The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:04 pm

Deciding to make contact you try to slip into at least some of your clothing rather then pop out of the rocks and show your tits off. You manage well enough, getting into whatever you have for panties easily before looking at your white cotton undershirt that usually pads your light ring mail from chaffing your skin directly. Given that is was white and wet... well it was certainly a little see through, so you decide to put on the your red shirt that usually goes over the armor instead. It was still a little thin on it's own, but it hid your tits better then just the under shirt.

When you pop up and introduce yourself Ingrid and the bunny girl squeals and jumps behind Marco instantly. Marco meanwhile whirls quickly to face your position, but seems to get over the surprise quick and hears you out. Seeing this Ingrid also seems to quickly calm, but still uses Marco as a shield so to speak as you say your piece.

"You rode the pod out of the caves?", Ingrid says as you finish, clearly a little confused by that statement. She looks at the pod and it's rather unique physiology for a moment, then seems to make a connection, her cheeks going bright red. "Oh shit you wer-mphhff!"

Marco slaps a hand over the girl's mouth before she says the obvious part out loud, the fox guy clearly having a little more tact then she did. "Right. Well, not sure what you might've been doing in those caves myself but I know the mountains are littered with them and old ruins that tend to be a haven to all sorts of monsters and critters. Not that surprising you had some trouble... uh, not to say that your not capable or anything of course. You certainly have a... intense look about you miss.", Marco says, saying the last part a little quick but clearly referring to your rather unique eyes. "But uh, sure! I can tell you how to get back to our village or you can wait for us to get some fish and we can guide you back. We don't mind sharing too, especially since you provided a bunch of bait for us to use."

As he finishes up he let's go of Ingrid's mouth who gives Marco a pouty glare.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:10 am

Kayin herself blushes when the bunny girl, Ingrid, figures it out. She doesn't deny it as she admits, "Y~Yes it ah, grabbed me. It ah, was trying to do something or other, but when my sword got close enough to the base I guess I... dislodged it." She offered. She didn't want to admit to two strangers she'd just LET the thing have its way with her. Even now she was embarrassed and ashamed how easily it seemed to have rendered her submissive and compliant. Damned mind magics the cutlists had done to her. She nods to the Marco guy as he comments about her eyes, taking that in stride. She was used to that bit at this point.

"I'm in no rush... I'm actually trying to get my clothes to ah, dry out some more. E-Even these." She admits as she tugs at her still wet panties and shirt. She finds herself half tempted to ask if they'd be bothered if she took them back off, figuring laying them back on the rock with the others would let them dry faster. "S-So feel free to keep fishing, and by all means, use the pod. I-I have no use for it."
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Tue Dec 10, 2024 4:29 am

"Something or other... riiiiight...", Ingrid says a little skeptically as you explain without explaining what you had gone through, if not your willing surrender to the thing. They got the gist of it so there was no need to tell them all the embarrassing details, such as how you were practically begging the thing to impregnate you at the end. You could keep that to yourself.

"Well it's a little before noon, so if you're in no rush we can get some fishing done and then you can have some time to let your clothes dry off before we go. It's a good six miles back to the village through the trails so it'll take a couple hours to get back, and that won't be fun if your clothes are chaffing.", Marco says, happy you seem to be rather relaxed. As he says the words though he gives you a once over, eyes getting stuck ever so briefly upon your wide hips and long bare legs. "If you'd like feel fee to hang out and talk to us, but if you want to strip down and let your clothes dry faster you can go back to the rocks there and we'll respect your privacy."

Okay. How... utterly civil! It was actually kind of nice after the whole cultist dungeon escape thing, but at the same time kind of odd. Not that Marco and Ingrid were giving you a bad vibe or anything. Just the opposite really! It just seemed like you gone from one extreme to the other now that you had escaped.

No matter how you'd spend the next five minutes though, whether that be with the two villagers or off on your own drying off in the rocks, something else would get your attention. A sudden vibration in the ground, but localized. Even as it picks up in intensity though you can tell this was no earthquake. There was some kind of burrowing monster coming, and it seemed big!
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Wed Dec 11, 2024 2:15 am

Kayin was surprised at the civility, and a bit at the fact neither seemed too outwardly bothered by the knowledge she had basically been being bred by the plant pod thing. Maybe this sort of thing was more common here than she'd have imagined? In any case, she's about to opt for going with stripping back down to let all of her clothes dry faster (and for a brief moment is even contemplating just sunning herself on the rock after she noticed Marco taking in her figure,) when she pauses as she feels vibrations. In an instant, she's grabbing her swords and leaping onto one of the rocks as she asks,

"Were the two of you expecting some company from someone underground?" She asks as she readies herself for whatever might be about to surface!
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:03 am

"What? No.", Marco says, pausing right before making his first cast into the river. Ingrid meanwhile was still on the shore, setting up her line. They both look at you like you've bonked your head maybe, dressed as you are in your underwear and brandishing your rather large swords. Within a few seconds of speaking though both their wars start to twitch, and they seem to pick up on the vibrations. "Oh crap! I think it's a gia-shit!", Marco begins to say, before a sudden explosion of first and rocks erupts from the ground between you and the two demi humans.

A small cloud of drifting sand quick falls and what is revealed is a relatively rare but rather nasty sort of monster: a giant centipede. Looking exactly like their smaller name sake just scaled up significantly, the monster was probably about thirty feet long, it's sides flanked with hundreds of legs and sporting massive pincer like jaws on it's head. The same jaws chitter as it scans the area, scanning the area for prey, and it decides on the closest target: Ingrid. It lets out a screech, diving at her, but the bunny girl is quick and agile. With a frightened yelp she ducks and dashes away, her former location suddenly that of a borrowing centipede that goes shallowly underground, jumping out in brief instances like a fish before emerging again to seeking reacquire a target!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is sort of intended to be a Kayin badass moment, so feel free to fight and slay the beast! If you'd like to me to roll for it for a chance at a smutty scene though let me know. I can always spawn more monsters! >:3
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Fri Dec 13, 2024 1:10 am

As silly as she might look at first, she remains poised and ready. Sort of. She is taken aback when the thing emerges and reveals itself to be a giant Centipede. Kayin grunts in annoyance, having never been particularly fond of bugs and definitely not the giant varieties. Still, after she shakes her head she leaps at the things back once it emerges after its first go at Ingrid fails. Landing on it, she starts slicing at it, taking advantage of her increased mobility from, well, barely wearing anything to lash at it fast and quickly. This serves the purpose of landing a number of minor wounds and drawing its attention to her.

It turns and tries to grab for her, but she leaps up and lashes out again, giving its face cuts as well as its underside. The thing thrashes and chitters in fury but Kayin proceeds to play 'catch me if ya can' with it several times. Each time the thing tried to strike out and grab her, she simply leapt, rolled, or spun out of the way. All while her swords bit and lanced out at the thing. Soon enough the thing seemed to be nearing its last legs, and that was when Kayin leapt back onto its backside before driving both swords through the things head, which made it thrash and buck before dropping to the ground, dead as a stone.

Though that didn't stop Kayin from giving it a few more stabs, just to be sure. "Great, gonna need another bath." She mutters as she notices the bug's blood splattered about her in a few places.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Sat Dec 14, 2024 8:54 pm

Giving the dead giant bug a few more cursory stabs just to be sure, once you're happy the thing is sufficiently dead you relax slightly, before lamenting the slimy bug blood that was now splattered all over you. At least it was only some of your clothes and you didn't have to wash all your gear again at least.

"Woah! That was incredible!", Ingrid suddenly says, popping up from a position a large boulder near the forest edge. "I've never seen someone fight so... fluidly before! You're awesome!", she practically gushes, hopping her way over to you.

"Yeah wow! That was something else!", Marco suddenly says, brushing some red hair from face as he emerges from behind a dense knot of trees. "We've been seeing a few of those giant bugs and had to run from them, but that was the first time one ever got the drop on us like that. We owe you! Maybe even our lives.", he says, then adds, "I know it's not much, but we can can cook you up some lunch and definitely some drinks back at the village inn. We'd also be happy to hook you up a place to stay for a bit too since you said you lost all your supplies. I assume that means your money too."

As he finishes up Ingrid happily nods in agreement, her eyes practically beaming in admiration at you despite her earlier suspicion. She quickly notes your blood spattered nature though and gasps. "Oh no! After you had just cleaned it too. Well! I know some tricks! Here! Come, come!", she says, gently grabbing one of your hands into hers. "The river bends just a few dozen feet up, so I can help you clean up while Marco gets back to fishing.", Ingrid offers.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:11 am

Panting a bit as she starts moving towards the water to clean up, again, though thankfully it wouldn't be as hard to deal with this time, Kayin flushes at the praise. "Hehe, well, my style of fighting relies on speed and flexibility. Gets the job done, which is what matters." Still she gets a confident smile atop her face, feeling better now after dealing with that. She would have been very upset (and possibly worried those cultists did something else to her) if she couldn't handle a giant bug.

She does tilt her head a bit at the mention of them seeing a few of them. "They always been around, or they only just start showing up recently?" She asked, while the thought of food and drink was good to her, especially as it occurred to her that she didn't have any coin on her person now. The cultists must have took what she had had on hand when they captured her.

When Ingrid comes over, she squeaks a bit but lets the girl lead her along, just nodding to her as she drank in the admiration.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:49 am

"Well they've always been around, but they've definitely been worse lately.", Ingrid explains as she takes you through a couple and trees to another section of the river, very close to the previous one but out of sight of Marco. Still close enough that you could hear him whistling though as he got back to fishing. "Just about everything has gotten worse in the valley though, monster wise. Hell even animal wise. Everything seems more numerous and just downright ornery lately."

As she finishes saying her piece she casually begins to strip off her clothes, quickly taking everything off and getting naked, clearly not at worried since you were also a girl. Like her frame hinted at earlier she's quite cute though, with wide hips and an impressive set of perky tits. With her naked now, her snow white tail and ears really seem to downright glow in contrast to her creamy mocha colored skin. She wades into the river, this corner bank apparently a little deeper then average for this river as she manages to get into her waist before turning around and waving you in. "Come on now don't be shy. I'll be sure to give you a good scrub. Your clothes too! Though it's easier for me if you take it off, haha!", Ingrid says, ending with a slight teasing giggle.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:51 am

As Ingrid shares such details with Kayin, the adventurer couldn't help but suspect the Cultists were somehow involved. Either directly, seeking to cause such trouble for their own gain... Or indirectly, with their activities stirring things up and the cult not caring as long as it didn't inconvenience them. Once they're in the cluster of... well, better privacy then where they had been standing before, Kayin blushes when she sees Ingrid also stripping down, having not expected that if she was being honest. She couldn't stop herself from getting a look at her while she went ahead and got naked again as well.

Soon enough she is wading in after Ingrid, her clothes bundled in her hands as well. "I~I won't lie in saying my own plan had just been to jump in and work at them while wearing them this time..." Still, if Ingird was truly wanting to help, she wouldn't stop her. Though, she found herself suddenly feeling a tad apprehensive. Ingrid doing so might wind up with her touching her tits, and those seemed to be... well, much more of a weak point now.

I'll need to try and make sure to keep my focus. Kayin thought as she settled in next to where the cute mocha bunny girl was.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Fri Dec 20, 2024 7:45 pm

Stripping down you wade into the cool water with clothes in hand, your skin prickling a little with goosebumps as the the water still has a slight chill from being underground, but overall is still quite nice. Actually if anything the feeling of the cool water against your body, especially your chest and crotch, is wonderfully calming. Maybe it might help you keep your head on straight a little better if Ingrid got a little more exploratory with her hands.

Speaking of the bunny girl she takes the ball of slightly bloody clothes from you, promptly dunking it into the water before she beginning to go at it briefly with a bar of soap that she got from... somewhere. "Yeah make yourself comfortable! This will take only a couple minutes. Got you in here before it dried so it should be easy to get out.", she says.

You more or less do just that, lowing yourself in the water and just doing your best to enjoy the refreshing temperature against your quite warm body, hot from both the recent episode with the tentacle pod and combat with the giant centipede. After a couple minutes though Ingrid finishes with your clothes, laying them out on a sunny rock before turning back toward you. "Alright, let's wash that hair and back of yours!", she says happily, giving you a nice full frontal view of her curvy frame.

As you give her a cursory scan though, your eyes quickly lock onto a peculiar tattoo just below her breasts and above her belly button. While it's made in black ink that blends slightly with her darker skin, there is no mistaking it. It as a drawn facsimile of that cultists's amulet: the Emerald Eye... when you see it, a sudden sense of passiveness fills you, along with the urge to obey...
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Sat Dec 21, 2024 2:42 am

Kayin just nods and relaxes a moment in the cool, slightly chilly water. She enjoys the calming effect is has on her, though when Ingrid produces a bar of soap from seemingly out of nowhere Kayin can't help but open her mouth to question this a few times. Then decides not to bother, figuring it must have been in her clothes somewhere... though why she would carry a bar of soap with her on what was seemingly just a fishing trip... maybe her job back in the village involved cleaning and she kept one handy for that purpose? In any case, Kayin leaves it to her while she cools down.

Once Ingrid has finished with her clothes, she lets her eyes roam over Ingrid's body. Running over her chest, and down towards her middle where- then her thoughts slow, and she almost feels a sort of green haze fall over her. She sways slightly, then nods and gives a submissive, obedient look to Ingrid. "Of course~" She goes ahead and turns her back towards the girl, though her body feels like its giving off an air that just screams 'you can do more than that if you want though~'

A part of her tries to fight it, but in a strange way, the cool water is now working against her, encouraging the passivity. She should just relax, and let the nice girl pamper her... she wanted to do so after all, so why not let her~!
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:09 pm

Seeing the tattoo on Ingrid normally would be... well a cause for concern to say the least! It brought up a ton of questions! But barely do you even have those questions on your mind do they seem to fade away as the hypnotic suggestion from earlier compels you. You simply relax, unable to resist.

Curiously though it doesn't seem Ingrid really picks up on this. At least right away.

She heads over to you settles in behind you, sitting on some higher rocks as you end up between her long legs. She hums a simple but relaxing tune and then begins to rub the bar of soap onto your back, quickly getting you all nice and sudsy before switching her focus to your hair. "Wow so long and silky! You have surprisingly healthy hair for an adventurer.", she says, giving you some praises as she begins lathers up her hands with her soap and begins to run it through your hair. It has a scent like violets and sunflowers. A mild but pleasant scent, and soon you're nearly lured to sleep under the relaxing ministrations. It was basically like getting a relaxing scalp massage on top of getting your hair cleaned! And yet all the while she doesn't seem to do anything untoward, which seems very uncult like.

Naturally however the relaxing nature of the bathing coupled with your pliant mind leads to a certain inevitability. You lean back into her a little like you were leaning into a soft couch, and as you do the sides of your breasts press against the top of her thighs. Immediately there is a second wave of passivity that hits you, along with a desire to please. A short rush of pleasure rushes through you, making you moan gently, but that is all that is needed to get Ingrid to pause. "Uhh... are you okay miss Kayin?", she asks. As she asks she leans forward, her own impressive tits soon resting against your shoulders and the back of her heads and she leans in to make eye contact you, a questioning glance in her eyes.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:31 am

Letting Ingrid settler her between her legs and near a rock, Kayin just relaxes and enjoys the washing of her back, then her hair as she finds herself enjoying that surprising more than she would have expected. Sure, she liked having it brushed, combed, tended to by someone beside herself, but for some reason in her relaxed state, it felt even better. Almost as if it was making her sink further into the state she now found herself in. Relaxed, calm, serene, pliant... Obedient. The praise she got only made her blush and smile brightly, saying nothing for now as she just closed her eyes and basked in the sensations.

When she basks a bit too much into it, she lets out a soft moan of pleasure followed by a contented sigh. She opens her eyes slowly to smile obediently up at Ingrid. She reaches a reassuring hand up to pet her face, though what she says next might either add to the confusion, or leave the gal inclined to perhaps take advantage.

"Of course everything is mine, Mistress Ingrid. This is very, very relaxing and enjoyable. Is there anything I can do to please you to show my appreciation?"
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:44 am

Ingrid continues to give you an questioning look as you simply happily bask under her luxurious ministrations, but when you reach up to cup her cheek and put gently pet her with a thumb though she blinks in surprise, clearly a little confused. She doesn't pull away though, perhaps a little too stunned by the sudden turn of events. What does force a reaction from her though is when you call her "mistress", a sudden understanding gasp coming from her. "Those cultist bastards!", she says after a moment.

Her voice is laced with contempt at the prospect of the cult. How intriguing!

Ingrid takes your hand on her face, but hold it in her own. "Could you turn to face me quick miss Kayin?", she asks. You happily comply, and from here she lets your hand go. She studies your face, and then covers the tattoo just below her breasts. You still feel rather submissive, but it lighten a little when she does. She then uncovers it again, and you feel another wave of submissive calm wash over you. She does this a couple times, reading your expression as the effects repeat. "Damn. They really did you dirty. I guess the mark sets off one your suggestions. Seems pretty powerful too... but it does explain your situation."

The next moment though she snaps her fingers and has a confident expression on her face though. "Don't you worry though. I'm not one of those bastards despite this mark. Just an unfortunate souvenir after one of my own encounters with them. Do you know what your own suggestions are?", she asks then. In your current condition you freely give them up, and she nods in thought. "Oh wow... that covers a lot of ground huh? The symbol of the emerald eye, any sort of intimate touch, and fulfilling requests. Well... how about you... spin around for me three times? That a request right?"

Pliant as you are you comply, spinning about gracefully in the water on a single foot and making a decent sight of yourself by twirling around your long golden locks. Once you finish the third spin though a sudden rush of inexplicable pleasure hits you. It's not enough to make you orgasm by any means, but it certainly makes your head spin for a moment before you realize you've come back to regular senses. Back to normal now you can't help but look back to Ingrid, who now as her hands covering her tattoo as she gives you an inquisitive look. "Feel normal I hope?"
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jan 06, 2025 2:41 am

Kayin is surprised at Ingrid's reaction. She's not sure at first if she is surprised in favor or against the cult, though eventually she settles on both. Her conditioning from the mental magics they performed on her leaving her surprised someone who has the marking would be so mad at learning such, while at the same time she's delighted to know that Ingrid isn't part of the cult! Though why she has the marking on her remains a source of curiosity, and something she'd inquire if not for the fact she's constantly shifting between somewhat submissive and obedient submissive states of being.

Its not like she has to wait long for an answer though. "Yes, I remember them well, Mistress Ingrid." She says cheerfully and obediently when asked as she uncovers the mark again. Though she is swaying just a bit, the bouncing back and forth of her mental state leaving her a bit bubbly now and somewhat unsure what was her conditioning talking and what wasn't. Still, once she gives a request, Kayin happily does so, twirling gracefully with a sensual smile as she hums softly at the rush of pleasure she feels from doing as asked, arching her back and moaning aloud as she said,

"Mist-Ah, I~Ingrid... that... felt... good." She shivers, feeling more normal as she nods. Yet she can't help but say, "A~All I did was just do what you requested, y~yet just obeying and doing it felt... Good. D~Damned good." One could almost say intoxicating, but she didn't want to admit such out loud. For fear that doing so might somehow get taken advantage of.

Still, at this point, knowing what she does know, Kayin no longer feels a need for deception or withholding, and shares with Ingrid that she had come here to deal with the cult, and was doing fine until they finally captured her and then did... whatever it was they'd done to her.

"I-Is your friend marked too?" She can't help but ask.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:07 am

As you stand on your tip toes in the water, pleasure rushing through you after fulfilling Ingrid's simple request, Ingrid herself nods along, a slight blush on her face as it seems she has some idea of what your going through. "Yeah that sounds about right. The cult is weird like that. People in this valley have always been a little more... open to things I suppose. They've taken advantage of that to get set up, and now they're so rooted in Arclesian mountain valley they've turned into our own sort of horny termites. Now their debauchery has been getting worse and they've been getting more brazen over the last year.", Ingrid says.

Her words are... curious for certain. She speaks of the cult of it's a nuisance. Like a particularly large group of bandits or something. But you had seen the scale of their operations in that dungeon. Maybe the Cult of the Emerald Eye had much better control of information in the valley then even the residents realized? Or maybe... maybe they were really good at propaganda? Perhaps the base you had escaped was their only such place like that? It was something you could certainly investigate later.

When you ask about Marco Ingrid shakes her head. "Naw he's fine. At least as far as know, but I think you're okay. We've been friends forever so I'm pretty sure he'd tell me if the cult tried jumping him and marking him like they did me. Unless he's really embarrassed and they put it on his ass or something.", Ingrid says, snorting a little at the last remark as she pictures it probably. "Anyway though, you're hair is still kind of soapy, so let me finish real quick and then you can rinse off and we can see if Marco has had any luck fishing.", Ingrid finishes.

Taking care not to brush against your butt by accident, she soaps up the last of your long golden locks before giving you the go ahead and dunk and rinse it out, and once you do so you find yourself feeling much cleaner and better in general after all the weird sex stuff that had happened lately.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:21 am

"You make them sound like common bandits... But they seemed very well organized and set up in there. Heck, they had monster-sorts working for them." She says as she recalls the goblins she'd gotten past. She finds herself wondering if Ingrid is seeing them this way because the Cult has kept a tight lid on things... Or if it is perhaps because of the mark and any conditioning she might have gone through? Though the way she said the folks here were open does make her wonder a bit... Maybe people here did just see them as a nuisance?

Kayin can't help but snort and shake her head at Ingrid's musing about her friend possibly having been marked somewhere embarrassing, but nods her head feeling a bit better to know he isn't likely to try something weird on her. Or Ingrid, for that matter. Though a small voice in her head said it'd be wise to keep her eyes and ears open all the same.

Nodding her head, Kayin hums softly as Ingrid finishes up, then dunks herself back down. When she comes up, she lets out a relaxed sigh, and turned back to her with a smile. "Thank you Ingrid. That was very enjoyable, even ignoring the weird bit there with what the cultists did to me." She was ready now to see about checking up on Marco, though she didn't feel quite in as much of a rush to get her clothes back on if they weren't dry yet.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby jondude » Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:17 am

Your thoughts briefly wonder if Ingrid is perhaps not sharing something simply because she might be conditioned not to or was simply forced to forget. It seemed plausible, given what you had seen thus far of their size and power first hand. At the same time though even if such was true she'd have no power over that and couldn't really be faulted. You'd just have to keep your eyes open, and were used to that as an adventurer. After all, adventurers that took no risks were essentially just crazy people in the woods who trusted nobody.

Getting out of the water, you and Ingrid stand bare on the stony shore as you go to grab your clothes. Unfortunately yours is still pretty much soaked, making you pause as you have debate just waiting a little longer for them to dry or something. However Ingrid soon pipes up again. "Oh! I got you. I'm hardly a mage, but I know some basic magic. Hold your shirt out.", she asks. You oblige, and watch as Ingrid gets a look of concentration. Her cheeks puff up in a slightly adorable manner, but rather then breath out you suddenly feel wind passing by your wrists, and watch as air seems to quickly swirl around your shirt, making it flap about in a very small but intense guest of wind, like an air vortex, but very small! After about a minute of this and your short is pretty dry, and then Ingrid releases a loud gasp before breathing deeply, apparently having held her breath. "Don't worry I'm fine, I'm fine. I can't seem to make it go very fast unless I hold my breath for some reason. Here let me do your pants."

A short while later and all your clothes are dry, and hopefully most of your armour has dried on the rocks by now too. With the two of you dressed and finished here you head back to the original clearing where you spot marco hauling up a large fish over a foot long, quickly wrangling it into his basket which is pretty much already full of fish.

"Damn Marco! We were only gone like half an hour!", Ingrid says.

Marco just laughs, quickly fixing another piece of tentacle pod flesh to the thing and casting out again. "Well I am pretty fantastic. Granted, I think the bait is helping a lot. The fish seem to really go crazy for it! Maybe I should follow the river up stream to that cave and try hunting one."
Last edited by jondude on Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cult of Arclesia Mountain (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:24 pm

"Well, that's a nice trick with magic. Makes me kind of wish again I'd studied some a bit, but well, too busy learning how to wield two swords and fight fast and swift." Kayin said with a smile, unable to keep from smiling brightly at the look on Ingrid's face when she concentrated and puffed up while using her magic. Once she finishes with the rest of her clothes, Kayin goes ahead and throws them back on, her armor too which feels dry enough at least. She snorts when they return and see how much fish he's caught, and Kayin can't help but wonder if she'd tried using that if she'd have had better luck.

At his mention of going after them though... Kayin decides to give a bit of warning. "I'd be careful hunting them. I wouldn't describe them as dangerous but... they got a fair few tentacles and I've no idea if they'll care if its a male or female they're doing their stuff to."
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