Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby MastrMarz » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:21 pm

Agreeing with Lucky. :D
If anything, even though she looks good now without clothes, I especially can't wait to see her with those clothes on. For some reason, that's just one of my favorite parts to these games is watching the girls' clothes get ripped off or just generally removed. Tickles a certain point in my fancy. xD
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Smackman » Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:41 pm

on the walking on her breasts are a little lopsided, on the standing one her dick is a little lopsided... for walking id say move the near tit a bit so its mostly covering the far one, as for standing you gotta move the dick away a bit, it looks like its coming out of her inner thigh
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby zferolie » Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:14 pm

I love those hot pants. Can't wait to see her animated while dressed. I do like her idel animation alot. Her walking one though bugs me. It might just be the tail, moving way to fast like it's missing frames or something.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby MastrMarz » Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:42 pm

Smackman Wrote:on the walking on her breasts are a little lopsided, on the standing one her dick is a little lopsided... for walking id say move the near tit a bit so its mostly covering the far one, as for standing you gotta move the dick away a bit, it looks like its coming out of her inner thigh

Now that I look at it, I completely agree... The dick is in a strange place, and you don't always have to show both breasts. Go for realism and put some perspective in dis bitch.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Biles » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:32 pm

Massive updates. When it comes to motion guide, it had become a pain in the ass and if I didn't have to do another one, it'd be too soon. Anyways, I wanted to upload the gynoid basic movement as I improved on the running animation and changed the FPS to 24 when it was set to 35. This meant I also had to change the frames of each individual animation movie clips. So now that's all done, they're available. As for my main character, she too has been updated as well. Most of the improvements came before suggestions, but otherwise I've already taken advice and suggestions. Therefore, her breast and flaccid dick had been fixed. Also, I've changed the design of her foot a little. Finally, I've added two more animations, crawling and running.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby MastrMarz » Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:13 am

Nice! :D Definitely looking better. Good to see you're committed to the project.
Just saying.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Reapergod36 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:27 am

I'm saying that the new model is better. But needs refinement to be like the picture even more.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Biles » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:53 am

Massive updates:

- My character now has an outfit
- Edited her anatomy given how I rendered each clothing parts
- Changed the color of her hair because I felt like it. :P

Though naturally naked babes are sexy, some say they're just as sexy when they have outfits on enough to rip off. However, I think it's even sexier when babes are partially clothed, as in only articles of clothing covering their juicy parts get torn off. That is likely my next stage. The way I have set up the dressing up is inefficient, but I did it for the sake of the demo. I know that one has to paste each article of clothing on new frames of the body part instance. The tricky part is finding out how not to end up getting the clothes to flash on and off LOL.
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Last edited by Biles on Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby MastrMarz » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:09 am

THAT. LOOKS. FANTASTIC. I love it, dude!!! The clothes really work!
One thing I noticed though is the ruffle in the sock is with the shoe, is it? I see it in the crawling and the idle animation. Is there anyway to fix that or no? Just basic, doesn't NEED to be changed I don't think, but others might.
Just saying.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Biles » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:19 am

Yeah, I've been having a bit of problem with that. If I had to adjust the position of her foot, then I'd have to do the same for the naked version of her instance which would then cause her bare foot to look out of place as well. Anyways, I'll probably figure something out later on. In the meantime, I have to find out how to apply the outfit to the main instance of my character's animation without having it flash on and off in a psychedelic manner. :D
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby MastrMarz » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:24 am

Ah well, I guess it'll do for now. Not like I'm focused on her feet 100% of the time anyways. xD Keep it comin, can't wait for a demo.
Just saying.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:41 pm

: O

Looking at the bald midget of a wireframe model, back in TheBrave's thread, I never thought it would result in anything REMOTELY as hot as this.

Absolutely looking forward to the rest of your work, sir.

Also, if the ruffle of her sock is intractable and it won't obey you no matter what you do, I guess you could make it into the tongue of her shoe, then? XD

Double also: Her right foot actually comes out of the back of her shoe in the idle animation.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Reapergod36 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:47 pm

Your doing well.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Biles » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:52 pm

I've integrated her outfit with the main anatomy. I find it kinda makes it a tad easier to adjust the clothing of articles so I've improved the positioning of the base of her legwarmers, but that's as far as I can get it to adjust. I'm not in the mood to redraw it. Anyways, seeing that I've put her outfit on another frame, I need to know how to prevent it from flashing like crazy. So that's where I'll need some help. What do I need to do exactly?
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Hisagi69 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:30 pm

That looks fantastic. I love that the controllable character is futa, it can deliver blows and it can be on receiving end too. ;)
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby deaddog » Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:49 pm

This is absolutely fantastic work!! Some of the best I've seen here on the forums. I'm so glad to see a futa as a primary character for once. Any thoughts on making the tail optional? I don't mind it, but it's not in my preference.

Can't wait to see more; I'm definitely going to be following this thread.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby zferolie » Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:03 pm

I am loving the look of this girl. I love girls having sex with some of their clothes on. Her being a futa is also a plus, more sex options with that. Also, futa is very hit and sexy. Can't wait to see a scene example of yours.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:43 pm

If there is any human content I really enjoy then it is futa, it is also good to see work from someone else than the usual. The only thing I think you should change with the model is the ears, really liked how she had animal ears in the sketch and it works good since she got a tail other than that it's a good piece of model there.

For the animations they're quite good and while I see that The Brave's animation "guide" helped you I also see that you got a good understanding of physics such as how parts move when other parts moves. A good example is the breasts and the torso, when the torso moves up the breasts do as well but at the same time down, when the torso moves down the breasts moves up further before they moves down. Well I just want to say thank you for actually knowing physics.

Though there is a way to improve the animations and if done right it will make them look a lot smoother, just look at the 5:th post in this thread (compare it to the original), back then I didn't know how to use it. The problem was that I wasn't thinking of physics but you already do so it shouldn't be hard for you to figure out how to use it well.

Also if you want help with shading, let me know.

@zferolie agree on that, especially with girls with clothes on.
Just looks hotter for some reason, even if it isn't clothes that is supposed to make the girl hotter.
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby Biles » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:18 pm

zferolie Wrote:I am loving the look of this girl. I love girls having sex with some of their clothes on. Her being a futa is also a plus, more sex options with that. Also, futa is very hit and sexy. Can't wait to see a scene example of yours.

Yeah, I'm kinda surprise that through the internet, there's no hentai action game that involves a futa in a RoR game, so I figure I'd want to do that just because I want one. :3

KaTsuO_O Wrote:If there is any human content I really enjoy then it is futa, it is also good to see work from someone else than the usual. The only thing I think you should change with the model is the ears, really liked how she had animal ears in the sketch and it works good since she got a tail other than that it's a good piece of model there.

Well, using existing PS templates would have been more work in the long run. I figured it'd be easy to start fresh. As for the ears, I thought about changing them back to fox ears but then that meant more work when given how the ears would behave given certain action of my character.

KaTsuO_O Wrote:For the animations they're quite good and while I see that The Brave's animation "guide" helped you I also see that you got a good understanding of physics such as how parts move when other parts moves. A good example is the breasts and the torso, when the torso moves up the breasts do as well but at the same time down, when the torso moves down the breasts moves up further before they moves down. Well I just want to say thank you for actually knowing physics.

It's unbelievable that all it took was for The Brave to post that robotic template animation and off I went hehe. Unraveling the mysteries of the boobs physics was probably one of the most challenging obstacles I had to overcome. But I think it turned out quite awesome IMO.

KaTsuO_O Wrote:Also if you want help with shading, let me know.

I was planning to do shadings and highlights much later on. But what I could really use help right now is how to prevent my character's outfit from flashing on and off. I believe I have to add a button so I can optionally turn her clothes on and off as she's demonstrating her basic moves.

KaTsuO_O Wrote:@zferolie agree on that, especially with girls with clothes on.
Just looks hotter for some reason, even if it isn't clothes that is supposed to make the girl hotter.

Well, partial nudity could probably be the most hottest thing hehe. My next phase it to draw another set of instances where her vest is completely gone along with her shorts. Much of her turtleneck is torn just enough to expose her boobs. >:3
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Re: Testing My Animated Character (Futa Warning!)

Postby KaTsuO_O » Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:04 am

If you want you can post or send me the send me the Fla file and I can make so that you can change clothes (stopping them from changing) as well adding shading to the model. I'll also explain how the code works so that you actually can use it, if you want to do it in action script 3.0 then I sadly can't help with that.
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