Warpland Fantasy

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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby jondude » Mon Mar 10, 2025 12:08 am

So far it seems the fight goes in their favor, Nova managing to keep the big one at bay for about half a minute or so while Bean and Vale deal with the smaller regular boars. She watches as in the corner of her eye Vale manages to skewer one boar, the beast basically killing itself on her spear. Meanwhile Bean show whatever reason seemed to be riding the other one, laughing almost manically as she stabs at it with her spear in an almost playful fashion. It made her look more then a little sadistic in the heat of the moment, but Nova had no time to dwell on that. The large beast finally charges, and she manages to do side step like it was a bull and she a matador, those mutant arms coming painfully close. As it goes by though she ducks and swings, managing to get a deep cut to both it's right legs. The creature huffs, limping around a tree, appearing like it wasn't in any state to be doing any more running. It was best to not make any assumptions however.

"Bean, stop playing with your food please!", Nova yells out, urging the smaller but surprisingly powerful girl to finish the boar off so they could all focus on this one.

With Vale available now they had a much better chance. "Try to get behind it! It's right side is weak, and one of us should get a clean chance to strike if we can keep it's attention split two ways!", Nova yells out, strafing to the right with her sword in one hand trying to get back toward her earlier thrown spear. If it keeps her attention on her, Nova hopes that by forcing it to turn right it would exhaust itself faster by constantly putting weight on it's weakened legs. Once she found a suitable opening though, Nova would try to move in and stab the large boar fully on her sword.(bid: 1 physical)
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Tue Mar 11, 2025 9:13 am

Just as Scarlet was calming herself and trying to figure out her situation she felt canine legs around her waist. Was... Was this dog mounting her?! "H-Hey, wh-what are you doing?!" She shouts at the dog as she starts to panic a bit while it felt like the canine was starting to hump her. Though suddenly she felt a hand on her and suddenly she felt herself being pulled out, a strong enough tug from both the dog and the hand was enough to pull her out and make the barrel fall off. "Whew... finally... Oh hey Kayin." She greets Kayin while blushing slightly before looking at the dog, unsure if he actually was trying to help her or mate with her instead.

"Found a trap door here and wanted to see what was inside but somehow a barrel fell on it and trapped me." She said as she helps open it. "Maybe we can make a torch? Or maybe there's a light down there?" Scarlet suggests as she tries to see if she can safely make her way down into whatever this trapdoor led to.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Mar 11, 2025 2:51 pm

Pulling her spear free from the beast before her with a few heavy heaves, Vale grimaces at the gruesome sight for a moment before turning her attention to the rest of the fight. Bean seemed to be enjoying this turn of events, though that almost wasn't even surprising all things considered. At the very least she seemed to have the upper hand on the boar she was up against. Hearing Nova call out to her, she shifts her focus and nods. The larger boar obviously wasn't going to go down as easily as this smaller one, but with a combined effort they should be able to do this, especially if Nova continues to hold its focus.

Following Nova's instructions, Vale moves quickly, trying to get behind the rampaging beast to try and attack it from behind. Much like with the smaller one, she didn't consider anything less than her full effort to be enough to put into this.

(Bid 2 physical)
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Taria » Tue Mar 11, 2025 7:20 pm


The mottled brown dog sits on his butt now that the commotion is over and gives a soft woof as he watches the two and pants. Kayin and Scarlet get the door open more easily together and a fairly well preserved wooden staircase is clearly visible going down. With the door propped open, the amount of light streaming in from the sunny day appears to be enough to illuminate the room. A cursory investigation reveals this place to be something between a storage cellar and alchemy lab. There are casks set up that are still solid and intake and appear to have not been moved in years and cobwebs are scattered all over. In the center of the subterranean room there is a roughly-hewn station with arcane symbols etched into the floor and a stone table carrying glass vials and warped looking ingredients.

Boar Battlers

Nova rolls 5 (diff 4)
Vale rolls 1,5 (diff 4)

Nova appears to be successfully wearing down the big beast as she continues to strafe around it and clash with the tusks and arms. Meanwhile Vale charges straight into the thing much like with the other bear and slams her spear deep into the monster's neck, right before getting an elbow to the face and then grabbed by the neck with an oversized green muscular arm. Seeing an opening, Nova dives in and splits its neck wide open before it swings it's head back and misses her with a similar counter. The boar slowly falls to its knees on the injured side. At this rate the boar will probably bleed out where everyone can keep a safe distance, except for the fact of Vale currently being throttled by a big beefy hand. Before Nova can decide on her next approach, however, a dark figure leaps from the bushes and claws Vale free with a massive swipe. A figure that closely resembles Bean's face and body type, though is now half a foot taller and sporting short black fur all over her body, anthro bat ears, and two deadly looking claws. Beans eyes have also turned a crimson red and she pries Vale as she giggles in a husky voice, "Best watch your neck, now~" She doesn't appear to have yet fully turned and become aggressive as did before, but there's definitely a wild hunger in her eyes right now. It's unclear if she's fully aware of herself as she looks over towards the dying boar and licks her lips with an elongated tongue.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Tue Mar 11, 2025 10:11 pm

Taria Wrote:Town

The mottled brown dog sits on his butt now that the commotion is over and gives a soft woof as he watches the two and pants. Kayin and Scarlet get the door open more easily together and a fairly well preserved wooden staircase is clearly visible going down. With the door propped open, the amount of light streaming in from the sunny day appears to be enough to illuminate the room. A cursory investigation reveals this place to be something between a storage cellar and alchemy lab. There are casks set up that are still solid and intake and appear to have not been moved in years and cobwebs are scattered all over. In the center of the subterranean room there is a roughly-hewn station with arcane symbols etched into the floor and a stone table carrying glass vials and warped looking ingredients.

Kayin glances to the dog, tempted to try connecting to its mind as well, but for the moment focuses on this reality. With their seeming to be enough natural light flowing in, she steps on down and begins looking about the room, her interest growing by the moment as she finds what she can only think of as some sort of alchemical laboratory. "This is like, a secret witch's or warlock's lab in a fantasy book!" She exclaims with a mixture of excitement and wariness.

She is soon moving over to the stone table, glancing about at the various ingredients before she decides to start looking more for anything that could be considered as notes, letters, anything that might give an idea who was using this place and for what. Or even instructions on things to make, she wasn't too picky at the moment.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Soru » Wed Mar 12, 2025 8:46 am

Scarlet looks at the dog for a moment before giving him a few light pats on the head before going down the wooden staircase and into what seems like a cellar and a lab of sorts. Scarlet goes over to the casks, wondering what might be inside of them. "Think there might be wine in these things?" She asked Kayin though she seemed to be rather busy with the lab. Scarlet walks around, trying to find anything that seemed important or useful while Kayin tries to figure out the alchemy stuff.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Taria » Wed Mar 12, 2025 2:23 pm


It is hard to determine what is useful or not down here, being as esoteric as it is. There are some basically utensils like a mug, plate, fork, bowl, that suggest perhaps someone would spend long hours or take their meals down here for whatever reason, but there don't appear to be any notes on what was being done down here or how to complete the processes. Now that everyone is looking around, In the far back of the cellar there does appears to be a rather large hole, the beginnings of a tunnel maybe, but the entrance is torso height off the ground and would require someone crawling into to investigate.
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