So far it seems the fight goes in their favor, Nova managing to keep the big one at bay for about half a minute or so while Bean and Vale deal with the smaller regular boars. She watches as in the corner of her eye Vale manages to skewer one boar, the beast basically killing itself on her spear. Meanwhile Bean show whatever reason seemed to be riding the other one, laughing almost manically as she stabs at it with her spear in an almost playful fashion. It made her look more then a little sadistic in the heat of the moment, but Nova had no time to dwell on that. The large beast finally charges, and she manages to do side step like it was a bull and she a matador, those mutant arms coming painfully close. As it goes by though she ducks and swings, managing to get a deep cut to both it's right legs. The creature huffs, limping around a tree, appearing like it wasn't in any state to be doing any more running. It was best to not make any assumptions however.
"Bean, stop playing with your food please!", Nova yells out, urging the smaller but surprisingly powerful girl to finish the boar off so they could all focus on this one.
With Vale available now they had a much better chance. "Try to get behind it! It's right side is weak, and one of us should get a clean chance to strike if we can keep it's attention split two ways!", Nova yells out, strafing to the right with her sword in one hand trying to get back toward her earlier thrown spear. If it keeps her attention on her, Nova hopes that by forcing it to turn right it would exhaust itself faster by constantly putting weight on it's weakened legs. Once she found a suitable opening though, Nova would try to move in and stab the large boar fully on her sword.(bid: 1 physical)