eaenidu Wrote:Name: Stella Moon
Gender: Female
Appearance: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2009220277618234992/A287F228EDAE979C239B9FE3B5BE4F5F82C7B865/
Bio: Born as a boy with the name "Samson" Stella knew from a young age her name and body didn't fit her, she tried to tell her parents and family she was a girl, but they never believed her, hell some told her to stop being a pervert or other such things...and you needed parental permission to get anything done. Well that is, until you were eighteen, when she came of age her plan was actually simple she bought a single one of the cheaper Gend Bend pills, one with the warning to not get pregnant or you're a girl forever and so on, got some of her cute girl clothes. Took the pill got dressed and went to a primarily futa club. When she went into the club she remembered getting a drink from the bartender, and then next thing she knew she was waking up...still a girl! Yes! Yes! Yes! That meant she was pregnant!
Strength: 6
Perception: 8
Endurance: 13
Agility: 14
Charisma: 15
Intelligence: 8
Luck: 10
Excitement from being a girl still not withstanding, even as your mind wondered briefly if it had even been twenty four hours or not yet, you just knew inside you were stuck this way now. Which was of course great and good! However, where exactly had you wound up? The place looked... kind of familiar. And more than that, you heard some familiar humming coming from the bathroom. Slipping out of bed and going on over to check it out, your eyes go wide as you see the naked form of one of your high school friends, Carla, especially her futa cock which was nearly fully hard as she brushed her teeth and hummed a cheery tune to herself.
She hadn't yet noticed you in the doorway, so if you wanted to surprise her in some way, you could.