Warpland Fantasy

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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby jondude » Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:21 pm

"Well... seems like it's been abandoned for a long time.", Nova says as she leads the way in. As she does though she spots the various small and medium sized animals, none of them seeming to react to their presence all that much. Naturally though her gaze quickly falls upon the skeleton on the throne. It seemed like it had been there for quite a long time as the skeleton was completely bare. "Well... thats a little spooky. But hey, chickens! Maybe we can salvage something from here!", Nova says excitedly.

Naturally though before she does anything Kayin explains her... telepathic findings. Nova is naturally confused, since the first part of her statement seemed a little obvious, but as Kayin explains in more detail the more weird the situation rapidly seems to become. "Wait... so... the animals are... people? Or animals acting like people?", Nova asks. She watches a dog plods by, seemingly completely ignoring them as they stood around the entrance and examined the town. "Well... that makes me way less comfortable about eating a chicken or goat then... damn. They seem to be ignoring us though. Maybe if we just leave the skeleton and animals be we can salvage some tools or gear from the buildings?", Nova proposes. "Maybe we can find some other clues as to what happened here while we're at it, unless you can do more spooky mind stuff Kayin."

Her thoughts said Nova gives the other to comment on things if they want, but if no one had any objections she'd head to the closes building and head inside, curious as to what they might be able to find and use. A gun would certainly be awesome! She'd settle for a pitch fork though. Good as she'd been doing with the chains a purpose built weapon would be a welcome change.
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Kuragari » Fri Dec 27, 2024 10:09 am

"Its a tad confusing to me too, to be honest." Kayin adds with a sigh. "To be honest it makes me wonder if these are real. I kinda want to pick one up, see what happens if I try to walk out past the gates with them." In fact, at first she decided to go ahead and stand by the gates, watching to see if any of the animals seemed to move over towards it. Then, if none of them did, she'd see if she could scoop one up and see what happened as it got near the gate. Or hell, what it did just with her picking it up!
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Re: Warpland Fantasy

Postby Taria » Fri Dec 27, 2024 8:02 pm

As Nova wanders off to search for loot, Kayin begins working on her side project. She holds the gate open and a few of the animals wander out on their own, seemingly unperturbed by her presence as they meander around her. They move along specific trails and around the wooden wall as if they were looking for something or working on something specific. Eventually Kayin looks for an animal she could pick up and finds a cat. The cat she lugs around seems somewhat confused by the sudden abduction, but otherwise is completely docile. It makes no strange reaction at all to being carried outside of the outpost past the gates, and Nova can sense the same ever present calm still in its thoughts that has followed all the other “denizens” of this place.

Meanwhile, Nova has found a decent collection of ordinary household tools wandering through the buildings, a broom, hammer, even a wrench. She collects these things in a looted toolbox, replacing rusted and worn looking things for their useable counterparts. However, the bigger payoff comes when she stumbles upon what appears to be an armory full of iron age gear. It’s in disrepair, like most of the other buildings, and there’s nothing fancier than a flintlock, but there’s definitely some salvageable stuff here.
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