Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune)

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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:18 pm

It takes a few moments, but as you concentrate on the vague notion of 'energy' in your body, rather than just straining to strain, you almost think you feel a... warmth, down in the center of your chest. And, following Rover's advice, you try to visualize that energy moving from where it lingers to somewhere else. Though, rather than moving it up into your throat like you had in the ruins, you try to encourage it to work its way down your body and through your tail, which you wiggle for effect. The warmth seems to travel as you concentrate on it, slowly moving through you until you can practically feel it tickling the tip of your tail. Then you start to visualize what it was that Sage did, the big, multi-color leafage flashing through your mind's eye as you continue to concentrate. Unable to fully mimic the swishing of a serpentine tail, you opt to swing your hips at the log, wiggling your butt to and fro to encourage your tail to do the very same.

"What the... heck?"

You imagine the befuddlement from Sage is in response to your impromptu dancing for a moment, but you hear the sound of swishing foliage after a few moments, and then a distinctive popping feeling at the end of your little tail. Excited at what you've done, you turn around just in time to see a multitude of glowing, rainbow colored leafs scattering all about you... which then promptly flutter to the ground, losing their luster as they do so.

Well... it didn't exactly hit the log all cool like, but you had definitely just made leaves from your butt! So that was pretty cool!

"Jeez, when I said 'do it like that', I didn't mean it literally. You aren't even a Grass-type!"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:41 pm

I probably should find a different method of attacking than shaking my butt, fun as it was. I couldn't really see where I was aiming properly, and if the typical enemy we would be up against was half as horny as those cavern Zigzagoon then all I'd be doing is drawing a lot of attention my way and priming myself to be taken from behind - in more ways than one.

Though as impromptu as my stance was, it seemed to be working. Or at the very least, letting that energy build up and flow through me seemed to be having a result. Turning to have a look, my mouth hangs open in a big, surprised smile. Magical Leaves! Sort of, not done very well, but done! Did I just learn that or something? I... that gut feeling... I didn't feel like I could do it again properly, but all it took was seeing Sage do it once to feel like I understood how to do it myself.

"Like I said, I'm smart. Quick study!" I say, placing my hands on my hips with a cocky grin.

Still, I did want to try and do the move from before again - the one that hurt the Zigzagoon. I certainly didn't want to lose do those fuckers again... and their big... thick... tasty cocks. I clear my throat and give it a slight rub before gesturing for the others to stand back. I try to channel that same energy up into my throat and release it into my voice, just like before.

"And this one seems to make me sing~" I call out, letting my voice be overcome with the same beautiful, melodic energy.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:52 pm

There seems to be a conflict within Sage's mind on whether to feel pride that she managed to teach you so quickly, or jealously that you actually managed to use her move. The two conflict emotions battle for a time before she eventually settles on crossing her arms over her chest and giving a cute little 'hmph!' in response. Perhaps understanding that you seem to be working through the principles in your mind, Rover gives you an encouraging little nod before stepping to the side to give you a clear shot at the target logs on the other side of the field. You focus on that same feeling of warmth, guide it through your body once you properly start to feel it, get it up into your throat (and ignore the similarities to Zigzagoon cock), and then let it rip as you do your best impression of a shower-tune vocal.

For the briefest of moments, the world almost seems to vibrate around you, and that pink light you remember from before seems to fill the air in front of you. The thrill of success runs up your spine, and while you can't quite make it out without your glasses, you're pretty sure you see a few scorch marks along the bark of the log where there didn't used to be any! You did a move! Not an especially powerful, move, but it was only your second time trying it out!

"Disarming Voice. Well done."

Rover seems rather knowledgeable about moves, if he was able to figure out what it was you were doing from sight alone. Though, you suppose that's expected of a Fighting-mon like Riolu. They tended to be the more technical sort when it came to, well, fighting. Sage might've had the idea, but it seems as though Rover might be the better coach overall.

"The output is weak, but you're new to it. You just have to get more accustomed to the motion and the strength will come with practice," He gives you an appraising look, perhaps considering something behind those big, red eyes of his, "Would you like to try a mock battle? It helps to add some urgency, when you're learning new moves. I won't try to hurt you too badly."

You supposed a willingness to jump into battle was also something natural for a Fighting-type. Statistically, you should win again someone like Rover. He's got both a type and evolution disadvantage. But you also had that against the Zigzagoon, and given how your only fight ended up... maybe experience matters more when it comes down to actually getting in the ring yourself and throwing the moves.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:35 pm

Yes! Two moves! That's a big improvement from none. They didn't seem all that effective just yet, but Rover's words help me feel confident that that will change with time. I bounce up and down a little in triumph, my tits swinging up and down with the motion within their wrap coverings. I turn to Wattson, still just as bouncy. "Look at me! I did two moves! Two! Ahhh! This is fun!"

I strike a pose, kicking some grass into the air and flinging my fist wildly around before I hear the rest of what Rover has to say. My elation is momentarily knocked down a few notches as Rover then suggests sparring.

"Wha? Me? Battle?" I reply, feeling like I was suddenly put very much on the spot. I could barely manage using my moves, now I had to make them actually do something. "Okay... if you're sure this'll help."

I move to face Rover, with a bit of cautious distance between the two of us. I'm not sure what stance to take, but I settle for awkwardly leaving one foot before the other as I raise my fists up. I was at an advantage in terms of evolutionary stage and typing, but I lost to those Zigzagoon earlier, he didn't. Just because I could more reliably use my moves now didn't mean I felt confidant about fighting Rover.

"Okay... just... I'm going to hold you to not hurting me too badly. So... uh... how do we begin this?" I ask, turning away from Rover to a moment to look at Sage and Wattson to see if they had anything to input on the matter.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:59 pm

As you bounce up and down so excitedly, there seems to be a bit of inner conflict in Wattson, who himself almost seems to bounce with you on instinct. Of course, despite his own bounciness, he seems to try his best not to focus the motions of your chest, a new thing for him, but an understandable one given his... interest, in your body, now that the two of you are a little more compatible. Still, you don't have too much time to linger on it, and neither does Wattson, luckily enough. A mock battle against a more experienced opponent sounded less and less appealing by the moment as you considered it, but maybe there was truth in only being able to truly learn when you were hitting above your weight class. When you turn back toward Sage and Wattson to ask if they had any kind of advice, it's neither of them who answers you, but rather, your opponent.

"First lesson: don't take your eyes off your opponent."

What a terribly ominous thing to say. You turn to face Rover properly again, but in the moment it takes you to spin back around, he's already closed the gap between the two of you. The sun gleams off the edges of his digits, which seem to resemble less the cute little paw-fingers that you remember and more a metallic set of talons. Talons that he proceeds to quickly jab into your exposed belly, sending you reeling despite the relatively short distance they took before poking into your stomach. The pain seems to radiate through you even after the initial sting, although you don't think he's punctured anything with his little sneak attack. Maybe that was just type effectiveness at work: you're pretty sure what he just directed at you was a Metal Claw!

"Ferals won't give you time to recover. Get back in position and fight back."

Though he is doubtlessly trying to be helpful, there is a cold seriousness in Rover's features that seems to totally fly in the face of him blushing like an idiot at the table last night. It seems he takes being a Rescue Mon very seriously, or at the very least, takes the actual act of having to battle very seriously.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:16 am

"Ahhh!" the scream is hardly promising of a long and fruitful career on a Rescue Team. But what else was I going to do when I see a claw swinging towards my belly and about to rip me open. He wasn't supposed to hurt me that much! Fortunately I stay very much in one piece, but the pain is real enough. Send recoiling back, I clutch my tummy, my cry of fright becoming one of pain as I do my best not to double over and collapse. "Owowowow!"

Despite the pain, I remember lesson one. Wincing as intensely as I am, I make sure to keep one eye open and glued to Rover at all times. As the pain passes I move back to where I was, shoulders slumping. This whole situation got much less fun very quickly. Although I knew from experience what he was saying was true. If this was a real fight, I'd be laid flat on my back and have a pussy full of Riolu cock right now with how much time I've wasted licking my wounds rather than focusing on the fight.

It was a little harder to focus on building up energy in the heat of battle. But I decided to try not to concentrate so hard on it and instead let it move as a feeling. Let my natural instincts help guide me as I tried to use my moves again. As Disarming Voice was the only thing I've been able to use to any effect, that seemed like the most sensible place to start.

I let the energy travel to my throat and picture it expelling out of my mouth as I speak, directing all of it towards Rover.

"Eat a dick!"
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:41 pm

The energy courses up through your throat as it had before, perhaps a little faster, even, given the threat of Riolu claws digging into your tummy again if you didn't pull yourself together. The words you choose aren't the most elegant thing in the world, but they seem to carry the energy from your lips well enough, a little pink flash filling the space between you and Rover. He recoils for a moment, telling you that your little burst of energy must have done something to him. But even as he flinches backwards, his eyes seem to remain locked onto you. Something that becomes very hard to do as he suddenly seems to flicker out of existence!

You only have a second to consider what move he had used before pain shoots through your left side, the results of a very sudden kick to your ribs from Rover, who had apparently used his sudden burst of speed to reposition himself and attack you from your blind spot! How were you supposed to keep eyes on your opponent when he was blinking around?! Totally unfair!

Given how the fight had gone so far, you half expect Rover to give you some kind of lesson to accompany your aching flank. He even seems to try speaking, but he stops himself before the words could leave him, blinking his eyes a few times. When they refocus, they seem almost drawn to you, though where there was once a cold sternness there's now... something different. Affection, maybe? No, more like... desire. You can practically feel his eyes drinking in the curve of your chest and the width of your hips, like he can't stop himself from checking you out all of a sudden. He shakes his head after a moment, trying to focus back in, but you can tell that the damage is already done. With his stance as wide as it is, you can already see the beginnings of a tent starting to form between his lean legs, his member beginning to push out from whatever sheath a Riolu kept its pride and joy hidden away in. Surely, he must feel his body rising to the occasion, but he seems determined to focus on your spar. For however long he can, anyway.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:32 pm

Yes! That worked. I find myself grinning. It was just one hit, but if I could manage that then maybe this wasn't going to be so rough. I ready myself for another attack. Just need to get these coming out more consistently and stronger then I should be good to go. And I'm not going to be hit by another one of those claws again, that's for sure-


Ow! He can't just... teleport like that! Is that what Quick Attack looks like? That's fucking terrifying! That's not even a difficult move, I don't think... that's... what the fuck? That's insane. Or was that something else... I don't fucking know, I don't make Pokémon fight each other, it seems cruel and unusual and I prefer when they get along okay!

"What in the instant transmission bullshit is that?" I cry foul as I stagger back into a standing position after being hit by a Riolu that seems to have been training with fucking Goku of all people.

"It's practically cheating to do stuff like that without..." I quiet myself after seeing how odd Rover seems to be acting. Wasn't this about the time I should learn my second lesson? Think fast or... learn to teleport... something like that?

Instead of saying anything he seemed to be studying me. Examining my stance maybe, or checking to make sure he didn't hurt me too badly. I'm a bit of a whiner, I know, but I'm fine and he should be able to notice... wait, is he checking me out? Right now? That's a bit... well. I brush back some of my hair and glance off to the side, smiling. I feel a little shy now. And bad, for being a bad sport and all. But that's kind of sweet that he... wait, does he have a boner? Oh fuck, is this the sort of thing where he's going to fuck me if I lose? Is it not just the bad guys that do that here? Is that just an everyone thing?

"Uh... Rover... you okay there, buddy?" I ask. There seems to be more going on. Like he doesn't want to be turned on right now. Okay, I'm not sure how to take that... does he find me hot or not? Wait, maybe this is a fighting type thing... like he gets turned on by fighting? Either way, he seems to want to keep going. After making sure he wasn't about to double over and start jerking off I go to attack him again.

"So what is it that you like about me, exactly?"

Okay, maybe I wanted to hear more about me too while we fought. But we're still fighting. Its not like I'm setting my training aside to satisfy my ego. I mean curiosity, to satisfy my curiosity.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:11 pm

The energy gathers up in your throat again, and you manage to cause another brief flash of pink light to assail Rover, blending your question to him into the mix. Whether or not it manages to hit him any harder than the first one, you don't know, but in his current state, he lets out a little snarl as the Fairy-type energy sears at his body. In the heat of the moment, he doesn't even consider his words before they leave him.

"Your thighs—I—ugh... Dammit..."

Your thighs, huh? Well, they had gotten... admittedly quite a bit thicker than they used to be. You had always been tall and a little willowy, and with that came the iconic long legs of a pin-up beauty. Of course, without a good bit of meat on them, they didn't seem to entice the boys half as much as you had apparently enticed Rover. What started as a lump quickly progresses to a full blown hill in the fabric of his loincloth, and part of you can't help but wonder if all the 'mon in this neck of the woods were particularly... gifted... below the belt, like the Zigzagoon were. You hadn't exactly seen Wattson in action, but what little you saw did seem to indicate his strokes were good and long. And if Zigzagoon, Riolu and even Yamper were well-hung... well, you could only imagine the sort of thing your Duke's and Henry's might have hanging between their legs.

"Oh... Oh, my~ What a dirty trick. Are you sure you've never battled before?"

Sage seems to get an inkling of what's going on before you do, your dirty thoughts being what they are, and it snaps you out of those thoughts just in time to see Rover recovering from his little daze to strike back at you. He holds his fingers aloft, sharpening them into those gleaming metal spikes he had hit with you before, and full of determination, charging at you with impressive speed to take his revenge, swinging with a wide arc aimed at your torso.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:26 am

Yes! Struck another hit! I don't know if it was stronger, but it definitely felt easier to do that time. This was starting to feel natural to me now. I suppose in a way it was. Instinct, to some extent. Although the type of instinct I'd be able to forget and replace with a new one, given the way that Pokémon moves seemed to work. It was a natural and expected phenomenon that I was perfectly familiar with... in terms of studying it as a scientific observer. Actually experiencing what it felt like made it all seem so very different.

Although I did more than just land a hit, it seems I got an answer from my question. Maybe Rover really was quite into me, or maybe I had caught him off guard enough to get him to just blurt out any response, but it seemed like he was genuinely into my thighs. Yeah... very genuinely based off of the size of that bulge.

"My thighs?" I ask, titling my head to the side. I look down at them, finding my hands running across them, feeling them up. I stick one of my legs out, shifting to show off the different angle of my thighs - mainly for my own benefit so I could take them in better, but it had the added bonus of showing them off to those nearby too. If Rover liked them, well... it felt nice being liked in that way. "What do you like about them exactly?"

Rover doesn't seem to be interested in answering my question this time, and instead seems to be refocusing his efforts on attacking me. Oh no! Another one of those claw things! That really hurt last time. Did I tease him too much? Have I pissed him off! I'm sorry, I'll put my thighs away, I'm still getting used to this body, I didn't think this would happen, please don't kill me!!!

My panic causes my body to lurch into action to preserve my life, throwing my hands up in front of me and making me stumble backwards. "Gah! Please don't be too rough with me, Rover! I'm new to this, be gentle!" I cry out as I fall flat on my ass.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:02 pm

It's hard to say if your words reach Rover as you throw your hands up to try and defend yourself from his swipe. Wimpy as it may look, your stumbling onto your bottom seems to save you from the worst of whatever was coming, as you practically hear his claws whistle as they cut through the air where you were just standing. You reckon the second time would have hurt a lot worse than the first, just based on the sound it made, and before you can make much more of a sound, you find the Riolu looming heavy over you. It almost reminds you of the Zigzagoon from yesterday, albeit his intact loincloth does offer Rover more modesty than their shredded garments had. Though he doesn't quite share their bulk, he makes use of the strong, lean musculature that he does have, and you find yourself suddenly pinned beneath him as he throws himself atop you. Were it not for the boner straining between his legs, you might have assumed his efforts were just an attempt to pin and restrain you. But with the heat radiating against your thigh, as he presses you into the grass, you can't help but wonder how far he's willing to take it.

Until a shrill whistle cuts through the air, anyway.

Though it's hard to take your eyes off the Riolu atop you, the noise seems to take his wild gaze off you and up toward the source. And when you follow his eyes, you see Sage sashaying over with a smug look on her face, twirling a piece of grass around her stubby fingers.

"Now, now, lover birds, you're supposed to be fighting, not struggle-snuggling," She teases, apparently amused by the way Rover seemed to lose control over himself, "If you wanted to work out this kind of aggression, the Guild Hall has a storage room for a reason~"

The taunting seems to snap Rover out of his trance, and though it doesn't do much to quell the raging boner between his legs, he does look down at you almost apologetically.

"I... My apologies. I don't know what came over me there."

Though he seems sincere, you can't help but notice the way his eyes still seem to drink your body in, especially as he lifts himself off you a little, giving him a view of everything you have to offer above the waist, sprawled out cutely across the grass.

"What came over you is this little lady's feminine charms," Sage casts her shadow over you as she stands at your head, a cheeky little grin on her face and not a hint of irony in calling you the 'little' one, "Not only does she have a naughty body, she's also got a naughty ability. No wonder all the boys keep misbehaving around her~"

An... ability? Like, a Pokemon ability? You might not have been much of a battler, but even you knew every Pokemon had an intrinsic ability that functioned even in lieu of a move. If you recall correctly, Yamper's was an uncanny ability to fetch balls... which, granted, in this new world, might've had some unfortunate implications. But if you were now at least half a Pokemon, that meant you had an ability too. And according to Sage, that ability... made other 'mon horny for you. Was that your isekai cheat ability? The reward for too many Pokedollars spent on silicon shaped in interesting ways? Or perhaps a curse, for your deviant tastes in fanfiction.

"The real question, though, is whether or not she's willing to clean up after herself."

Sage lowers herself so she can settle beside you on her knees, reaching down with a single finger to poke at Rover's manhood, pressing it down so it could spring back up even from within his loincloth. Something that Rover, while finding objectionable, can't help but groan at.

"Because she's made quite a mess~"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:35 pm

He really seemed to be packing some force and aggression behind that last swing. As clumsy and panicked as I may have been, falling on my butt may have been the best way to dodge that attack. Though I wouldn't go so far as to call it a clever move, as Rover very quickly proves. just how much in his mercy its left me. My breath escapes me with a gasp as I fined his lean musculature pinning me in place. He moved so quickly, I could barely keep up with what was happening until after he had me restrained beneath him. The look in his eye was intense and... well... maybe I found this whole situation a little hot.

A lot of fantasies involve being overpowered and restrained by a man whose open about how he finds me desirable. Its a common kind of fantasy. Though usually it stays just that. I got to experience it first hand with the Zigzagoon, but there were differences between that and what was happening now. Rover was someone I could converse with, someone who seemed to be acting out of character because he found me attractive. That made this just that bit more exciting. Still scary. Confusing, certainly. But undeniably hot. It didn't help that he seemed to think so as well, going by how his cock seemed to be straining against his loincloth to spring free.

There's an uncertainty in this position, as I feel myself pushed firmly down into the grass. Is he going to give me more tips on how to fight... finish our little training session off with a final blow... or start tearing off my clothes like an animal overcome with his need for me. I didn't really know how to feel about it all... or if I should react in anyway. Would I make things worse by trying to struggle or protest? I find myself breathing a little heavier with how close he's drawn, very aware of how little space was between our faces. He... was admittedly cute, in a way I don't think I would have ever found a Riolu cute before. Riolu were cute in the normal... non attractive... Pokémon way. But Rover, with all his... dash of humanness to him... was appealing to very different tastes of mine. I suppose there might be a thing or two I found attractive about him in kind.

Sage draws us both back to this moment, rather than pondering about where it might be going. To be honest, the way she saunters over and looms over my face like that wasn't exactly killing the mood - however confusing that mood might be. It might be my overactive imagination, but I half expected her to sit on my face when she drew near.

"I wasn't... we just..." I sputter out, not sure what kind of excuse to give to defend against her accusation. I certainly didn't intend to 'struggle snuggle' with Rover as she put it, but objecting felt hollow given just how being pinned like this by him made me feel.

It seems Rover also felt conflicted, as even when he gives me some more space to breathe, he doesn't seem to stop exploring my body with his eyes. Not having moved myself yet, lying on the grass beneath him, eyes wide with my arms resting above my head, I must have made for a very provocative sight for any hot blooded man. He's certainly doing something similar to me, looming over me with all his lean... musclyness.

My eyes pull away from him to look up at Sage. "Me? How did I do that?"

An ability. Of course I would get saddled with the ability that made everyone want to fuck me! What kind of ability was that? That just made things worse! Sure... I'm not exactly keeping my mind from fantasising about all these... very sexy people I've been meeting. But that's very different from actually wanting to get fucked by everyone! How was I suppose to get anything done? Was there a way I could control this, or would everyone I bumped into just start dry humping me until I gave in?

"Wait, what?"

Clean it up? She can't be serious! Oh, but she is. The way she flicked the shape of Rover's cock within his loincloth made that perfectly clear. She seemed to have no issue with teasing us over this... and encouraging it to go further, to some extent at least.

"Mess? I... you can't blame this on me! I didn't choose to make any mess! It just happened, that doesn't mean I need to do anything about it!" I complain, propping myself up slightly by pushing my arms down against the ground either side of me. I look over towards Rover, and then down at the bulge still throbbing with need. I grumble a little, casting my eyes around. At Rover, at Sage, to the sky, and over towards Wattson watching from a distance yet again. Eventually I turn my attention back to Rover's crotch, feeling my stomach twisted into a whole manner of complicated knots over this situation.

I slide out from under him and get to my feet, turning to Sage to whisper something to her as I get up. "Can you... spar with Wattson for a bit... or play fetch with him? Keep him distracted... just for a bit."

I turn my attention back to Rover, reaching out my hand to gently take one of his own into my grip. "Do you want to... maybe... come with me... someplace private... and I can... help. I'm not saying I'll do... anything, okay, so don't get too excited. But I'll... help. A bit. If you would like."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:51 pm

Sage's playful little grin practically turns wicked as you wriggle your way out from under Rover and whisper into her ear. She casts a leering little gaze over at her companion's body, the Riolu rising to his own feet despite the painfully obvious erection fighting against his clothing, and then over towards Wattson, who himself seems not the least bit uncertain about how the whole situation makes him feel. Then, she giggles.

"Oh? You wanna trade for the day? I suppose I could do that..." She turns to face Wattson, though not before hanging her head back to give you a little parting shot, "Just don't go giving him any bad habits. It took a long time to train him properly~"

Well, it seemed Sage and Rover had a closer relationship than you first imagined. That, or the Pokemon in this neck of the woods were a little more open with intimacy than the humans back home. Perhaps not overtly so, as Rover seems thoroughly embarrassed by the implications made about their 'team affairs'. It's honestly pretty cute, how bashful he can be with sexual matters, contrasting quite well with how... well, forceful he can be when his instincts start to win over that restraint. It almost makes you wanna toy with him to see just how wild he can get for you.

Whatever misgivings he has, when you take his paw in your own, he only has to contemplate for a moment before giving you an affirmative nod.

"I... think that would be best. Follow me."

Hand-in-hand, the two of you head off from the impromptu training field, leaving Sage and Wattson behind to engage in whatever sort of playtime the saucy little snake has in mind. The tall grass that seems to sway this way and that in the ample breeze makes for a good hiding place, and you could probably handle your business in the middle of the meadows without anybody being the wiser if you were quiet. But ever the gentleman, he leads you down a path of grass that's been stomped down through repeated use to another area that's been carefully cleared, albeit one smaller than the wide open training field.

"We sometimes eat lunch here while waiting for other teams to finish up. This should be private enough for... well... whatever you had in mind."

He seems to leave the ball in your court, though the way he glances at you, sidelong though it is, spells an unmistakable hunger for something a little more stimulating than what he might manage to get out of his own paw and a few minutes of privacy.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 09, 2024 10:14 pm

Sage clearly had something going on with Rover that might extend more than just giving him the occasional hand job to keep him focused - not that that wasn't already quite the significant level of intimacy to be at with someone. I doubt she had to worry about me giving him any bad habits. If anything, I should be more worried about what Sage might teach Wattson. Was she just being teasing, or was she really going to... do stuff... with my Yamper? I suppose it was natural that a Pokémon would sleep with another Pokémon, but wasn't that exactly the sort of thing I was about to do? Gah, this whole situation was so confusing. At no part in studying for Pokémon science was any of this covered.

Rover isn't quite as eager to flaunt his dynamic with Sage as she is, seemingly getting flustered just by her cheeky comments and allusions. Although circumstances being what they are, he might have more than one reason to be flustered right now. It made for a sharp contrast with how just moments ago he was pinning me down, looking about ready to take me as a way to wrap up our training exercise.

The two of us go off alone, Rover leading me to whatever spot he knows of nearby that he would find suitable for us to... well, we can figure that out when we get to it. It seems he and Sage had been using this spot to eat lunch in privacy... and possible do other things together given Sage's comments.

Well... this was us... in private... Why did it feel like I was a virgin all over again? Even if a new body meant new virginity, that was most thoroughly taken by the Zigzagoon in the cavern. Though this was a different situation. My first willing time in this body... and my first time at all with... well opening the door to choosing to sleep with a Pokémon.

"Um..." I murmur, scratching the back of my head. "Well, seeing as... in order to do this... we'll need you to be... naked... I was wondering if... to make it fair and all, if you wanted me to... maybe take off my clothes? To get us started?"
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:13 pm


Rover almost seems to trip over himself when you make your sheepish little offer, which itself is flattering in its own way. Perhaps realizing how overly eager he sounded to get you out of your wrappings and exposed to his eyes, he's quick to speak again before you take things the wrong way. Or the right way, given what the two of you were allegedly going to do.

"I mean... I would like that, very much so," At least you aren't the only one who feels a little awkward about this, although you get the impression it isn't so much because Rover's shy about it, at least not mainly, but rather because he feels the need to hold back his baser instincts, which you were privy to not so long ago, "I could help you undress... er, if you'd like that."

It's a little embarrassing to have the boy... male... whatever, that you're about to do things with offer, but when you nod your consent, he doesn't waste time closing the distance between you. Your heights are such that he has to look up to meet your eye, although that's certainly advantageous for his purposes, given it puts him more or less on level with your chest. Stepping close to you, you feel his strong arms come around you to work at the tuck of your top. Once he's gotten it free, he helps you in bringing it around and around, literally unwrapping your tits like a present. And once it finally loses enough strength to coil around you, it drops suddenly, and your girls alongside it, letting your bosom hang only inches away from his face. Something he doesn't miss, his crimson eyes growing wide as he gets a good look at them for what must be the second time since you met.

Unlike the first time, though, he's encouraged to touch them. At least, that's how he acts. As if acting on their own accord, he brings his hands around and wastes little time filling his palms with your breasts, lifting them up, and kneading them with his tough fingers. It's a little hard to tell if you've gotten any more busty, what with the velvety fur surrounding them now, but it definitely feels like you are. He seems to struggle to keep all your plentiful titflesh in his hands, which commit diligently to toying with them to his eye's content. And, eventually, his nose too, as he suddenly lurches forward to bury his muzzle in your cleavage, huffing at your fluff in the process.

"Ahh... You smell... very good," He eventually manages, though muffled by your bust, the lusty Fighting-type tilting his view so he can gaze up at you with hungry eyes even from between your breasts, "Sorry, I... I can't help myself."

His apology is punctuated with him pulling his head free just long enough to drag his tongue along the side of one of them. He laps once, twice, before eventually migrating far enough to reach your areola with the third swipe, flicking at your fuzz covered nipple until he can coax it out of your coat and suckle it into his mouth. His hand redouble their efforts, feeling you up in earnest as he samples your teat. As a matter of necessity, this also means he's all but sandwiched himself against you, letting you feel just how cut he is under his own downy layer of fluff. He might be a bit on the short side, given your difference in evolutionary stages, but there's little doubt in your mind—especially after he proved it so earlier—that he could overpower you any time he wanted and just flatten you beneath him. And that alone might encourage some... exploration of your own. Especially with how hard you can feel him throbbing against those thighs he loved so much, his cock practically thrumming against the fabric keeping it contained.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:40 pm

I already felt awkward about essentially offering to strip for man I've only just met the previous day. The biggest point in favour of being okay with that was that he had saved me the very day we met. I felt indebted to him in a way that I couldn't really put into words. Letting him see some tits and ass that just happen to be on my body hardly seemed like that big of an ask in repayment for my life when you think about it. But coming to terms with that still didn't quite prepare me for him undressing me himself. That escalated how intimate this whole situation felt. It would almost be easier to deal with if he just acted more like a needy animal in way. This made me feel self-conscious, but it wasn't at all an unpleasant experience.

Acquiescing to his request, I find myself struggling to keep my breathing in check, the air in my lungs fluttering with my heartbeat as the Riolu works on unwrapping my coverings. He may be shorter than me, but I could feel even with just his hands working on my clothes that he was much stronger than me - something which was made very clear in our practice fight just moments ago. Yet he seemed as nervous about this whole situation as I was. Which was reassuring, in its own way.

When my tits are exposed before him, I resist the urge to cover them. My arms lift for a second, before I force them to relax back down at my sides and let him take a look. Though just how much he enjoys looking catches me by surprise. My arms raise once more, this time to place my palms on either side of my breasts, giving them a light squeeze as he watches them. "I... I'm not sure why you're looking at them like that..." I murmur, looking away from him myself. "You've seen them before."

My attention falls back to him with a gasp as I feel his touch. My own hands pull away from my tits, giving him room to explore reflexively. I gasp and let out soft mewls of encouragement as I feel his strong grip making the most of his time with my tits. "D-do you really like them that much? I- Uh! Wuh?"

Just as I felt I was becoming accustomed to being admired this way, he goes and shoves his face between my tits. My eyes stare widely down at the sight of his muzzle disappearing within the fluffy valley of my cleavage, my tits smothering his cheeks.

"Uh... Ah.... I.... smell good?" I ask. So... I really did give off a similar effect that the males had on me. A musk. And where there's was concentrated on their cock and balls, mine must not just be coming from my pussy, but also my tits as well to some extent.

Soon he starts drawing more gasps and moans from me, as mixed of surprise as they are pleasure as his tongue shows itself just as eager to play with my tits as his nose and hands are. Perhaps I taste as good as I smell. This was definitely more than I had in mind when offering to take off my clothes for him, but I found myself not minding that he was doing it... I was just a little frazzled that's all. It seemed to all be happening without warning. Still, the feeling of him pressing so eagerly against me and his tongue and mouth working so enthusiastically to enjoy my breast began to coax more moans of pleasure out of me, bringing me more into the moment of enjoying myself. As he suckles upon me, my own hands move to his head and back, gently stroking him as he enjoys himself. We hadn't even finished taking off our clothes and he seemed to already be getting carried away. Maybe I should... encourage moving on to the next stage.

I reach down until my hands find his loincloth. I'm still not used to these kinds of clothes, but they're simple enough that I should be able to take them off a bit easier than I can put them on. Slipping my hands under his coverings, I find my palms on his firm behind, giving his ass a squeeze to let him know I was feeling up his body the same as he was mine. With that done, I began fiddling around to find the right strands to pull to loosen his loincloth and begin pulling it off of him.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:31 am

With your encouraging hand on his head, Rover continues to make a meal out of your chest, sucking your nipple into his mouth and lavishing it with his tongue, which flicks every which way in the process, enjoying your taste as much as he enjoys your scent. You can even feel him nipping at it affectionately, his teeth grazing your sensitive bud every so often as he groans into your tit. While he occupies himself with your bust, you run your hands down along his back to grasp at the toned curve of his ass. With your fingers having slipped under his own trappings, you can begin the process of pulling his loincloth apart, something he has little inclination to stop you from doing, especially as he begins to feel the tension of its wrap beginning to come undone, the pressure on his shaft letting up as you disentangle him from the garment. There's a sudden shift as you pull at it one final team, feeling it suddenly pop up with the force of his erection, then tumble to the ground between your feet to join your chest wrap. A waft of his strong, masculine scent hits your nose in tandem with it, and no longer covered, you can feel the full length of his maleness against your thighs. And perhaps even with your hand, if you decide to be so bold.

Groaning with delight at the sensation of freedom, Rover pulls off your tit, a strand of saliva still connecting his tongue to your sensitive peak in the process. He looks up at you with equal parts need and adoration, and if you glance down you can certainly see why. Put frankly, Rover is hung. The Zigzagoon were also pretty fucking big, as your poor pussy soon learned, and Rover might even exceed them in the size department. He's not quite as thick, but he's longer, enough for his tip to tickle your belly, and his shape is quite... appealing, given your preference for certain features. The head of his throbbing pink shaft is tapered, leading down to an almost human-like ridge as you leer down it further. It seems to thicken towards the middle, enough that you'd struggle to wrap your hand all around him at the thickest part, before tapering again towards the base. Though it isn't fully present, a brief glance, or perhaps a little grope, at the place where his cock meets his sheath reveals the beginnings of a rather wide looking lump still tucked away carefully: a big, fat knot waiting to tether whatever lucky bitch he breeds with to him. Beneath that, a big, fuzzy pair of balls dangle, now free of their wrappings, enough to fill your palm and then some if you were so inclined.

His member, so exposed, throbs as the breeze washes over you two, and by instinct he rocks his hips forward, causing his length to grind up your thigh and along your mound, the head brushing right beneath your navel as he does. A growl makes its way out of his throat at the sensation of your soft fur brushing him down there, his need evident by the way he moves, to say nothing of the way he quickly buries his face into your unattended tit, mirroring his treatment of the first and working you up into a tizzy with his diligent attention and uniquely arousing scent.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:53 am

Rover draws more moans from me as he sucks upon my tit. His eagerness has me returning a hand to his head as the other draws nearer to fully unravelling his loincloth so that I can hold him close and caress him while he indulges in his desire for me. Then his cock is freed and makes itself known immediately, all but slamming into me as it springs into the open air to show off its impressive length. He too shows off his own musk and I find myself enjoying it perhaps as much as he enjoys mine, breathing deeply through my nose and letting out a happy and needy sigh. My hand runs along his length, gently feeling just how much I was dealing with here. Fuck. He was huge. Would he get bigger when he evolved? As a Sylveon, it seems I'm taller than a Riolu, but a Lucario would be much taller than that... just how big would his cock be if he were tall enough to tower over me?

I take my time to feel his length, getting a sense for its warmth, its texture, all the different and enticing aspects to it. I could see why Sage would enjoy having Rover as a partner for activities like this if it meant she got to play with this cock. I find myself feeling a little jealous, wondering how many times - and in how many amazing ways - Sage has orgasmed thanks to this beautiful bitch breaker of a cock.

As Rover looks up at me, I meet his gaze, my hand moving to caress his cheek. I have no words at the moment, but I hope its clear on my face just how much I'm enjoying this moment. Enjoying him. Even if neither of us were fully comfortable with how we got here or fully certain how far we wanted to go, I'm glad I got this far at the very least. If he hadn't plunged his lips back towards my tit with such hungry fervour, I probably would have kissed him there and then. But feeling him devour my tits was an enjoyable alternative.

I take hold of his hands for a moment, and guide them if he'll let me to my own loincloth. When I offered to strip for him, I meant every part of my outfit. I didn't know how far I would want to go with him, but at the very least he should be able to enjoy my naked body without it being covered in another man's seed. "You like my thighs, right?" I whisper in his ear between moans. "I want you to touch them."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:55 pm

Thoughts of just how big and powerful Rover would be when he's evolved seem to quicken things somewhat, and you find him becoming all the more voracious for your body as you stroke his length in your paw with all the tenderness of a lover. He throbs in your palm, his body's most base instincts no doubt eager to bury his sex in your own and get to the dirty business of breeding. Something that your own body, for better or for worse, seem to mimic, your pussy growing all the hotter and stickier at the promise of a strong male pinning you down and fulfilling your most instinctual needs. It's... a lot, honestly. You weren't exactly an ice queen in your old body, as demonstrated by your very creative choices in self-pleasure, but experiencing proper need such as this must be a quirk of your new biology. And not exactly one to be lamented, given how ridiculously good Rover's hands and tongue felt as the explored your body, encouraged by your own touch.

Encouraging him to explore you further, you lead his hands down from your chest and across the swell of your hips. With how voracious he seems, you almost expect him to grab your by your legs heft you up right then and there. But restraint seem to win out, if only barely, such that he might continue to enjoy everything your sultry form has to offer him. Throbbing hard against your stomach as you whisper to him, he gives a throaty groan into your tit, running his hands back along your hips until he can reach for where the wrapping of your loincloth begins. And once he's managed to get it free, he pulls off your nipple with a soft slurp, licking his muzzle clean from the saliva which threatened to dribble. As he hurriedly unwraps you, he begins to lower himself down to the ground below, bringing your undergarments with him as they loosen enough to join the growing pile of fabric between your legs. He buries his muzzle in your tummy, nipping affectionately all across the plush fluff of your mound as he works his way down and down and down... But just as he's about to nibble his way right down to your aching clit, he takes a detour, and begins to lavish your left thigh with affection instead.

Running his hands up and down its length, he all but worships it with both hand and mouth, kissing his way all across its width and lingering once he reaches your inner thigh, already starting to grow slick from your pussy, where the scent of your need brings a growl from his chest. But he maintains his discipline, and continues to do as you asked of him, going as far as to stroke along the right thigh with his other hand, coiling his strong paws all across your legs in a rather flattering display of desire for your previously plain body.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:21 pm

The air is thick with anticipation as he starts to lower himself in front of me while his hands unravelled what little clothing remained on me. It was layered on more and more as he trailed down with his muzzle, leaving my tits wet with his spit and missing the warmth of his mouth as he began to taste of others parts of me. It was almost stifling - and deeply intoxicating. A sticky hotness, not entirely unlike what could be found after a thorough examination of the complimentary parts between our legs. I was practically drowning in it by the time his roaming nips had reached between my legs. After I had fondled his cock and he had all but devoured my tits, what more of a reach was it for him to taste of me down there too?

Though the feeling of his tongue on my clit and folds never came. A breath I held found itself caught within my chest for a few seconds more, the moment of relief it was expecting not having come. I'd have considered Rover and expert tease, were it not for the fact hat he was simply doing as I had let him know I wanted him too. With all his deep and primal hunger for my body - one which I was beginning to understand more and more as I experienced my body's instincts to their full extent - Rover was still considerate, keeping to where he was allowed. Quite the gentleman. Perhaps this was the kind of guy they talk about when they mention someone you'd bring home to your parents. Although I doubt they were picturing a Pokémon back home when they said things like that. That, or maybe he really did like my thighs just that much.

He certainly showed them plenty of love, and the adoration - near worship if I were being honest - that came from him made up for the lack of pussy eating I was getting right now. I spread my thighs a little more, letting him explore them unhindered, and even slid one leg forward a little, shifting my weight so my thighs could surround his vision, teasing the idea of enveloping him entirely. There was something powerful about this moment. Rover had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he could overpower me and take me whenever and however he pleased. He was stronger than me... more experienced than me... and had a cock that could break me within a few thrusts. If he wanted, he could utterly dominate this encounter - and me - and I know I'd enjoy every moment of it. Yet he took a more worshipful approach to his exploration of my body and it was now him that knelt by my feet.

It was not submissiveness that I would describe behind his actions. His hands and tongue all felt like those of a hungry beast savouring a catch. But it was managed and kept tame - even as the growls that rumbled from within him let me know that such tameness could be cast aside at any moment in favour for a wild rutting that I would likely never forget. It made his discipline all the hotter. It would be a waste not to make something of it - at least for a short while - try to hold control over this encounter for however long he was willing to be a good boy for me.

"You really like them, don't you?" I purr, my hand reaching down to stroke his cheek and ruffle his hair - almost as I would Wattson after he obeyed a command well. "Did you really get so hard from seeing my naked body that you needed Sage's help to... deal with your needs? Did you picture me when you came? Or did it happen while you could still see me? I want to know, Rover... I want to know all the ways in which you desire me."
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Lazy Kitsune
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