Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:54 am

James nods and leads you on over to the tailor shop in question. As you enter, you are greeted with the sight of yet another anthro pokemon gal. This time though, its a Nidorina wearing just a black bikini piece. At first glance she doesn't look all that friendly, but when she looks up from her work and takes you in she smiles at you and says, "Well hey there! Haven't seen ya in a bit James, whose your new friend?"

The Nidorina girl is very clearly eyeing you up, and you can tell its not just in a professional manner, though she does take in the state of your clothes.

James introduces you, and the girl's name is, unsurprisingly, just Nida. "Don't remember what my old name used to be, washed up here with no memory. Happens to some folks. But since I got changed into this rather quickly, Nida seemed as good as any~!"
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:20 pm

It would seem Candy would be doing her own thing for the foreseeable future, so James takes her to Hera's most popular tailor. It's not a far walk at all luckily, and mercifully while her still 100% human form gets a lot of stares from the locals, no one seems to make a pass at her yet.

When they get to the store behind the small counter she was a woman themed after a pokemon that Eva could actually remember: a Nidorina. She had a shock of blue hair, and overall was a put of short stack and like pretty much everyone she had seen, rather attractive. "Uh, Eva. Nice to meet you Nida.", Eva replies, grateful suddenly that she still had her memories at least. Must've been a bit rough not knowing anything about who you were before you came here... but maybe in a way that was sort of a good thing that allowed her to adapt a little easier. "Well, uh, I was hoping you might be able to turn the dress I was wearing when I washed up here into some bikinis or something for you. Or maybe I could I trade it for something?", Eva asks her, deciding to get straight to the point. She was kind of hoping that maybe the bright red sparkly fabric itself might have a decently good value to someone like Nida.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:22 am

Nida hums in interest as you shift about and show off your damaged but still mostly in tact dress. She ooo's and aaa's at it as she comes around to get a better look. And feel. Though the feeling is also of you as she gropes and brushes her hands along your body. "Ooo, material like this is rather rare. I could use it for accents on quite a few things..." She hums a bit more as she does a few circles around you, copping some feels along the way.

At least you aren't alone in such, since she does grope James here and there when she's close enough. Aside from a squeak and a blush though, he doesn't otherwise react.

"Mhm, I could probably make you two, maybe three pairs of bikini's out of your dress. But I could also trade ya five I already have made if ya want that many and aren't too attached to this." She grins as she adds, "Though if ya want'em made out of this dress, you'll have to walk around naked for a bit. Not that anyone will mind~"
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Fri Feb 21, 2025 4:26 am

Eva jumps a little as Nida does a little brazen groping, but the nature of it is at least tame enough as Nida simply just runs her hands along her outer thigh and along the curve of her ass, then simply cups her tits once and gives them a brief bounce, as it getting a gauge on both the elasticity of the material the perkiness of Eva's tits. She is much more brazen with James, outright grabbing his crotch as she walks by him, James squeaking in mild surprise but not at all perturbed. In fact all the pink haired cat boy does is roll his eyes as Nida skips off snickering to herself as she goes back to examining Eva's dress.

When she gives her an offer Eva breaths a sigh of relief. Seems like a at least a straight forward barter! Realistically she ought to just take the 5 bikinis, however this dress was sort of her only possession, so she didn't want to completely give it up. "How about you use some of the material for one bikini for me and you can keep the rest, and I can pick two off the shelf?", Eva proposes.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:07 am

Nida considers that for a moment, humming a bit before nodding. "Yes, that could work. Just go ahead and strip out of it and hand it over, then feel free to take two of whichever ones you like." She gestures towards the shelves and displays, and as soon as you are naked before her she takes the dress, looking very happy to be getting material like that. She also lets her eyes rove over you again, drinking in your fully naked form, before she moves over to her counter and says,

"I should have a piece for you ready by this afternoon, evening at the absolute latest. I do have some other pieces I need to work on as well, after all. Feel free to stay here to wait, though unless you're wanting to do say get a taste of me it'd be rather boring." She winks before getting to work, leaving you free to peruse the store.

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Feel free to go with two bikini's of whatever look/sort ya like!
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Sat Feb 22, 2025 10:57 pm

Eva blushes a little when Nida asks for the dress here and there, and her past expectations made her want to balk and ask for a changing room or to at least pick the bikinis out first. In the end though she just sighs and nods. This was hardly a big deal, and she needed to get with the program already. It'd be embarrassing for a little while certainly but she was sure she'd adapt fine enough. She had already seen several people just a few minutes ago naked outside after all... and odds are then even with these bikinis it was bound to happen to her eventually anyway. "R-right.", Eva says, pulling down the upper hem of her dress off her tits and downward. Her large perky pair spring free, Nida seemingly to smirk a little at the sight of them as she notes Eva's stiff nipples, but as the dress puddles around Eva's feet she seems quite excited for the material itself. Nude, Eva picks it up and hands it over, Nida humming happily as she takes it and invites her to take whatever two bikini's she'd like. "Thanks, I'll try to come by later today. Have a lot of exploring to do today I think!", Eva replies, laughing a little awkwardly at the end after Nida's proposition.

Heading over to the bikinis she does her best to forget her self consciousness about her nudity, especially with James standing right there despite already having sex with him a few times already. Focusing on the clothes, it would seem Nida had quite the wide array to chose from, with nearly a third of her store dedicated to the thing. Most seemed to made of leather or fur of some kind, more modern materials like her dress not really that common, though were certainly some things made of traditional cotton or polyester, along with a few actual swimsuit bikinis perhaps traded from previous castaways. Most were two pieces, with a few one pieces... but there was also some extra saucy ones, such as classic micro bikini and slings shots. Some of those slingshots even had the bottom portion anchored in with a buttplug rather then go up the back! How scandalous!

After a few minutes she ends up picking a simple black one, the top sufficiently sized to encompass her large breasts. The second she ends up picking up is a fur bikini top and loincloth with what appears to be leopard spotted pattern, but not quite right, which is to say it looked nice, but she wasn't convinced it came from a leopard per say. Anyway, deciding to be a little brave she puts on the fur set. She checks herself out quickly in the mirror, blushing a little hotter as the loincloth was literally just that, easily lifted to reveal her feminine treasure. But at least she was pretty used to be seen naked for the most part. Hopefully she didn't invite more then she was prepared for with this choice.

"Okay.... well uh... shall we go to the town hall then?", she asks James.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 23, 2025 11:26 pm

James watches and looks around a bit himself as you try to make your selection, but strangely enough at least with it just being you, James, and the proprietor of the store, you soon find yourself not even really paying much heed to the fact that you are naked in a store. Doubtless if someone else were to come in, you'd immediately pick up on it, but as you try to find what you'd like to get its almost as if your mind just normalizes it as you do something that you'd done before countless times, albeit fully clothed.

Once you've found two items you're satisfied with, James nods and leads you back outside and off towards the Town hall. Along the way, you again spot instances of people engaging in sex. You spot what looks like a Charmeleon female, only to take notice of the dick she's equipped with as it slides in and out of the mouth of what looks to you almost like a blue and white femboy ferret with dragon spines, his soft moans echoing softly through the air. Then a bit later, you spot a parrot girl and a shark girl practically molding themselves to each other as they grind on each other's legs. The sex is so casual and no one seems bothered by it, if anything those who do take note of it either just smirk, blush, or start enjoying it from afar.

A small part of you wonders how long it might take before you might just be on a stroll through this town, see some folks having fun, and decide that you want to join in, or just want to enjoy the show and play with yourself. Possibly getting some fun from someone else coming along and liking what they see.

In any event, James leads you into the town hall building. As James had mentioned, there's a desk where currently, a cute looking boyish Pikachu is reading what looks like some old managa. Or maybe its a hentai. Knowing this island... its probably a hentai. There's also a wide open space with a few tables and chairs, space for what you assume could be some town events or meetings. Off to the side is a room with a big piece of driftwood with the words "EXPLORER GUILD" painted in bright colors over a set of saloon like double doors. You also spot a large board, with various notes and posts stuck upon it.

"So, the Info desk, or guild?" James inquires.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Sat Mar 01, 2025 12:32 pm

Feeling slightly better about her state of dress Eva follows James from Nida's shop to what appears to be the largest building in town. Along the way though she can't help but focus in on all the public sex happening. Granted, it wasn't actually as much as she'd thought for some reason. It was certainly common, but the town of Hera was hardly a non-stop orgy by any means. Most people were just going about their business, socializing or shopping. Still though her not yet acclimatized sensibilities made her zero in on the sex that was happening since it seemed so out of place to her still! As she watches the blue and white ferret femboy service the red dragon futa who she recognizes as a chameleon and thus another pokemon girl she can't help but be continue to be surprised at the amount of femboys in general. In her world they were so rare that see one in real life was extremely unlikely. Here though they seem to make up the bulk of the male population!

And that was another thing! While there certainly were males, and a few more large and... stereotypical (by body size if not species) males, there seemed to be a distinct different between the amount of females to males. It seemed more like a 70/30 split toward girls rather then 50/50... then again a lot of these chicks seem be packing extra equipment like the chameleon woman. Despite the low to no clothes dress code, often times some where wearing pants or shorts so it was hard to tell sometimes.

She puts such concerns away once they are in the town hall though, eyes naturally falling to yet another cute girlish looking femboy but this one very clearly a pikachu. Internally she gushes a little bit at the sight of him, as he was indeed cute! It might not be an original choice, but pikachu had always been her favorite pokemon in the games! When James gives her the choice though it's clear to her. "The desk please. The guild sounds exciting but uh... not sure I'd be all that useful there yet.", she says.

Heading toward the desk she notes the... curious reading material of the pikachu guy, but isn't all that shocked by it given the activities she had seen outside. "Hello? Excuse me?", she starts to get his attention. "Um, I washed ashore yesterday, and James here told me I might be able to get help here? Like a place to stay for a bit until I can get my bearings so to speak?"
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Mar 01, 2025 1:01 pm

James leads you over, and the Pikachu looks up from what he is reading and smiles brightly at you. You instantly get the vibe that this cute femboy is quite the bright, cheerful, and friendly sort! "Heya there, welcome to the island! My name is Ricky, Ricky the Pikachu~ Pika Pi hehe~!" He sticks his tongue out cutely after saying such and winks.

At your query, he nods his head and says, "Yes that's a thing we can help ya with~! In fact if ya wanted, ya could stay at my place. My former roommate left for their own little farmstead a bit north of town, so I've got an open bed!" He then pulls out some papers as he adds,

"Though my place is a bit small. But there are other folks who have left themselves available to take in anyone who wash up. I can let ya look through them if ya want!"

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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Sat Mar 01, 2025 7:48 pm

"Oh! Uh, well! hmm...", Eva starts. For some reason she was expecting like a... barracks area for newbies, but given that it sounded like people wash up only once in a blue moon so to speak, that assumption didn't really make a lot of sense. Volunteers willing to house new folks made way more sense then her assumption did. She also wasn't expecting the pikachu boy to offer her a spot at his place! Honestly that was probably the best deal, since... well he seemed pretty harmless. "That's very kind of you Ricky. I think I'll take you up on that offer."

With that handled more quickly then she expected, she supposed the next obvious question was how she could earn a keep here. "My next question though is, uh... are there like... simple jobs for newcomers that help them find a place here or... or someone that can train me or teach me about the island? I admit I don't have a lot of technical skills though. I was a singer on a cruise ship before I arrived here so, uh... not sure how useful that is.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 02, 2025 12:39 am

"Great~!" He says, bounding over the desk and nearly sending you toppling to the ground as he basically glomps you. He rubs his cheek affectionately against you, though really it feels more like he's rubbing his entire body against you. Its at this point you realize he's only wearing some very form fitting shorts, which lets you feel the throbbing of his currently aroused cock through the fabric. "I hope we'll be great roomies~!" He says before finally letting go and beaming at you.

Your next question draws a nod from him. "There's plenty of simple jobs, many of them get posted up on that board, though some do require being a member of the guild since they entail some risk. The guild can also train and teach you about the island whether you're just wanting to know in case you get lost or wind up wanting to do some solo exploring." When you mention being a singer, he lights up.

"We have a bar here in the town, Radiant Waters is it's name! You could probably get a job there, they do have a stage but haven't had many performances lately."
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Sun Mar 02, 2025 12:22 pm

Eva eyes widen when Ricky more or less jumps the counter to glomp her, but to her credit stays her ground. Granted it helped that he was short and cute and not all that threatening looking, but Eva would still find herself blushing hotly as the cute pikachu femboy clings to her side, wrapping his arms around her and basically grinding on her. "Oh! Ah! I- I'm sure we'll get along g-great, haha!", Eva says, trying to ignore that various bulge grinding on her thigh. Seems he was packing very much in the way that James was packing!

When she asks about jobs though he ends up giving her some decent info to go off of, and the fact there was a bar she might be able to sing at as a way to earn her keep was a good sign. Entertainment was good for the soul after all and still useful after all! It didn't need to be all doctors and engineers so to speak. Still by the sound of it maybe the bar had seen better days... maybe she could help with that? "Really? Radiant Waters... thats good to know, thank you!", she replies.

Hearing about the simple jobs though Eva thinks that is probably a good place to start. Before she checks that out though she did have a few other questions for Ricky. "Beyond jobs though, how do things work around here. Like... were can I get food or clean myself? Is there a currency used around here? If so, what is it?", she asks.

Once she gets an answer to those she'd thank Ricky and then go check out that board for simple jobs.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 02, 2025 12:38 pm

"The bar is built around a patch of the river in town, where lots of crystals have sprung up. Some of them sparkle and glow whether it be day or night!" Ricky explains, giving you a hint as to the origin of the bar's name. As for your query about currency...

Ricky reaches behind the counter and pulls out a small gold coin. A very plain and otherwise unadorned one at that save for a little imprint of the letter 'C'.

"There are coins scattered here and there about the island. You can also find some when exploring those whibbly mystery areas that crop up. Most folks also accept bartering though, whether other goods or services. As for cleaning up, we have a public bathhouse! There's a comminal area and more private baths for those who want them."

The jobs on the board are basic. Gather some wild fruit or vegetables, help out with some chores around various houses... there was also a perverse one for newcomers. Someone was willing to pay some coin to get to lay with any newcomers who arrived.

"Do ya want me to show ya to my place, or wait til I am done with my shift here?" Ricky asked, while James said he was going to go check on Candy.
Last edited by Kuragari on Sun Mar 02, 2025 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Sun Mar 02, 2025 2:47 pm

"Oh, that sounds pretty!", Eva says, though she pays attention when he tells her about the money. She actually oohs a little as he seems to pull out a literal cold coin. The only thing it was stamped was however was the letter C. What did that mean... currency? Well, she supposes it doesn't matter too much. In the end she was just glad that English was a thing here, both spoken and written. Everything would've been a lot harder if everyone used a different language! "I see... so I guess exploring the island and those strange areas are actually kind of important for the local economy in a weird way. Huh...", she comments as she walks over to the job board.

Seeing the board Eva is almost a little overwhelmed by it. There were all sorts of requests on it! Some she's not even sure she understands completely, such as advertising for an open positions at a milking house though it didn't mention cows. There was also some straight up lewd requests, including one from someone who wanted to have sex specifically with new comers! Eva blushes a little at that, rather sure sure she didn't want to whore out for money just yet... but, well... if she was desperate it was an option she guesses. Luckily there was plenty of what appeared to be simple requests looking for wild fruits, veggies, flowers, shells, and even just general salvage, along with some help at house chores or on some farms.

In the end she decides on three requests to try and satisfy for now. The first was simply to gather some fruits in the surrounding forest near town, the next seemed to help what appeared to be a... pet daycare walk dogs or something? The last simply sounded like being a stable hand for a little bit. By the sounds of there was actually animals you could ride for longer trips to the other sides of the island. Given what she had seen so far, she was curious what kind of animals such a place would have! Then depending on how successful or not she was and how much time was left in the day, she could check out that bar.

She does her best to memorize the names and locations of each, during which James decides to go look for Candy. "Oh, yeah sure. Thanks for showing me around James! I'll sure I'll see you again soon.", she says before looking back to Ricky. "Well, uh, if it's okay to show me now then I can drop off my other bikini there. That and I can know where to go after trying to do one of these requests."
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 02, 2025 2:57 pm

Ricky is peeking over your shoulder as you look at the jobs. He sees you given an odd look at the milking one, and proceeds to grope your breasts as he says, "This kind of milk~" with a giggle. Of course, his doing so has his bulge rub up against your ass, but he pulls back and gives you some space after that. You quickly memorize the locations for all the rest, and he smiles and bounces excitedly as you say you'd like to be shown where his home is.

"Alrighty, just a sec~!" He rummages around and about the desk for a moment, pulling up a sign that says 'helping someone, back in a few!' and then motions for you to follow him out. Along the way, he actually shows you the bar which actually looks alright from the outside and seems to be doing alright, though your eyes are drawn to a window that gives a good view of the bubbling river water that cuts through the place. Indeed, within the water there you can see crystals, some of which appear to be glowing all on their own, while others are sparkling from the sunlight reaching in. Its quite pretty, though for now you continue on with him.

Ricky's home is closer to the northern part of Hera, and is actually near the stables that were mentioned in the job. Which gives you a chance to see something somewhat unexpected... Were, were those Chocobos? They certainly looked like them! Some folks were tending to them or feeding them as you passed, though soon your attention was brought to a hut tucked in by a larger palm tree.

"It's not big, but it's home!" He says as he leads you in, revealing a single main area for cooking or relaxing, and then some partitions separating two beds with a bit of space for small personal effects or items.

"That one is mine." He says, pointing to the partition on the right. He smirks just a bit as he adds, "Though I am always up for sharing if ya ever feel so inclined, hehe~!"
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Sun Mar 02, 2025 8:38 pm

Eva squeals when Ricky so brazenly grabs her tits, but having seen the culture first hand lets it go pretty quickly. Really though she is far more fascinated by the implications of what he said! It seemed like such a weird thing to do by her own standards, but... well, if what James and Candy told her about pregnancies being really quick then... well it made a weird amount of sense. The though of a bunch of women in a part hooked up to milking machines fills her head then, making her blush hotly before she shakes her head to try and clear away the image. Besides, the odds of a big room of fancy milking machines like that around here seemed unlikely. More likely done by hand. "Ahh! Thats even more horny!", she thinks to herself, quickly trying to dispel that follow on thought.

In any case she manages to move on after following Ricky to his place near the northern part of Hera, where along the way he shows her the bar where she might be able to make a living with her singing skills. "Wow, so pretty!", is all she can think to remark. She would definitely be checking this place out later! Continuing on when they get to his house not far off she spots a stable with actual chocobos in it! She was hardly a big final fantasy fan, but they were iconic enough that even she could recognize them. The giant chicken like creatures seemed to be happily grazing in a paddock, and she had to admit she was very curious about them! Maybe they had babies! They must be so cute!

Once inside Ricky's house though he shows her to the bedroom area where there are two beds, each of which is actually separated by a short wall to off some limited privacy, though there were no doors. Honestly she was just surprised there was a second bed at all, and had been expecting that it would just be one large bed they would share or something like what had happened at James' and Candy's cottage. "Oh, this is perfect! Thank you Ricky.", she says, then puts her spare bikini down on the bed so she could put it away later. Right now though she needed to focus on getting some coins! Of course when Ricky says he's happy to share a bed Eva is once again blushing hotly. "Uhh! I... I uh... thanks?", she says a little awkwardly. To be honest she wasn't opposed to the idea. Ricky was rather adorable actually! Once again she tries not to dwell on it though. Realistically if she was here for any amount of time then them fucking was just a matter of time.

"Well, I appreciate your hospitality Ricky. I"ll let you get back to doing your thing while I try to do one of those requests and make a little money. I can't be a complete free loader.", Eva says, then decides to head to the location of the person requesting help gathering some nearby fruits.
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 02, 2025 10:14 pm

"You're quite cute when your flustered~" Ricky teases as he presses into your side. You again taking note of his stiff rod in those shorts of his. He gives your ass a playful grope but doesn't seem inclined to try and force anything further. Though with how cute he is and thoughts of big busty gals like yourself being milked by hand, you are already a fair bit aroused.

Heading on over to the place in question, you find yourself looking at a woman who is a bit of a mix mash. Cute bunny ears, a fox tail, and thanks to her answering your knocking naked, you are able to see her draconic looking fuck pole as it twitches. Even as she is all casual smiles and describes a fruit that sounds like a mango but is somewhat star shaped.

"I need ten of them, but if you can find more I'd be most appreciative!"
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Mon Mar 03, 2025 1:06 pm

Heading over to the first requester's place Eva does her best to simply focus on getting there and not the fact that she was basically on her own for the moment. With James going back to meet with Candy, she didn't have him to protect her so speak. Or should she say, socially protect her since he himself was a bit submissive. Given what she recalled from James and Candy saying regular humans basically don't exist on the island and usually end up transformed in one form or another before long she was worried that people might've tried to throw themselves at her left and right. Luckily though it seemed inside of town people were polite enough to leave her be for the most part... still though, as she walks she seems to be getting a lot of stares. It almost makes her wonder if her presence would be interesting enough that she would basically be subject of some town gossip for the next little while. "The new human in town, ooh exciting! Oh dear", she thinks to herself. She was probably overthinking it though.

Getting to the new place, the woman... futa woman who answers is a curious mix of things, but still has a human face despite all her various different animal features. She certainly has a very alien looking dick though, angry red and covered with ridge patterns with a bulbous base. Her nudity doesn't concern her in the least though, so Eva does her best to ignore it and listen to the lady describe the fruit she was looking for. She gives her a description, and a nearby spot where she could probably find it. "Umm, right! I'll, uh... try to get as many as I can!", Eva replies, actually doing a decent job of looking the woman in her eyes and not at her dick or tits. Thank goodness her house wasn't raised up on a platform or something, otherwise Eva probably wouldn't have been able to help but stare at that curious cock of hers it had started at eye level or something.

With that info in hand she heads to the aforementioned location. These fruit trees should basically be within view of town so... this would be a decent first task right? Certainly she could handle this much?
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 03, 2025 2:22 pm

You do receive plenty of stares. And catcalls. And wolf whistles. From men, women, and those in between in equal measure. You get a grope here or there as well along the way, but for the most part people seem to otherwise leave you be. The gropes and all the flirtations do leave you somewhat aroused though. More so after the encounter with the woman even though she didn't make any advances... though her cock had certainly twitched and stiffened up in your presence.

Heading on outside, you head off in the direction and begin searching. After about ten minutes, you have managed to find about four of them, before you suddenly hear a rustle from some nearby foliage. You barely manage to roll aside and avoid a tackle from...

A femboy Ratatta? Only to be promptly tackled by a second one who winds up straddling your breasts, and immediately begins playing with your tits. "Oh Twin-Twin, we've found a cute one!" The Ratatta says with delight as he shoves his decently sized pillar between your tits and begins to grope your breasts while thrusting at you. His brother promptly scurries over, spreading your legs and moving in to start licking at your pussy!
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Re: Shipwrecked Adventure [JONDUDE]

Postby jondude » Mon Mar 03, 2025 4:41 pm

Eva blushes a little bit at the catcalling and whistles. She had certainly gotten those from time to time, and heck a lot while she was working, but it always felt a little different when in a new situation with people you weren't all that sure about. When a random passer by smacks her ass though she yelps and nearly jumps out of her skin. Once again, a pretty tame thing compared to all the stuff she had seen thus far, but definitely not something she was used to by any means. She hastens her step while a few around chuckle, but no one follows her or pursues her or anything. At least as far as she could tell.

Anyway, she finds a copse of trees where there seemed to a slightly higher then normal density of these fruit star fruit trees, for lack of a better term. They're kind of hard to spot though despite their unique shape, the outer rind blending in rather well with the greenery. Still after about ten minutes or so she manages to find four of them from a couple trees. They seemed to grow high up though, so she heads to a bush to see if she can find a long stick so could knock them down.

barely does she get to the bush though does a form come diving out of it at her. She yelps, managing to roll away only to see another girlish looking anthro pokemon guy, whose name was right on the tip of her tongue but escaped her the moment. She blinks in mild surprise, but before she can say anything she's tackled off her feet by another one! Screaming a little more shrill this time she gasps as she falls onto her back, her few held star fruits scattering about as she suddenly finds the... "Rattata!", her mind suddenly remembers, sitting on top of her. The next few seconds though things escalate very quickly, the femboy grabbing at her tits and slipping his dick between them, the tip poking out of her cleavage while her twin brother dives between her legs and under loincloth to lick at her pussy! A sudden light rush of pleasure hits her, and so shocked by the speed of it all Eva doesn't know what to do, but after a few second her mind slightly reboots. Her legs snap shut, pinning the other femboy's head between her thighs where he squeaks in surprise, then she simply rolls over, not exactly tossing the ratatta molesting her breasts, but dislodging him for a brief moment. Once she has them off of her, she quickly tries to scoot back, but her back quickly hits a tree. "Wait wait wait! Can't we talk about this!?", Eva says, reflexively trying to talk to it out.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada


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