably why VG music enthusiasts love it so much.

The graphics, given the time it was made, are quite nicely done, and even have a few little "surprises" hidden in there...such as an ejecting enemy pilot, who suddenly realizes that he can't breathe in space.
Star Fox 64:
Definitely my favorite out of the bunch. It's a great model of what Star Fox is all about: no over-complicated story, no "urk, I'm dead, or am I?" plot-revivals, just straightforward, barrels-to-the-rolls action and things going sha-boom. That said, the soundtrack is one of the best I've heard from an N64 game (not counting the ones Rareware made, cuz Robin Beanland and Grant Kirkhope are in a class of their own), and I could hum the themes of Zoness, Katina, Corneria, Area 6, and even the Bolse Satellite for hours (though, that last one sometimes brings back memories of Slippy mic-spamming me with "Fox, get this guy off me!"...and yes, I shot him down in response

Fun Fact: If you earn a medal on Venom in Expert Mode (unlocked by getting all medals in Normal mode), you can actually play on-foot in multiplayer. Just thought I'd point that out for anyone who didn't already know.
Star Fox Adventures:
While certainly not phenomenal, I can actually play it and have fun (unless I don't have a turbo controller for that
-BLEEP!-ing Musclefoot which case, forget it)...don't ask me how, I just can. Not to mention that it had some memorable music tracks of its own, and Andross' "death-scream" face is...well...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Star Fox Assault:
I gotta say this one's my second-favorite, purely because it brings us back to the SF64 format, but also adds onto what is already established (mostly the on-foot gameplay). The story mode is a bit short, for my tastes, but it's certainly fun enough to keep me coming back for more; there's always that new idea on how to improve your score, and (while the only reward is bragging rights) getting all those Gold medals keeps you looking for little changes in your formula, such as "what if I take down this big group of wimp-units
before I tackle the small squad of heavies?" Though, I believe this game really shines in the multiplayer mode. For the competitive types, it's actually deeper than it seems, with little "techs" you can pull off to improve on your playing (the roll-drop with the grenades is one of my personal favorites), but it also has plenty of value for those who just want to have a fun, just-for-laughs shootout.
PS: You missed your chance with a Star Fox Wii title, Nintendo, but I'll forgive you if you at least give us one on the Wii-U...pretty please with a Mario-hat-shaped cherry on top?