Joy's Inventory
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Light Duster: 0/5 HP------------------------------------------------Being repaired
Durable Jeans: 7/7 HP----------------------------------------------Being repaired
Tube Top: 2/2 HP----------------------------------------------------worth 10 caps
Short Shorts: 2/2 HP------------------------------------------------worth 20 caps
Black and Red bikini Set: 2/2 HP----------------------------------worth 20 caps
Tight/old white Bikini Set: 2/2 HP--------------------------------worth 20 caps
Tactical 9mm holster------------------------------------------------worth 20 caps
10mm+Knife Holster-------------------------------------------------Worth 15 caps
Marlin 1903 .338 Lever action-: 100%-----------worth 1000 caps
Hunting Rifle: 100%---------------------------------worth 300 caps
10mm Pistol: 100%-----------------------------------worth 140 caps
Milspec 9mm Pistol: 76%---------------------------worth 174 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 41 caps
Plasma Grenades: 1--------------------------------worth 120 caps each
Frag Landmine: 1-----------------------------------worth 65 caps each
.308 rounds: 59-----------------------------------worth 1 cap each
10mm rounds: 82---------------------------------worth 1 cap each
9mm rounds: 83----------------------------------worth 1 cap each
.338 Winchester magnum rifle round: 40------worth 4 caps each
Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 4/5 uses------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 5----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 7 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each
Stim Packs: 4 (Heals 6 HP)-----------------------------------------------------worth 40 caps each
Jet: 1 (+2 AGI)-------------------------------------------------------------------worth 25 caps each
Psycho: 1 (+3 STR, -2 INT)-----------------------------------------------------worth 35 caps each
Med-x: 2(+1 Damage resistance)----------------------------------------------worth 30 caps
Flask(Rum, 1 use, +2 STR -2 PER)---------------------------------------------worth 10 caps
Flat tip screwdriver-----------------------worth 1 cap
Bobby pins: 11-----------------------------worth 1 cap
Cigarette tin(reusable): 1-----------------worth 15 caps each
Lighter: 1(100%)----------------------------worth 25 caps
Match boxes(20 matches each): 1-------worth 5 caps each
Duck tape: 1--------------------------------worth 8 caps
Shredded Cloth Scraps: 10----------------N/A
Caps: 3020
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
PER Roll: 3 + 3 = 6
Heading to the shower with your towel, you lock the door behind you, firmly getting the space for yourself which was a nice change of pace. Stripping down you hand up your clothes and towel near the curtain, then head grab some soap from the laundry area that was by the door. The water soon gets up to temperature as you do that and before long you sigh in relief as you feel the sensation of hot water running across your body, taking a second to enjoy it before eventually trying to use the soap. Unfortunately you don't find it works the best with your new coat of fur though, so head back to soap cabinet to see if there was something else you could use. You had the stall for a whole hour after all, so might as well make sure you get nice and clean!
Opening it is mostly full of bars of various kinds, but thankfully there are a few random selections of shampoo and body washes. You begin to take the various bottles and give them a smell, trying to pick one you like. You'd find fruity and flowery smells to go with mostly. As you go about picking something however you don't immediately notice the slight movement behind as the curiously large laundry pile begins to shift, the natural sounds of the shower in this relatively small place masking the low noise of the towels moving. Just as you finish picking a shampoo you like, you get a sudden surprise when you feel a long snout shove itself between your legs, and a long broad tongue suddenly run across your lower holes.
To your credit, you don't scream, but you do certainly spin around after a surprise like that! What you'd see though is the big dog from before when you first booking your room. The tall powerful looking dog with the pointy ears: Kane you recall. He gives you a curious look, tilting his head as if a little confused by your actions, but doesn't look all that aggressive. It would seem he somehow either managed to crawl into the pile of towels, or previous shower goers had simply put towels on top of the dog as he used the laundry hamper for a bed.
Naturally the sight of him revokes certain strong memories of the vaultees doing their post transformation 'experiments' on you. Your heart thumps a little faster at the memory at how incredible that had all felt at the time... and if you wanted, you had a perfect opportunity to... explore that a little bit.