by eaenidu » Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:08 am
She hummed at your questions and thought them over before nodding a little "Well For one...hmm, well one person's truth is just their delusions, multiple truths together will show the way to the truth of the world, that's all I'm allowed to say, well, that and now that you have one I can give you a drink, and those drinks might have effects." She told you rolling her wrist.
She was looking annoyed she couldn't say more. "The Mirror World is always shifting, only certain places like the Emporium are constants, so I can't say what you'd find just exploring, it could be some nice normal clothes, it could be a massive dick monster who tries breeding you." she shrugged here.
When she heard your last question she nodded again "Yes, though, it's rare and hard, you'd birth a persona, if a Demon belonging to someone, like one you fought in the Emporium got you pregnant you'd birth another demon loyal to them, if you got impregnated by a wild one, I'm not sure what will happen thats a complete luck of the draw, you can also only try for persona impregnations once a week."
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”