eaenidu Wrote:Name: Nora Gunnhildr
Race: Nord
Gender: Female
Appearance: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2009219009762877216/725209D643396833BE4854AEFBA48461D2EAB887/
Bio: A Nord girl who loved magic since she was young she knew it was odd among her fellow nords so she had decided to travel around and learn on the go as it were, leaving skyrim to try and study it more, but with the wars with the elves and that nonsense that had happened most mages were forced to join the Legion as a healer, neither of which was something that interested her, so as soon as the wars ended and her time was finished she was happy to leave and head back up towards Skyrim she could at least get in at the College now on her restoration skills, and study more there.
Strength: 10
Perception: 10
Endurance: 9
Agility: 13
Charisma: 14
Intelligence: 16
Luck: 11
Yol (Fire, ???, ???)
You'd been forced to forsake the main roads in Skyrim's south thanks to some trouble there for some reason or other. This however proved to perhaps be a mistake, as you ran into a group of Nords who while they gave you an odd look and seemed ready to leave you be, were quickly surrounded by a bunch of soldiers from the Legion. You were captured with them, even as one of the Nords tried to say you weren't with them. You could have tried to fight them, but there were way to many and really you were better with restoration magics.
So here you were, rumbling along in a cart with a bunch of Stormcloaks... and set to be executed it seemed which was just so wrong and shouldn't be what should happen. You weren't involved!
Then... then there was chaos. A dragon... a... A DRAGON! It shouted something... and you felt something strange within you as people tried to run for cover or fight it. The Stormcloaks were running for shelter... that one Nord, a lady, called out to you to follow them, but your bindings had loosened and no one was watching you.
(Learned Shout, Yol)