Portal Island (porne)

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Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:35 am

Seeing Alora fold and orgasm nothing holds you back from letting loose and immersing yourself in your euphoric bliss. No longer resisting the pleasure it almost feels like your orgasm comes practically on command as your cock rockets out and let's loose hearty ropes of baby batter against the back wall of the roper cage, your pussy gushes all over the tentacle stuffed inside of it all the while. Your eyes roll a little unfocused for a bit as you wallow in the blissful sensations, but before too long you manage to get a grip of yourself again. Your cock had already retreated back to safety within you as your gently deposited onto the floor, giving you a moment to breath and rub your now egg filled belly contently before you sit up and examine the room.

Ara seems chipper as ever, the magical golem/robot girl sitting up and looking as passive as ever, a small pleasant smile on her face as she waits for everyone else to recover. Myriani is laying on her back next to you, panting up and storm with an arm up and covering her eyes. Seeing her nice and rounded with a batch of roper eggs reminds you of the day after you and her and slept with each other for the first time. She's certainly a sight to behold, and a part of you can't hope the next time Myriani looks like that is when she's carrying more of your children. Alora however is looking like quite the snack as she plays spread eagle on the ground, roper spunk leading from her lower holes in quite the lewd display. Since this was the first time you've seen her naked it was quite enticing. Unfortunately after such intense and satisfying orgasms though you don't really have the gas in the tank to jump on her and take her for a ride. Plus it was probably best to presume anything with the mocha skinned islander girl. You'd get your chance at her with due time no doubt, just needed to wait for the right time! In the meantime, nothing wrong with enjoying the view.

Eventually she comes back too though, shimming herself up onto her elbows and making a small show if her big breasts jiggling about with each small motion. She recognizes your victory in the contest, and nods to you as you say about getting free stuff. "Yup. One bones roper for your enclosure. Feel free to pick any one you'd like.", Alora responds. gesturing to the cage. There was plenty to choose from, but they were all rather similar so you suppose it didn't really matter which one you picked. When you ask about how long it would take before you'd pop the eggs out though Alora lets out a short groan before fully sitting up so she can look you more properly in the eyes. She raises a hand and snaps her fingers, and quickly a tinkerbat runs in and with a small box with a few bottles inside. She takes it from the curious spiny creature, taking a bottle out and showing you an orange concoction of some kind. "Yes, you can just wait, however if you do then the roper cum will actually start to fertilize the eggs inside you, both in your womb and your ass. So if you want more ropers, then yes it'll take about a day for the cum and eggs to bond properly. However, drink some of this and you'll give your body a kick to start laying the eggs right away. Once the eggs are exposed to open air the fertilization process stops completely, and you'll have yourself a decent batch of perfectly edible eggs.", she explains. "This is a case of 12 potions. You can stretch this quite a ways though, since all you need is small sip to start laying eggs."

Alright, good to know. You turn to Ara and ask if she needed anything specific to help her with her island projects she's working on, but she shakes her head no quick. "Not at this time Sam. However I would suggest that since the island environment here is so versatile perhaps we can make a basic enclosure housing most of the monsters miss Alora usually has in stock. Once we have a little bit of everything and begin breeding some special hybrids and gain more experience, then perhaps we can request more specialized monsters for breeding. Beside I'm not sure what to even request yet. I don't quite have a full breadth of understanding regarding all monsters available on this world yet. If I do come up with any valid suggestions though I will most certainly inform you.", she says, her tone both somehow deadpan and yet kind of cute because of it.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby porne » Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:14 am

I take what I can from Alora, handing off the potions to Ara to see if she can fabricate or whatever it is that magical robot girls do with potions. I also manage to resist ravaging Alora, mostly as I'm completely exhausted, but I'm curious what would happen if my seed managed to plant itself in one of their eggs, but the occasional lusty thought isn't enough to bring my cock back to life after the thorough draining it's had. Of course, that triggers a reverse thought, could a roper sperm fertilize me and produce a human/roper hybrid? Well, I suppose we'll find out, won't we.

Picking out whichever enclosure seems best, I suggest that I could use either some Bee girls or something that produces silk in a controlled fashion such as a spider girl or drider if available. I also ask about some creatures with alchemical properties, such as salamanders or other creatures which may produce something akin to gun powder so I can keep my burgeoning small arms factory running. Other options include things with low fertility and high resale value, or where mutations are highly prized. I'm mostly just covering my bases. Hesitating a moment, I also suggest that if Alora can get a hold of raw seed from something rare, we can probably do something with that, as I don't think I've yet failed to conceive when inseminated. Having gotten what I think I can out of Alora, for now at least, I head back to the island as the industrious little Tinkerbats go about constructing the Roper pen.

It takes an hour or so to stabilize my body enough to resume manual labor, by which point Alora has escaped before I got the chance to try and chase her down and add a few more pounds of cum to her womb for her tricks. Shrugging, I return to my development plan. Having finished the work, for now at least, on the gardens and a very basic plumbing system, I turn my attention to the bullet factory, and possibly a wire machine now that I think of it. Both primarily operate with copper, so I'm hoping that will be enough to get started with a split feed between the rubbery insulation and raw copper both systems will need. The early stages of the design process are finishing up when I feel the pressure of an impending birth. With my heavily inflated stomach, I haven't been having the easiest time working, but I feel a wave of satisfaction at having finished the process without major complaint.

Too late after we start, I realize that every time I've given birth, the process was insanely stimulating, and my cock is already out and demanding attention as it slaps against the underside of my pregnant belly. The intense pressure on my internal balls acting as a massage and my inability to reach past my egg stuffed belly mean I am getting absurdly horny, and I can barely control myself, gesturing Harmony over. Vaguely recalling that we're trying not to create more children just yet, I pull her head down to focus on my cock, letting Ara tend to Myr, my assumption being that elf woman would be stealing Ara from me, although I don't know what if any shape she'll be taking as I think she likes this process too. Bigger than me or not, Harmony is more than willing to accept a free meal, as the Roper eggs are shifted about by my clenching muscles, and what I assume must be the equivalent of beads begin to push their way down my canal.

The eggs are the size of my fist, each seemingly smooth and slightly sticky to the touch as the continue to work their way out of me. My back arcs, I'm standing on my toes and balanced on my head as I clutch at my quivering stomach as it slowly begins to shrink, egg after egg sliding out of me gently. I'm able to actually see Harmony sucking me off when I finally cum into her mouth, providing the plant woman with an ample meal even if it's not up to my usual volumes of potent spunk. Still, I'm a dizzy, half coherent mess by the time I'm done creating a small hill of Roper eggs, hopefully plenty of meals for the next few days or a fresh batch of monsters to provide them.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:23 am

"Well seems like you've won fair and square Sam. As discussed, one free roper for you. Pick which ever one you like and I'll bring it to the new pen once it's done.", Alora says as she stands, leaning back instinctively leans back with her newly egg stuffed belly. It was already obvious her monster trading profession, but things like that really cement to you that she had been doing this kind of work for quite sometime. Her footing is rock solid and steady, and on a ship no less! "Is there anything else you'd to discuss?", she says as she leads you and your friends out of the roper cage.

Over the course of the next hour yourself, Myriani, and Alora talk various monster trading stuff. Nothing overly complicated, but enough that you glean the odd insight from that you might be able to use in the future before switching to pleasant story swapping. Eventually though some tinkerbats report to her cabin, chittering it some manner that only Alora seems able to understand. "Ah. Seems like my boys are done and brought your roper over. I guess we'll wrap this up, but it was good talking. And no worries about your bee girl. I can certainly get you one. None on board at the moment, but I can certainly rustle some up at one of my usual ports. Just be ready to trade for her of course!", she says in her singsongy voice.

She sees you off the ship, letting you go examine your new enclosure briefly before casting off. Not that you have much in the way of problems though. Your Island base now had a rather large tree taken from the forest and replanted next to your garden, a single green forest roper nestled into a cluster of leaves on the thicker lower branches. It was a big tree, and it made you wonder how the tinkerbats possibly moved it... but there it was. One free monster for you, how nice!

Stuffed full of eggs you don't get much work done over the next couple hours, but you get some decent planning done. Myriani eventually breaks you from your reverie holding a bottle of red liquid. The inducing potion that Alora had given you. She takes a small sip and gets you to do the same. Then the two of you head outside before you make a mess inside your shop... maybe an actual building for giving birth might be a good idea? Then again it seemed like the weather outside was always so nice perhaps it wasn't needed. As the labour process starts however and the mind buzzing pleasure starts to flood you, you find yourself terribly inconvenienced as your gravid stomach prevents you from reaching your suddenly very hard cock! Whimpering in the grass outside your shop you suppose for a moment that you'd just have to deal with it, but as you look your left you find a heavily panting Myr getting a rapid hand job from Ara. No fair!

Looking around though you see Harmony nearby, the towering 10 foot tall Alarune woman in your garden and examining the small budding sprouts of your initial sowing from last week. You call her over and gesture to your needy shaft, of which she already has some experience with. "Ah! Yes, of course! I will help!", her voice echos telepathically in your head. She gets on her hands and knees and leans down, her massive size slightly intimidating for a moment, but whatever intimidation factor is there is overshadowed by Harmony's raw sex appeal as you see her wave her massive ass in the air. You look forward to fucking her later, but for now you'd be more then happy to just get a little head as you pushed out all these still inert roper eggs. She gets straight to it, and you can't help but moan as she sucks you hard and deep, the pleasure making your mind swim as lean back and eggs finally start to come from your pussy and ass. You start to count the orgasms at first as they come, but soon lost count after six or so as you honestly couldn't be bothered. Better to just swim in the ecstasy and enjoy the moment right? It just all felt so good!

As you push the last egg out of your tight pussy one final orgasm takes you, allowing to bust yet another load into Harmony skilled mouth, the big busty girl grinning around your dick as you give her another helping of baby batter. As you fall back in mild exhaustion she senses things are done now that your stomach was back to normal, giving your cock one last hard suck as she pulls up and off, swirling her tongue around your tip before her lips come free with a loud popping noise. She gives you a cheshire grin then looks down at the dozens of roper eggs now between your legs and her tits. "Oh wow! So many seeds! Eggs you call them? How curious! They look so delicate!", she comments excitedly, gingerly picking one of the pearly white fist sized orbs and examining it. You take a moment to get your bearings back and mean up to examine them yourself, Myriani doing much the same with Ara, though curiously she was still getting a rapid hand job from Ara. Seeing the the normally prim and slightly aloof void woman curiously examine the monster eggs she just laid with a somewhat serious inquisitive look was kind of funny when she was stark naked and getting jacked off be her own magical assistant.

Well in any case, seems like you had a decent source of protein for the next week or so! Well beyond... you know.

After you recover you get a couple of baskets from your shop and bring them around. Storing most in the cave while the rest get split between yours and Myriani's shops since you both had kitchen areas in them. From there... life is quite simple. You spend the next couple days simply laying the ground work for future plans. You plan out some plumbing and start setting apart some stuff to help build your planned machines for making copper wire and bullets. You'd need some kind of way to computerize though to make it really productive. Meanwhile Penny and Harmony tend to your garden and whatever other plants were around. As well, since part of the deal with Alora was to get a magically chilled milk tank installed in your basic barn for now, you make the effort to start milking Penny everyday. Of course you haven't set up a simple vacuum system yet... your sure you could do that though... but for now you'd just to do it by hand. Penny certainly doesn't seem to mind though, and becomes incredibly chipper when milking times comes around, the tall sultry cowgirl practically skipping after you into the barn. For now you basically do it the old fashion way, milking her into a bucket that you later pour into the chilling tank, though the way she moans up a storm every time makes it sort of hard to focus. Granted though the aim was to basically breed her eventually right? Maybe you could breed her with Harmony and that way Penny would be willing to milk herself, because for now she seems to insist you do it. Cute and sexy for certain, but very distracting!

During one these session milking session the third day after Alora's visit something strange starts to happen. The air feels off... your skin starts to prickle as it feels like the air is intensely charged with static electricity that refuses to ground out anywhere. Penny senses it too, her moans pausing even as your hands remain clamped over nipples for the moment, her teats dribbling into the bucket below as you both look around, wondering why things suddenly felt so different and unnatural. "Sam! Sam! Something isn't right out here. The air is... swirling a twisting. Like the entrance you took me through back to here but... wild and wrong!" Harmony's voice rings in your mind. That didn't sound good!
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby porne » Wed May 01, 2024 3:28 pm

The intense feelings and gradual swelling of the eggs is... honestly, I'm glad it's mostly over. While I'm getting disturbingly comfortable with being filled with new life, these aren't really that. It's more like... a chore. Until the internal pressure mounts and my cock erupts out of my crotch, and I'm floating on a testicle massage high as my womb shifts things around right on top of them! Dammit, I just finished getting off! Fortunately, the plant woman is willing to help me deal with the lack of reach issue I'm having. I can't even stroke her head or anything, my massively bloated stomach too big to reach all the way around.

My earlier stray thought of a birthing room is starting to sound good, especially if I add an automated semen extractor so I don't have to beg some poor woman to drain my balls as my womb empties itself. Probably need to add the milking chamber to it... hurrrrrgh. The first egg begins to push its way down my canal and I'm soon pushing a dozen eggs out of both holes. Well, it's probably for the best that their seed didn't take inside of me and produce yet another mouth to feed. I'm delirious for at least half an hour, the intense pleasure of birth and getting fully drained keeping from being able to focus for some time as my stomach flattens back out, the rockhard abs once more visible. I am so so glad my subconscious decided postpartum weight was bullshit. Might still be a bit delirious there.

Having a new source of protein is very nice, the occasional fish not nearly enough. I do put 'getting egged by the Roper' on the job board as something that needs to be done relatively often, certainly when we start running low on eggs. I didn't realize how much my new muscle mass craved an external supply of protein. I suppose I could ask any of the other herms for a fresh supply and get it, but trying to draw protein from each other seems a little circular in the supply chain department. At how much time I spend milking Penny, I do decide to put the automatic milker on The List of things to do... and make a small note that we'll probably need a set of suction cups for each of us, and probably a suction tube as well. I don't know if fully mixed milk is a good idea though, but mixed seed definitely seems like trouble waiting to happen.

I'm working on the complex timing belt and shifting devices for my ammo factory... factoryette when shit starts getting real. With Harmony mentioning a possible portal, I quickly divert to my limited armory, throwing on the plate carrier, having to deal with being naked underneath as my equipment carrier keeps all my ammo where I might need it. If Penny and Harmony managed to finish the door for the cave, I tell them to keep it shut while I investigate what may or may not be out there.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Thu May 23, 2024 11:11 am

Throwing on your gear you head outside to confront whatever might be the problem, using Harmony's mental methods of communication to tell her and Penny to get inside the cave. Busting out the door you find the weather to be... off. It sort of like the calm before the storm, the skies above grey and cloudy, a heavy wind blowing through your island though there was no rain or anything. The more you look around though the more strange things get. You spot what looks like heat spots, shimmering wavy areas of air that seem to randomly pop up and fade despite the whether being relatively cool. One such spot suddenly sparks up briefly, becoming a brief purple swirling vortex before promptly collapsing a second later. The more you look around too the more frequent the phenomenon gets, the portals seemingly changing colour at random but getting progressively bigger.

"Sam!", You suddenly here. You look toward Myriani's shop and see her leaning out one of the second story windows. "I know it sounds crazy, but this a portal storm! The veil between worlds is thin here ever since the accident that brought us here, various realities are crossing all at one focal point. It could be one or it could be many. Something may happen or nothing, I can't rightly say! Be ready for anything!", she shouts.

You try not to think about that too hard. Because when it came to this portal stuff... anything really did mean anything. There was no reasonable limit of what to expect. It could be diseased aliens to goddamn bugs bunny himself!

You head over toward the cave entrance, it's entrance thankfully firmly shut, and get ready to guard it when a larger portal opens and seems to stabilize enough to not immediately collapse. You watch it for a few seconds, nothing happening, but then all of a sudden a creature just dives through. You've certainly never seen anything like it. It looks like a cross between a lizard, a praying mantis, and a hyena! It was about the size of a large dog, with four dog like limbs and a scaled body, but it also had two ore short claw like limbs coming forward of it's shoulders and two more... stabbing limbs, for lack of a better term, coming from its back. It has beady but distinct eyes, coloured a sickly purple, and a segmented jaw that reveals that opens for ways to reveal multiple sets of gnashing teeth. It quickly seems to lock onto you, letting out a loud screech and charging your way!
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby porne » Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:59 pm

I listen to Myr's summary, throwing on what armor and gear I can as she tells me that our defense is going to be having all sorts of fun stuff. "We are definitely going to be looking into upgrading defenses soon!" I shout up to her as I slip the last piece, the armored chest plate, over my shoulders and buckle it on. I've gotten stronger, I'm faster, and I'm tougher, but that doesn't mean that I'm anywhere near bullet proof enough to run out there naked. As I'm interrupted, the large and loud creature deciding I look like a tasty snack, I pull my new and fancy shotgun up to my shoulder, hoping the heavily reinforced and mildly enchanted weapon will serve me well. I definitely want to look further into a magazine of holding if I can, but Myriani has only put a glorified suppressor spell on my gun, who ever would have guessed the girl with the big ears had sensitive hearing.

A quick pump, and the hideous amalgam of Saiga12 and MDR is ready to go, a nice tasty lead slug slams out and dives through the creatures slavering jaws and into the back of its throat where it does a good job of coring its throat. Its mouth snaps shut and it stumbles turning on its side quickly as it seems to lose all semblance of balance as my freely offered hunk of lead drills a hole down its side before stopping somewhere inside. A split second of focus, and I realize that my gun is back in order with the properly functioning piston letting me put another round into the wounded animal, right behind the shoulder and into the heavy concentration of nerves and blood tissue that would naturally be there in the strange centaurlike biology. A look around indicates this critter may not have been alone, but I don't spot anything too soon.

I debate swapping magazines, before sticking with this one for now. Supposedly, it's better to always have a full mag going into a fight, but I'm a bit too frazzled to reliably swap out one of my handful for two more shots out of ten. I do manage to bellow out, "Ara, we could use an impromptu dissection to see if there's any vulnerable spots or useful bits, please and thank you!" I give out, looking around the entrance way, making sure my lanes are clear as I start to close things off a bit, forcing any critters that spawn to come through my firing lane. I am absolutely going to be adding some fucking turrets.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:22 pm

You manage to take out the first... thing for lack a better term, without much issue. It might have been big and scary with weird limbs an an array of alien rows of gnashing teeth, but at the end of the day the only time natural armor had a chance at stopping shotgun slugs was in 40k novels. Granted your life was sort of closer to that then it had ever been but, irrelevant! The point is shotgun slugs are terribly effective against things that don't have a half inch steel plates for armor, and this thing did not. The first shot is enough to fatally wound the creature as you shoot down it's mouth and mess up countless vital organs along the way, making it collapse. A second shot outright kills it, giving you a moment of peace even as you scan around looking at the strange portals sparking in and out of existence. Some turrets would definitely be a handy thing to have a future... along with maybe a way of predicting portal storms. That could be handy, if such was possible.

When you call out for Ara she only takes a few moments to respond. "Coming Sam.", she says in her signature monotone voice before she leaps out of the second story of Myriani's workshop, landing with a heavy thud in a very iron man like fashion before jogging over to you. She listens your request and then nods. " I will do my best. I don't think I'll be able to determine much use until I have more time to do a proper study with Mistress Myriani however. I will conduct a cursory examination now for potential weak points." she explains. She grabs the dead beast and drags it back toward the blocked off cave, getting behind you before one of her hands shape shifts into a sharp scalpel like instrument, but far larger. Rather then cut it open right away though she takes her time examining the armored sections of it's outer, trying to gauge if there was any spots that might actually be able to resist your shotgun slugs.

Barely does her examination begin then another large portal temporarily stabilizes, another creature very similar to the first but notable different in color markings, the insect like limbs on it's back ending it serrated crab like pinching claws rather then just sharp stabbing instruments. You open fire, and this time the beast takes three slugs since you don't quite get a perfect down the throat shot, but you kill it before it makes it close. Barely after that one does another appear, once again mostly similar but notably different in minor ways. It takes another three, but poses no problem again. You have some time to reload then so you do, noting the final slug in your current magazine as you put it away. Read to rock again with a full mag plug one loaded you wait for more baddies.

It takes a while this time for some reason, a few minutes of tense nothing. Eventually though two appear at once, and you manage to get both between five slugs, barely managing to keep the second from closing the distance. Then another appears, and your luck continues to hold as you dispatch it. Finally however it seems the intense wrongness in the air is dissipating. The mini portals snapping in and out begin to become less frequent. It seemed the storm was subsiding!

Just as you have the thought though you hear a sudden scream from Myriani's shop. "Sam! One's inside!", she shouts. There is a sudden snap of light though, and right by your feet are the forms of yours and Myr's daughters. Squirming and clearly unhappy as they start to cry, but safer then they were most importantly. Another scream comes from Myriani then, shrill and surprised but not pained as you hear a crashing noise from her upstairs living area. Still the sound of it is enough to make your heart skip a beat. "Go. I will unseal that cave and give the children to Penny.", Ara says, giving you a solution before you need to ask as she picks up your babies. "They seem to have strong armor along their shoulders and foreheads. It shouldn't be enough to defeat an direct shot from your fire arm, but it might glance off if the angle is poor. Try to aim for chest center mass if the creature dips it's head to potentially charge.", she then explains. It wasn't a lot of information, but it was something to consider at least.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby porne » Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:36 pm

Fortunately the tiny hellspawn thing isn't actually a 'nid, or it'd probably have a flesh eating acid gun or something. None of that in my life please. One thousand percent doing some research into belt feed mechanisms and harassing Myr about magazines of holding to get some fucking turrets up. Investigating other worlds is fun and all, not so much when horrid monsters show up here. I pay half attention to Ara butchering the animal, noting happily that normal biological rules apply and all the important organs and stuff are near the center of the torso where I put the slugs. The main think I'm wary of is if the head lacks anything vital and it's just a mass of teeth and eyes, neither of which are good targets, but it's torso is small enough I can do a good deal of penetration and damage.

I'm immediately yanked back into the moment when more of the bastards show up and I wind up having to put a few of them down. When the intense light of burning titanium drives into the last of the bastards indicating I'm down to one in the tube and one in the mag, I drop the mag and replace it, dropping the old one in a back pouch and pulling the shotgun equivalent of a p-mag out. Getting the license to produce that polymer was the best decision I made even if injection molds take forever and a half to produce! The old line about security flowing from the barrel of a gun comes to mind as I put another three of monsters down.

At the screams from inside, I snap my head up to the floating house, and the switch from open ground to close quarters. I hesitate, knowing that while I have a pistol, pistol rounds and heavy hot loaded shotgun slugs are very different things. I grab the snap on bayonet I put together onto the underside of the heavy duty suppressor as I start to head toward the source of the noise. I do a rough tactical run, trying not to hit too many things, my vastly enhanced body responding far better than I expect it too, as what little combat training I've done is focused on putting bullets in targets. I try to remember where my damned ladder is, and add 'some mother fucking stairs' to the list of things to add.

Recognizing the lack of easy access, I briefly debate having Ara try a fastball special but she's already disappeared as I stare at the upper floor. I pause, just a hair, as I realize how close the remains of a wall of my shop is to hers, dozens of videogame and parkour videos flashing through my mind. As I was, there was no way. But... the mother and father of two little half elven children up there, on an alien magical planet defending against an alien monster incursion, could she do it? Without giving myself time to think of the dozens of reasons it won't work, I shift forward, going for a full sprint against one wall, jump, my foot lands against the side for just an instant before my massive leg strength throws me more than halfway up the story I need. Adrenalin flowing through me, I try to make the next one, but manage to over compensate, hitting the wall with one hand and cushioning myself... as my leg kicks in the window I was aiming for, and I drop down and roll into it.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:30 pm

Myriani's scream forces you to move on a near instinctual level. She was your first squeeze after all! The mother and father of your first children... also the root cause on your current life, but... also the root cause for your current life and hot new body! You make off at a sprint, heading to the short alley between your shop and Myr's own. Your head snaps this way and that, and you decide that setting up the ladder was too time consuming. You had a strong super fit body now, so you might as well make use of it and attempt some parkour. Desperate situations requiring desperate solutions and all.

You run, build speed and kick onto the wall, another couple steps, then kick off there, launching yourself with enough force to make even the most skilled parkour masters green with envy as your sheer leg strength allows you to easily attain what took them years to gain. You launch yourself up, actually overshooting the window but in a mercifully fortuitous way that sees you go right through rather then grab onto the ledge. A huge and impressive leap for sure as you quickly duck into a roll and spring to your feet.

What you see is both what you did not expect and yet subconsciously did. It's another one of the strange zergling like insectoidish creatures, with a big snapping mouth with a segmented lower jaw and weird extra limbs on it's back and torso. Rather then attacking though it was... well it was currently raping Myriani. The blueish purple elf woman was on all fours, two mantis like limbs on the the underside the bug thing hooked under her arms to keep her up while it's main legs kept it supported. It's backside was ramming downward, making Myr squeal as the creature's bony plated underside smashed against her soft ass, making it ripple with each powerful thrust, pushing her forward and making her impressive breasts bounce all about, flecks of milk dripping from her stiff purple nipples and onto the floor. Myr however puts on a strong face, gritting her teeth and as she does her best to break away, but the surplus of limbs this thing has makes it near impossible. it's almost as if it was kind of designed for subjugating smaller humanoid creatures... A part of you briefly wonders why she simply doesn't teleport away, but given that she hasn't you assume there is a reason, perhaps personal or perhaps caused by the monster itself given you unbelievably reflexive she was able to just teleport around.

Anyway, the creature is quick to snap it's eyes onto you. It's thrusting quickly stops and it briefly ponders how to address you, but then suddenly leaps, forcing a yelp from Myr as she's simply dragged along with it.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby porne » Wed Nov 20, 2024 7:22 am

Fortunately, I've got my gun equipped with the bayonet, even if it seems to be leading with its elven shield. I awkwardly lift the gun up as the beast leaps at me, making sure I keep Myriani out of the line of fire before I jam the gun down, ensuring the monster gets a mouthful of tasty hardened steel blade before I fire the heavy slug into its mouth. The head jerks to the side, the blade carving a chunk out of its mandibles as the heavy slug turns part of its head inside out and splatters it across the room. Its legs clamp down onto Myr as she struggles to get away, and I watch the cock begin to pulse, seeming intent on turning the entire creatures biomass into seed or eggs as its corpse begins to fill Myr up with numerous pulses of postmortem ejaculate. As much as I usually enjoy watching the void elf filled up with spooge, I manage to keep my eyes moving, spotting the next one coming at me.

With as close as we are, the shotgun slugs take on a much more menacing level of damage than the previous round, and the first one I get in the top of the skull looks like its taken a sledge hammer to the dome, goo oozing from the shattered chitinous skull as it stumbles and collapses. Another round to the base of the chin ensures death as the brain case is promoted from 'broken' to 'scattered across the floor' and then violent twitching are the last movements it makes as I turn around to sweep the room again. One of the critters is much closer than I expected, trying to tackle me before I get my custom shotty between us, the bayonet sawing at one limb and doing a good job of cutting deep into the tendons, accompanied by an insectoid hiss as I'm slashed across an arm. Strangely, I feel... something in me start shifting, and the deep cut begins to patch up as I stare at the wound before I turn back to the horrid little bug monster. It's limping now, the wounded arm sluggish as it tries to circle me, but I make a quick pump and then add a slug to the shoulder to its growing list of issues. With it stumbling, another slug fractures its skull, the last at point blank ensuring the head splatters onto the floor.

I drop my mag, just as another bug slams into me from behind. My shotgun is knocked away before I can do more than get a quick stab with the blade in before I'm taken down and flipped over onto my back. Wearing little but the armor carrier, several burning lines of pain soon fade as the plating is pulled off me and my tits are exposed by the creature. It hisses straight into my face as I futilely punch it in the jaw, doing nothing as the several hundred pound monstrosity forces me down and knocks the wind from me in a gasping oof. The stars fade quickly, but my hands are trapped under the creatures weight as a long slimy tongue extends from its mouth and begins licking and tasting my tits, finding the trails of milk I'm still leaving everywhere. I groan in resisted pleasure as the sucker tip latches on, and the gigantic bug begins slurping up my milk. I feel... something growing near my legs, heat radiating off of something before a shaft begins to poke at my nethers, indicating that I was not mistaken. A lewd grunt is all I manage to get out as the monster shoves itself as deep as it can, seeming to want to push my womb up between my tits as it starts to hammer away.

Fully trapped, I can't do anything but shudder in forced pleasure, the bug stealing my milk and slowly fucking me. Seeming to have its fill, the beast rears back, both my tits thoroughly drained before hammering deep into me, nearly knocking me loose of its grip as it flings itself deep into me. The intense fucking is mind jarring, and I can barely hold on until I feel something slip, and a hand comes free! I dig under me even as the beast presses me down fully to sink its cock as deep into me as possible before I feel the beginnings of a firehose of reproductive fluids, flood me. The creature doesn't seem to be focused and ignores my returning hand to its face, confident after the last blow that I'm helpless. The cold steel of the barrel lodges in a crevice in its face armor before I empty the magazine into its skull, the small subsonic slugs lacking the penetration to do more than bounce around and turn its brain matter into slurry. I groan, realizing that final orgasm isn't stopping, or even slowing down.

I'm forced to glare up at the dead bug laying on top of me, its body still performing its final act and flooding my womb with cum, the thick heavy blasts far larger than what Myr had. With the massive weight on me, I let loose a string of obscenities at everything around me. "Myr! We are going to talk about getting some magic weapons! This is fucking bullshit and you know it! I want magazines of holding! I want fireball bullets! I want a motherfucking laser sword!" I vent my frustrations on the Void elf, probably still stuck under her own insect monster pumping her full of cum. What's... sad or funny(?) hard to tell, with the shear weight of the monster holding me down, I can't move, but the raw amount of spooge I'm being pumped full of starts to act like a primitive jack, the increasing bulge in my belly shifting the creature enough that it flops off, and I'm able to shimmy off its still spurting dick. I struggle to stand up, the raw volume of cum bloating my womb seeming to have doubled my body weight. I can barely move, and I try to survey my surroundings, hoping everything is over.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Thu Nov 21, 2024 7:25 am

Certainly one the last places you were expecting to have a fight was in Myriani's living space in the upper floor of her shop but as you see your void elf babe getting taken for a ride you know the fight is on. You catch it mid leap with your bayonet, stabbing it in the mouth a forcing it down where you can be sure a couple trigger pulls will end the thing. Before you can pull the thing off of her though more come at you. One after the other seemingly popping up from no where given their size. A second, a third, a fourth all go down, the brutal combat meanwhile highlighted with the sounds of Myriani's moans as the first creature you killed somehow still cums inside her, seemingly some kind of weird biological fail safe or something.

A fifth however catches you as try to reload, knocking you over and quickly pulling apart your simple plate carrier. Not one to give up you punch it in the face, barely even registering in your adrenaline some of the creatures more inside like limbs on it's lower half tear away your simple pants. Annoyed, the creature simply pins yours spare arm with one if main legs, then with you under control starts to have it's way with you. A long sucker equipped tongue helps itself to your milky breasts, and moments after that your letting out a long gasping moan as bumpy ridge covered cock is forced up your pussy, quickly sawing in and out and making you see stars as the a sudden pleasure high hits you, your sensitive and still relatively new body responding instantly and instinctively. So thick and hung it was too, that it literally feels like it was doing it's best to poke your heart through your womb!

After five minutes of wild and annoyingly pleasurable animalistic fucking though it all comes to a head, the creature rearing back a letting out a chittering roar as you feel its shaft swell and soon begin to pump vast volumes on hot come into you. In its victory though you manage to get a hand free, and ten seconds later the creature is certainly regretting, or would be regretting it if it's brain or... whatever it had in it's skull was turned into the goo via subsonic slugs. It collapses on top of you, still pinning you, but much to your chagrin it seems your much in the same boat as Myr, stuck as the creature seems to have nervous system function enough to keep dumping cum into you.

Luckily however, it appears that it was the last one. The strange fuzzy electric feeling in the air goes away, and you no longer see small sparkling motes of blue and purple in the air. It seemed this strange portal storm was done, and given that you hear no snarls or anything weird beyond the wind outside, it seems you were safe for now. You take this time, understandably, vent a little about Myriani focus in projects as you highlight a wish list of things that would've been incredibly useful to you in that fight, some demands perhaps more reasonable then others. All the while however the dead creatures dumps it's last into you, filling you to an obscene degree you begin to lift it off of you as your stomach acts like a pumpjack.

Eventually you manage to wiggle off and stand on your feet, a little exhausted and looking pregnant with quintuplets for the moment. Myriani to her credit has managed to do the same, is in much the same shape as you, her clothing torn off and only wearing simple silk shoes, as opposed to your boots. She sighs, stumbles over, then places an around her shoulder, unable to really hug you straight on with your bellies so bloated with spunk, then without saying a word simply leans forward and kisses you. The kiss is a bit short, but very deep, her tongue swirling with yours for a few moments before she pulls back and then gives your ass a smack, eliciting a sudden yelp from you. "Deal.", she says simply, before looking around her... somewhat intact living quarters. The damage honestly could've been worse.

"What do you see we check on the others, make sure our daughters are good, then maybe once the cum processes a little you and me can fuck till we pass out?", she then proposes. Your almost taken aback by those words given that Myriani typically talks like a refined and posh lady.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby porne » Mon Dec 02, 2024 6:19 pm

I can't tell if the one that nailed me was bigger or more pent up or what, but I'm significantly larger than Myr, one more thing that I'm surly about as she looks ready to pop with a couple of kids, while I look somebody forgot to turn off the hose when filling a water balloon. I have to lean back once I get my feet under me, the increased muscle mass of my new body not enough to offset the person sized load of cum currently floating around my womb, and have to hold my distended belly with my hands as I struggle to move toward the door before Myr stops me and gives me a thank you kiss.

At her offer of sex, I almost question how she can think about it but a thrill of pleasure at the suggestion runs through me. "Dammit, I was not prepared to be this horny at my age! I'm down for a romp, but I suspect I'll be stuck processing longer than you." I grumble out, still having to compensate for a new center of gravity. I'm tempted to kick the four vein covered basket ball sized nuts I can see under the dead monster cock, but it'll already probably be a bastard to clean up, and it probably would spray a thick wad all across the ground instead of inside of me, where at least it's an easy clean up.

I try to follow Myr out, mentally working through my list as my body struggles to restore itself to its normal condition. As much shit as I give, and will continue to give, Myr for the effects of her potion, I am not upset at all at having sudden regeneration even if it seems there's side effects like permanent lactation or hyper fertility. "I don't suppose there's some gravity fuckery you could do to make this easier?" I ask with a bit of hope. I've seen her do more interesting things.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Portal Island (porne)

Postby jondude » Wed Dec 04, 2024 12:13 am

"Oh I'm sure there is some kind of gravity fuckery I could do to make our burdens lighter. Alas it might need to wait a little.", Myriani starts to say as she makes her way over to the window you had jumped in through. "My magic is a little... out of sorts at the moment. There is something about these monsters or maybe that strange portal storm itself that seems to interfere with it. I was fortunately enough to be able to teleport our daughters outside when I did, because the normal power draw was exponentially higher, and even more so now. I can feel the manafield starting to calm though, but until the proverbial waves settle from their incessant crashing I am basically magicless. Hopefully it won't take any longer then an hour or so.", she explains.

Once at the window she leans out as much as she can with her cum stuffed stomach. "Ara! Ara where are you?", she calls out, and very quickly the magical golem girl appears.

"Yes mistress Myriani?", she asks.

"Please tell me the girls are okay?"

"Healthy and well mistress. They are currently asleep in miss Penny's arms in the cave."

"Very good.", Myriani says with a small sight of relief. "Please ask her to keep it up, as Sam and I will be stuck up here for the next little while. It seems something about the monsters or the portal storm has temporarily scrambled my magic."

"I agree mistress. I have been unable to teleport to your location as I should be able too."

"In the meantime could you be a dear and do a damage assessment of everything? Maybe gather up all the dead beasties somewhere?"

"Of course mistress.", Ara replies, giving her void elf creator a polite bow before going off to do their tasks.

Once that was said Myr turns around with a slight groan, her huge stomach jiggling about. She examine the room and the five dead critters now scattered about, small puddles of blackish slime like blood starting to pool from their wounds, though it seems to be coagulating remarkably quickly. "Well... I suppose we can try pushing them out the window, but I'd rather just wait till my magic comes back. In the meantime why don't you take a seat on the couch. I'm hardly a trained masseuse, but it looks like you could do with a nice shoulder rub at the very least.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada


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