jondude Wrote:"Hey you said something about Kobolds taking care of you before. How did you come to meet them? Surely you must've spent a lot of time with others like yourself right? Presumably at some MARC facility?"
I was grown and trained at MARC headquarters that was run by a multi-national program. My team was 3417, which was an experimental team of fully engineered humans. I was never really given an official name, just a designation, but the person I would approximate most to what you might considered a mother nicknamed me Bean for how I looked growing inside a vat. Apparently the Alpha trial was unsuccessful, so I was the template for the others on my team to follow. After bootcamp, we were eventually deployed to this continent in order to conquer the area and reestablish civilization, while rescuing whatever could still be recovered. For the most part though, this place was a no-man's land. I never saw many humans compared to the swarms of... other things. There were signs of certain tribes and groups that may have once been human, but our orders were to either exterminated or contain. My team, we ended up attracting something big at some point, something intelligent. It seemed to have control over much more advanced warp creatures and started sending them to assault us. During one of our skirmishes, I stayed back to ensure the remaining members of my team were able to retreat and find reinforcements. That's when something.. weird happened. All I remember is blacking out and waking up completely alone; I think that's when I first was infected with whatever
Kuragari Wrote:"I... I sense two other presences here with us. One is... the creature Bean transformed into. It is its own, different being. Its not a part of her. I think its... attached or riding along with her?" She flounders a bit and adds, "This sort of stuff feels more like something out of an old occult book, but I never really studied that much..."
Shaking her head, she says, "There's something else as well. But its... distant. Or feels distant. It has a desire for... a Wish?" She shrugs after a moment more of trying to make sense of it, but rubs her temples. Even if it hasn't proven draining, its still a weird experience to feel. "I think if I had a better idea of whatever the other presence was, I'd be able to figure out more. As it is, that's all I'm getting with this new, uh, gift, power, ability, curse?" She offers up with an unsure grimace. "Guess it depends on your point of view whether its good or not?"
Before she can get to the part of her story with the kobolds, Bean overhears Kayin's comments, listening intently with narrowed eyes. "So it really is something else that comes into control. In a way that's both a relief and frightening. Maybe if I were able to be in control some way this
power might be nicer. Maybe it would be best to be severed of it completely." Bean turns back towards Nova to wrap up her monologue, "Basically I ended up separated and on my own for something like 6 months. In that time I ran into a relatively friendly group of small, reptilian, humanoids. I had started to feel lonely after all that time so it was nice to just have some kind of company; even if we couldn't communicate very well. I think they realized I was a danger though and locked me away for either my own benefit or their own."
Crake smiles warmly at Scarlet after a job well done. "It's better than being exposed, with enough time it could probably get built up into something downright livable." Crake lies down nearby her as he continues to say, "You're pretty good with your hands, regardless. I wonder what we should try prioritizing next. Going to need some food at some point, or maybe some better defenses. Withe the river nearby water shouldn't be too big of a concern, especially with that purifying gadget. Assuming that things is safe."