The woman winces slightly at Nova's reply. "Miss Beta? Uh, no that's just my designation. If you aren't Marc affiliates, you can just call me... Bean. And I've kind of been surrounded by, well I call them kobolds" Bean gestures low to the ground with her hands to indicate something of small stature "I think they were trying to help with my.. condition."jondude Wrote:"I don't believe we've met before miss Beta, and yes... we're all humans. Were you... expecting otherwise?", Nova asks after Beta asks her various questions.
Bean clears her throat at the mention of being calmed down and looks away with a blush. "No details, please. It's better that I don't hear about anything exciting. Like I said, my kobold friends had been trying to help me, I think. I was starting to have an episode and that's when they started wrapping me up. After that.. no idea. I always black out during transformations. Also how in the hell have you not heard about Marc? The Militarized Assault, Rescue, and Contain initiative? How did you people even get here?" Bean even more and more perplexed as she glances around at how everyone is outfitted.jondude Wrote:"I'm afraid I don't know what the Marc program is and while we certainly, uh... rescued you I guess, we aren't a rescue team. We found you in what looked to be a small temple or shrine in the desert. You were in a sarcophagus, and had a very different form until we, uh... calmed you down and became like this. Can you tell me what the last thing you remember is before now?"
Crake responds with a smirk and carefree shrug, "That's why I don't worry about the questions too much. I focus on what can be answered. Where to sleep, what to eat, the next job. The warp could make something never seen before, or erase a law of physics. What's the use of big questions in the face of something like that?"Soru Wrote:"I feel like we got more questions than answers now..." She comments to Crake before glancing at the gem in her hand again.
Bean’s intense attention is torn away from Kayin’s *enthusiasm* at Nova’s words, but she unconsciously keeps a tight grip still on the academic woman. “Wait, so why hadn’t anyone come for me then?” Bean blinks froggishly and she finally releases Kayin. “There’s cities here again? Then how is there still warp train?”jondude Wrote:“Easy now Kayin. I know your excited but let's not overwhelm the poor girl.", she starts before turning back to Bean. "To answer your question though, we are here because we were exiled from our cities for being warp tainted. Incredibly lightly warp tainted, but many cities don't like to take any kind of chance. As for not hearing of MARC, well... I don't think there is any soft way of putting it, but you've might been in that sarcophagus for a long time Bean. I don't think MARC has existed for over a hundred years... unless there is some remnant running around in the warplands still. It's possible I suppose.... but uh, it's okay if you need a moment to take it in.... Deep breaths okay?", Nova explains.
Crake nods along in agreement, as he clears out a space in the grassy clearing just before the forest. “I’ve seen lots of confusing shit out here, but I guess if there’s one thing I’d put my faith in is people. They fuck everything up sometimes, but most the time they will try to fix things.”Soru Wrote:"Seems like we got answers... and more questions I think?" She said to Crake. "Damn confusing though..."
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