The trainer doesn't seem to be paying much mind to what you look like, but that might not matter if he lasts for long. Fortunately for you, this third round doesn't last long. It is long enough (and vigorous enough) that you are sent tumbling over the edge again by the Ralts's eager fucking and his big pokecock, and moments later they both flood you with more of their cream and leaving you feeling rather well fucked as you nearly fall to the floor when they both pull out. Though with another little flash, both trainer and Ralts are there to grab you before you hit your head on anything.
"T~That was... a~aah... f~fun. J~just as m~Much fun as you a~and I had together earlier, eh Raltee?" The trainer pants after a moment, the Ralts grinning as the Trainer blushed... more so as the Ralts smacked the trainer on the ass. And its at this point you notice the trainer is dressed not quite as you expected.
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The Trainer, Evan