Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 03, 2025 10:31 pm

You do manage to throw the Ratatta on your chest off slightly. But the one between your legs is a little more determined and clamps his hands onto your thighs and scrabbles with you as you scoot back. His buck teeth graze against your clit as he keeps the bottom part of your bikini parted aside, while his tongue quite eagerly roves over your outer lips and makes probing touches at your inner ones. He doesn't come across as particularly skilled, but he does come across as eager. Though whether that's eager to make you feel good or just eager to taste your pussy, it's hard to tell.

The second Ratatta's whiskers twitch back and forth a bit before he smiles and says, "Pretty lady can talk, but Twin-Twin and Niwt-Niwt wanna have fun~!" He rushes over to you, not managing to slide his dick between your tits this time but seeming to be plenty happy just to play with them for the moment as he paws and squeezes at them, his throbbing and drooling dick poking your tummy now.
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