Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

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Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:34 am

Lazy Kitsune Wrote:Name: Yamakawa Ina
Age: 18
Gender: Female
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Arcana: Fool

Numbers Don't Lie: Ina has a great analytical mind and clings to logic with a vicelike mental grip. This helps her use logic to resist mental influences more easily than most, making it harder to brainwash her or trick her with illusions.

Attention To Detail: Ina picks up on small details quickly and easily, making it easy for her to notice subtle clues or body language.

Sexy Figure: Though its not always obvious with how she dresses, in recent years she's starting to really show she is her mother's daughter. Her chest in particular is quite bouncy and shapely, and can be used to help seduce or distract to great effect.

Strong Sense of Justice: Ina is headstrong when it comes to her views of right and wrong. While this may get her into trouble every now and then, it does mean that even if she were to fall under the influence of some kind of brainwashing, she would still try to act in the interests of the greater good, and her sense of justice may even shake her out of the mental influence if she is commanded to do something she deems evil without justification. The flip side of this is, however, that if someone were to figure out this trait of hers, they could dress up their commands to seem more just and use that to make it harder for her to break free.

Sensitive Tits: As grabbable as they are, they are also a weakness. She has a particularly sensitive chest, making it hard for her to struggle free from grabs that focus on her tits or resist cumming from nipple stimulation. This can even weaken her otherwise strong mental resolve if someone is attempting to brainwash her.

Not A People Person: Ina isn't great at making friends, only ever successfully bonding with a detective that was fucking her mother due to a shared interest in puzzles. If any of her hyper fixations aren't shared with who she's talking to, she struggles to find what to talk about.

Four Eyes: If Ina loses her glasses, she struggles to see well with her poor eyesight, hindering her accuracy, hand-eye-coordination and ability to pick up on fine visual details.

Background: Ina came about eventually as the unintended consequences of a young country woman trying to make it big in the city as an actress and a model only to fall into the clutches of a sinister businessman who ploughed her thoroughly with drink and false promises before being able to plough her twice as thoroughly with his cock. Ina's mother found herself strung along from club gig to club gig, the current whims of the man that wrapped her around around his finger being the only thing keeping her from being a full on prostitute at this point. A coil of debt, deceit and addiction was used to leash her to his will - one of many trophies he had gathered in Tokyo. All still clinging to the dream that one day he would make them stars. If they just took the opportunity to impress the right people. If they proved they were hard enough workers. If they sucked and rode his cock well enough. Debased themselves enough for the dream.

This dream became well and truly unreachable once Ina was born. Ina's mother could not recover from the pregnancy to match the standards of this business man and his associates. Now a second hand plaything in their eyes, she grew resentful of Ina over the years. The would-be-starlet had drifted out of favour with her manipulator and abuser, but the damage was long since done and addiction had dug its claws deep within her. Soon prostitution became the only profession left to her that could earn her enough money to scratch that itch, all the while she had no one to blame for this around her other than her daughter. She had enough motherly love in her to not be physically abusive - at least in the beginning - but as she grew more bitter and jaded with time, her resentfulness seemed to overshadow even that and Ina became little more to her than a meal ticket.

Even as a small child, Ina rarely seemed to cry. She was a very quiet girl, able to be set in front of a book or the TV and left alone while her mother worked. Somewhere deep within Ina's mother, a concern that there was something wrong with her child took root. Unfortunately, this was buried under layers of her own resentment and neglect that she took to distancing herself from the 'weird child' even more so, feeling a visceral sense of fear and regret whenever she looked at Ina that she couldn't quite come to terms with.

Her mother did eventually manage to get Ina into a school nearby, mainly to get her out of the house for an extended period of time on work days. Ina was nonverbal for the first couple of weeks of school, which caused issues with teachers and students alike, however she graded exceptionally well in all forms of written work. Sometimes she would have to make her own way home, even from a young age, due to her mother working late or being too out of it to be able to pick her up. She learned to pick up on small details in her mother's morning routine that would let her know whether or not she would have to make her own way back after school - and if she should wait outside the front door doing her homework to give her mother time to finish up inside before coming in.

Eventually she seemed to earn at least some attention from her mother. Her mother wasn't quick to pick up on how gifted Ina was. In fact, she thought she was quite the opposite. Ina's mother was always a social butterfly, obsessed with the latest trends and eager to find the spotlight even before she came to Tokyo. To her, Ina's lack of social interests or skills seemed to indicate a lack of any interests at all. However, where Ina's social talents were underdeveloped, her analytical and mathematical ones were flourishing. She almost held her tongue when it happened, but Ina noticed a client trying to short-change her mother. She didn't see the hand off of money often, but from this quick observation it was clear that her mother didn't seem the best at handling money - both physically and otherwise. Ina decided to speak up - as if spurred on by the need to make the arithmetic add up, prompting her mother to double check the cash in her hands. Sure enough, Ina's quick observation was correct. The client tried to lie, claim he didn't have any more cash on him but he would bring more next time... a lie Ina seemed to see right through just as easily as she noticed the inconsistencies with his payments. A few prodding questions later and he relented, offering up the rest of the payment to Ina's mother.

This eye for detail would earn her praise from her mother, and Ina soon found herself instructed to stay nearby when her mother had a client so when she was done working, Ina could observer the transaction and make sure everything happened properly. While this gave her much more exposure to overhearing her mother getting routinely fucked in the most degrading ways by a carousel of strangers then she would have cared for, she appreciated being recognised for her talents and was able to focus on the purely mathematical side of things. Attire, small talk, bags, how dry they looked if it was raining, there were a whole range of things Ina would pick up on that would let her know just how wealthy a man was, and she could give this information to her mother so she could better squeeze them for more cash. She even became good at identifying potential clients on the street, which finally got Ina's mother to take her for walks in the park or to the bookstore or library.

While things with her mother improved, her school life got worse. She began losing time to attend school in order to help her mother's business. Furthermore, as she grew older, she also became argumentative - particularly in any cases where the mathematics of the situation didn't add up. She took issue with a number of her teachers, considering them 'wrong' and needing to be corrected. Even though on many occasions it turned out she was right, this disruptive presence was not welcome in the school and it resulted in disciplinary action. At least, it would have, if she didn't choose to drop out before that could happen. The school was teaching her slower than she could learn, so she returned to teaching herself as she did in the past.

Occasionally some of her mother's clients would try to make conversations with Ina. Most would tend to ignore her, but she discerned the types that seemed to want to get on her good side. Those that felt guilty once they saw Ina might try to make a joke or come up with a lie for why they were here. Those that were clearly new to this sort of thing were as awkward around Ina as they were her mother - albeit for very different reasons. Those that seemed to catch feelings for her mother would often bring sweets and toys for Ina. Only one was ever smart enough to bring books.

This man was different to the others in a number of ways. It didn't take Ina long to realise he wasn't here as a client - at least, that wasn't his main goal. He was here to investigate. A private detective, looking into something related to one of Ina's mother's clients. His own keen eye for detail led to him ascertaining Ina's fondness for puzzle and books above other forms of entertainment. But what really impressed Ina was when it came time to pay. He payed normally the first time. There were no issues, and no reason for Ina to speak up. But the second time, instead of paying normally, when he got out the money to hand to Ina's mother as she walked him to the front door, bringing him in line of sight of Ina as was part of their routine, he moved and presented the money in a way so he was clearly showing to Ina and not her mother. It was quick and he handed it over soon after, but it made it clear - he had identified their routine the first time he was there and recognised Ina as being the person to prove he was paying fairly to.

Ina found herself admiring this particular man more than the others and would end up returning his attempts at conversation whenever he stopped by. They would share puzzles that they had each found and would even start to make puzzles to test each other with. Sometimes it seems he spent as much time working through puzzles with Ina when he came over as he did fucking her mother. Ina herself had figured out through overhearing pillow talk just which one of her mother's clients he seemed to be interested in. She took it on her own initiative to find evidence, going through his things the next time the suspect visited her mother and reporting back to the detective what she found. He was concerned initially, not wanting a child to become involved in such dangerous matters, but he was ultimately more impressed by her talents and decided to nurture them instead. He took her on as his protégé, teaching her the investigative trade and even letting her help out on some of the safer cases. Even after the case that brought them together had closed, he continued to visit Ina's mother. To Ina, it was almost like they were a family of sorts. Almost.

She eventually joined him in working as a consultant for the police. Not in any official capacity, of course, given her age at the time, but the local police department recognised her as his assistant and in time began to recognise her analytical talents as well. This set her into the path of a particularly ambitious and dedicated police detective. This detective did not get along with Ina's mentor, but seemed to respect Ina herself. Over the following years, they would even work together on a couple of cases, where Ina found them to be particularly demanding but well focused. It was this detective that contacted Ina to join them for an undercover operation.

A specialist elite High School, known for its extremely regimented course structure that created an almost classist divide between high performing and low performing sets but produced a lot of highly successful graduates, had become the centre of an international investigation. Several high profile business leaders, politicians, activists and scientists had all suffered similar unfortunate fates over the span of a couple of weeks. In the case files, these were described only as 'complete mental shutdowns'. Most of these people had no connection with each other, outside of the fact that they had all, at one point in time or another, either taught or graduated from the most elite and difficult to enter track at this prestigious high school. A track so revered that students in it had a whole building to themselves.

This was an environment much fancier than Ina was used to, but with figures of authority within the Japanese government backing the investigation it wasn't too hard to fabricate grades to use as Ina's for her application to the school. The police detective that invited her onto the case would act as her guardian for the investigation as Ina would go undercover at the school, and either work her way up through the various tracks to reach the elite track or find some other means of figuring out what connection the school has to the mental shutdown cases. She would move in with the police detective for the duration, her old mentor promising to help look after her mother while she was gone, leaving Ina to focus on the task ahead.

Turn Ons: sub / dom play, transformations, bestiality, cuckolding, cheating, blackmailed, drugged / drunk sex, coercion, sexual favours, gangbangs, brainwashing, brain drain, rape, instaloss, pregnancy, incest, hypnosis, voyeurism and exhibitionism
Turn Offs: gore, vore, pedo, scat, insects and arachnids

Persona: Lovelace
Persona Arcana: Fool
Persona Appearance:
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Analytic Engine: Almost as an extension of Ina's own analytical abilities, Lovelace can analyse shadows, cognitions and personas to great effect, identifying affinity strengths and weaknesses faster than most other personas.

Electricity Affinity: Lovelace is strong at using electric attacks and resisting electric damage.

Status Redirection: When Ina or an ally is afflicted with a status debuff, Lovelace has a chance of reflecting this status effect back at the enemy.

Target Analysis: Lovelace studies a particular enemy target and identifies a weak point which allies and Lovelace can exploit until the end of her next turn.

Glass Cannon: Lovelace is not particularly good at taking many hits, preferring to handle situations through careful planning or a well executed single attack, rather than a drawn out fight.

Physical Weakness: Lovelace is weak against physical attacks.

Programmed Defect: The same ability that can reflect status changes back at enemies can act as a hinderance if Ina is brainwashed by an enemy, as Lovelace would be able to then use the same ability to apply that brainwashing to other party members while Ina is under the enemy's control. This also has a risk of triggering when Ina is confused, asleep or frightened.

Now that everything was said and done and the investigation was truly set to begin.. you couldnt help but feel a tightness in your chest along with a rumbling in your stomach that pointed to an inauspicious sign of the things to come. Your mother, Yamakawa Naoka, actually felt hesitant to let you go, while the pretense was false the look on her face flashes clearly in your memory. Her usually stiff expression towards you was softer than normal and she had a genuine frown as you bowed your head and said your goodbyes. Maybe other parents would have wept or sobbed, clutching their children tightly before seeing them off, but in her own way she was sad to see you go. A soft "Good luck out there," escapes between her lips as she waves you off and you board a familiar, if somewhat, conspicuous blue car.

It was a western built muscle car. Dark leather lined the inside--freshly oiled making the thing reek of tannins, acrid and bitter, only further contrasting the man behind the wheel or maybe complimenting was more accurate as on the outside he seemed like many private detectives you've read about. Harsh, lonely, dealing with his own demons, but you knew underneath there was more to the man. It takes a moment to settle into the passenger side seat, but once you do sink into the soft plush material. This was the "Detective" Mamooru Daijiro you had come to know over many months. He adjusted his glasses when you stepped inside then ran his hand through his hair. It was grey at the temples, but was otherwise sleek and well groomed, the color of midnight. The bits of grey found between the dark canvas coming across like stars. Aside from his usual greeting the ride to the train station was mostly silent. Once parked at the train station however he pops open his trunk to retrieve a paper bag for you.

In keeping with tradition before he went off to rail your mom he had a little puzzle for you to solve and a book. Inside the bag you pulled out what looks like a wooden Rubiks cube, a plastic baggy filled with jigsaw puzzle pieces, but instead of a design on them they were purely white. Last but not least was a small hardcover book. The title was scrawled in cursive English, The Shadow Out of Time. It glittered thanks to gilding in silver foil. The cover itself depicts a man and some sort of alien creature bisected and mimicking the pose of the Vitruvian man giving the two a strange symmetry. "These should keep you occupied for a while i think." He says with a smirk. "The box is a 3d sculpture, get it in the right shape and its secrets will be revealed. The jigsaw puzzle might be a bit more time consuming, but sometimes you might just need to brute force your problems." He pauses and you feel a 'but' coming on, instead though he only winks, he wasnt going to offer you a hint this time. "And i found this book in a book store in Shinjuku, might be a bit morbid, but considering the case but I thought it could be fun." He claps you on the shoulder and gives you a little shake.

"You've grown up quite a bit, and i know you'll be a great detective one day, maybe even half as good as me." He snorts at his own joke, "But I'll keep your mom safe, promise." You feel his grip on your shoulder tighten somewhat, the warmth of it is reassuring. To your mind, this... affection he was showing you felt different from all the other times you had seen him come over to visit.

That was the last you saw of him before you boarded the train headed for the heart of Tokyo. The little suburb you had grown used to on the outskirts of the city gave way to more and more people and more and more skyscrapers. The occasional jostle a step over the threshold into your new life. While undercover you were barred from visiting or even speaking to your mother, now you had a new Guardian, though the cover story was she was to be your Aunt. You watch as people slip in and out of the sliding doors, as one leaves two step on, the closer to the center you go the more and more packed the train was. You shift between each of the individuals, swaying with them as the train rhythmically stops and starts. Your mind races

"Azabu-Juban, Azabu-Juban" The voice on the intercom spoke out. A decent few of the passengers filter out, but as you step out the few passengers who do the same give you a look that seems to scream What are you doing? or Are you lost disdain filtering through their puzzled expressions. The station itself was spotless however, clean white tiling and clear marking on the grounds lead you up and outside where you're greeted by a clear blue sky and trendy cafes. The smell of coffee and buttered pastries waft toward you, but before you could get moving a woman dressed in a maroon shirt with a baseball cap and sunglasses runs up to you. A fancy purse compliments her dark slacks.

"Ina-Chan! Thank god that jackass didnt make you miss your train." Her heavy boots skid to a stop as she crashes into you, her arms wrapped around you in an instant as she twirls around. "You have no idea how happy I am to be with you right now." She pulls you in close, you feel of her soft satin shirt press up against your body, the material almost tickling your neck. Though more so you feel a rush as her rather modest breasts press up against your tits, a flicker of electricity shunting its way into your brain. She lowers her voice to a whisper. "The operation has already started." The seriousness in her voice is cut short before a kiss on your cheek and she pulls back, though the scent of cinnamon lingers. "Now how's my favorite's niece today? Anything you'd like to do before we get you settled in? Visit a cafe, buy some clothes, maybe see some boys?" She caps her cheerfulness with a wink, it seems your briefing will have to wait until the two of you get to the apartment. For now the woman in front of you isnt Shirogane Towa, but Yamakawa Noriko, the younger sister of your mother.

She smiled at you, but it seemed obvious to you it was forced, not that she unhappy to see you, just that this was an act she was putting on. She at least seemed to be giving you a moment to actually choose what you'd like to do if not just going to your new home immediately.

Yamakawa Naoka:
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Mamooru Daijiro:
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Shirogane Towa/Yamakawa Noriko:
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:00 pm

I never felt the need to converse with those around me. The drive for social interaction and validation that dictated the actions of so many others that I've observed was simply never much of a concern for me. If anything, I felt more accustomed to comfortable silence. It never felt weird to me to share the same space with someone, even someone I considered myself familiar with, and not talk but instead simply allow for each other to privately entertain our own trains of thought while in the other's presence. There was something different, now, however. An intangible quality that placed me in the moment with them, as I would normally be when attempting to engage someone in conversation. Yet no words came. First with my mother - my goodbye felt shorter than it should be, but there had never been much for us to discuss. We share neither hobbies nor interests and in one way or another we had always been more business associates than parent and child. Yet through that dynamic we had accomplished some semblance of a mother and daughter relationship and now I was leaving perhaps we were both closer to realising what we never had. I don't hold anything against my mother, not anymore, but I do sometimes find myself wondering what things would be like if she had taken more care into raising me.

The second instance that immediately followed was more palpable, however. Perhaps due to how brief the interaction was, or how no words could summarise the way in which our dynamic had shifted over my life, but the lack of exchange between my mother and myself felt more excusable on some level than what I experienced next. Mamooru-Sensei and myself had not known each other overly long, all things considered, but he had perhaps been the one adult in my life that had earned my respect. At the very least, he seemed to understand me better than anyone else did and he provided me the opportunity to explore a world of analytical investigation that I may never had been able to before. He may be rather rugged and macho in his attitude and appearance, but he had the same mind for puzzles as myself. While I may be under the authority of another on this investigation, I will always consider him my Sensei. I should have more to say to him. We never needed small talk before - though he would occasionally attempt if only to hear himself talk for a bit. Maybe if I had practiced more, I would know what to say now.

My face isn't the most expressive. Its not that I try to hide my emotions, I just don't show them very well. Even still, I can feel a small smile come to my lips ever so gently as he hands me these parting gifts. I give each one a look over, touched by the sentiment greatly but also eager to give my mind something to work through - even if I won't actually tackle the puzzles themselves until later. "Lovecraft?" I say, turning over the book a few times to study its front and back before slipping it back into my bag. "I didn't know you were interested in that sort of thing. Thankyou. I'm sure I will enjoy all of these very much."

I bow in thanks, a motion which does not come consequence free. The top buttons of my shirt pop open as my chest bounces with the movement of my body, my clothes already straining to contain my bust. The collar stayed shut, but the opening underneath created a clear window to my well developed chest as I quickly try to adjust and close up my top. Though compared to others I may have been a slightly late bloomer, my "growth spurt" has been quite drastic indeed and is yet to show signs of stopping. Already I have grown to rival my mother's size, even without ever having been pregnant myself. The downside of this, other than the greater need for back support, is my clothes have struggled to keep up with my changing body shape. Even my bra was a size too small and the sudden jostling popped it a little loose. It was a brief wardrobe malfunction, but in front of someone with the observation skills of Mamooru-Sensei there's no doubt he would have been able to gleam a clear view of my nipples briefly flashing within the window opened on my top.

I wasn't unaware that this was a transformation that Mamooru would have seen unfold before his very eyes over the time we've known each other, witnessing me grow from my diminutive frame to a much more shapely one that resembled quite closely the very woman he favours bedding on a regular basis. Still, I hoped it wouldn't make him too comfortable as I moved forward to press against him, aping a hug as I pressed my chest against his body to hide it from the view of others while I took a few seconds to adjust and fix my top.

"Sorry about that..." I whisper, my cheeks bright red with embarrassment as I take a step back now that I was dressed properly once again. As the moment passes, I continue saying my goodbyes before departing. As sad as it was to leave him behind, I was eager to get going. This case was an intriguing puzzle, and one I greatly looked forward to solving.

By the time I reached the station, Shiroganesan was already present. Her rush over to greet me was unexpected, but it became clear why she was acting this way when she whispered in my ear. Already? Did she have reason to suspect the school would have people observing new arrivals at the station, or did this job require staying in character all the time while in public. The embrace gives me the opportunity to compose myself so being put on the spot like this wasn't too severe.

I'm here with my auntie. Yamakawa Noriko. My mother's sister. She is my guardian while I am attending my new school. I am very happy to see her again. ...We're not too dissimilar in age, at least in appearance. She's clearly older than me... but she'd be my mother's younger sister. Would I call her... Obasan... No. She called me her 'favourite niece', she's put on a playful personality, lively, and we're clearly very close. Maybe I should refer to her like I would an older sister. Cutesy, familial and fun. She's wearing perfume, dressed nicely enough and wants to go look around town. Equal parts showing her niece around and having a day out with a girl friend. I see. In that case, I should match her energy, look up to her but be comfortable around her at the same time.

"Noriko-Chan!" I near squeal with delight as I throw my arms around her with as much enthusiasm as I can muster, pulling our hug all the tighter. I give her a kiss on her cheek back and even as the hug comes to end I stay close, keeping our arms overlapping and holding onto each other and our chests pressed together. "It's so good to see you again! Yes, we need to catch up." I giggle enthusiastically, shifting a little as I listen to her suggestions, my brain keeping up and figuring out what things it would make the most sense of us to do given our supposed dynamic. Never having been as close to someone as I am pretending to be now, I have to rely on deductions gained from observing girls my age rather than my own experiences.

"I feel like we've so much to talk about, I don't even know where to begin. Boys? Onee-san, that's so cheeky! Hmm, okay, sure, why not? But I'd love to go shopping too, I bet you know all the best places nearby!"
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:43 pm

Mamooru does a hearty scoff, his amusement writ plain on his face as you question if he was into the series or not. "Well, they're interesting reads. Real out of the box stuff, keeps you on your toes." Did he just admit to being a fan? He tried to hide it behind some more of his usual machismo, but it seemed a little clear to you that he didnt "just find this in a shop in Shinjuku." Turning over the book it seems clear to you while old, it seems well cared for. The binding isn't broken and you there's no obvious sun fading or marring of the cover. The back of the book has a brief summary of the plot describing a professor who is seemingly losing his mind and having strange dreams and creates an investigation to prove he isnt mad.

Your bow certainly causes a bit of a stir in the man though as he face lights up like a red warning signal. He certainly caught a glimpse of your heavy breasts and the sultry pink of your nipples, but you can hear the man clear his throat. When you look up he's clearly turned his head away with a heavy lingering blush underneath his glasses. Your hug clears the air though as you feel him wrap a firm arm around you and give you a few pats. But you do feel against your thigh a throbbing heat pressing against you as you pressed your breasts against him. "Don't worry about it," When you break off he gives you a little shove towards the train and waves you goodbye as the doors and the train starts its journey along.

Caught up with Noriko and figuring out your approach in the seconds after she alerted you. The display you both put on does draw some eyes from the crowd around the station's entrance, but no one seems to linger as far as you can tell, leaving you to suspect that these people only saw you as some rather rowdy out-of-towners. Noriko's face warps a bit when you refer to her as Onee-san, but you suspect she's a tiny bit unused to the phrase or maybe didnt expect it. But she buries the expression rather quickly and smiles at you. Though she's taken more aback by your agreement to see some boys. The embrace does feel like it leaves a lingering impression on your body however, the feeling if yours and Noriko's breasts pushed up against one another while you thought of boys seems to do a tiny bit of something to your mind and body.

"Ohh my little Ina-chan has grown up so fast," She winks again. "Sure lets do some shopping first, make sure youve got all the right clothes then we can scope out some boys for you to meet. Azabu-Juban is a pretty small neighborhood so I'm sure you'll be seeing plenty of familiar faces once you get settled down."

With that she takes you along to visit some exceedingly expensive shops for the two of you to window shop and play some faux catch up. Inside of a changing room you're looking over a bra and panties combo that seemed a tiny bit more accommodating of your new figure, but the lace pattern on it left extremely little to the imagination. You run your fingers over the lace and get a feel for the material and texture. You suspect it would feel quite nice, the way the lace might dig into your skin. On the rack was also some trendy shirts and skirts picked out for you by your "aunt" but you didn't have to try it on. When Noriko comes back with more clothes she closes the door behind her and doesnt leave.

"This is exhausting isn't it." She says breaking the facade as she takes a seat on the little bench and her shoulders slump a bit. "I thought we'd just go back to the apartment.." She complains, but she summons a bit more energy as she looks at you. "How anyone actually affords these clothes is beyond me. But..." she pulls out her phone to double check something. "If you did wanna get something theres enough in the budget. I imagine the people around here would find it odd if you walked around wearing anything less than half a million yen."

The expression and attitude you're seeing from Noriko was the Towa you knew back at the station. Clear cut, hardworking, with a small penchant for finding herself overworked, thus a tiny bit of a complainer when she gets a moment to herself. But you knew she was a good detective, even if she took umbrage with Mamooru bringing you along on cases, but now that the roles reversed she can see managing another person wasn't at all easy.

"By the way, did the old fart spill any beans about the investigation to you, i know he likes sticking his noise in the wrong kinds of business." She says a look of mocking on her face as she reaches around for something in her pockets, pulling out a stick of nicotine gum and popping it into her mouth.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:21 pm

The changing room offers a much needed moment of reprieve. I can talk fast when I need to. Often times its the only way to convince someone that I know something and I'm not some silly girl making a blind guess. But maintaining this particular energy is new to me and having a quiet place where I could stop talking and catch my breath is nice. And stop smiling. That part was the weirdest part for me. Fortunately I wouldn't have to keep this energy up for the entire operation. How I act around a beloved aunt that's like an older sister to me is one thing, I can be more like myself around everyone else. I just need to sell that I've had a normal upbringing and that I've known Shirogane-San my whole life.

Plus the changing room allows me to do something about my tits. My bra hadn't stopped being uncomfortable since my mishap at the station earlier, and being able to slip out of it and try on something a more appropriate size was a big relief. Unfortunately my "fun aunt" had helped pick out some equally fun underwear. It fit, much more comfortably than what I had at the moment, but didn't exactly look like the kind of thing I would want to wear everyday. I posed in front of the mirror, looking it over as I held it in front of my naked body. I pout a little, before trying it on. It was definitely fancier than anything I wore before. But it wasn't quite me. A feeling that only grew as I finished putting it on. It somehow made my bust look even bigger, and all things considered, made me look even more like my mother. At least, how she would sometimes dress for clients. I turned to look at a few different angles. Okay, I have to admit it looks very good on me. But I'd rather something plainer as well.

I begin taking off the bra, leaving myself standing in front of the mirror in just my panties as Shirogane comes back in. I bite my lip to prevent any surprised noises escaping my mouth and quickly throw and arm up in front of my chest to cover my tits as she sits herself down on the bench beside me. I definitely didn't expect her to do something like that, but I suppose we need to get used to sharing each other's private space. Depending on how long the investigation went on for, we could be living together for quite a while.

"...Ah, yes..." I murmur, taking a moment to compose myself. I turn to my side so that my tits aren't waving in front of her face and hold out the bra towards her. "Underwear in this size, but plainer if at all possible. That would be a better fit and I would be able to move more comfortably." It seemed she considered this place private enough for us to talk frankly. My tone drops from the bubbly one I've had since arriving to my more typical calm monotone approach to things. I had been told by a few of my mother's regulars that my voice was quite soothing to listen to on the occasion where I did speak. Personally it was just the way I was most comfortable talking.

"I suggested having a look around and seeing boys so I could identify fashion trends in my peers in this area. I only have a limited sample size at the moment, but I have identified a few items I am confident will be at least acceptable attire. I would appreciate any recommendations of your own as well.

There she went bringing up Mamooru-Sensei again. I understood they didn't get along with each other, that had been made quite clear quite frequently in the past. Fortunately it didn't hinder Shirogane-San's desire to work with me, nor Mamooru-Sensei's approval of me taking on a case with her. While I understood why they seemed to clash so much, I also felt they had more in common than either would like to admit. "He did not." I say in response to her question as I find something else to put on quickly so I wouldn't have to have this conversation while topless. "I don't know if he will do any investigating on his own, but I imagine he is invested in me operating without his guidance or assistance this time."
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:04 pm

Despite your effort to provide yourself a bit more composure from covering yourself, the lack of reaction from Shirogane seemed to especially heavy. She gave your body a whole once over. That appraising detective's eye she and Mamooru shared, but her reaction to seeing your near naked body compared to him barely catching a glimpse of it was on completely opposite spectrums. She was stone cold as she looked you over and chewed her gum, but you cant help but notice the way her eye lingers just slightly on your hips and tits before meeting your face again. Jealousy, admiration, desire? You couldnt make out why she lingered but she seems nonchalant about it either way.

"Hmmm unfortunately for you, 'plainer' will just be the color, but you can just." She undoes the top two button of her shirt and you can see below it thick white bandages going around her and a hefty sports bra over the top. "Easier and cheaper than these, though they take some getting used to." Despite those heavy binds though, you can tell she had quite the attractive figure, just how much more could be hiding beneath it all.

"Alright, that makes sense," She pulls out her phone again and reads something on it. "I made some notes a few weeks back while your paperwork got sorted, but girls in this area get away with a lot, stuff you wouldnt see outside of cosplay or... less savory districts. Short skirts, tight-fitting clothes, gyaru fashion essentially. Im not sure why, but the people here just seem more accustomed to it or maybe they know the kids are so rich that they can get away with being so brazen. You probably dont need to do anything close to them, after all you'll probably be in your uniform more often than not." She scrolls through her phone looking at various photos she took over her reconnaissance mission. "Maybe something like this?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


"Might be too revealing though, but it seems to be the fashion." Her notes do seem to corroborate what you've seen in your short time here. The girls who walked out of the store while you passed by seemed to favor off the shoulder clothes and strapless bras, along with a combination of either tight fitting leggings or short skirts.

She puts her phone away when to reply to her question about Mamooru. "Well I hope for his sake he doesnt, you know how he is," She leaves the rest unsaid, but you parse she means nosy along with an overwhelming amount of misplaced confidence. "We're dealing with something especially dangerous, so its better he sticks to the sidelines for once." Your last comment does seem to raise an eyebrow from her. She's rarely questioned her ability or aptitude after seeing what you're capable of. Maybe she thought you were already more than capable of investigations without his help, but she makes no comment about it, only popping a bubble as she puts her phone away.

If you have nothing else to add about the set of clothes you'll buy she steps out of changing room and leaves you to your thoughts for a moment. As you continue to stare into the mirror, your breasts covered by your arm and you notice a blue butterfly flutter over the top of the door and land on it. Its wings flap open for a moment and flap closed. For a split second you feel something tug at you from deep within as your eyes rest on beautiful almost ethereal creature, but when you turn around to look at it the thing is already gone, leaving only a small wisp of blue light where it trailed before it flew off.

Even if you thought about chasing after it, you'd first need to get redressed, but also your door is knocked on and you hear an airy voice on the other side. "Hello? Is everything going okay in there? Any issue with the clothes?" Oh it must be an employee.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:38 pm

It seems Shirogane-San's findings matched my initial observations. Which was actually surprising. I was prepared to mark off my initial observations as being an anomaly due to my small sample size and the time of day. I was used to seeing attire like this when helping my mother spot potential clients while out and about at night. A little more fashionable, but the same general principle. Azabu-Juban however had a reputation. And more importantly, the academy had a reputation. By all accounts, and from personality profiles and statistics, more classy attire would be the expected norm. Flashy outfits and more sensual and appealing cuts weren't outside the box entirely, but to this level and with this frequency it became a curiously contrasting detail with the rest of the environment.

It wasn't my particular comfort. If anything, I was thankful that I would be wearing the academy uniform more than anything else while on the investigation. Growing up around my mother, I found myself drifting towards more conservative or professional styles of dress even from a young age. It helped separate me from her line of work, especially in the eyes of the men that came around for business. Not always effectively, but enough for my own peace of mind. I wasn't too put off by what Shirogane-San showed me on her phone, however. It may be quite revealing, but at least composed of parts that evoked the feel of a more typical outfit. "Yes, that will be suitable. I'll try on a couple more things to see what else works and then join you shortly." I say, giving a nod as I take hold of another set of clothes I want to try on, waiting for her to leave before turning my attention back to the mirror.

That... is most peculiar. While considering the top I lay on the bench to evaluate next, my eyes catch a shimmering blue light fluttering by me. A butterfly, but almost iridescent in nature. It gave off a glow with an ethereal quality to it. I tried to place its shape and colouration, though could not think of any luminescent butterfly with that wing shape, let alone such a vibrant glow to them. It vanishes in an instant as I turn away from the mirror to see it - quickly enough to make me consider it might have been a trick of the light had I not been so thoroughly entranced by the beauty in the detail of its wings.

My curiosity over the butterfly, however, would have to wait as it seems I had been in here long enough for an employee to check up on me. "Oh, I'm finishing up soon, sorry to have taken so long." I say apologetically as I start to bundle some clothes together to slip on. "Is it alright if I wear some of these out of the store? The fit is much nicer than what I came here today in."
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:46 am

"Oh that is especially fine, hope you find something to your taste, we'll wait over by the reception desk if you need anything, have a lovely time." The employee says before leaving you to it. With her dealt with you can try on a few more tops, seeing a few more... sensual pieces that make the most of your growth spurt and accentuate your figure. The way the cloth drapes over your breast is especially enticing. When you lift your arms the excess material are like stage curtains revealing your soft belly and if someone were approaching from an even lower angle they'd see the bottom of your breasts. You had to admit though, the clothes were really nice. The make and material is immaculate. As you examine the sweater you see a small tag with the size, but also you see the manufacturer. "Made proudly in Japan, Aishiteru Corp, Kyoto prefecture"

The detail stands out to you. As far as you know theres not a lot of clothing manufacture happing in japan anymore, outside of traditional wear like kimono and school uniforms. Theres a few high end brands, but this particular company doesnt seem to ring a bell for you. You even recall your mother's own clothes the brands she often wore or used to wear when she tried to be a star. None were from this brand or company. As you ponder this Towa steps back inside with a bundle of clothes for you.

"Here ya go, hmm?" She notices you examining something, but you're pulled out of your reverie by an acrid smell. She clearly came back from smoking a cigarette. "You see something off?" She quirks an eyebrow as she sets down the small bundle of clothes.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:14 pm

These clothes were definitely taking me out of my comfort zone, but at least they felt nice on my body. I shift my arms around to see just how much underboob I might end up showing off with this current getup. All in all, its a small burden to bear for the investigation. Although during my examination I notice the tag catch my eye. Aishiteru Corp, that's...

Frowning, I pause and reach over to check a few other items of clothing to see just how many might be made by this same company. I was under the impression Azabu-Juban had a growing international market, so if a store wanted to sell more western style clothing they should be able to import from international brands quite easily. Instead opting for a somewhat unheard of manufacturer from Kyoto stood out. Perhaps it would make sense as a cost cutting option for importing, but the goods themselves would logically be more expensive for the store to get given the increased wages needing to be paid by the manufacturer to produce locally - so its unlikely this would be a way to save money. Alongside the clothing's less than traditional style, this felt like yet another anomaly.

I was here for the school, not an investigation into Azabu-Juban's clothing market, however understanding the environment of the academy could be crucial to fitting in properly, so at the very least this warranted contemplation. Before I could develop any potent hypothesis however, Shirogane-San returned, the odour of nicotine accompanying her.

"This tag... Do you know Aishiteru Corp has any notable local presence? Perhaps board members that live in the area or partnership deals with the neighbourhood?" I ask, shifting to show her the tag on my top. "That a Japanese manufacturer would make this clothes seems... unconventionally innovative, perhaps might be the right way of describing it."

After she has a chance to examine the tag, I turn to face her directly. "Is there a reason you're so stressed at the beginning of the investigation? If the nicotine gum you've been chewing since I arrived hasn't helped relax you, then smoking cigarettes will likely only exacerbate the issue. I recommend you cut back before we get further involved in the investigation or you may have trouble regulating your stress. Is there something I did that prompted this response? Its best to be upfront now before this has a chance of causing issues in the future."
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Fri Jul 12, 2024 10:31 pm

Shirogane takes a moment to examine the clothes and the tag. Mouthing the company name in her mouth, but judging from her expression she doesnt seem all too familiar with it either. "No... I havent seen much around, but well." She pulls out her phone and does a quick google search. "Hmmm, well its not much but they seem to be a somewhat newer keiretsu. Other people have noted they seem to be expanding into markets japanese companies seem "reluctant" to expand into, hence." She points to the non-traditional clothes. She taps her chin as you see her ponder something while she scrolls through her little google feed.

"That cant be right now. If its a keiretsu... they'd need to be ancient or have some connections, but most claims say its only about 5 maybe 10 years old and its all or most all unknown start ups? I'll need to dig more into this later, im not sure how its related to the investigation." She sets the clothes down when you bring up the smoking and here you can see a face you havent seen her make other than when she's around Mamooru and he has said something quite off.

"I think you're over thinking it Yamakawa-san." Judging from her expression you can see she's trying to shut down your line of inquiry. "I dont have any issues with you so dont worry about it. Lets just get these clothes so we can head back to the apartment and do the brief." She turns to leave the little changing room leaving her recently picked out batch of clothes on the bench for you to put on and decide for yourself what you'd like to buy.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:04 pm

While Shirogane is right in how their is no obvious connection between this and our case, I can't help but feel some of my curiosity captured by this latest puzzle. I doubt the authenticity of anything be a true coincidence at the best of times, and discovering a relatively new corporation with its own supply chains and production capitalising to great success on an equally bizarre and unexpected fashion trend and cultural shift within the very same area we'll be operating our investigation... it was simply sending off too many intriguing signals to my brain. There was no obvious connection between this and our case. I also highly doubted the case was causally linked to this occurrence either. However I wouldn't be surprised if I ran into increasing cultural and economical anomalies as we investigated. Whether these are a side effect of, a consequence of or environment conditions required for our main puzzle remains to be seen.

She is, perhaps as I should have expected, dismissive of my comments about her smoking habits. I never overthink anything, most people just don't think about things enough, but I keep myself from saying that. Pushing on the issue now wouldn't be helpful. I may want to keep an eye on it. If it becomes a problem she might become irritable to the point of jeopardising the investigation. I considered her professional enough to avoid that, however, so unless anything changes I shouldn't worry too much about it.

I quickly try on a few more outfits to round out my wardrobe and bring the selections to the checkout. I leave wearing one of the new outfits, the loose fabric giving my chest more freedom than usual, letting my tits sway and bounce with each step, but fortunately without the risk of bouncing completely free from my top that my overly tight top I came here with had. The pale skin of my shoulders and upper cleavage weren't normally so exposed, but it was actually one of the outfits I had selected that I was more comfortable with, even if it showed off enough that any one who looked down at me - and given my height that was most people - would see the beauty mark near my left tit.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:45 pm

WIth your outfit selected you step out of the changing room almost a completely different woman to the one that stepped inside. If it wasnt for how your hair was styled or the lack of make up you could fit right with some of the girls youve seen on your way to this store. A lotta of the men and women in the store are already turning their heads towards you. Maybe... the off the shoulder look was too forward? Your 'Aunt' however was waiting over by the register chatting up one of the employees and making a fairly good show of being a bubbly sort of woman. You catch a fragment of their conversation as you approach.

"Oh its been that nice working here? Its wonderful to hear, mhm, well i will definitely need to stop by for something of my own~" She says to the young woman at the register before noticing you. "Ohh my sweet little niece looks sooo Mature. Mmm boys wont be able to keep their eyes off of you!" She fires off as she pulls you in for a hug. "Im so glad we stopped by, how do you feel Ina?"

She says before turning to the cashier and handing her a credit card. You catch on the register the price for the whole outfit was flat out extortionate, but this was the fashion.. Noriko took the receipt and stuffed it into her purse

"Are you already to go then Ina~? Its been a long day huh. Unless you really did wanna check out some boys." Noriko says teasingly as she hook her elbow into yours. The interior of this store was honestly quite large, occupying a commanding position on the corner of a main thoroughfare near to the subway entrance. The entrance was large if a bit austere but two security guards flanked the inner portion of the entrance when, as the two of you were passing by, the door alarm goes off.

The sudden shock of noise makes your blood run a bit cold, but you quickly recompose as the two security guards look at both you and Noriko with obviously suspicious looks. "T-there has to be a mistake." Noriko stammers as she pulls out the reciept and waves it at the guard to see. He reads it over while the other looms over you seeing straight down at you and you feel a burrowing heat come off his gaze despite it being hidden by black sunglasses.

"Top, skirt, jacket, strapless bra, 1 set of lace underwear..." Noriko opens the small paper bag to show off the unmentionables and you get the feeling the guard who was watching you grunted to acknowledge he can see the strapless bra on you.

"Everything is here..."

"So whats the problem." Noriko says, her face looking a little fluster, thats when you catch.. her shirt seems to be a bit.. tighter? than before? More filled out or full. But it could just be a trick of the light or the angle you were looking at her. You could try to make your case or leave it to Noriko to try and solve.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:22 am

"Stop it." I say with a giggle, my shoulders squeezing together sheepishly as I feign flattered embarrassment. Taking a hold of a couple of bags of shopping with one hand while Shirogane-San hooks her arm around mine, I give her a great big smile. "All set." I say before letting my breath catch in playful shock at her suggestion. "You can't keep teasing me like that. We should probably head back, no point lugging all this around the place, but I do want you to show me around when-"

I stop as the alarm goes off. Two security guards positioned at the entrance of a clothing store seemed like a bit much, but this was a well off neighbourhood. Now it went from a minor oddity to an immediate problem however. This should be a minor issue, however. These kinds of alarms go off all the time. Usually there's just a tag that's been left on one of the clothes by mistake that's setting them off. Shirogane shows the guards the receipt, which should be more than enough to clear this up.

Unfortunately, these two seem to be taking their job much more diligently than most store security do, going so far as to openly rummage through what we bought right in front of everyone else. That would normally be embarrassing enough, but one even went so far as to peer down my top to confirm the bra I was wearing. Shouldn't he be more concerned with things not on the receipt rather than confirming where everything on the receipt was?

Shirogane-San seemed much more flustered than I would expect her to be. Perhaps she was deep in character as Noriko, but even then a store alarm going off under these circumstances warranted a little more than the initial surprise from the alarm going off. We paid for everything, we have nothing to hide about what we've done here. Although her top did seem... stretched. Did she stuff her bra with something? But from what she showed me earlier, she was binding on top of wearing a sports bra anyway. Had she some reason to loosen those bindings? There would be little need for her to smuggle something out, if we needed anything for the case then we could put it on the budget. Of course, if she had some reason to take something unrelated to the case then... she had been remarking about how overly priced everything here was, but had I misjudged her that much? Surely she's not the kind of person that would draw unwanted attention to us day one of an undercover operation by shoplifting.

"All the clothes I'm wearing were purchased here today." I say, stepping forward. "It should all be on that receipt. Perhaps a tag must still be left on somewhere." I hadn't noticed any tags remaining on my clothes myself, but it was the most plausible explanation anyone would expect. I bow heavily, a motion that I'm sure they'll be very pleased with given how I'm dressed and how one of them has been staring down my top. "We're deeply sorry for any disturbance we've caused. We are, however, eager to get home. I have spent much of the day travelling and I'm quite tired and have a lot of busy days up ahead. Please accept our apologies and we will leave at once."

Its a little overly apologetic in my personal opinion, but older men in more well off areas tend to like that in younger women. Besides, flustered, apologetic and in a hurry is the best combination for trying to defuse the situation while also giving us an excuse to turn down any offer to remove any tags still on my clothes themselves - just in case my observational skills haven't faltered and there were indeed no tags actually still hidden away on my clothes somewhere.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:06 pm

The guard standing over you seem less than amused with your reasoning, but he was certainly pleased by your bow. His gaze up from your tits to his partner who was at least a bit more eye to eye with Noriko. "Thats what they all say. But I dont see anything on this one that could have set it off. You?"

The guard who was reading over the receipt and checking Noriko's bag seemed to have a different expression on his face as he dug through the bag she was carrying. You catch Noriko crossing her arms over her chest and you see a flicker of realization on her face. You watch as she rolls her forearm and she palms her own breast, though trying to do it discreetly. "Shit." She mutters.

"You say something?" The guard says as he pulls his away from the bag.

"No.. well i just remembered I hadnt had a chance to feed my dog and he must be so lonely back at home so could we please get going." She pleas to the guard, giving him a bow as well. The two guards consider for a moment, but they seem to relent. Noriko receives her purse and the shopping bag, while the guard who was inspecting you takes a step back to give you some space.

"Dont let us catch you makin anymore trouble in here then, usually we'd need to preform a more.. thorough search. Get on now." He says letting Noriko pass and you're dragged out of the store, her hand gripping your wrist tightly so the two of you could vacate the premises as soon as possible. Once out of ear shot she breathes a huge sigh of relief.

"That could of been worse, sorry about that. Im never shopping for expensive clothes again.." She says more to herself than to you. If you had any comment on that fiasco now would be the time to place it, but she doesnt have anything further to say instead leading you down a few alleyways until you reach a small shotengai, a cluster older shops that existed prior to Azabu-Juban became gentrified. Though gentrification still led many of these shops shifting what they peddled, this still was more a tourist trap for those moving through the district trying to find something affordable to buy.

"Its just over here." Noriko says leading to a spiral staircase between two storefronts. Rickety metal rang in your ears, but otherwise you safely reach a small balcony that overlooked the whole shotengai. You could see down the whole lane from here, numerous people walking past each other, a few stopping to peruse the various small shops and nicknacks that littered the various store fronts. You could spend forever observing this one sight and i'd never be the same outside of the store owners. The click of a lock pulls you towards the front door of your new home but inside you couldnt help but blink in surprise. The inside was quite spacious by japanese standards, it seems like the top floor was the combined floor space of the two storefronts below it with 2 bedrooms and a small water closet for a shower and toilet. A kitchnette stood off to the corner of the main living room, but it was already partially converted to your base of operations with a large partition sectioning off about a third of the room. Behind the partition: a cork board for notes and some bits of information were laid out on it already, a computer sits next to the board and finally a workstation presses up against the partition. You spot a small locked briefcase on top of it, but its obvious to your from your time with Mamooru that it was a gun case, likely containing Shirogane's revolver.

The rest of the living room itself had a rather large kotatsu in the middle and an equally large TV just opposite of it but is otherwise a bit sparse.

"Welcome home. Your stuff is already in your room, but you'll need to unpack it, so why dont you get settled down first and meet me behind the partition when you're ready for the brief." Shriogane unceremoniously throws the shopping bag onto the kotatsu and steps into her room, gently closing the door behind her.

Your bedroom was mercifully less sparse than the rest of the apartment. You had a decently sized double bed off to the side, a large window gave you a clear view of the alley behind the shotengai and the rest of the Tokyo Skyline. There was a modestly sized bookshelf while completely empty right now you imagine will get filled up in time over the course of your investigation. There was also a large dresser, a desk for a computer, and a wardrobe. A fullsize mirror sits on the back of the door, though maybe the most decadent thing about this room was the mini-fridge under the desk. Compared to your old room though, it feels cozy. Maybe the size is playing a trick on you given your mother occupied a home and your old room was easily double the size of this one.

When you finish your examination you see a large cardboard box resting on your bed, it contained whatever the police department signed off on and allowed you to bring, mostly clothes, a few books and puzzles. You were provided a laptop by the department and whatever else you thought you could get past the pencil pushers at the police station.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:36 pm

The longer this went on, the more evidence seemed to be mounting to indicate Shirogane was trying to smuggle something out of the store in her top. Fortunately these two guards aren't quite as quick at picking up on the signs - in part due to one being mainly distracted with studying what he could see down my top, and in part due to Shirogane-San's quick thinking in coming up with an excuse to want to leave in a hurry. The guards don't seem to want to hide their ulterior motives for wanting to stop and search us even as they let us leave. In fact, they go so far as to heavily imply it. Perhaps to one that may only be a deterrent meant to keep us in line, though the one that checked me over certainly seemed the type to consider such searches a perk of the job.

This was concerning. Not the lecherous store guards. That was concerning in its own way, but expected and I hardly had the time nor means to rectify the nation's approach to public sexual harassment of women by any figure in a position of power - be that legitimate or merely perceived such as in this case. If Shirogane was shoplifting - most likely for personal gain given the circumstances and the lack of informing me beforehand, then that could indicate she may take other actions in the future that could draw unnecessary attention to us during the investigation. She was my senior on this matter in every conceivable way, however. To much greater degree than if I were simply her junior at the department. I had no official ties to the police, and only Shirogane had means of reliably communicating with them without blowing our cover. There was little for me to do other than observe the situation and hope this was a one time occurrence.

"If I return their in the future, perhaps it would be best if I go with friends from the academy. That way I can use it as an opportunity to help build up trust and relationships with the students there." I suggest. I had planned to take such an approach already, but now it also had the additional bonus of avoiding drawing attention to us in case Shirogane would be prone to acting in a similar manner should we shop together again. If I shop in the company of my peers rather than her, then any attention drawn towards myself would seem much less suspicious if any shoplifting could be attributed to the impulsive decision making of teenagers trying to impress each other.

I appreciated our apartment's location greatly. It was ideal for people watching, yet in an otherwise unassuming local, overshadowed by the shops below. As an additional bonus, it appeared much larger on the inside than I would have expected. Hardly luxurious, but it offered more breathing room than I assumed when approaching. Neither Shirogane nor myself wasted any time dropping the remainder of our act now that we had true privacy. I returned to my usual minimal expressiveness and stiff posture as I took in my surroundings before picking up my shopping bags and bringing them to my room.

I began unpacking, placing the first of what will likely be many books upon the bookshelf, The Shadow out of Time. I began neatly organising my clothing items into the wardrobe provided, mixing together my recent shop and the clothes from the box provided. While setting up the laptop, I take a moment to examine the minifridge, even opening the door and letting my hand hover inside for a few moments. This was quite unexpected. I had nothing to fill it with at the moment, but it would be a waste to not use it. I would have to keep it in mind. I set my puzzles on the desk beside the laptop before taking a few more belongings out of the cardboard box to finish decorating my room with. With my room set up, there was little else for me to do at the moment, so I went to go behind the partition to await the mission brief.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:12 am

Your laptop is a study briefcase of a thing. Likely to resist being dropped from a great height, the downside however being that its unlikely to do anything actually intensive, probably best for lightly browsing the internet and submitting reports on the police's private network. If you want to do anything more intense you'll likely need a better laptop or computer. With that set up you check your mini fridge, sticking your hand inside its sufficiently cold, but you find its not actually empty. There seem to be a few cans of sparkling water and soda inside it already. The minifridge also had a small cubby that was for small frozen things and you see a few single cups of ice cream. They remind you of a treat Mamooru would sometimes bring for you and your mom. There was definitely some room still left in this fridge for any prepared meals or snacks that you might want to stick into it.

Some time later

After unpacking your things, you slip behind the partition to see Shirogane wiping down her gun with a cloth. Spreading some oil or cleaner over the metal then buffing it out with a dry cloth and giving it a good shine. You can see down her shirt and notice the lack of binders. After your comment about going back to that store with just your friends in the future left the walk to the apartment a bit chilly in terms of mood, but when she notices your presence she sets her revolver back into its case and turns in the chair to you.

"Im sorry about what happened at the store. I just. I practically forgot i had tried on a bra. It shouldnt happen again, but hopefully your new academy friends will enjoy going to a place like this. At least.. it shows how high quality this Aishiteru corp. stuff is. This bra is really comfy." She chuckles before stretching her arms up inadvertently thrusting her chest out. The slight bounce draws your eye. "And i know i should have admitted to the shoplifting, but given how guards like that usually act it felt better to not let men like that take advantage of the situation." She tries to give you a soft smile, but you can tell from the look on her face she was more disappointed in herself than anything.

"But since you're here we can start the brief." She stands up from the workbench chair and walks over to the cork board motioning for you to take her seat. "As you know we're here to uncover information relating to the recent disappearances and deaths of some rather high profile people." Shirogane uses a laser pointer to point to the face of a rather young looking man in a lab coat holding up an award, then to one of a middle aged woman holding some sort of certificate, next to an older man with a Diet badge on his lapel shaking hands with a foreign dignitary. And last, a the youngest woman, an idol who just least year released a world charting single.

"All of these people have nothing in common, save for their education. They were all admitted and graduates for the Elite Track of Yoshihide Highschool. Yoshihide is widely considered one of the best, if not the best, private school in all of Japan. Even students who fail to pass the Hell Screen, and thus left on the lower track of the school, find themselves to be in rather high positions in companies and even government. Ambition Above All being the school's motto." She turns to you with a rather steely look in her eyes.

"Our number one object for this investigation is to find any evidence that could tie the disappearance and deaths of these four back to the school. Investigating the Chairman, his aide, and someone known only by their title: The Liason. These targets will most likely be the best way to gain access to the information we need." She hands you three folders, no doubt the dossiers on these three individuals. "Any questions?" She asks before taking a seat at the computer chair next to the cork board.
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:42 pm

It was a pleasant surprised to see the minifridge already came partially stocked. I wonder if Mamooru-Sensei somehow had some input into what it would be stocked with - its unlikely anyone in the department knew about those treats. Perhaps he suggested it to Shirogane or another officer, or maybe it came up if he was questioned at all when I was considered being selected to be brought onboard for this operation. No doubt the department would have to develop quite the extensive psych profile on me before greenlighting Shirogane's plan on utilising me to go undercover. Mamooru would have been the obvious person to question about me, perhaps even more so than my mother. It could also be a coincidence, however. Frozen treats weren't exactly low down on the list of things you would stock in a minifridge. For now though, I was more interested in the sparkling water. After travelling all day, sorting out my room and especially after the close call while out shopping, I could do with a drink. I pull one can from the minifridge before heading on out to go meet Shirogane.

I hadn't considered Shirogane-San the type to forget things like that. It did, however, line up with my expectations of her a little more than that she would have some reason to want to smuggle something out of the store. The oversight could be excusable, however. She was clearly focused on wanting to get to the brief as soon as possible. Its usually the trivial things you wouldn't ever expect to slip up on that get by you first when you find yourself hyper focusing. Perhaps its a biproduct of her methods for dealing with her stress and anxiety. Focusing on work above all else is as much a contributor to stress as it is a way for people to try and deal with it. Given the first thing she seemed to do upon getting back to the apartment was manage her weapon maintenance while waiting for the brief to start, then maybe she simply just was more in a mindset to focus on practical matters and something like the bra could be easily forgotten.

"Its quite alright." I say. "Its hardly the sort of issue that would impact our investigation. And yes... the style of these clothes might be something I'm unused to wearing, but they do feel surprisingly comfortable."

With a hiss, I crack open my can of sparkling water and take a sip, feeling the light fizz against my tongue as I wait for Shirogane to stand and begin the briefing. I sit down, staring attentively as she goes over all the information we know so far. None of this was necessarily new to me, we had discussed most of these matters at one point or another before officially beginning the investigation, but it was important to consolidate all known information before beginning properly.

I set my drink to the side as I begin sifting through the dossiers, looking for any additional information about our primary suspects that I wasn't aware of before now. This "The Liaison" offered a unique mystery all to itself. The very fact that an academy, however unorthodox, would involve members of staff that were not fully registered on any official records, was unusual enough to warrant investigation - if it weren't such a small detail that it probably wouldn't ever be noticed were the academy not being investigated in the first place. The role has no obvious tie to academic needs, so what few oversight boards that might have an influence over the academy wouldn't necessarily have a need to even know about it.

"I've familiarised myself with the facts that we know already." I say, though I read through the files provided to me anyway. "However I would like to know if there is anything you would like me to keep in mind in regards to maintaining our cover. Tips for keeping in character, or details about our cover story and relationship that you want to solidify now before we begin interacting directly with others? We should establish just how close we should be. I would assume the closer the better as it would help keep things in line if I have to update you on any urgent developments - its easier to pass off if people expect me to want to talk to you as often as possible. However if you have another suggestion, I am willing to adapt my approach."
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lorielle » Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:46 am

You glance over the dossiers, the information was nothing especially deep aside from basic profiles about each of the targets save for The Liason, as information about them was the most sparse. Your sip of your drink is quite nice though, refreshing and crisp after a long day.

The Chairman of Yoshihide Highschool:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Yoshihide Taira
Age: 56
Sex: Male
Profile: A diligent and capable businessman with a penchant for womanizing, took up the chairman position after his late father passed away some 15 years ago. The chairman position has been passed from Family Head to Family Head for 6 generations. He maintains close business and governmental ties thanks to his former positions in industry especially the pharmaceuticals industry. A small photo of him shows a well groomed man with slick black hair in a dazzling blue suit surrounded by guards. The photo is just prior to his ascension as the Family head of the Yoshihide family. The rest of the dossier provides details regarding his family,(He has a still living mother, a younger sister and younger brother, along with his own wife and daughter who is currently attending Yoshihide Highschool) the keiretsu the Yoshihide family is emeshed with but otherwise doesnt seem to contain any other information relevant to the investigation at the moment.

The Chairman's Aide:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Nishitani Sophia
Age: 40
Sex: Female
Profile: The Principal of Yoshihide Highschool in all but name. She handles the day to day running of the school in Taira's stead as he manages the overall direction of the school, its curriculum and finds the funding. Arguably has more power than Taira on school grounds, but ultimately answers to him and enacts his will on his behalf. Seen as shrewd and cutthroat not unlike the CEOs of the business world, records indicate she was a high-level executive within the web of business interests that the Yoshihide family managed for so long. Likely handpicked by Taira to oversee the running of the school after succeeding his father in the chairman position, the former aide was demoted to the largely ceremonial Principal position within the school. Though Rolina is somewhat more recent coming into the Aide position a decade ago unlike Taira succeeding to Chairman 15 years ago. A beautiful and stern woman with half-japanese half-german features, her glowing blonde hair contrasted by dark brown eyes and sharp facial features as befitting her japanese heritage.

The Liason:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: N/A
Age: N/A
Sex: N/A
Profile: What little there is known about the Liason was fed to the police by an anonymous sympathizer within the school's hierarchy. While no shady figure stalks the grounds of the school and conducts clandestine meetings with the Chairman or Aide, the Liason is believed to be posing as a faulty member and acts on behalf of business/government recruiters to pick out suitable prospects from within the Elite Track's student body. They are known to have frequent communications with the Chairman or his Aide.

So far the dossiers only provide information you already knew aside from a clearer physical description given the photos. Shirogane watches you intently on how you choose to study the dossiers but doesnt have much to say until you voice your questions. You can see her ponder over your words as how to best approach this.. auntie-niece relationship the two of you have as well as the closeness the two of you already displayed. "Well, lets just say the Yoshihide family have a lot of influence in this district, im sure youve noticed, but there werent a lot of officers patrolling around. Thats partly because of the rather low level of crime, but also because its an open secret the Family likes to keep police away from the area. 'Unfamiliar' faces like ours are likely to draw some attention from anyone who keeps a weather eye out for the Family, so first impressions were everything." She takes a deep breath, you can see her bounce her leg as she rustles up an answer for you, "For now i think you did fine as someone with no formal training, it might be exhausting to keep the bubbly mask up, but you might need to whenever you're out in public. I think you could get away with watching some videos and mimicking some mannerisms of the girls in this area. I remember seeing something online..." She pulls out her phone and taps away at it.

"Here we go." On an app called TipTap she pulls up a short video under the tag: Azabu-gyaru. It shows girls similar to the ones you saw walking around today having fun and doing various things around the district. This tag was likely the 'subculture' that came to be from the openess and style of dress found in district. Shirogane lets a few of the short videos play through when the two of you are hit with the rather loud moans of a girl and in big bold text DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL as she seemed to be holding the phone in front of her face while she was railed from behind by an older man. It seems to be some sort of edited compilation as the angles change every few seconds. Of course before the video could even finish Shirogane clicks her phone closed and coughs embarrassingly. "I.. umm didnt realize this app allowed for that sorta content, though i suppose that makes the 18+ disclaimer make all the more sense. But.. yeah this stuff seems to be what.. the girls around here are into, maybe if you'd like to blend in... it might be worth umm. Taking a lesson or two from them." Though given what the two of you had just seen she certainly implies some lessons are more valuable than others. "As for how we should act..."

She gives it a moment to solidify an answer and to allow the blush in her face to pass as she collects herself again. "I think its smart to play it as the two of us having been out of touch for many years on the account of your mother's actions. I knew you when you were very young and established a good relationship with you. Only for your mother to secret you away. We've only barely reconnected the year prior and now that we're living together we're reconnecting in earnest. It'll leave a lot of wiggle room for us to maneuver around our lack of knowledge of one another in case either of us blurt out any particular info the other didnt necessarily clear. But you're right. The closer the better, but that'll require you to keep playing the part of a rather jubilant niece, possibly even around your academy friends. You were admitted into the school based on your grades, and while im not one to stereotype, the ones you'll be competing against to enter into the elite track with, will not be like the Azabu-gyarus we just looked at, though some certainly could lean in that direction. My own cover involves me being a somewhat middling woman in the entertainment industry: modeling, photography and the like and i had recently moved here to seek out new talent and inspiration. I have cause to photograph people and places without attracting too much attention, but i think aside from some soft outings we might need to limit how much we communicate with one another even on our phones. But if we're seen together on a rather regular basis it should sell our closeness, though i promise to keep incidents like the clothing store to a minimum." She chuckles.

"For now i think you do not need to settle into one hard approach, but keep in mind your own energy levels, unless you enjoy it, it can be exhausting to keep up such an elevated emotional so i think you can tone down your energy somewhat just for your own sake so you dont burn out and let something else slip. If you have any suggestions Im more than happy to consider them, our story isnt set in stone other than you're entering into Yoshihide on scholarship thanks to your grades."
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Re: Persona: Undercover [LazyKitsune]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:33 am

The dossiers offer little additional information, though I didn't expect there to be much more provided anyway. The investigation had only just officially begun - if anyone was going to learn more about our targets to fill out these files with, it was going to be Shirogane-San and myself. What was more useful about this meeting was us agreeing on how to approach being under cover. I had my own ideas, which I had already put into action, but Shirogane-San was far more experienced in this area than I was. I would rather defer to her judgement on matters like this, so I was glad that we finally had an opportunity to frankly discuss how we were going to present ourselves publicly. It helped that we looked related, but a similar appearance alone wasn't going to be enough to sell this performance to anyone who might scrutinise it.

"I had hoped to mainly present that way when around people I was comfortable around. Primarily you and anyone I needed to develop a close bond with for the purposes of the investigation. Otherwise I wouldn't be as... energetic. But if you think it would be needed to help the mission then... I will make sure to keep that in mind when in public." She wasn't wrong about it potentially being very exhausting. I tended not to speak that much when left to my own devices, so talking a lot was going to be a new challenge. Though fortunately Shirogane-San had a resource for me to use to help. Analysis made everything a little easier for me and any help that she could provide in terms of getting into character would be appreciated.

I get in close so we can both watch the short form videos as she plays them out on her phone. A useful app in terms of sampling small bites of culture at a moments notice. This would actually help my analysis a lot. Although one thing I didn't expect was the sudden turn into much more... explicit content. We're both stunned by the sudden shift that we get a face full of a good few angles of this young woman getting fucked hard before Shirogane-San stops the video. I clear my throat once the moment passes, stepping a half step away from her.

"I see... well, outside of that... unexpected clip, that looks like a good resource for studying the local social norms." I look down at my chest, placing my hands under my bust and pushing it up somewhat. It looked like I would need to show off a little more skin, maybe dress a little on the riskier side, in order to fit in around here. The off the shoulder look already felt like a lot for me, taking it further would be... interesting. But doable. Taking on the proper personality would take a little more work, however.

I nod along as Shirogane-San discusses our personally history. That made sense. It left wiggle room but also allowed us to be each other's confidants in a way that wouldn't raise suspicion. "I think I would like to practice, if you would be alright helping me with that." I say as I already work on downloading the app she had shown me on my phone. "If we can find some useful clips on here... run me through some common phrases, styles, mannerisms... I could have a go at practicing. I would appreciate any and all pointers you would have to give. Then we could practice talking in our roles as well. I feel like spending some time practicing now will help us fall into our roles more naturally when in public and make it less exhausting to keep them up."
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