An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

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An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:12 am

Firehead Wrote:Name: Kassandra Neil
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Kassandra had been happy with her husband's new promotion though she was a little sad it required a long business trip every now and then. She had just said her farewell as he left for the first which would last about a month. As she looked wistfully at his dresser, she noticed something strange. A slip of paper that had not been there before. A web address, a user name, and a password. Curious, she checked out the website only to find a dating site. With great trepidation, she entered the user name and password only to find the profile described her. Was her husband catfishing other men? The profile ha only been made the previous night and hadn't sent any messages though it already had a few messages in the inbox. The plane should be taking off any minute now, but she had to know. Picking up the phone, she dialed his number unable to disguise the confusion in her voice. "Honey, what is this?"

The conversation that followed was one you'd have never expected to have with your husband. It seemed that this promotion and the knowledge he'd be away from you had brought out a deviancy in him you hadn't fully known. In this case, he had a request for you that gave you all kinds of weird feelings.

"Please honey, use that sight and find some men you'd enjoy doing it with, then make sure to get pictures or video of them showing you a good time and send it to me." For all intents and purposes it sounded like he was wanting you to cuck him, to go around and sleep with other men! Had this been something he was always into, or did it just come with the knowledge that he was leaving for a while? Or did he have so little faith in you that he figured you'd do so anyways, but figured he might as well get some enjoyment out of it?

Before you could try to get much more out of him, he simply asked you again to do it for him, but that he'd understand if you couldn't and that he needed to end the call now as the plane was getting ready to set off. With that, the call ended, and you were left staring at the screen for the profile of you that had been made, already noticing you'd gotten a few more messages...

At least he'd gotten all the profile info right...?
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:23 am

I was trapped in stunned silence as I listened to my husband's request. Not only did he want him to cheat on her with his permission, but he wanted pictures and descriptions as well. Before I could even pull myself together enough to ask him where this had all come from, or if he really wanted this, the line went dead as his flight took off. The flight was supposed to be four hours, so it wasn't like I'd have a chance to call him back anytime soon. Should I just wait, so I could speak to him more thoroughly about this, a dark recess of my mind suggested, should I have something ready to send him when he lands?

I looked at a few of the messages I'd been sent still not sure if I would go through with it, but as a wife shouldn't I at least consider doing this if it would make my husband happy? Scanning a few that looked promising, I pulled up the profiles as well to get a good idea of what I was getting myself into before I decided if I was going to do this let alone with whom. A rather confident man his words brimming with testosterone and bravado promising to show me some excitement, another more romantic-sounding promising a lovely day to match my beauty, and a third which seemed rather awkward sounding one that couldn't quite seem to find his words.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:41 am

The macho seeming guy was a big buff looking lion, one for whom you'd be lying to yourself and your husband if you said the look of him in his pictures wasn't stirring something inside of you. Everything about his profile screamed alpha male, one who knew it and was confident in that. The only thing you weren't sure about was that he listed his "conquests" on his profile as well. It sent dual feelings of strange thrill and disgust at the same time.

The second was a fox, who looked suave and charming. He openly stated he was a swinger, but a romantic one. He had numerous comments from girls he'd dated who left glowing reviews. And the last was a boyish looking mouse who was the youngest of the bunch at nineteen. He didn't have much experience but was eager to learn and impress.

Curiously, despite him being three heads shorter than you (and five compared to the lion) a rather blushie and shy picture of the mouse in his underwear showed he was packing quite a bit down there.
Last edited by Kuragari on Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:28 am

Looking at the three profiles, I wasn't sure what to do. The lion certainly was very handsome looking, but the idea of being put on a list of his conquests was a little uncomfortable. The fox certainly seemed a lot less crass, but still had clearly been around a lot and also had a wife of his own. The mouse certainly seemed sweet, had a lot less baggage, and appeared to be packing quite a bit, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to be teaching a young man how to please a lady.

Seeing the fox being public about his swinging, I quickly checked my profile wanting to see what, if anything, my husband had put in about our marriage. I was surprised to see that not only did the profile mention I was married, but it made it seem like I was doing this in secret. He wanted me to tell these men to keep this a secret from him while telling him all of the details myself? A little confused, I turned back to the profiles before me picking the fox. Pulling up his message, I replied, 'Hello, would you be willing to meet today for a romantic meeting? Maybe leading into a little something...extra.' My heart pounded as I hit send trying to do so before I lost the nerve. If I wanted to have something to tell Arthur when his plane landed, I didn't have any time to be dawdling.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:16 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Luck roll... 7

It takes about three minutes before you get a reply, and sadly the fox is busy today. Not with another partner, but with work, and indeed a quick double check of his profile shows he does have his schedule listed. He would, however, be available over the weekend if you were wanting to 'spice your life up' a little.

The lion's profile didn't list an actual schedule, simply stating, "I'm available when I feel like it" though he wasn't online at the moment. The mouse's schedule was more open, but his profile said he was idle right now. You could try messaging one of them, or you could simply set something up with the fox for this coming weekend.

A brief check at some of the other girls on the site's profiles does give you the idea that if you didn't have immediate luck you could... always take some risque pictures of yourself in sexy and inviting poses and add them to your profile.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:52 pm

I frown as my first pick turned out to be busy and wouldn't be available until the weekend. I still did want to have something when the plane landed so just planning something for this weekend seemed a bit weak. I also saw that some girls kept more risque pictures on their profiles, and while that did seem like something, I did want to give an actual encounter with a guy one last shot. Looking at the lion, I sighed as I sent him a message. I guess I'd just have to deal with being one of his listed conquests. Would that make it better for Arthur?

'Hello, I was wondering if you were available soon. The husband's out of town for a while, and this housewife's feeling a little bit lonely;)' Sending it off, I shivered as I worried if this was really the right way to go about this.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:51 am

To your surprise, the lion's response is almost instant. "When a fine piece of ass like you's feeling lonely, no way I can let that stand. I can be over right away, what's your address, sweet thing?" He also follows it up with a picture of his cock, which does put your husband's to shame... the lion really was the definition of an alpha male, at least so far as you could tell right now.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:31 am

I was a bit surprised at how quickly he responded. I must have just happened to message him when he was around. I was a little surprised when I noticed the picture of his cock as well as his decision that we'd do this at my place. Would the neighbors notice some strange guy visiting me? Would they talk? Was that the kind of thing Arthur wanted, too? Still, it felt like I was in a little too deep to just blow him off now. I shivered as I typed out my address to a complete stranger, so he could come over to fuck me while my husband was away.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:41 am

The reply was almost instanaeous. "I'll be over in fifteen minutes. Feel free to greet me naked if ya want, really show me just how lonely and eager ya are~" This sends shivers up and down your spine, but you don't have long to prepare. Perhaps you could do as he suggests, even take a picture of yourself naked by the door, waiting for this man whom was going to fuck you while your husband was away...
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:26 am

My breath was coming in heavy pants as I saw the response. I hadn't been aware he was so close, so I didn't have much time to contemplate what I was doing. Quickly, I began to strip and moved into the bathroom. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, I snapped a shot of myself. I pulled up a text sending my husband first the picture of the lion; then the picture of his cock; the words 'he'll be over soon, and I'm almost ready; and finally, the picture of myself. He probably wouldn't see it until his plane landed, but it would be there the moment his phone regained reception.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:32 am

As you took the pictures and sent them to your husband, you found yourself actually feeling a bit more aroused then you'd expected. The only annoying part was that you weren't sure if you were excited at the prospect of such a well endowed alpha male coming over and rutting you silly, or if it was just excitement at doing something so lewd for your husband that was getting you all excited down there. Maybe it was both?

In any case, you soon heard the car parking in the driveway... and soon enough, the ring of the doorbell...
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:54 am

I bit my lip as I saw the notification that my message had been sent. It was too late to back out now. Not only did I hear the man pull in, I'd sent my husband an illicit text about my infidelity. I tried to keep calm as I moved to the living room ready to greet my suitor, but I couldn't fully dismiss my trepidation as I opened the door for a complete stranger, naked as the day I'd been born. "Uh, welcome?"
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:06 am

As soon as you opened the door, you were grabbed, pressed firmly to his strong, muscular, toned body... felt the sheer size of his bulge in his jeans, and had the fiercest, most heated kiss you'd ever experienced forced upon your lips.

By the time he let go, you were breatheless and your heart was racing as he gave a husky growl.

"Mhm, look even better than the pics on your profile... but you'll look even better when I'm sheathed inside ya." He chuckles, nipping at your neck. "So, here, or your bedroom?"
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:26 am

I gasped as he grabbed me so forcefully. He just did it without permission like there was nothing he couldn't do, and as I felt my heart race, I worried he might be right.

My head spun and lungs burned as he broke the kiss clearly ready to get started.

I couldn't even contemplate which place was better as his teeth dug into the nape of my neck. Out in the open living room or the bed I shared with my husband. "Uh, here?"
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:34 am

Here seemed to mean right at the door, because he took only three steps in, lifted you up, undid his pants so he could pull out his cock... and then impaled you upon his member that made your Husband's decently sized member feel small!

"Kinky~" he purred, before kissing you again as his fingers dug forcefully into your ass and he just started fucking you hard and fast.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:55 am

I gasped in shock as he lifted me up and undid his pants. "Wait, the doo..." was all I got out before he impaled me showing that he really was bigger than Arthur. Maybe bigger than any man had any right to be.

I thought he'd take me over to the couch or over the coffee table, but he was just going to do it standing here just inside the door where anyone that walked by could see it, and yet I didn't have the strength to resist him.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:22 am

Groaning at your tightness, he nips your neck and slaps your ass as he drives into you again and again. "Damned tight, but not a virgin. Hehe, no wonder your lonely. You havent had a real man inside you~" his words are teasing and yet insulting, but at the same time, his pillar is reaching and spreadi g further than Arthur could have ever hoped. You feel fuller than ANY partner you ever had could make you as he bounced ulyou upon his rod like a cocksleeve.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:30 pm

My ears laid back, and I blushed as he insinuated that my husband wasn't a real man. "D-do-AHHH-don't say things li-like that!" I managed to weakly mutter out. It was far from the denial I wanted to say, but I just couldn't seem to work up the nerve with his massive pillar slamming inside of me, and the way his barbs dug into my walls made my toes curl. Already, I could feel my first orgasm working its way up, and we'd hardly even started.
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:43 pm

He smirked and snorted. "Oh? Says the lady whose so lonely she asked another man out within hours of making her account~" He smacked your rear again, then turned and pressed you into the wall as his cock soon found your sweet spot, and he began hammering it relentlessly. "Trust me, I can tell when a lady has a man whose dick satisfies them right. And yours is a pussy that's just begging for a real man to have its way with you~"
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Re: An Unexpected Request [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:11 am

I gasped as he chastised me about how quickly I went from making my account to inviting him over. I didn't have a retort, and anything I did say might reveal more about this situation than I wanted, so I couldn't do much more than take it. Then he slammed into my g-spot hammering away at it with reckless abandon as I wailed out loudly. My arms and legs wrapped around him holding onto him for dear life as I was quickly ascending to the most intense orgasm of my life.
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