by Taria » Thu Mar 06, 2025 5:14 pm
Torbin Town
The commotion being created by Scarlet and friend is not hard to miss. As Scarlet calms down and focuses on the best way to dislodge herself, she feels a pair of foreleg wrap over her waist. With the back and forth motion going on and the position between Scarlet and the beast, one would easily mistake this as Scarlet being mounted and humped, and arguably that is exactly what's happening. However, after a few seconds of the sudden surprise activity, they extra tug does finally manage to dislodge Scarlet and send the barrel pinning her tumbling off in another direction, freeing her at last.
Boar Battlers
Nova rolls: 1, 6 (diff 5)
Nova finds that the big mutated boar is easily goaded as it very quickly shifts its full intensity towards her. With not only tusks, but also a pair of humanoid arms to contend with, it first looks like Nova is in a dangerous position on the back foot. After several attempts of trying to swat away her weapons and cuts and nicks for its efforts, the boar becomes enraged and charges her. Just as Nova planned, this gives her the opportunity to go for a crippling strike. She slashes through both legs on the right side of the monstrous boar with her sword and it limps around a tree to turn back around to face swinging its tusks wildly.
Vale rolls: 5, 4 (diff 4)
Vale charges forward to skewer the smaller boar and it appears that her decisiveness has paid of. Whether to ignorance of bravado, it seems that the smaller boar companion did not think to dodge the oncoming spear, and instead charges forward towards Vale. The resulting outcome is a perfect example of spears doing what they do best as the beast fully impales itself onto the weapon and fails to reach Vale to impart any meaningful damage as it squirms and thrashes until slumping over and dying.
Bean meanwhile seems to be toying with her food as she has manage to somehow climb atop her target boar and is clinging onto its tusk cackling gleefully while it runs around and thrashes. She is repeatedly stabbing the boar with the head of her spear, but without good leverage there appears to be very little penetration. But, the many wounds the boar is collecting do not bode well for the beat this battle of attrition. "Food time, food time~" Bean sings out sadistically as this is going on, contrasting greatly with her previous quiet and reserved demeanor.
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