Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

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Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:25 am

Firehead Wrote:I was thinking going furry maybe a little cult of the lamb like. Let's go with his starts pretty manly. Thinking the god would have him reborn and excuse the more feminine form as a way to prevent him from from being recognized by that knew him in his past life. Wouldn't want those that condemned him to realize he was alive once more.

Name: Terris
Gender: Male
Race: Deer
Bio: Terris had always been a ladies man which was what got him in trouble in the first place. Something about something he wasn't supposed to have. Women who had sworn themselves to celibacy or another man made the most intriguing targets. Eventually, those angry husbands and religious leaders caught up to him, and for his transgressions, they had decided that the only recourse was to declare him a sinner and afront to the gods and have him executed. He was not expecting to simply wake up from his execution. Seeing a path, he walked forward not sure how he was still alive or what he would encounter.

STR: 10
DEX: 17
CON: 15
INT: 14
WIS: 9
CHA: 17

Waking up in a strange grove in a dark forest was odd enough. Having a path laid out before you, one that almost seemed to be beckoning you to come forth as well was equally strange. Especially when you should be dead. Were you dead? You felt pretty alive. You were also naked, which was less surprising as it wasn't the first time you'd woken up someplace naked, but well, you had been clothed before during your execution.

Following the path lead to what looked like an old temple made of a dark stone. There was a strange feeling about the place. Something that both made the fur on the back of your neck stand up and also seemed to send a weird warmth through you. One which made your member twitch and throb as you stood before it and simply tried to figure out where you were and what this place was.

Come A voice whispered to you, as if from the temple itself. You felt drawn to it, and before you knew it, your body was slowly moving towards it. Just what was going on?

The inside of the temple was a ruin, and you found yourself gazing upon a beautiful, sexy, sinful site. Sitting upon an alter and looking expectantly towards you was what many might call a demon, but to you, she looked more like a goddess. A sexy, enticing, curvaceous Goddess. She was a deer, though she also had draconic like wings that fanned out behind her. You were having trouble not letting your eyes drink in her bust or hips... or well, her glistening slit that she was doing nothing to keep hidden. If anything, her legs spread open more as you gazed at them, and she let out a perverse chuckle.

"Like what you see?"
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:46 am

Walking along the path, my head was on a swivel while questions danced rapidly through my head. Where was I? Shouldn't I be dead? Was this the afterlife? As I noticed the temple, I was a little nervous as my recent experiences with religious types had not been good, but the trees everywhere I'd looked had been too closely pressed together to let me deviate from the path. The strange excitement I felt along with the fact that my only alternative was to sit on the path forever drove me to enter this old temple. At the very least, no person, let alone a priest, had probably been here in ages. Then I heard a voice, and my body began moving of its own accord.

I was at first confused when I noticed the occupant though as I took in more of them, I only found it quickly melting into intrigue especially when she asked if I liked what I saw in that catty way. "Well, it certainly doesn't look like the pits of damnation. I can't help but feel those who sent me here might be a bit disappointed, but if they are correct, I'm gonna enjoy this one last hurrah before my punishment." My gaze explored her full figure openly as being shy was something I only pretended to do when called for, and a woman lounging full naked and even spreading her legs wider when I arrived certainly didn't call for it.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:25 am

She chuckles at your response, stretching in a sensual and very showy display of just how flexible the woman before you can be. "Mhm, if you wonder whether you are alive or dead, I can happily provide you with the knowledge that you remain very much among the living. Though not purely out of the generosity of my heart~" She smirks as she gives you a come hither gesture, and you begin moving to obey before you can even consider thinking about it one way or the other.

"You see, I saved you from the fate you were going to face for a specific reason. One I'm sure you'll enjoy quite a bit, but mhm, does require your full and unconditional willingness." As you stand before her, she strokes your cheek as she adds, "Otherwise, well, mhm, I'll leave what happens to your imagination."

Would saying no put you back at the executioners block? Or simply render you entirely on your own with no third chances? The former wasn't good to think about, and while the second wasn't so bad, if you were still near your homeland, you'd be in for a fair bit of trouble.

"So, are you willing to do anything for the Goddess who saved your pretty neck~?" She inquired, as her gaze bored into you.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:28 am

I was curious what was going on here. I should be dead, so this woman must be something special to be able to save me from such a fate. With that kind of ability there was the question of what she wanted. A rocking doe like this couldn't be hungry for suitors though maybe I'm more of a catch than even I realized. Still, I doubted I had much choice in this matter. Being on the run with the kind of people I'm against, angering whoever this was probably wasn't wise. Then I caught the word goddess.

It was hard not to be taken aback considering many of those who condemned me claimed my death was ordained by the divine. Though I couldn't imagine the gods they preached lounging naked in front of me practically putting their naked body on display for me. Just what was going on here? I certainly couldn't risk angering this woman.

"Well, far be it for me not to repay my savior. Just what can Terris do for you?" I realized a little too late that I'd remained non-committal and asked a question. That kind of thing tended to serve me well in most situations but felt like a dangerous game to play in the circumstances. It was probably too late to correct myself though, so I just smiled and hoped she either wouldn't notice or wouldn't mind answering my questions.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:39 am

She chuckles at your question, and for a brief moment, you are unsure if you have offended or amused her. The answer of course is made clearer as you are pulled into her arms and given the most heated and carnal kiss you've ever experienced. You feel like you could have cum from that alone by the time she finishes it, holding firmly to your shoulders as she looks you over. "What you can do, is help to restore my ancient cult. To spread the joys and bliss of our carnal natures to the wider world... mhm, something you were already inclined to do after a fashion~"

She smirks as her legs slightly wrap around you, her feet trailing up and down the back of your legs as your groin is brought closer to her own loins. You can feel the heat coming off of her as she says, "I think you'll be perfect for this duty, though you'll need a bit of a change so as to not be as recognizable to those who think you should be dead. Nothing major, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it quite a bit. What say you, Terris?"
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:56 am

I smirked as she pulled me in closer before locking lips with me. I'd never had a woman who's kiss felt of such need, and I couldn't help but go hard from it. Was I about to fuck a goddess? Then she told me her plan. "I see, so this run down church is yours then, and you want me to fill it back up again with individuals." Can't say I was disappointed to hear I'd get to do the kind of thing I usually did just with the backing of a god on my side. "Does this gig come with any kind of...divine assistance? I doubt most temples are going to like our competition especially with what we'd be offering people."

I feel my crotch grind against her sex which feels so much hotter than even the must desperate slut or housewife. Hearing about the change did make me hesitate even if I knew she was right. "Loathe as I am to mess with perfection, I guess it would be tough to get this all off the ground if I have to worry about the wrong person recognizing me. Go ahead, let's see what you can do with me." I wasn't sure what having my body changed would feel like, but hopefully a goddess could keep it from being unpleasant.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:51 am

"Good answer~" She purrs first, and then you feel your cock entering her velvetly embrace and words try and fail to describe the euphoria you are feeling in this moment. It is the most perfect, moist, hot hole you've ever sunk your pillar into. You almost feel like you're ready to burst then and there, but somehow you just know this beauty isn't going to allow that. With just a little coaxing, you are soon thrusting away and into her as she wraps her arms and legs around you.

At first, you don't notice anything, and wonder if this is just for fun. But then you feel her hands start to wander a bit as she kisses you, and in their wake comes pleasant tingles. You feel a shifting just beneath and over your skin and fur, but its hard to focus on the where and how. Though eventually, your notice as her breasts press into your front, your chest doesn't feel as chiseled and firm as it had before. Instead feeling... softer and smoother. And you notice that the feel of her legs around your hips is a bit shifted, almost as if your ass has changed shape just a little bit...

Heck, you might be imagining things, but even your muzzle feels a bit shorter. Antlers too. Though your cock and sack feels pretty much the same... maybe a tad more sensitive for the former, but that could also just be from being inside the pussy of divinity.

"Mmhm... there... those changes should be enough to keep all but the most detail observant from recognizing you~" She purred out, her nails digging now just a bit into your back. "Now, to help the changes take hold... fuck me good and hard, give me all you've got~"

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feel free to link a more femboy version of your character now if you'd like~
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:59 am

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I shiver as my cock enters what is easily the hottest, wettest hole I'd ever had around it. It was like every inch of inner muscles was working to suck me off, but it almost felt like it also knew my limits and was stopping just short of making me blow right then and there. My fingers wrapped around her hip as I did my best to keep up with her as her arms and legs wrapped around me biting my lip to try and keep myself from getting overwhelmed by the pleasure while I grunted and thrust into her wildly.

I felt my skin and fur tingle confusing me as her hands and lips began wandering. I didn't know what this was, but it was mildly pleasant, so I didn't think about it too much as I'd practically forgotten in all the pleasure that I'd agreed to have her change me. Things only became stranger when I noticed I wasn't towering over her quite as much as I used to, and her legs had to squeeze tighter together to keep wrapped around me. Even my chest and arms seemed to grow thinner. Looking down, I did have to wonder if my cock had actually grown a little, or maybe it just looked bigger when compared to my thighs.

I wasn't quite sure how to feel about how girly I now looked. I knew she wanted me to look different, but a full on twink was a bit further than seemed necessary to me. Still, I wasn't sure it was good to argue. I really was trapped in her deal. If this was the only way she'd make me look, I couldn't risk being turned back and forced to fend for myself. At least the sex still felt amazing and maybe even a bit better.

Still, I gave her ass a swat and kicked it into high gear. I needed to see just how much strength I'd lost going to these spindly muscles. If I was lucky, I a goddess could pack all my usual strength into this flimsy looking arms and legs as I leaned my head over her shoulder to change up my angle to thrust right into her very core as hard as I could.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:50 am

"Mmhm, good~ Glad to see you've still got your fire and spunk~" She purrs as she moans and arches her back a bit from your swat. As for the answer to your question... oh yes, you quickly could feel it within just a few more vigorous thrusts. Your strength, your ability... it remained unchanged. Your body had been transformed and shifted, but it seemed like you still were as capable in the sack as you had been before. It did, perhaps, feel like you might have traded a bit of strength for speed... not not enough to say you'd really lost anything.

"There'll be a bit more before I'm sated, and you'll get to expand your horizons... mhm, just a bit... but c'mon stud... ravish me, fuck me like you fucked all those girls who screamed your name~" She purred forth in both desire and challenge.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:06 am

I grunted as I sheathed myself fully inside of her. Hearing praise from a goddess of sex was certainly good, but I didn't want her to think this was all of the 'spunk' I've got. It was good to feel the same strength in my smaller body. Maybe this body wasn't going to be as bad as I thought. I worked my shaft into her with all of the force and speed I could muster as she told me how she wanted to be fucked. "Oh, so you've been watching my work? Should I ask how long I've had the attention of a goddess?"

My hands moved to her hip grabbing as tightly as I could as I continued pistoning my hips. Her folds were far more inviting than any woman I'd ever been with. Leaning down so my chest pressed against her chest, I whispered into her ear. "Which of my conquests was your favorite?"
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Sep 22, 2024 1:15 pm

"Mhm, since your first time when you got a young lady to cry out to a goddess as you showed her the bliss you could bring." She chuckled and moaned as you started rocking into her oh so vigorously. While you weren't yet drawing the sorts of noises from women you loved to hear... it'd be a bit of a surprise if you managed such so quickly with a Goddess of Lust. "The sweet thing wasn't thinking of the more pious and prudish ones when she said such, though I suppose she wasn't really thinking of me either." She shrugged as she pulled your face into her bosom which, fuck, felt so damned soft and pliable~ "You've a gift, and one I have every bit of intention of making use of~"

As you made such an inquiry, she had to hum at this. She then chuckled as she said, "It'd have to be when you managed to seduce that older High Priestess. Such a matronly and teasing body for one wrapped in the cloth as she was... mhm, her cries of delight were so perverse, like music to my ears~"
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:14 am

I couldn't help but smirk when she mentioned the High Priestess. A cow with tits that were a shame to wrap them up for the sake of those who would call her figure indecent. "Hmm, such a lewd body she had and she wrapped them in such unflattering robes that I had to look twice to realize just how stacked she was." Reminiscing about one of my favorite lays got my motor going. "I'll definitely have to look her up for recruitment once I've started up this little cult of ours." She probably wouldn't be the only chick I pulled from my past. If the scorned husbands and priests thought what I'd done with them was indecent, they certainly wouldn't want to know what I'd get up to with an actual goddess backing my behavior. "I know it's a good idea to be discreet at first, but I'm sure we can go public eventually, right?"

My hands drifted from her hips, one to her ass and the other up to her chest giving those generous curves of hers a firm squeeze to see if they were as soft and pliable as they look, or dare I hoped even softer?
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:51 pm

Her moans increased in volume, and she arched her back a fair bit even before your hands got into her... fuck they were so soft~! Imagining them around your length was very close to utter nirvana, as good as what you were already feeling being sunk into her depths as you were! "Mmhm, that's it, remember those feelings, remember the lust and desire you felt... channel it and give me the dicking I know you can~"

As for an answer to your query, as she tightened and held you to her body more, you suspected you'd need to wait until later for that.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:35 am

I marveled at just how soft her fat tits and ass were. I wondered just how amazing she'd look if she had my child growing inside of her. Could I even impregnate a goddess? Perhaps it could be my reward once I had built up a nice little harem cult to worship this goddess for making sure those prudes didn't take me from this world.

With those thoughts bouncing around inside my head, I lifted her tit up to my lips, I latched onto her nipple giving it a few lashes of my tongue while I sucked as greedily as her cunt was doing around my cock while I stopped thrusting a moment to readjust my hips before I started pounding at my top speed to both keep things from growing dull and to build up to the big finish.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:53 am

She seemed to enjoy this, the way she arched her back, cried out in delight, and pressed your face firmly and more deeply into her tit. Her legs loosened around your waist enough to ensure you had free enough movement to really drive into her again and again. "That's it, almost there... mhm, just a little more~!" She cried out and then, then you were cumming, cumming so hard. It felt ten times as good as all your prior experiences, but that wasn't all that surprising. She was a Goddess of Lust after all, of course cumming inside her would feel so much better~! Her own climax sends shivers through you as well as her carnal scream echoes about the ruined temple.

As you both wind down from your climaxes, she purrs and chuckles. "Mhm, I wonder if it will take... there's always a chance, especially for one like you who has been given my blessing~" She said, then hums as she shifts and pushes you back with a foot, just a bit. She hums, and asks, "Now, tell me, Are you interested in an extra boon~? It will require you to expand your horizons a bit, but I assure you, it will be an enlightening and rapturous experience~"

Your head is still spinning as she says this, with you only slightly registering that she has moved her hand between her legs, and is now growing forth an equine cock of her own. That leaves little question what she might have in mind as she seems to be eying both your muzzle and your rear...

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Wisdom x4 roll, so 36 or under to resist her offer. If you fail but get under 50, you can have more control over what she does. If you get over 75, you find yourself submitting to however she wishes to give you this new boon and expand your horizons
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:27 am

I groaned in delight as the relief of release overtook me like never before making me wonder how often I would get the opportunity to lay with her being her champion or high priest or whatever I was to her. It might ruin me for other partners, but this was certainly something I had no interest in passing up when the opportunity arises. Even better, I managed to make her reach orgasm as well as her tunnel wrung my length in a way that only elevated the ecstasy I was already feeling.

I raised an eyebrow as she asked if it would take. Not only did it confirm my little fantasy was a possibility, but even she didn't know what results would happen. I had to wonder what kind of child would be born between a goddess and a mortal. I didn't dare pull myself from her until I was certain every drop held inside my aching sack had been fully injected into her folds to maximize the chance that I would leave the goddess gravid.

Hearing her offer, I tried to recover my senses. Just what kind of boon was she offering. Then I felt the growth pressing against my stomach. As big as it was, there was no way I could have missed it no matter how delirious with pleasure I was, so she must have grown it just now. Especially once I felt her sack weighing atop my length. What would it feel like to have something like that inside of me? [15]I shook that thought from my head. " goddess?" I'd have to ask how she'd like to be addressed. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not that kind of fellah. I hope you understand."
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:46 am

She just shrugs, and gives you an... odd, almost knowing look. "Mhm, well, the offer will always be there, though it'll be less bountiful if you wait too long~" The length and sack soon enough vanish, and she stretches in a sensual and languid manner for a moment before relaxing as she says, "Right, so, you're first goal is going to be to find some folks to make followers. You'll of course want to likely use an alias when not operating here from this temple." She gestures about the ruins. "Fixing the place up can come in time, but for now, get some folks here to start giving me their devotion and lust, and that'll be a start. I can share more afterwards."

As she floats up off the alter, she waves her hand, and a set of robes appear before you. You notice they seem rather loose and flowly, and seem like it'd be easy to get your naughty bits out to make use of them should the need or desire arise. "These will give you some power and protection atop what you already possess. I would suggest you start with a nearby village by the river nearby. I believe it is one you've been to before, albeit not for some time. Perhaps you'll see some folks you know would be delighted to worship and revel in their lustful delights~"
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:44 am

I was a bit confused what she meant by less bountiful but decided it was probably better left unknown. I enjoyed slipping out of her soft, inviting confines recently soiled with my seed as she advised me to focus on getting a small contingent of followers which made sense. "Yeah, this place looks like it would need more repair than one man can perform, and I don't know the first thing about buildings or stone working."

I take a look at the robes they were a bit more covering than I tended to like, but they seemed rather loose meaning there was quite a bit I could get up to under there. Walking around in nothing but the robes at full mast could go unnoticed if I moved correctly. That and the extra protection would be helpful. Looking like some kind of monk or wandering priest would also probably help with my cover as long as I didn't get caught in public doing anything untoward. Plus, I couldn't exactly walk into town naked like this unless I wanted my second chance to be particularly short-lived.

Tossing on the robes, I thought about her instructions. "That's strange, I didn't see anyways to go other than towards this place. How do I get out of here?"
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:14 am

She smirked at his comment, and strolled on out. As she did, you found yourself following her. Soon enough, you were both standing outside, and a platform with a marking on the ground had risen up about fifty yards away from the temple. "This will be able to take you to various places. You'll be able to return to this at any time simply by thinking of the temple and this platform."

As she glances off to the temple, she hums and says "Your goal for now is ten followers. Do not worry, too much, about finding folks who can help a bunch with the repairs... I have some servants I can summon, but doing so requires energy, and right now, nearly forgotten as I am, my power is limited. But once you have followers giving their devotion to me..." She chuckles a bit and pats you on the head.

She flits up into the air a bit, then says, "I do recommend you consider broadening your horizons just a little. It will make it easier to hit your goal~" With that, she vanishes.
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Re: Cult of Lust [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:51 am

I raised an eyebrow as she led me, but she had gotten me here, so she had to have a way to get me out if she wanted me to bring people in. Seeing the place, I smirked. The only way in being some kind of godly magic would no doubt make it difficult for others to get in here. I'd probably need to really rub a priest the wrong way for there to even be a chance of this place getting infiltrated. "Well, guess I'll be off then."

Ignoring her last words, I stepped onto the platform and began thinking of the surroundings around that small village focusing on the woods outside of it as the last thing I needed was the attention that would be brought if I appeared out of thin air in the town square. If I appeared somewhere secluded I could just walk into town like any ordinary traveler, and I knew of a few such spots given my history with some of the ladies around town.
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