PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

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PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:34 am

Kuragari Wrote:Name: Ceehacacoatl (or Ceehaca, though mostly for his friends)
Gender: Genderfluid
Species: Chillet, Palmon
Bio: A generally shy but kind, and playful once you get to know him. When he makes a friend, he sticks by them. One day while out wandering the lightly snowed landscape of his home area, he heard a cry from help from a nearby cave. He followed it and found a strange swirling vortex of energy. Before he could decide whether to move closer or back away, the choice was made for him by the portal and he was tugged forcefully into the kaleidoscope of colors before he knew what was happening. By the time he was deposited out from the portal, he was too dizzy to be able to figure out where he was before passing out.
Ice Missile- Hurls lances of ice at target (Ice, Ranged, Special)
Rocket Slam- Gathers a bit of strength and rushes forward! (Dragon, Melee, Physical)
Frost Shield (Aurora Veil)- Protects user (or ally) from physical and special attacks (Ice, Def Buff)
Dragon Burst- Releases Draconic energy in a circle around it (Dragon, AoE, Special)
Appearance: ... heet_1.png ... heet_2.png

You began to stir as the world returned to you. The first thing you noticed was the rope bound around your chest and ankles. The second thing you noticed was an exhausted pleading. "No, stahp." There was just a hint of pleasure in the female voice even as she begged. It took a few moments for your vision to clear to see three strange creatures you'd never seen before. One was some kind of brown lizard wearing what looked to be an actual skull as a helmet. The other was some sort of yellow creature covered in a thick layer of scales. Both of them were obviously male as they bounced a female cat like creature in their laps. Her torso was blue with a black lower half. Each time they pulled her down to sheath themselves inside of her drawing a weak gasp followed by another plea.

"You know, the begging us to stop is getting old, girlie. After cumming three times, you should be begging for our loads." The helmeted lizard laughed. The other male seemed way less focused on the girl's words. "Damn, her ass is so tight and hot. I'm so glad you talked me into this." The other male chuckles. "Well it was about time you had your way with a girl instead of just stroking it all the time. Was starting to get embarrassing calling you a friend."

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The girl:
Also, in case its not completely clear, the males are a Cubone and a Sandshrew.
If you want to try and escape your bonds, it's a 75 to break them, 50 to do so before they notice, and 25 to do so without them noticing at all.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:46 am

(Roll is a 36)

As Ceehacacoatl came to, and he was able to start registering the world around him, his attention focused on the perverse sounds he was hearing. And the pleading, definitely the pleading. Even as his own member began to twitch and harden a bit as he heard her gasps of pleasure and heard these two strange pals enjoying her, he felt a need to help her. And well, he wanted to get out of here too! The fact he was all tied up didn't bode well for him. With some effort, he started to shift and wriggle, and he was soon sawing at the rope with one of his spines on his back. Once that was dealt with, getting to the ones on his ankles took no trouble.

Of course, as soon as he finished that and slipped into a combat stance, they seemed to have glanced off to the side and noticed what he was doing. Too late for them! Without wasting a beat, he went ahead and drew some of the cold power within him and flung his tail towards them, shooting lances of ice at them!

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Ice Missile, roll of a 27 also cute pic for the shinx~!
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:26 am

The pair continued their assault as you cut the ropes binding your chest unnoticed. When you began cutting at the rope around your ankles, there was a shout from the skull headed lizard. "I told you to tie him securely." There's a groan as the pair toss their victim aside, but you manage to get your ankle untied before they can strike. [64, 39]The lizard pulls out a bone throwing it at you, but your missles manage to knock it right back at him clubing him in the face before one shard of ice nails his shoulder knocking him back. His partner charges at you swinging at you with sharp claws. You manage to pull up your arms defensively taking only a few minor scratches to the forearm.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:39 am

Ceehacacoatl smiled briefly as he saw his own ice missiles sends the bone back at the skull wearing pal. And seeing him get knocked back fills him with more confidence. Then he lets out a grunt as he is forced back by the gold scaled ones scratches. He takes a few steps back, then begins gathering some energy within him as he says, "I don't know who you two are, but I'm putting a stop to this!" He then unleashes the gathered energy in a burst outwards and around him, before readying himself for whatever follow ups either of them might have as he glanced towards the pal they'd been forcing themselves on.

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Dragon Burst, 52
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:44 am

The skull helmeted guy shouts as he grabs his bone. "Don't think you're getting away with messing with us. This is our female, and you can't have her. In fact, we'll make you our girl too!" He rushes forward as the shelled guy pulling back his claws ready to strike just as his friend reaches him, and your attack goes off. [69, 85]The pair of them rushed you headlong leaving them completely open as the shockwave washes over them both sending them careening back into the wall losing consciousness. Seeing as they were down for the count, your eyes wandered back to the female they'd been assailing. She was on her back both her pussy and ass gaping from the intrusion and her ass was leaking cum. At the same time, her fingers were pushed inside of her snatch furiously fingering herself desperately.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:07 am

Ceehacacoatl blinks and then blushes as they rush towards him and declare an intention to make him their girl too. His mind wanders, briefly, and his member twitches, but then he refocuses on the situation and releases the energy. When they're both sent thudding back into unconsciousness, he stands there a moment, panting before relaxing a bit as he says, "W-Well, hah, I-I won!"

He then glances over towards the other Pal, the female, and blushes more. "I-I... ah, are you alright, Miss?" he asks as he starts stepping over, though the sight of her in that position and fingering herself so desperately makes it very easy for his own member to fully spring forth and tent his shorts. as he moves to squat down beside her and give her shoulder a shake, his cheeks tinged pink.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:50 am

Even as you speak, her fingers do not stop slipping in and out of her slick, sloppy pussy. Even if you averted your gaze, there was no way to miss that sound of suction and wet flesh. "S-sorry, after all of that I j-just need to t-take care of th-this. Can't be w-wandering this dungeon with my p-pussy dr-ripping like this, or i-i-it'll just draw more tr-trouble" Her digits continue sloppily work her cunt but she doesn't seem to be building up even when she uses her other hand to cup one of her bare breasts.

"d-d-damn it, f-fi-fingers aren't' good enough." Her tail was lashing at this point as she looked around. The bone had landed near her whch she staired at a moment chewing her lip before she grabbed it and rubbed the thick knob on one end against her cunny the lips spreading almost impossibly wide around it casting away doubt that she cannot take it as it happened as if you weren't there. Finally, the bulb pushed into her drawing a gasp though she looked like she still wasn't any closer to finishing.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Sun Oct 06, 2024 7:21 am

"I~I uh... I~I..." Ceehacacoatl was not sure at first if he should make the offer he was wanting to make as he saw this scene playing out. But well, even if he'd been limp still after fighting them, there was no way he couldn't be hard now. His member ached and strained at its confines, and the whine and moan she let out as she made use of the bone just added to the arousal coursing through him.

He isn't able to hold it in for much longer. He hurriedly strips his lower garments off, and steps closer. He moves the hand holding the bone away, instead letting his own length rub against her folds, but not yet penetrate.

"I~It looks like y~You need... s~someone else to ah, h~help push you over the edge." he finally says. "A~And ah, I~I could c~certainly use some release too now after ah, watching and listening to you trying to tend to yourself." He doesn't yet line himself up, instead going, "It alright if I h~help?"
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:33 am

As you approach, she appears completely transfixed on trying to get off, so she doesn't even react to your approach her focus is entirely taken up by the motion of fucking herself with the oversized bone club.

She hisses as you push her hand aside pulling the bone knob out from her eager, convulsing sex with a wet popping noise. "What are you AHHHH!" she moans out as you rub your own aching prick against her sloppy gash. A small spark shoots from her cunt down the length of your rod sending a strange pleasure with just a hint of pain. "Oh damn, sorry. You caught me off guard, but I can keep it under control now."

"Fuck, you're right. I really need it." Rolling onto her stomach, she raises her ass towards you showing of both her drooling slit and twitching pucker to you. "Please, I really need a good, hard dicking right now, or I'm going to lose my mind." Her tail, already lifted out of the way, lashes this way and that impatiently as she waits for you to fuck her.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:54 am

Ceehacacoatl yelped in a mix of pain but more pleasure at the little jolt he got from the lady, but it just made his own cock ache and throb and drool more. Once she had control over herself and repositioned herself, he nodded to her. "T~Then a good, hard dicking is what your going to get."

Without any hesitation, because fuck, he needed it now too, he grabbed her hips and slammed forward. Her folds were wet, tight, hot and he could feel some more slight shocks as he mashed the knot at the base of his own pillar against her folds. A long, lewd groan left his lips, before he lunged down, his lips meeting this strange electric pal's own as he just let his own instincts take charge. Hips jackhammering in and out of her. There was no need to take things slow or gentle here... it wasn't what either of them needed right now.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Mon Oct 28, 2024 1:08 am

As you slide into her depths, her arms and legs wrap around you. You even feel her nails dig into your scales though your back scales are thick enough to keep her from scratching you at this level of tension. Just like her limbs, her sex also wraps tightly around you squeezing and tensing around you in warm, soft suction.

When you begin slowly dragging yourself out of her, she purrs and moans in delight only to hiss and gasp when you push back in. Each movement seeming to send overwhelming pleasure through her. Noticeably, she seemed much more responsive and animated with you then when she had been in the hands of those other two guys. Perhaps because they had been forcing themselves on her, she'd been trying to hold back, and now that you'd given her the chance to turn you down, she was able to let her guard down.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Mon Oct 28, 2024 1:47 am

He wasn't sure what had her being more responsive for him, but he wasn't going to complain about it. His cock ached and strained and throbbed as he plunged in and out of her, soon shifting and having her in his lap as he bounced her atop him. His hands snaking through her fur, running along her scalp and over her back... groping her ass whenever a hand wandered down that far. Ceehacacoatl kept to a fast and eager pace, his pants soon echoing alongside her own once their lips broke and he rested his forehead to hers. His own eyes were lidded as his tail swished in excitement. "F~Fuck, sho, sho good~" He groaned out. This wasn't his first time mating, but it was definitely already quickly going up there in his top ten. Maybe he should have sought out electric type pals more often~!
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Firehead » Mon Nov 04, 2024 12:49 am

As you pull her into such a vulnerable position, she groans out and another jolt of electricity arcs through your rod sending a another momentary surge of overwhelming stimulation as the girl in your lap squeals and presses her soft chest up against you until her tits are squished up against you. For a moment, you realize you'd put her in the exact same position as the males you'd rescued her from. Then, you have a strange thought cross your mind. 'This female is yours by right. Do with her as you please,' your thoughts seem to suggest from a deeper, more primal side. Looking down at her so helpless in your grip, you realize there really is nothing she could do to stop you no matter what you should do at this point.

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Roll to resist those thoughts. 45 or less, and you push the thoughts away entirely. 90 or less, and you grow more forceful in your fucking. Above that, and you lose yourself in dominant lust.
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Re: PMD: I'm not a Pokémon

Postby Kuragari » Mon Nov 04, 2024 4:28 am

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89 oomph hehehe

The realization Ceehacacoatl was fucking her in that same position, that he was for all intents and purposes making her his own... he barely, very barely, managed to keep from letting such a deep, primal thought take control. That urge to truly claim her and make sure she knew it, he kept from truly going over the edge, at least in his head. But physically? He growled and pressed into her more, started fucking her harder, more forcefully. Wildly. "G~Gonna... g~gonna go c~crazy~!" Ceehacacoatl managed to gasp out, for it certainly felt like his mind was on the edge of teetering over along with his body as he now all but ravished her, his cock almost blurring as he slammed away forcefully into her over and over again and pinner her down.

Hopefully, this sudden change wouldn't overwhelm her as he was nearly being overwhelmed! He wasn't sure what would happen to either of them, or both, if they did! But such thoughts soon fled from him as his cock started twitching and he turned the dial one more notch up to eleven. A dozen more speedy, powerful, all but practically primal thrusts later before he slammed his knot into her, felt it swell, and let out his own lewd cry of bliss as his seed fired forth in gouts and jets into her waiting folds.
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