Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune)

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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:32 pm

Liz seems not the least bit shocked as you suddenly lunge into her and wrap your arms around her. Although you can't much see it, given your face ends up buried between two huge, soft, sweet-smelling Nidotiddies, you can only imagine the somewhat confused, but reassuring look on her face as she brings up her great, armor-plated arms and welcomes you further into her bosom in a big, warm hug. You can feel the filed-down tips of her claws combing through your hair as you snuggle into her, stroking you comfortingly as she coos.

"Sure, sweetie. I'll be whatever you need right now. Everything is going to be alright."

She practically rocks you in her arms as the two of you continue to embrace. And it's only when Wattson makes a little whining noise that she seems to stop. Just long enough for her to open one of her arms and welcome him into the embrace as well. Something he's very quick to join in with, the two of you each getting one beach-ball-sized boob to ease your woes with.

Like all good things, however, it too must come to an end. After a while, Liz pulls away, giving you a gentle smile to assure you it isn't for lack of want. Instead, she gestures to the table beside you.

"You'll probably want to get more rest. I used some salves on the scraps and cuts I saw. But, that bowl on the left has a herbal remedy for some of the... internal injuries... you might have taken from the ferals. I won't insist you take it, but certain consequences come with those sorts of... injuries, if they aren't tended to quickly."

She tries her best to veil it in mystery, to whose benefit you aren't sure. Maybe your own? Or maybe Wattson's. The poor little guy watched you get fucked by a pair of burly badgers. It's probably for the best that it's not out-and-out stated that you might end up popping out their children without proper birth control. Or eggs. Would you end up laying an egg now that you were a Pokemon? Half a Pokemon? An interesting question, if it weren't so personal. Either way, Wattson seems thoroughly confused and also not the least bit betrayed.

"I knew they were going to hurt you. I should have... have bit them! Bit them really hard."

Liz offers a comforting hand to your loyal Yamper's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"It's alright, sweetie. She'll be just fine. This isn't the first time ferals have done this, and it won't be the last. Try not to think about it too hard."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:55 pm

Sweet matronly melon blissfulness. Oh, she's the Toriel from canon and the Toriel from my favourite fanart rolled into one. I could drift off resting against these pillow Pokébosoms and I'll probably have the most wonderful dreams ever. Sure enough, any amount of physical affection gets Wattson wanting to be the centre of attention. And he's been through a lot too, recently, he deserves some booby goodness as well. There's tits enough for the both of us, buddy. As he nestles in beside me, I let myself enjoy the warmth of the embrace, murmuring lightly to myself as I'm rocked back and forth by Miss Liz and everything feels more managable by the second.

"Ohh, two more minutes, I don't wanna get up..." I grumble as she eventually pulls back. But I relent, she probably has places to be, and I can't start developing a Nidotit dependency. What will I do if I eventually make it back to normalcy. People will think I'm weird if I buy a Nidoqueen plushie and slap fake tits onto it so I can sleep properly at night. They already judge me for my non-boobified plushies.

Although all this talk of tits makes me quickly remember something as I pull the blanket covering me back up to my collarbone. She'd have seen me naked already, and I was okay with that given the circumstances. But it felt weird now that I was awake. "Uhh, I don't suppose you have any spare clothes around..." I turn to look at Wattson. "Wattson might need some too... and maybe some help being shown how to wear them. He..." Now how do I explain this to someone that might not even know about... well... non anthropomorphic Pokémon. Wait... are all Pokémon anthropomorphic now? What does an anthropomorphic magnemite look like? Or dugtrio? Klefki? Does Mr. Mime look any different? Wait, get back on track Mira.

"He was raised a little more on the wilder side." I say, hoping that worked as some kind of explanation for why Wattson was so... well, exactly as you would expect a typical Yamper to be.

Liz brings up some very good points, even if she goes about it indirectly. I... don't even know how my reproductive systems work now. Would I lay eggs? Carry a pregnancy? I'd rather not do either, quite frankly. I'm not ready to be a mother! I'm not even ready to move out of my mother's house! I quickly swipe up the herbal remedy she prepared, offering my thanks the same time as I bring it to my lips and start gulping it down as fast as I can.

Wiping my muzzle mouth yet again, I set the bowl back onto the table and reach over to give Wattson a reassuring ruffle on his head. "It's okay, Wattson. You did good. I'm just glad you weren't harmed. You're a good boy. A very good boy!" I say, pausing before glancing over to Liz and giving her a sheepish grin. Hopefully my explanation earlier about how he was raised would help go some ways to explain why I talk to him like that. If not... well, maybe we can just pass it off as being a kinky couple. Actually explaining it might be a bit too difficult. At least until I figure out what exactly this place is and if they have any contact with humans.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:08 pm

It's a good thing that Liz proves to be so understanding. When you explain Wattson's origins, she simply nods along, perhaps accepting whatever it is you say in order not to frazzle you more. Or, perhaps, there was a history of such communities in... well... wherever you were. Surely not all Pokemon would fit into a loincloth. How did you even put a loincloth on a Gastly?

"Of course, sweetheart. I've got a set picked out for you. You're a little more delicate than my daughters, so I had to have them tailored, but you'll look wonderful in them," The motherly therian offers with a sweet smile, casting her eyes over to Wattson, "This little man certainly looked good in his. When he was wearing them."

Wattson, riding high on your praise so hard that his tail threatens to knock your little table over, whimpers cutely at the Nidoqueen's words, his ears drooping down. The jig was up for him, it seemed.

"I... I was gonna put them back on. They just fell off, is all..."

Maybe if you had taken to making him wear cute little bandannas, he wouldn't be so resistant to covering himself now. Granted, there's a lot more to cover now than there was then. And after your run-in with the Zigzagoon was anything to go by, male Pokemon on this side of the world had a whole lot to cover up.

"Mhmm. Why don't you be a dear and slide them back on while I get Mira her own? I'll only be a few minutes, dear."

Excusing herself politely, Liz leaves the two of you alone for a few minutes, during which time Wattson sheepishly fetches what looks to be a loincloth of much sturdier make than those of your assailants from beneath your bed, where he must have thought to hide it. It seems to take him a little while to properly tie it off around his hips, new fingers being what they are, but he eventually manages, allowing the fabric to hang low enough to cover the palm-filling nuts and cute little tip that had teased your eyes on occasion. Not so long after that, Liz returns.

"They're a little basic for now, but we can always set you up with something more stylish later. Do you need any help getting dressed? I'm happy to help you out of bed, sweetie. Whatever you need."

The garments in question, which Liz lays out on your blankets, are pretty standard. One of them is more akin to a wrap than anything else, presumably tied around your breasts to modestly cover most of your sizable bust while exposing enough cleavage to be eye-catching. The other is a loincloth much like Liz's own. It's not quite as covering as proper pants, but it's enough to keep your pussy and ass well-covered, albeit exposing more thighs than you were comfortable with in your human body. Whether the fur that covers you provides any further comfort against exposure remains to be seen. Or felt, you supposed.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:10 pm

Of course Wattson would have already been given clothes and discarded them almost immediately. Its good that everything we've been through doesn't seem to have changed him too much. Well, its changed him a lot physically, but he still feels very much the same. Even though I can talk to him know, it feels like very little has changed. I just... now need to occasionally stop myself from wondering how big his cock would look when standing erect out of his sheath.

Once again showing herself to be completely on top of things, Liz seems to already have an outfit ready for me. No doubt it'll be in a similar style to her own, which was quite out of my usual comfort zone for clothes. Maybe I could try and look at it as some kind of cosplay. The whole tribal gear was a pretty common outfit for some of the games I played... especially the more... uh... risqué ones.

While she goes to fetch my clothes, Wattson fetches his own out from under the bed. Did he think he was going to get away with not having to wear them if he hid them? It takes him some time to put them on, but he seems able to do it. Getting more used to his fingers it seems. I reach over to give him a quick scratch behind his ears once he his loincloth on, as a reward for a job well done.

Soon enough Liz returns, and just as I suspected I'll be dressing in the local fashion. I reach over to pick the fabric up, looking it over. As Liz suggests helping, I try to shift my legs, feeling how shaky they still feel, the energy not quite having fully returned to them yet. "I, ah, suppose I could use a bit of help. I still feel a bit dizzy. And I'm not entirely used to... ah... well, the clothes where we come from are a bit different, so just don't laugh if I end up putting these on wrong or something."

I start trying to dress myself, slipping out of the bed, slowly, so as to not to overexert my legs right away. As I get to my feet, I give Liz room to come over and help, even if its just to help me stand and give pointers while I try and wrap these clothes around me myself.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:31 pm

Liz helps you up and out of bed with the practiced ease of a caretaker. Your legs, though still weary and at least a little bit jelly-like from your ordeal, support you just well enough that you don't need to completely hang off her. Not that you didn't want to do so. It had to be some kind of crime to be simultaneously so sturdy but also so very, very soft. The top is the easier of the two things to slide into, with Liz helping wrap the fabric around your chest at different elevations so as to mimic a proper bra, keeping your girls supported and contained. It's a little tricky to tie it off at the back, but the Nidoqueen is quick to guide your hands with her own so that she can show you how it's done by feel. An essential thing for when you have to properly dress yourself.

The loincloth is a little trickier since it has to come up between your weak legs and wrap around your hips. Liz offers you a strong shoulder to balance on as she helps you into it, and while leaning up on her, you can't help but notice Wattson being unusually shy. He'd normally be full of questions about what was going on, and yet, when you get up, and especially when you raise a leg to help Liz out, he seems focused on literally anything but you and her. In that moment it occurs to you that perhaps, just perhaps, you might not have been the only one dealing with new... feelings, toward your partner. Back when he was a proper little Yamper, it really didn't matter much if he happened to come bounding into your room while you were having a go at yourself. A little uncomfortable, maybe, but who cared if your Pokemon saw you naked? Pokemon were always naked!

But now... the two of you are caught somewhere between human and Pokemon. And the Zigzagoon proved that you were definitely compatible with male anthros. And if that were the case... well, you couldn't blame Wattson for being a little interested in the sorts of things you got up to with those brutes. He might not have perfectly understood what he saw, but instincts were instincts at the end of the day.

"Aaand, we're all done!" Liz gives you a dazzlingly little smile to snap you out of it, stepping back and smoothing out your outfit, "You look wonderful. How do you feel, sweetie? Not too tight in the chest? Nothing riding up on you?"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:20 am

I could get used to this. Having Liz help me with all these every day tasks, just making life a little more easier and comfortable and boob full. She's just so comfortable to be around. Its always so nice meeting someone like that, even for someone like me who normally isn't too keen on meeting new people. The clothes aren't too complicated, but the loincloth did get a little finicky. Fortunately I had the perfect support from Nidomommy dearest. Still, while leaning against her so we could wrap the fabric between my legs, I couldn't help but notice how awkward Wattson was getting. He had seen me get changed, seen me shower, he had walked in on me doing some of the most unspeakable things whenever my imagination got the better of me. This should be nothing to him.

And yet...

We had both changed... and he had smelt my arousal when we were facing the Zigzagoon. Even before I was more aroused than afraid, he could tell it was happening. He may not have known what he was picking up on, but he picked up on it from all the way across the room. He always did have a great nose, but... Well, I knew what effect the Zigzagoon musk had on me, especially from their genitals. Its... not too much of a reach to consider that maybe my own scent, particularly when aroused, would have a similar effect on Wattson.

It wasn't something I was going to hold against him. But... we couldn't ever... do anything... like that... could we? No. Not with Wattson! That would be... weird. Sure, we were on a bit more equal footing now after the transformation, but given our history it wouldn't be too dissimilar from... sleeping with my brother. We were just too close. Besides, I wasn't going to stay like this forever. We may be unexpectedly compatible right now, but I planned on becoming human again as soon as I figured out how to. And then what would we do? No, best to try and keep things as typical as possible for us, so that when all of this is resolved we won't make our usual routine awkward in anyway. I don't know if I could be okay with being licked awake by my adorable Yamper if I could remember him pounding me out into ecstatic oblivion just the week prior. Bad Mira. Less naughty thoughts. Or at least, more naughty thoughts about people that aren't Wattson. Like Elizabeth and her big nidomommy milkers.

I step back and look myself over, striking a few small poses. I would normally be a bit more flashy and dramatic with my poses, but my limbs didn't quite have that in me right now, so my stances were a bit more subdued. Which had the unintended side effect of also making them more sensual. A hand on my hip, a shift of my waist that showed off my slander physique. A twirl of my behind. A wag of my tail - ooh, that was a new experience. Its a bit of a short one, but its got some wag to it.

"Feels good, Miss Liz. All snug as a bug in a rug. Thankyou. It feels good to be... well... wearing something again."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:58 am

"Any time, dear," Liz is quick to respond, trying not to look too amused as you went about striking a series of poses in your new get-up, perhaps taking it as a good sign you're so energetic, "Just try not to strain yourself too much, okay?"

Wattson seems at least a little more comfortable looking at you now that you've got all your bits thoroughly secured where they ought to be. A good thing too, as you weren't sure how much more awkward you could handle, given the situation. A fortune thing that Miss Liz, in her diligence, seems ready to direct the flow of conversation before you have too long to linger on thoughts of your precious Yamper turning into a well-hung little dog-stud that could replace at least a third of your toy collection with the proper motivation.

"Now that you're dressed up, would you like to head outside for a bit? I'm sure you're still a tad sore, but it's good to move around a little, and maybe introduce yourself to some of the locals. I'm sure Sage and Rover would like to see how you're doing. They didn't know what to do with themselves once they'd brought you back to town."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:54 am

I cup my chest now that it was nicely wrapped up, giving my tits a soft squeeze and slight push to see how they bounced and jiggled within my new top. They felt supported well enough, but it certainly left a lot of my cleavage to show, and I wouldn't be surprised if I bounced a bit with every step. Still, if Liz could manage it then so could I. Her cleavage seemed about ready to erupt from her top, yet she seemed to have the utmost confidence they would stay contained.

"I think I could do with having a look around." I say. It was about time I had a clearer picture of where I was. To say none of my situation made a whole lot of sense was an understatement. If it didn't feel so very, very real and vivid, I would have convinced myself I was dreaming several times over. I had a hunch I probably wasn't going to find another human anywhere near here, but at the very least - if Liz was anything to go by - the people seemed friendly and might be able to shed some light on what's going on and what I should expect going forward.

"Sage and Rover... are they the, uh... Rescue Team, you called it, that found me, then?" I ask. "I'd like to thank them then. And ask them a few questions about... well... where it was exactly that I was found. I'm not entirely sure how we got there. Wattson and I were... well, we were somewhere much safer just moments before."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:01 pm

Liz gives you a little nod, encouraged that you seem curious enough to inquire after the Rescue Team.

"That's them. They go by Team Verdant, and they're the newest Team in Burrowton. They don't have all that much experience, but I think that just makes them more eager to prove themselves. That's why they patrol the upper levels so often. That's where they found you."

A few more nuggets of wisdom to salvage from the Nidoqueen's words. If there were upper levels to the ruins, or caverns, as Liz called them, then that must have meant that there were also lower layers. Since Wattson couldn't pick up hide nor hair of the Professor or your colleagues, it stood to reason that maybe that weird light transported you further up into the ruins, leaving them further down. Of course, that would also mean that there would be anthropomorphic babes living in a community in the sky, which you were now a part of, so maybe the directions got mixed and you got sent further down instead of further up. Maybe.

"They should be having a rest. Come, I'll show you to them, and you can give them your thanks."

The matronly Nidoqueen gestures you to follow her, though she doesn't move too far ahead of you just in case you happen to lose the strength in your legs and keel over on her. Wattson follows close behind you for a change, perhaps in part because he doesn't want to get lost in a strange town, and in part because he doesn't want to leave your side so soon after the events in the caves. The curtain at the door gives way to the rich, orange-hued light of sunset, and the sight beyond is almost breathtaking. The primitive little hut you inhabit sits high atop a hill, which sprawls downwards towards a huge, rolling plain of vibrant green grass that seems to sway off in the distance with the breeze. There are other buildings like it that dot the hillside, maybe a dozen in total, and you can make out what looks like a wall of gathered stones that seems to circle the hill. Liz takes a turn in the opposite direction, however, heading up the hill by way of a charming little dirt path, and when you follow her, you see that not every sight has yet to be enjoyed: at the top of the hill, a tree so massive it might be the match for the one in White Forest all the way over in Unova. The roots alone are as thick as your torso! But, apparently used to the sight, Elizabeth doesn't even stop to pause as she makes her way toward it, humming a sweet little tune and swaying her tail to the rhythm.

Along the way, you spot more than a few fellow Pokemon. And much like Liz herself, each of them seems much, much more humanoid than you remember. A curvaceous Absol woman with an armful of berries hurries along the path beside you, perhaps heading off to prepare dinner at her home. A lazy looking Frogadier lounges comfortably in the shade of the great tree as you pass by, and you even catch sight of a young couple, a big, burly looking Raticate fellow with a petite Rattata girl clung to his arm, looking up at him with all the sickening affection of a pair of lovebirds. Loverats, even. The closer you get to the tree, you can see part of the base has been carved away to form a makeshift 'doorway' into what must be chamber inside of it. It must be one heck of a chamber too, given that as you approach, even Liz doesn't have to duck under to squeeze through the entrance. She beckons you inside with a reassuring smile.

"Come on, nobody here bites. Well, maybe a few, but they won't bite you, sweetheart."

Wattson settles up beside you as the two of you prepare to head into the breach, and as Elizabeth's bulky tail disappeared through the entrance, the two of you follow her through with all the bravery one can muster. The sight inside is... almost wondrous.

The room inside is huge! Easily the size of the Professor's lab, at the very least. The interior is handsomely decorated, with decorative rugs lining the floors, a mixture of long wooden tables in the middle and smaller, circular ones circling them on the exterior of what looks every bit the part of an RPG tavern room, just made... bigger! There's even a few approximations of couches on the very edges of the chamber, perhaps for those who want a little comfort while they enjoy the ambience within the tree. You'd expect it to be rather dark, but there seems to have been an effort to run lengths of cordage in the upper sections of the chamber, and from each of them hangs big ol' lanterns, a warm glow coming from each of them that blankets the space below in comforting orange light. A little deeper into the tree, there seems to be a counter of sorts, and behind it, another carved doorway. Perhaps the room you were in only made up one half of the tree's circumference, with more to see beyond. Not that there wasn't already plenty to see. There are more 'mon inside the tree than there were outside, gathered here and there at the tables and counter. An Eevee, a couple of Starly, even a cute little Luxio sitting over at the counter being chatted up by what looks to be a very confident Pichu boy!

You don't have too long to linger on all the different folks enjoying their evening, though, before a voice calls out to you.

"Well, well, if it isn't our damsel-in-distress! Good to see you up and about!"

Your eyes track the direction of the sound, eventually landing on a table to the left of the entrance, where a duo of 'mon sit. The one who calls out to you is an unusual sight: a Snivy! And, if her voice wasn't a give away, her long, pretty eyelashes and pert little lumps on her otherwise svelte chest certainly tells you she is... well, a she! Like most of the 'mon you've come across, her go-to choice of clothing in a chest wrap and loin cloth, albeit a little more daring than some, with the fabric around her chest just a single wrap to cover her nipples while leaving a little more breast on display than most, even if she isn't the bustiest thing in the world, and her loincloth flares stylishly to the side, giving a very good look at her right thigh, which, to her credit, is much plumper than you'd expect from a 'mon who loses its legs upon evolution! Definitely more of a pear than an hourglass, this one. You catch a mischievous glint in her big, brown eyes when she catches sight of you checking her out, although Liz cuts her off before she can tease you too much.

"Now, now, Sage, be nice. Mira is still recovering from her ordeal. She doesn't need any sass."

Pouting cutely at the chiding, you have a chance to look at her companion as well. While Sage seems every bit the smug little firebrand, her friend strikes you immediately as more the dark, brooding sort. Which is totally out of character for a Riolu, the 'mon he resembles most. It's hard to tell with him still sitting, but you reckon he's a bit like Wattson in terms of build: short, but lean, perhaps even more-so, given his Fighting-typing. Leaning closer to a proper twunk than a twink, but still very cute. His clothing is more conservative and utilitarian, his loincloth hanging just low enough to give him the privacy he needs, although you do spot an accessory in the form of a satchel hanging from his shoulder. And an adorable little bandana around his neck! One which, upon closer inspection, Sage also wears, albeit its vibrant green color almost blends with the leafy shade of her scales. The Riolu, you suppose being Rover, does eventually get to his feet giving both you and Wattson a once over.

"... I'm glad you're both alright. We almost didn't make it in time."

You recall the few hazy memories you have, post-Zigzagoon nut. The feeling of being picked up and hauled off. The suddenly flash of blue, which in hindsight, must have been Rover arriving to save the day, then... nothing. It seems like your assailants might have thought to make you their spoil and carry you deeper into the caves. An actual bad end, if they had more friends waiting back wherever they called home.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:42 am

Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:51 pm

There was a lot to unpack from everything Liz was telling me, but I was also being given information in a way that made it seem like most of what Liz was talking about was supposed to be seen as common knowledge around this parts - leaving much of it unexpanded upon. I'd have to do my own follow-up research later, but for now I could extrapolate this much. Wherever we her had numerous Rescue Teams, of varying degrees of experience. Those Zigzagoons we encounter were a small enough threat that one of the more inexperienced teams was able to take them out... wow, I really did literally get beaten and fucked by the tutorial dungeon trash mobs, didn't I? These 'caverns' had layers to them much deeper than those we were in... which made it seem even more like we weren't even in the same ruins at all after the light. Which would explain the lack of humans... and the community of hot anthro Pokémon that I'm certain I would have heard about before if it existed anywhere near where... well... anyone lived. Who knows where Wattson and I were in the world then, in that case. We could be in a completely unexplored region, if we were even in the same world at all.

Which was alarming to think about, but not enough to despair. If anything, it was fascinating. But I knew at least one thing. Somehow, where I was and where I am now were connected through those ruins and the symbols within them. If I could learn more about them and how they worked, then maybe I could find my way back. Though that meant exploring these caverns.... which I've been very much, indisputably been shown to be not ready for. Yet. But whatever I did with my voice... that had an effect on the Zigzagoon. If I could learn to do that... and whatever else I was capable of... on command, then I should greatly improve my chances of survival.

All of my planning and hypothesising was dashed aside quite suddenly, however, as soon as I saw outside this little hut. The rolling green hill leading down the the valley, painted in an orange glow from the setting sun was certainly awe inspiring. A gawk at the sight before me, and all the little huts that made up this community, feeling my breath catch in my throat for a few moments.

"So this is why the Professor wanted me to go on field trips more..." I murmur. I don't have much time to enjoy the sight, however, as Liz keeps on going and I follow behind, only to be wowed yet again by what stood at the top of this hill.

"Wow..." I couldn't hide my amazement even if I wanted to. This whole village was like something out of an RPG, and that tree... that really sold the experience. It was massive, majestic and it looked like they were even using it as some sort of central building.

I follow along, not wanting to get left behind. Even if I hadn't been through so much, the feeling in my legs might go at any moment just from being so utterly floored by what was before me right now. This place was wonderful. And its people a marvellous discovery all to themselves. An entire community of Pokémon, all anthropomorphic and living in shelters they've made, with clothes they've made and speaking and walking and all the rest. I don't think my mouth closes the entire walk towards the tree as I find myself turning to look every which way there is as I follow Liz up the hill.

This feeling isn't eased at all by finally entering the tree itself. The amount of work it would have taken to set this place up... and yet here it was, absolutely stunning! A part of me couldn't help but feel giddy. All of those games and stories, it really did feel like I was actually in one of them now - and not just the smutty kind for a change. Even though it was so big and filled with Pokémon, the warm light and friendly atmosphere all lent to a surprisingly welcoming and cosy feeling.

My heads still spinning, overwhelmed by just this quick walk up the tree, when someone calls over to us. I turn to look at them, my mouth still a little agape. Without thinking, my eyes starting tracing the intriguing form of the Snivy before me, and her certainly very appealing shapely legs and elegant figure. And... well... a rather less is more approach to fashion which... I can't say didn't work for her. Only when Liz jumps in to chastise her do I realise I've been staring, and I quickly lift a hand up to nudge my own jaw shut and give my head a quick shake.

"Sorry, I've had one crazy day. It's nice to meet you, I'm Mira." I say, holding out my hand to the Snivy and her friend who I now have a chance to look over.

Well, the RPG vibes certainly weren't going away anytime soon. With her Riolu friend to compare her to, Snivy and Rover were certainly quite the RPG style adventuring duo. With the more teasing, scantily glad femme fatale partnered up with the twunky, serious more brooding fighter with a dash of edge to him. They even have cute matching bandanas... which, given the name of their team, was probably some kind of insignia or callsign. A way to identify them among all the other Rescue Teams.

"Yeah..." I murmur, trying to stop my mind from being dragged back to the moment of succumbing to the Zigzagoon that pinned me. "Thank you. For saving us. We're not sure how we ended up there, but we're both incredibly grateful that you were nearby to rescue us. Um... do you mind if we sit with you for a bit? I had a few questions to ask about our rescue, if you don't mind, and the place that you found us in."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 04, 2024 5:43 pm

"Aww, aren't you sweet? Don't worry about it, it's our job! Although, if you could put in a good word to Flare for us, maybe we can get a reward for saving you..."


The little Snivy only had a few moments to bat her eyelashes at you before she's made to pout again by Liz and her professional-grade scolding. The Grass-type crosses her arms over her petite bust, casting her gaze off in any direction but the Nidoqueen's, mumbling to herself all the while.

"Not my fault everything's so expensive these days... Some economy..."

While his much more upbeat partner broods over the state of her financial woes, the brooding Rover is the one to answer your question. Though he certainly looks the part of a stoic, pinch-able cheeks be damned, he at least proves to be amiable. Or sympathetic, maybe, given that he found you gurgling in a pool of Zigzagoon cum not so many hours ago. The Riolu gives you a little nod, gesturing to a pair of stumpy looking logs opposite his and Sage's own around the circular table. Seeing you getting ready to settle in, Liz rests one of her big paws on your shoulder.

"I'm going to go chat with a few folks, dear. See if we can't arrange you a more permanent place to stay tonight. Feel free to enjoy the hospitality in the meanwhile, though."

With a gentle squeeze, she heads off deeper into the hollow, leaving you and Wattson to find your seats. Something Wattson finds much harder than you. You get the idea he's still more accustomed to sitting on the floor with his hind legs splayed out, although such a thing is a little harder with his newer, longer legs. After circling it for a while, he seems to figure out how to rest his tush on the edge of the log without looking like a total crazy person. Rover settles down as well, and with Liz gone, Sage manages to stop sulking so she can pull up her log as well, just in time for Rover to speak up.

"What would you like to know? We can answer most questions about the caverns."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:41 pm

Okay, not the most comfortable seating arrangement from the looks of things, but at least I've been offered a seat. Though it seems with the butt-logs obtained, it was time to be - hopefully temporarily - separated from my tutorial Nidomommy. "Oh, ah, thanks, Miss Liz." smiling as she heads on off, just about managing to stop myself from tackling one of her legs and begging her not to leave me.

With my palms, I quickly wipe the surface of the log a couple of times while I lower my butt down onto it before sitting down fully. I set my elbows on the table, resting my jaw against one set of knuckles while the other idly taps against the table softly while I get settled. "Okay, so-" I stop talking, glancing over to Wattson, watching him as he tries to figure out how to sit properly. Fortunately he's able to manage without my help and I turn back to Sage and Rover.

"Okay, so... yeah, I'm going to need the full lore dump. Whatever you can tell me. But lets start with the key things, uh..." Okay, how do I express any of my questions without coming off as completely crazy? "Wattson and I were with a group of people before we... ah... got separated. I don't suppose you saw signs of anyone else down there... or heard anything... that wouldn't be... crazy and horny Zigzagoons of course?" I ask, chuckling nervously. This was already going badly. "And... well, where did you find us exactly? These caverns... what are they? How deep do they go? Has anyone ever been to the bottom? Why were in there in the first place? Don't get me wrong, I'm super glad you were, but I'm not sure... why you would choose to be there."
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:05 pm

The duo look at you quizzically when you ask them for a 'lore' dump. And that quizzical look is quickly shared between them as you continue to ask what must be a series of very obvious questions to the two of them. At least Rover has the decency to hide his confusion, although Sage offers you no such comfort, arching a brow as she doubtlessly considers whether those Zigzagoon actually fucked your brains out. In the absence of her making that inquiry known, Rover picks up the slack and provides a little context.

"We searched the perimeter after neutralizing the ferals as a matter of protocol. But, I apologize, there were no signs of others beyond the two of you," He sounds rather professional for a rookie, but you suppose Liz did say they had aspirations for greater things, "Before that, we were patrolling the surface layer for most of the afternoon. If there were others with you, they probably went to a deeper level after you got separated."

Nothing new on that front. Wattson couldn't find your co-workers, and neither could these Rescue 'Mon. So either they were too far away to be tracked conventionally, or maybe they hadn't stumbled upon the strange glyphs that brought you here yet. Your next question requires a little bit of consideration before Rover can answer, if only because he has to think of a way to simplify them.

"The caverns are a network of caves that extend deep underground. Nobody knows quite how low they go; the record for Burrowton's Rescue Guild is 203 levels, but other branches might have gotten further. The caverns are dangerous, but are the only way crystalized aether can be harvested. Since aether is such a precious resource, there's no shortage of 'mon who wish to harvest it for themselves. But without proper protocol, many of them degenerate into ferals, and with such an abundance of ferals in the caverns, Rescue Teams are necessary to conduct patrol and rescue operations. We were patrolling the top layer of the cavern to keep anybody who wandered in from harm."

Like yourself. Although you didn't exactly wander on in like some absentminded bimbo! You were warped! It's totally different! Still... given what happened to you, maybe it was for the best they were there, looking for any dinguses who happened to end up there. You can't imagine where you'd be if they hadn't come in to get rid of those Zigzagoon.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:43 pm

Okay, feeling pretty judged right now. They think I'm an absolute idiot! Which... to be fair... I have no idea how anything works around here or what anything is, so I'm as pretty close to an idiot as I could be... but I'm not an idiot. I'm smart! Very smart actually. Many people have said annoyingly smart, which just means I'm smarter than them.

"Okay, look, I know I sound daft. But I'm not from here." I start to explain. Or try to at least. "Wattson and I... we were exploring these ruins... they were in a place not too different from this cavern of yours but it was... much safer... and filled with all of these symbols and..." I look around, raising one hand to pinch my finger and thumb together and shake it in front of their faces. "Do either of you have anything to write with? I could draw the symbols we saw, maybe you've seen them too? One of them started glowing and then we... appeared in the cavern. We're from somewhere so far away, we've never even heard of the cavern. Or... well... Rescue Teams for that matter."

I huff, and set both my hands flat on the table, clicking my tongue as I try to think of what to say next. "I'm not dumb. I'm actually very, very smart. Like, fast tracked to a career in science smart. Which is why I got into this mess in the first place. I was part of a research team. So... keep in mind I'm very very smart when I ask this... What's aether?"
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:24 pm

"I... think we get that you aren't from around here."

Sage's, well, sage wisdom aside, you must seem as alien to them as they do to you, fish out of water as you are. Still, to his credit, Rover reaches down into his little satchel and produces what looks to be a notebook and a pencil that's more akin to a carpenter's than an office worker's. He slides both across the table to you such that you might sketch what you remember seeing. Of course, it does come with a level of bad news, with the little Riolu's ears drooping somewhat despite his expression remaining distant.

"We might not be able to help you with locating these symbols. Since we are still a rookie team... the Guild Master does not allow us to go any deeper than the fifth level. Most of that space has already been thoroughly explored, so if there were to be any strange markings, they would be well documented."

Disappointing. Or was it? If they were documents of these symbols, maybe you could... try to figure out how they worked? Stomp on them until they send you back home? Granted, if it were so easy as stepping on them to blink between wherever you ended up and home, you're sure more well-hung wild boys with distinctly Zigzagoon-like features would have been wandering the ruins when you went in. Still, there's more questions to ask, and it seems Sage is content to do a little speaking in lieu of her team mate.

"How can you be part of a research team and not know what aether is? I'm starting to think you must have bonked your head on something other than a set of Zigzagoon nu-" Rover clears his throat suddenly, shooting the Snivy a pleading looking, which she seems to reluctantly acquiesce to, "Aether is... I don't know, energy? It's used for everything. Cooking. Lighting. Heating. Learning new moves, evolving. It's probably in make-up too, for all I know. Everyone needs aether, which means everyone needs the caverns, which means nobody can just plop a big rock at the entrance and keep all the nasties from coming up."

An... interesting phenomenon. You certainly didn't know of any materials that matched its description back home. Sure, certain stones found in the wild could caused evolution in certain species, but you couldn't stuff a Thunderstone in a generator and use it to power your PC. Maybe this 'aether' had something to do with how you got here. Theoretically, if you had be teleported somewhere far, far away, it would require a great deal of energy to do, and if aether was pure, crystalized energy... maybe the Professor had stumbled upon something real interesting back in the ruins, and you just happened to fall victim to it before anyone else could figure out what it was.

"I'm not science smart, though, so you might be better off asking Blair about it. She likes to lurk down in the caverns."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:47 pm

Quickly pulling the notebook and pencil over to me, I start etching a few of the symbols I saw from memory. Of course, finding these symbols would just be step one. Figuring out how they actually worked would be step two. There must be factors I'm not aware of to get them to trigger - otherwise I wouldn't be the only one over here... or there would be plenty of people from here back home. And even if I could get them to work, there's no guarantee I could get them to send me back home and put me back the way I was. I could get turned into a full, traditional Sylveon and lose my ability to speak. I could end up somewhere far more dangerous than here. This needed to be handled with care.

"Would I be able to have a look at these documents. If I can find symbols that match these and enough of them then I might be able to figure out what they mean." I say, showing them the symbols I've marked down so far.

"Actually, the Zigzagoon nuts smacked closer to my nose, and they were doing the bonking, not the other way around." I say, adding to my sketches of symbols a quick doodle of a heft nut sack slapping my face and showing it to the other two for clarification. Of course, while drawing this I realised I didn't actually know what my face looked like all too much right now. Roughly Sylveon-esque I expected, and perhaps with some of my features dashed in. Fortunately that didn't matter for a very generalised sketch, but a mirror would be nice around now. Speaking of a mirror, so would glass.

"This aether sounds fascinating. Scientifically impossible, but so is everything that's happened to me recently. But fortunately being proven wrong is what science loves the most because it means we've learned something new. There must have been aether in those ruins somehow and I guess it triggered me to... well, I guess evolve. Right, Blair, likes lurking in the caverns, where can I find her? Oh, please don't say in the caverns. Oh, and while we're at it, how far along is your society in terms of glasswork? Like... do you have lenses with different amounts of light refraction yet? Ones that can be worn in front of the eyes to help people see better." I doodle some glasses and show them. "Or if not, do you at least have some glassblowers or glass cutters? I can probably make some myself if pressed. I like making things. Also... lab coats.... uh, I might need to make that myself too... but it would be useful - I'm going to need some pockets, which doesn't seem to be a thing people around here like. That's fair, the fashion industry back home hates women's pockets too."
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:39 pm

Your explanation of the Zigzagoon and the particulars of their nuts seems to get a defeated sigh out of Rover, and a whimper out of poor Wattson, though it doesn't seem it bothers Sage all that much, given she was the one who brought them up. Thankfully, the deluge of questions that follow provide a convenient distraction from the specifics of that encounter. The Grass-type rolls her shoulders in response to the first of them.

"Blair goes wherever she goes. Sometimes you can find her down in her workshop. It's toward the bottom of the burrow, if you were wondering. A lot of the time she is in the caverns. Honestly, if you need to see her, might as well have someone send her a message that you want to. She'll find you faster than you'll find her."

Continuing with the trend of being the more helpful, or at least less sassy of the pair, Rover chimes in where she finishes in regards to your inquiry about glass. It's a little hard to pin the exact 'tech' level of the civilization around you, given the wildly different abilities anthropomorphic Pokemon bring to the table, but his answer certainly broadens your idea of what they're capable of.

"If you require vision correction, Miss Bess might have what you need. She has made pairs of magnifying lenses for others before. She's also quite deep in the burrow, on account of the nature of her work."

Miss Bess? Another Miss? You could only hope she was anything like the Miss Liz you knew. A lot of the 'mon you had seen around were still in their younger stages, but who knew how many MILFy final evolved forms were digging around in the burrow... the burrow... wait, did that mean that the tree wasn't the only place Pokemon lived? Did they live underground?! Is that why it was called 'Burrowton'?!

"If you need clothing made, Millie can accommodate you. She prefers to live above ground, down on the hill," Rover gestures with his snout out the doorway, "We can show you the way, if you're able."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:03 pm

The bottom of the burrow? Okay, that made sense actually. A walled hill didn't seem large enough to house all the Pokémon I've seen around. Maybe before entering the tree, but after - unless everyone's getting very cosy at night they would need a bit more space for all the people that seem to live here. Besides, Pokémon had a very diverse range of habitat needs. For so many of them to reside within the same village, there would need to be some way in which multiple different habitats could be provided or replicated for that to work.

It seemed they had developed corrective lenses, to at least some extent. The use of aether for near all their needs likely encouraged a very different kind of technological development to humanities own. A lot of things around here seem stuck in the bronze or even stone age, yet used with ingenuity that seems far more modern. Perhaps instead of being primitive they were just... differently developed. A branching path society could have taken if humanity had access to this aether. That, and the Pokémon themselves have their own abilities to rely upon. Humans make use of Pokémon abilities as well quite regularly, but it took time for that to become a society wide habit. If humans were doing that from the beginning, then maybe our world would look a little closer to this one.

So, I had three people I needed to go see. Blair, Miss Bess and Millie. Trying to visit them all would give me a good chance to look around town and see what else I could learn. Though... that was a lot of people to be talking to in very short order. Though it would be a bit unfair to send Wattson to go talk to them on my behalf.

"Thankyou, that'd be a great help." I say, accepting Rover's offer to show me the way to Millie. "If you don't mind, I have something else the two of you might be able to help me with as well. I take it your both used to a bit of fighting, being a Rescue Team and all that. I don't suppose you could... maybe teach me how to fight, a bit. I'm not very good at using my moves... I... ah, well I've never needed to before now, so I could with a bit of a training montage. I'll make it up to you both... somehow." Not sure how, but I could figure that out later.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:49 pm

Sage seems to perk up a tad when you mention wanting to learn how to fight. Despite his colder demeanor, it had been that Rover tended to be the more helpful of the two, and you almost expected him to be the one to offer you some pointers. But his companion is quicker, and seizes on the opportunity before he can so much as mutter a response.

"Iiiii think we could work something like that out. Most 'mon never learn how to fight, but we learned from the best! And let me tell you, the best doesn't come cheap," There's a little glint in her eye as she speaks, and you can't help but feel like you're being sized up by a predator with how she eyes you up like a mark, "But, given the circumstances, I think we can come to an arrangement for this very valuable opportunity~"


Rover doesn't have the same dominance as a ceiling-bumping Nidomommy, but at the very least he seems at odds with shaking you down for the opportunity to defend yourself. You supposed that he was still a Fighting-type at the end of the day, even if he was on the more subdued side of those hot-blooded good-doers. Of course, Sage only turns her gaze to him instead, a devilishly little grin playing on her thin reptilian lips.

"Oh? Do you have a better idea on how she might pay us back? Did you get some ideas down in the caverns?~ Such a naughty boy! Though I suppose I should've expected that, given what happened on our way back~"


You swear you can see Rover's cheeks go pink under the black fur of his little mask. The Snivy has the decency to talk around the issue, but given the state they found you in, and how Wattson seemed to act after the act, it's not hard to imagine the sort of effect your body might have had on the poor sap who carried you back to town. Or, well, maybe it was hard. But in a different way.

"Oh, don't be so sensitive! I wasn't going to ask her to do that. Not yet, anyway," She goes back to shooting you her mischievous little look, "I was going to ask her to join our Team! We still need another member before Flare will let us go deeper, and it's only fair she helps us out if we're going to train her!"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Delectable Delvers (LazyKitsune

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:40 pm

Brilliant! My bargaining skills must be better than I thought. I didn't even offer anything in return, and yet they already seemed willing to help train me. Its onwards and upwards from here. If I could keep going at this pace, then maybe I can even talk them into searching for more of these symbols for me, maybe try and find a safe path down so I could continue my research in person.

I'm drawn out of my daydream and back into the conversation when it soon becomes apparent that Rover might have a little reaction to me on the way back. "Huh? What now? What happened on the way back?" I ask, glancing between the two of them. "Oh, wait, did he get hard? Wait, wait, was it because of me? Wait, wait, wait! Am I hot?" I look between them all, eagerly awaiting an answer. "I've not seen myself, am I hot?" I turn over to Wattson "Do you think I'm hot?" before leaning across the table to meet Rover's gaze, my tits pressing against the table's surface. I peer at him, narrowing my eyes, before liftin my chest up so my boobs weren't squished between my body and the table. I then gave my tits a quick grab and shake with my hands, gauging the Riolu's reaction as if I were studying the results of a scientific experiment.

I sit right back in my seat with alarm bells ringing in my head. "Eep! J-join you? But but... that would mean... going outside... a lot. Going outside just once is what got me into this mess!"

I knew I would probably have to go back to the caverns at some point. But that would be... after I was super prepared and the area was cleared out and I knew exactly what I needed to do, quick in and out trip no big deal. Okay, maybe those expectations weren't realistic, but they were helping me feel more comfortable with the whole situation. But this.... this was like field work! But more! And often! And dangerous! And with people that will want to talk.

Okay, think this through Mira. Breathe and be logical. You're not making a good impression in front of your new... friends? Acquaintances! by hyperventilating in the midst of a mild panic attack. In. Out. In. Out. Is it in through the nose and out through the mouth or in through the mouth and out through the nose? Oh no, now I'm doing in on both! I'm going to inflate like a balloon and burst! How do I breathe? HOW DO I BREATHE?

Eventually exhaling returns to me with one long wheeze that leaves me doubling over against the table. After a few moments I speak up, my face still pressed against the table's surface leaving my voice a little muffled, but I stick my thumb in the air to help convey my meaning. "Sure, sounds great!"
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