All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

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All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:44 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name:Sylmare Cracan

Race:Wood Elf




Background: Outlander

- Longbow
- Arrow x20
- Shortsword x2
- Leather armour
- Explorers pack
- Hunting Trap
- Traveler's Cloth
- Bracers of Archery (m)
- Stone of Good Luck (m)
- Potion of healing x3

Class: Ranger
Level: 1
Hit Points:12
Arousal: 0
Armor Class: 14
Inhibition (Wisdom):15/15
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Ability Scores:
(Mark a (s) next to them if you have a save in it, (p) if you have proficiency in the skill)
Strength (S): 8
    Athletics : (P)
Dexterity (S): 17
    Sleight of Hand:
    Stealth : (P)
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 8
    Nature :(P)
Wisdom: 16
    Animal Handling:
    Insight : (P)
    Perception: (P)
    Survival: (P)
Charisma: 10

Class Features:

Favored Enemy - Beasts You have advantage on Survival
checks to track your favored enemies, as well as on
Intelligence checks to recall information about
them. - Beasts

Natural Explorer - Forests When you make an Intelligence or
Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, your
proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill
that you’re proficient in. While traveling for an hour
or more in your favored terrain, you gain the
following benefits:Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your
group’s travel.Your group can’t become lost except
by magical means.Even when you are engaged in
another activity while traveling, you remain alert to
danger.If you are traveling alone, you can move
stealthily at a normal pace.When you forage, you
find twice as much food as you normally
would.While tracking other creatures, you also learn
their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago
they passed through the area.

Darkvision You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light.

Racial Features:
Fey Ancestry Advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Trance Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they
meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4
hours a day.

Mask of the Wild You can attempt to hide even
when you are only lightly obscured.



The Frost Marches are considered by most to be the very edge of the world. The only true frontier left in the broken world of Savarra.

Small wonder why. Mountainous, cold, unforgiving. The lands far to the north of old Belhar were not the welcoming, rolling plains or idyllic forests that humanity grew to the zenith of their power, before spreading outwards in every direction to conquer and subsume. Every direction by north, or at least so far north as to be considered part of the Marches. A few proud lords of the old order had claimed dominion of bits and pieces over the centuries, the so-called Marcher Lords who like as not never projected enough power over their fiefdoms to truly claim them as their own. The Marches were as isolated from civilization as any region could be.

So it was little wonder why an elven ranger might make her way toward them. In the aftermath of the Godswar, a conflict that brought the Belharan Empire low and much of Savarra with it, much of the continent had become inhospitable in a much different way. Warlords fought over the scraps of a behemoth that once spanned from coast to coast, and the constant flaring of this conflict and left few places untouched. In the Marches, none of that would matter. All you'd need to do was deal with nature itself, and that was something you could handle much easier than waves of loot-hungry bandits seeking to plunder and rape their way through everything unlucky enough to not be behind what few ancient walls remained.

Or so you thought.

It was autumn by the time your journey led you into the territories that sat on the very border of civilization itself. Rains were expected as the world cooled for the year and nothing that you hadn't prepared for. However, as you came within sight of the Frostfangs, gentle rains turned to gentle snows, then harder snows, and howling winds. What had begun as a balmy farewell to fall swiftly became a blizzard the likes of which one would expect at the height of winter, you were many, many months away from that.

Your survival abilities were such that managing through the opening salvo of the storm was easy enough, but you knew you'd need to find somewhere to shelter if you wanted to make it to the few frontier towns that dotted the Marches with all your fingers and toes intact. You manage to find succor in a small cave, cut into the foothills of the mountainous terrain, and after three days of poor weather, salvation seems to find you first.

"Velun's Fur!"

You can hear the voice over the howling winds just barely. The source, up near the mouth of the cave, seems to be a fur-cloaked figure, though it's hard to make out much of them with how badly the snow seems to stick to their clothing.

"I thought I smelled smoke... Living Gods, are you alright in there? This is no place to weather a storm!"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:15 am

Rillifane's icy breath, it's bone-chilling out here, Sylmare mused, wrapping her shawl tighter around her frame as she huddled by the meager fire inside the cave, savoring the scant comfort it offered amid the harsh weather.

Venturing into the Frost Marches had been a daring choice, forsaking her beloved trees and canopies. Nevertheless, necessity dictated, and it stood as Sylmare's sole recourse to elude the insatiable clutches of humanity's greed, their unquenchable thirst for dominion over all they deemed theirs. Yet, enduring the biting cold and freedom was preferable to the warmth of servitude or the capricious whims of bandits.

As Sylmare sensed the early warnings of frostbite creeping into her extremities, a tingling numbness, a disturbance echoed at the cave's entrance. Instinctively, she reached for her bow, arrow nocked and aimed at the intruder. Shrouded behind her shawl, the freezing air hastened the numbing effect on her cold hands, her grip not quite as firm as desired.

"This cave suits my needs. If you'd like to keep your leg intact, I'd suggest staying back, stranger."

Displaying no hint of vulnerability, for weakness attracted trouble like flies to dung, Sylmare safeguarded her sanctuary. Encounters with aggressors were not unfamiliar, and she was determined this wouldn't be her last.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:09 am

"If you'd like to keep your life intact, you'll clear out of this cave before the snowfall buries the entrance and you with it!"

The response that came to your threat was more a snarl than a shout, though it seemed to at least play at taking your best interest to heart. The figure kept out on the margins of the cave mouth, just far enough that they could duck back out into the storm beyond if you were to line up a shot at them. It seemed that the cold, at the very least, didn't dissuade them as much as it did you. Given that they were wrapped head to toe in furs, however, perhaps it was simply a native's wardrobe that gave them the edge in such unseasonably cold weather.

"Living Gods, always the stubborn ones... If you aren't coming out, I'm coming in! And so help me, if I end up with my foot in a snare or an arrow in any part of me, you'll run out of traps and arrows long before I bury my axe in your skull! You hear me?"

The voice seems content enough to wait for an answer, but threats or not, it eventually, trudges forward through the mouth of the cave and closer to the gentle crackling of your fire. In those few moments, you can make out a few more details of the figure: one, they are significantly taller than you, by at least a few heads. Secondly, though their furred hood is pulled close to their face, it does little to hide the long snout that dominates their visage. Or, perhaps more accurately, their wolf-like muzzle.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Knowledge (History) Check (DC 10): 17-1=16, Success!

The animal-like appearance isn't surprising, however. Lupines are the native race of the Frost Marches, and scarcely found elsewhere in the world. Their large, powerful bodies and thick fur make them well-suited to survive the harsh conditions of their wintery homeland, but their clannish behavior and general preference towards isolation has rendered the kind of cooperation needed to settle outside their tribal holds a difficulty. You also recall they have quite the reputation for being thickheaded and brash in nature. Not that the behavior of the specimen before you does much to dispel that notion.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:00 pm

Sylmare's defiant growl, a retort to the lupine intruder's threats, carried hrough the howling winds, his rough intemation of help ignored, "You're welcome to try," she asserted, her voice resilient against the battering weather. The lupine's advance through the cave entrance hardly rattled her, but the unyielding cold had its own designs for Sylmare.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

CON roll: 3+2 = 5 FAIL

Behind her stoic facade, an unexpected shiver ran through her and ,intensified by numbing fingers, the bowstring slipped from her grip, and the nocked arrow launched forward, fortunately, going wide. Cursing beneath her face covering and mindful of the lupine's thickheadedness and brash nature, Sylmare stepped back only to begin grimacing as the cold cave wall pressed against her, offering scant escape if things took a violent turn.

Now cornered, Syl dropped her useless bow and seized one of her short swords, holding the blade awkwardly forward. Despite honing her archery skills for many summers, her swordsmanship was meager at best and as the lupine drew closer to the fire's flickering light, Sylmare regarded the creature with a blend of wariness, curiosity, and a hint of fear as it lumbered toward her. There was little doubt in her mind how a melee fight with this thing would turn out for her. Its towering stature and wolf-like features created a stark contrast against her own lithe frame.

"I'm warning you, stay back, or you'll feel my blade," she challenged one last time, hoping to deter the invader with her show of bravado. The dance between frost and her small fire continued between them, and while she clung to her nerve, Sylmare sensed control within the shelter of her cave slipping away like melting snow through her frostbitten fingers.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:29 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Intimidation Check (DC 15): 11+0=11, Fail

The Lupine offers only a snarl in response to your threat, your sword pointed so haphazardly at them as to indicate that you probably don't have all the sensation in the world to boast of your fingers. If anybody was liable to understand the cold and its impact on the unprepared, it'd be the natives, after all. Or perhaps not: as vicious as the storm outside seems to be, the Lupine before you seems no worse for wear, caked in snow though they might be.

"Cut the shit. If I wanted to kill you or fuck you, I wouldn't have announced myself. You'd be on your back, bleeding or panting by now."

The coarse language and gruff tone aside, they don't seem to adopt any more threatening a posture than their significant stature lends them. Gloved hands reach up to peel back the hood of their carefully layered garments, revealing more beyond just the grey-furred muzzle that snarled and shouted at you. Long, messy gray locks seem to spill out every which way as they, or rather, she does, kept out of her face only by way of the thick braid that hangs by the side of her face, and the large, fluffy pair of ears sprouting from atop her head. Crimson eyes seem to scour your body as you press yourself to the wall of the cave, looking you over with an appraising twinkle.

"How long have you been stuck here? You must be cold; I can practically see you shivering from here, and this fire doesn't look like it's gonna hold much longer."
Last edited by Ze Blitzkrieg on Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:24 pm

Sylmare's narrowed eyes followed the lupine's snarl, her grip on her sword tightening despite her numbed fingers. The wolfish figure before her displayed little concern for the biting cold however, covered in snow but seemingly unaffected by it - A fact that stoked Sylmare's frostbitten jealousy.

She listened with caution as the lupine spoke, her earlier defiance softening slightly as her already rosy cheeks glowed just a fraction of a shade darker at the mention of one possible fate that could have awaited her should her assailant been in a different mood. The coarse language and gruff tone aside however, there was an absence of overt threat in the lupine's demeanor as gloved hands peeled back the layers of clothing, revealing a tangle of gray locks, long messy hair cascading in disarray and large, fluffy ears perched atop her head. The most surprising thing to Syl, however, was the fact that the intruder in her cave was no man at all, but a woman which, strangely, made Sylmare feel just a slight bit more at ease as crimson eyes continued studying Sylmare, their gaze appraising and keen.

Sylmare took a moment to regain her composure, lowering her sword just a fraction. "I've been here long enough," she replied tersely, her voice no longer laced with challenge and having to fight to stop her teeth from chattering. "And you're right, it's damn cold. The fire won't last, and neither will I much longer in this storm." She cast a cautious glance at the fading flames, her discomfort and vulnerability now apparent as her sword dropped a bit more, "Please, do you have a camp nearby? I could use some shelter from this relentless cold."
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:38 am

The Lupine lets out a sigh as she pulls one of her thick, padded gloves off her hand. Free from its confines, she's able to run her clawed digits through the wild mane of hair atop her head as she considers what to do.

"Not a camp, no, but I do have a cabin about a mile north. You're lucky I decided to trudge out into the storm on a supply run. A few more hours of this, and even I'd have gotten lost trying to find Hawkethorne."

Apparently having come to her decision, the Lupine pulls her other glove off and without ceremony tosses them both your way. The only thing more startling than their size compared to your own hands is the warmth that seems to radiate from within them. Without missing a beat, the wolf-woman begins to unfasten the heavy parka she wore into the cave, revealing the tunic beneath.

"Put these on. Your fingers aren't starting to blister yet, so you probably don't have frostbite yet, but it's probably gonna take us an hour to get through this and back to my place. You're liable to lose those cute little ears of yours in these conditions without proper clothes."

Shedding her layers, the Lupine tosses you the heavy fur garment, still coated in a thick layer of frost despite the body heat still radiating along the interior.

"You got a name? Mine's Astrid. Just Astrid."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:03 pm

Though she didn't let her suspicions fully drop, Sylmare's relief was palpable as the lupine offered assistance and a place to warm her bones. She watched with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity as the wolf-woman removed her gloves, revealing clawed fingers that seemed enormous in comparison to her own. As the clawed hand of the Lupine ran through it's owner's rugged mane, a momentary skip of her heart accompanied the sight, and she couldn't help but wonder if it was the cold playing tricks on her cheeks, causing them to flush.

Syl was quickly snapped out of her thoughts however as the huge pair of mittens were suddenly thrown towards her, followed by the parka, which she wasted no time in pulling on. The warmth emanating from the gloves was a welcome change from the biting cold and the inside of the parka practically felt like she was climbing into a furnace, despite the heavy coating of snow and ice clinging to the outside. She took a moment to breathe, trying to regain some feeling in her frozen extremities, and almost immediately began feeling an immediate improvement in the sensation of her fingers.

At the comment about her ears, Sylmare felt her heart skip another beat before clearing her throat upon hearing Astrid's name.

"My ears will be quite fine thank you, and my name's Sylmare," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Astrid. Lead the way to your cabin, and I'll follow." Her gaze briefly darted to the fading fire, then settled back on her newfound savior, their frosty breaths intertwining in the frigid air.

"I hope this isn't a silly question, but will you be alright without any sort of protection against the cold? I know you have a natural coating, but will the definitely be enough?" As much as she was thoroughly enjoying her new, massively oversized apparel, Sylmare didn't want her rescuer to suffer on her behalf.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:05 pm

Though you imagine many expressions are impossible to mimic when one possesses a beast's maw in place of a mouth, one thing Astrid certainly proves she can do is to roll her eyes at your attempts to dispel her concerns.

"Yeah, yeah. Your ears are fine. Just make sure to tuck them into the hood when we leave."

She gives you a few moments to collect your belongings and break down your makeshift camp. Once everything has been carefully packed away where it needs to be and you find yourself a little more nimble with the help of Astrid's garments and warmth, she gestures for you to follow her outside.

"It'll be uncomfortable, but it'll take a lot longer than an hour for me to freeze to death. Especially if I'm moving."

The winds do not abate as the two of you step outside the mouth of the cave. White flurries dance through the air in waves, blown this way and that by the howling winds that whip and sting your cheeks. A few meters from the entrance to the cave is a medium-sized sledge, the deep grooves of its limbs cut through the snow already beginning to fill in during your brief meeting in the cave. There seem to be a few crates and barrels atop it, covered in a thick canvas to keep the worst of the elements off.

"Get on the back!" The Lupine roars to be heard over the weather, snow beginning to cake on the outside of her ears and hair, "I'll pull you!"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:31 pm

Sylmare nodded in appreciation of Astrid's practical advice, though a subtle huff escaped her lips in response to Astrid's dismissive tone, her light-hearted remark brushed aside. It was only a joke.... She swiftly gathered her belongings, efficiently stowing her gear and disassembling her makeshift camp, now more nimble thanks to Astrid's garments and the comforting warmth they provided.

Once everything was neatly packed away, Sylmare followed Astrid back into the unforgiving blizzard outside. She listened attentively to Astrid's reassuring words about the cold and offered a muffled expression of gratitude beneath the layers she now wore.

The biting winds met them as they ventured beyond the cave's shelter, sending a relentless flurry of white flakes swirling through the air. The gusts stung their cheeks, but Sylmare refrained from complaining. She couldn't help but consider Astrid's earlier attire, a stark reminder of the lupine's sacrifice for her sake.

Following Astrid's command to climb onto the sledge, Sylmare needed no further prompting. She rushed to the sledge and hoisted herself onto the back, clutching it tightly as she braced herself for the arduous journey ahead. Resolute, she was prepared to endure whatever discomfort came her way until they reached their destination.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:42 pm

There isn't too much of a delay between your loading yourself up on the sled and Astrid taking her position at the head of it. She hefts a thick rope looped through the front section of the sled up over her chest, and bracing her thick arms, leans forward with enough force to cause the whole structure to lurch forward. It's a testament to the strength within the Lupine's physique that moving such a quantity of goods through such adverse conditions came to her with ease. You had heard some in the more remote sections of the Marches employed teams of trained dogs for such endeavors... but perhaps it was best not to think of Astrid in such a manner.

Keeping track of time is difficult while lost in the swirling white of a blizzard, but true to her word, the wolf-woman makes good progress, only slowing on occasion to deal with a particularly irksome section of terrain, or when the sled rolls overs a hidden branch of stone that disappeared within the sea of snow off in every direction. The difference in your stature proved useful for more than just the strange stimulation it provided your tingly spine with, however, and you managed to largely disappear into the warmth of the parka for the duration of the journey, kept safe from the weather within.

Eventually, your little sled trip comes to an end, however. Poking your head out of the layers of fur that made up your temporary shelter, you spot a shelter nearby: a rustic-looking log cabin, with a few ancillary buildings nearby. The fur on Astrid's body seems to collect snow like nothing else, and she looks half a snowwoman when she turns to you and points a thick thumb over her shoulder.

"Get inside and coax the fire! There should be some coals from earlier! I'll bring the rest of this stuff in!"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:55 pm

Enveloped in the oversized garments Astrid had provided, Sylmare resembled an ornament perched on the back of the sledge, her form nearly motionless, arms wrapped around herself for warmth. From within the protective hood, her ears nestled safely out of harm's way, Sylmare observed Astrid with a mix of awe and admiration. Not only did the lupine brave the storm with minimal clothing, but she also effortlessly pulled the massive, heavily laden sled, making remarkable progress despite occasional obstacles that momentarily slowed their journey. The longer the ride endured, the more Sylmare found herself biting her lip in sheer admiration, unable to tear her eyes away from Astrid's incredible display of strength and endurance.

However, as with all journeys, this one too reached its conclusion. In what felt like a surprisingly short time, Astrid's log cabin began to take shape amidst the blizzard, gradually becoming visible through the swirling snow. Sylmare, ever eager to help and express her gratitude, didn't waste a moment.

"Oh, uhm, sure!" she chimed in, swiftly jumping off the sledge and heading straight for the cabin, her destination set on the fire inside.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Survival check - 6...

Inside the cabin, Sylmare's attempts to reignite the coals in the fireplace proved frustratingly futile. Despite her extensive experience with lighting fires, she couldn't seem to coax the coals back to life. Whether it was the type of coal or some other inexplicable factor, Sylmare found herself sitting on her knees in front of the unlit fireplace, an embarrassed flush warming her cheeks as she waited in the cold for Astrid to arrive at her own home with the fire still dead.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:36 am

You sat for a time, cheeks burning hotter than the dying embers of Astrid's fire as you waited for the Lupine to return from the task of unpacking her provisions. With how thick the snowfall remained on her home turf, it was little wonder that it took the wolf-woman quite some time to manifest through the front door, her fur coated in frost and her breath steamy from the exertion of her work. Under one arm, she held a massive-looking barrel, and over her shoulder was a bundle of some sort, tied taut with canvas and rope. She surveyed her humble little home, her crimson eyes finding you huddled by the fire, looking just a little melancholy before the barely lit fireplace. Then, she sighed.

"What am I gonna do with you? Go on, have a sit down over by the table and look pretty. I'll get the fire going."

Heavy footfalls followed as she marched her way over to the stone fireplace, setting down the barrel near the grates and placing the bundle before it. For all their strength, her fingers proved deft enough to undo the ties which held the bundle together and reveal the cargo within: fresh, dry firewood to add to the pile opposite the wall. The next few minutes were spent in comparative silence as she tossed a few thinner pieces into the embers and coaxed them to life with some gentle blowing and prodding. Once the flames returned to life, she set about adding a few split logs to keep it burning nice and hot.

"So, Sylmare, what in the world brings you to the Marches at this time of year? You sure don't strike me as a native."

The Lupine wastes little time in making small talk once she rises to her full, imposing height in front of the fireplace. As seems to be the theme with the brusque beastwoman, though, it isn't her words that capture your attention, but her actions. With the warmth of the fire radiating further into the humble abode, the crust of snow and ice along her heavy coat and thick tunic begins to melt. Rather than continue to chill in soaked clothing, she does the obvious thing: her strong hands grip the hem of her tunic, and she promptly begins to disrobe.

As she pulls the woolen garment up and over her torso, the statuesque physique beneath reveals itself to your eyes. The wide flare of her hip gives way to a powerfully built upper body, her stomach visibly defined even through the thick, plush-looking fur that covers her body. To add insult to injury, not only does she possess a tantalizingly strong body, but a markedly feminine one at that.

Her garment seems to struggle as the hem reaches her chest and with a few good tugs and not an insignificant amount of jiggling, a truly magnificent pair of breasts bouncing free from her soaked shirt. Big, shapely, and covered in luscious, soft-looking fur, they must outsize your own by a few cup sizes, were she so inclined to wear any kind of supporting garment, and you can't help but notice her perky black nipples poking through the fur around the center. The result of the persistent chill, perhaps.

It's only when she's halfway into undoing her thick leather belt that she seems to notice your presence, and her ears flicker at the realization that she has an audience.

"Oh... Are you uncomfortable with this? I figured it'd be alright since we're both ladies and all. Suppose I should've asked first."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:24 am

Sylmare sat there for a while, feeling a warmth in her cheeks that had little to do with the fire's meager flames. Her gaze remained fixed on the barely lit fireplace, a hint of melancholy coloring her expression as she waited for Astrid's return.

Finally, the lupine made her way back into the cabin, her frost-covered form testifying to the challenging task of unpacking her provisions by herself in the middle of a blizzard. As her crimson eyes swept over the cabin and found Sylmare huddled by the fireplace, Syl couldn't control the heavy feeling of disappointment she felt as a sigh escaped Astrid's lips at her failure to light a fire.

"I-Im sorry. I did try, but I couldn't seem to get it to light for some reason. Sure, I'll get out of your way..."

Sylmare obeyed, moving to sit at the table as instructed, her shoulders slumped slightly in embarrassment. As she sat there, she watched Astrid with a mix of admiration and curiosity as the lupine expertly set about revitalizing the fire. Her strength and dexterity were on full display as she unwrapped the bundle to reveal a stash of dry firewood, and her efforts soon had the flames dancing once more.

Once the fire was roaring comfortably and Astrid addressed Sylmare's reason for finding herself in her current predicament in a more conversational tone, Syl found herself moving closer to the warm embrace of the newly rekindled flame, "ha, is it that obvious I'm not a native? I thought I was fitting in quite well almost freezing to death." Giving Astrid a sheepish grin before continuing, " I came to escape, really. Trying to find a new home for myself away from..."

The words dying in her throat as she turned her head towards Astrid just as she began to disrobe. Sylmare's eyes widened as the lupine revealed her statuesque physique, the powerful build of her upper body and the fur-covered contours were undeniably attractive but Syl's gaze lingered the longest on Astrid's ample, fur-covered breasts, their size making her own, already small, breasts seem even smaller in comparison. The contrast of her perky black nipples against the fur added a captivating allure that Sylmare found almost impossible to detach her gaze from. It was as if somebody had taken the best aspects from both sexes and moulded them into on perfect being.

Sylmare was so entranced by the sight that she almost didn't notice Astrid's realization that she had an audience. The lupine's ears flickered, and she paused in her undressing.

Sylmare blushed deeply at the question, her heart racing as she stammered, horrified at the uncomfortably long time she had been staring, "I-I... It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's just... unexpected. But, um, we're both adults here, and it's your home. Please, don't let me interrupt." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, torn between averting her gaze and a confusing curiosity she couldn't quite suppress.

Eventually, however, she discovered an incredibly interesting cobweb up in the corner of the ceiling which Syl decided absolutely needed every bit of her attention.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:20 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Skilled (Athletics) Advance (DC 15): 15+5 = Success!
Arousal Gain (1d4 Psychic Stimulation): 3
Sylmare Arousal: 3/12

Astrid continues to stare at you rather quizzically, although the bright flush on your cheeks and your stammering quickly clues her into just what your 'issue' with the situation is. The look she shoots you as the realization sets in could only be described as 'wolfish', and she even goes as far as to lick her chops as her thick fingers continue to work the buckle holding her trousers up apart.

"Right... well, you ought to strip out of those furs too. The wet will keep you cold even inside, and I don't want you freezing."

The patterns of a long abandoned cobweb make for a most interesting look into a spider's instinctual drive spin beautifully effective snares, but it's not quite as distracting as the sound of buckles and buttons coming undone. The distinctive clatter of a buckle against the hard, wooden floor of Astrid's cabin and the shuffle of leather only draw your mind back to the disrobing Lupine warrior, her long, thick legs, and the powerful swell of her curvaceous bottom... You had the distinct feeling that even if you weren't nestled into her furs and sitting before her fire, the heat in your cheeks would be enough to keep you warm.

"'Sides, if you get any colder, I might have to find a way to warm you up all myself..."

If your courage returned, a glance towards the wolf would reveal her in near-total nudity: only a sturdy-looking loincloth wrapped around her wide hips conceals the space between her muscular thighs. Whether the obscuring of her sex helps your growing arousal, it is hard to say, as it makes the smoky, primal on her bestial features all the easier to notice... once you've gotten your eyes up and away from her chest, at least.

"Out of those clothes. Now."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:39 pm

The intricate cobweb patterns adorning the cabin's corners briefly seized Syl's attention. However, the distinct sounds of buckles and buttons being undone gradually overpowered her focus. Each clatter of a buckle hitting the wooden floor or the rustling of leather seemed to intensify the Lupine warrior's enchanting presence behind the elf. Syl resisted the urge to turn around, but her imagination worked overtime, vividly recreating the scene behind her, despite her efforts to dismiss it. Thoughts of Astrid's sculpted physique, firm contours, and alluring features raced through Sylmare's mind, igniting a pulse within her that felt almost illicit as she could practically hear the blood pumping in her long ears.

Astrid's suggestion to shed the furs sent a thrilling shiver through Sylmare. As courage slowly returned, she couldn't resist stealing a glance at the nearly exposed wolf-woman. Astrid now stood in near-total undress, a sturdy loincloth wrapped around her hips providing a modicum of modesty. The sight did little to quell the rising heat within Sylmare. She found herself torn between embarrassment and the primal allure of Astrid's features. Her gaze momentarily lingered on Astrid's long, powerful legs and enticing curves, but ultimately, her eyes fixated on the loincloth, harboring a deep desire to unveil what lay beneath. Sylmare chose to pull the furs tighter, hesitating to follow Astrid's command, fearful of the vulnerability that might accompany such an act. Her cheeks burned, and the captivating sight before her stirred a different kind of warmth deep within her core.

At Astrid's more assertive demand to remove her clothing, Sylmare cleared her throat, her voice quivering with a hint of uncertainty in response to the more aggresive tone. Despite her inner conflict, there was something in Astrid's command that compelled Syl to comply. Against her better judgment, she decided to follow Astrid's orders. "I appreciate your concern for my well-being, Astrid. I'll, um, do as you suggest." With a slightly trembling hand, she began to shed the furs that had provided warmth, attempting to ignore the escalating heat in her cheeks and chest and the undeniable attraction she felt toward her lupine savior.

As the furs fell away, Sylmare found herself standing awkwardly in front of Astrid, wearing only her original clothes with her arms folded across her chest. She couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy as her own curves paled in comparison to Astrid's impressive physique as Syl squirmed under the Lupine's predatory gaze, her voice quivering as she spoke.

"I... I'll keep these on, I think. They're not that wet after all." She forced herself to turn away from Astrid, trying to escape the overwhelming pressure she felt. As much as Syl wanted to believe she would hold her ground, a small part of her mind knew that if Astrid were to push her further, she would find it incredibly hard to resist.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:08 pm

Hot and bothered as you are, it's almost impossible to miss the predatory glint in Astrid's eyes as you are made to reconcile with the difference between your statures. It makes you feel... vulnerable, despite you being the clothed one in the exchange. Your body language, so uncertain and guarded, only serves to make you look all the more submissive before her imposing stance, and when you turn away to try and center your mind on anything but the Lupine's incredible figure and domineering presence, the wolf-woman seizes on the opportunity. You can feel her step close enough behind you that the heat from her body radiates along your back. You can even feel the soft, velvety fur of what must be her chest, given the difference between your heights, brushing against your ears as she does.

"I said, 'Out of those clothes'."

Her voice had always been somewhat gruff, perhaps even gravelly when she got particularly annoyed. But the voice she uses to address you is... different. There's something more to it. Something indisputably authoritative and... primal. Something that makes you want to submit.

It's made worse when she reaches over your shoulder, one of her big, strong hands looping around such that she can place a clawed digit against your chin. She's gentle with you though, careful not to scratch you as she forces your head far enough up to see her looming heavy above you, staring down at you with lustful, hunting eyes that make the growl that follows all the harder to resist.

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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:16 pm

Sylmare's heart raced as she grappled with the intoxicating mix of fear, desire and submission that Astrid's presence evoked. Despite her best efforts to maintain a sense of control, her vulnerability and attraction were impossible to ignore as she felt Astrid's powerful body close behind her, the heat of her proximity sending tantalizing shivers down Syl's spine. The sensation of Astrid's fur brushing against her ears only further heightened her arousal as the different in their builds continued to make itself apparent as the breath caught in her throat, suddenly recalling Astrid's words in the cave about how she could have taken Sylmare at any time she wanted to. She was absolutely correct.

As Astrid's authoritative and primal tone washed over her, leaving Sylmare feeling compelled to obey, her hesitation was palpable, and she couldn't deny the longing that surged within her any longer. There was no resistance from Syl as Astrid's hand rounded her shoulder and the gentle touch of her clawed digit against her chin forced Sylmare's head up to meet the lupine's gaze. Lustful, predatory eyes bore down on her, meeting Sylmere's own look of confused longing, and the growl that emanated from Astrid's throat sent a thrill of desire through Syl's entire body.

"Yes, okay...," Sylmare whispered, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and longing. Her trembling hands moved to her own clothing, fingers struggling to undo each binding, yet the magnetic pull of Astrid's dominance left her almost powerless to resist. Piece by piece, her garments fell away until she stood nearly naked, clad only in her cloth bra and pants. Her gaze remained locked with Astrid's, and she gently pressed her body backward, savoring the sensation of the lupine's soft fur against her skin before coming into contact with Astrid's toned, unyielding form. The tension between them grew, and Sylmare surrendered further to the irresistible force that had captured her.
Who needs Skyrim when you have Oblivion?! - Pugna
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:59 pm

You hold Astrid's hungry gaze while you do away with your layers, peeling them away one by one and growing ever more vulnerable as they drop and clatter against the boards beneath your feet. Those dark, wild red eyes of hers seem to drink in every inch of your pale, smooth skin as you reveal it to her until you stop just shy of total nudity. There's a short growl from the wolf-woman as you halt your efforts, a little snarl of displeasure that there is yet more of your body that escapes her view. Although, as you gently press herself back into the wholeness that is her body, she proves herself every bit the bold one that you assume she is. Her arms are quick to loop around you, locking you against her as she runs her hands first along your hips and then up your stomach and chest.

Her hands are at once rough and gentle. You can feel the strength in each finger as they trace their way along your body, yet they remain light in their touch, almost teasing. The velvety fur of her underbelly is matched in its plushness by the fur along her palms and digits, and you could truly lose yourself in allowing her soft, warm hands to stroke every inch of you until there's no cold left anywhere on your body. Already, the incredible heat of her stomach and chest seems to melt away the chill and tension in your back as you lean your weight into her unmoving figure. Yet some tension certainly finds its way back into you as the rugged beastwoman tucks her hands up and under the barrier of your bra.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Direct Advance (DC15): 12+3=17, Success
Arousal Gain (1d4+1 bludgeoning): 3+1=4
Sylmare Arousal: 7/12

Her huge, bear-paw-like hands are swift in cupping your delicate bust, your breasts disappearing entirely into her grasp. A low rumble of satisfaction resonates from her chest as she kneads and massages them, causing you to shudder in arousal as your nipples are made to grind into the silky softness of her palms. Arousal that certainly doesn't seem to be relegated to only you. As you press yourself instinctively into her, it's undeniable that the sensation against your lower back is not one typically associated with the sort of embrace between women. Under her loincloth, you can feel the weight of what must be a rather heavy pair of balls pressing against you, and as you rock against her there is an undeniable stiffness beginning to emerge from somewhere just above them.

"You're shivering so much... looks like I'll need to personally get you nice and warm..."

Astrid's voice is deep and throaty as she rumbles at you, squeezing your chest possessively before sliding her hands back down your tummy and brushing them down along your mound, just inches from your increasingly needy sex. It's hard to say your underwear matters much after her treatment: your bra is left so ajar that your perky breasts are exposed to the chilly air of the cabin by then, and the place between your thighs is so sticky that they might as well be considered soaked.

"On my bed, and under the furs."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: All Across the Marches [cryosabre]

Postby cryosabre » Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:17 am

Sylmare's body quivered as she meekly complied with Astrid's commanding tone, slowly peeling away her clothing one garment at a time. Each layer that fell to the floor left her feeling more exposed and submissive, a sensation that sent a mixture of fear and desire coursing through her veins. Astrid's predatory gaze bore into her, and she couldn't escape the feeling of total vulnerability, a stark contrast to the absolute dominance that surrounded her.

Stopping just short of total nudity, she could hear the growl of frustration from Astrid, a sound that stirred a submissive ache deep within her, like that of an eager student being scolded by a teacher, Syl found herself just wanting to please Astrid more and more.The lupine's imposing presence, so close behind her, radiated an intoxicating heat that made her pulse race as Astrid's powerful arms enveloped her, making her feel small and helpless, and she couldn't help but yield to the sensations that surged through her.

Astrid's hands, both firm and tender, began to explore her trembling body, each touch sending shivers down her spine. The contrast between the velvety fur of Astrid's palms and the strength in her fingers left Sylmare utterly defenseless. The rough, possessive kneading of her breasts by Astrid's massive hands elicited soft gasps and moans from her quarry, her elven nipples hardening as they were claimed by the wolf-woman's touch. So caught up in the pleasure of the moment Syl's own hands eventually coming up to place themselves upon the soft, furry hands of her assailant - not to resist, but to guide in finding her most tender spots, each skillful squeeze of her pert bosom eliciting another moan as she fell further and further from reason.

As the pleasure mounted and her baser instincts began taking over, Syl found herself beginning to gently grind her tight behind back into Astrid's crotch and was vaguely surprised at the undeniably rigid evidence of Astrid's own arousal pressing back against her. She froze in that moment, unsure of how to proceed before Astrid's authoritative and primal voice sent another thrill of obedience through her, and she surrendered completely to the overpowering sensation of being wanted and dominated.

When Astrid's hands brushed teasingly close to her increasingly needy sex, Sylmare's arousal reached its zenith as she unconsciously rubbed her thighs together, spreading her own liquid arousal further down her legs as her most sacred area was already soaked with desire. Astrid's commanding words snapped her back to reality, and she whispered in a quivering, submissive tone, "Yes, Astrid," before slowly disengaging herself from her domineering rescuer and making her way to the bed as commanded, removing the last bastion of her dignity as she did, her underwear discarded on the floor.

As she crawled into the bed, Sylmare's entire body shook in a harmonious mixture of lust, anticipation and excitement at what she knew was about to come as she lay on her side with the furs pulled all the way up to her neck. Her eyes cast forward, not daring, or wanting, to look in Astrid's direction as she knew that if she did, she would likely begin to beg for Astrid to continue claiming what so obviously, in this moment at least, belonged to her.
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