Trapped in Space [Firehead]

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Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Mon Jul 03, 2023 4:57 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Aria Lambert
Age: 22
Bio: Aria had considered herself lucky to find such a sweet guy in High School. Dulane was smart, funny, and always smiling. He was a little on the small side and had trouble standing up for himself, but she didn't mind that and even enjoyed helping him out. During Senior year they were nearly inseparable, and when she heard he was going to college, she knew she wanted to make their future life official, so she married him before he set off.

When he returned from college though, Aria noticed something was wrong. He seemed dourer, and he seemed less secure about them giving side-long glares to almost any guy that even looked at her. He wasn't aggressive enough to actually yell at someone, but she could see how even simple conversations with other men upset him. After a year, she knew she had to do something. Her idea was a vacation. Separated from all the obligations and distractions of life, she could show him that he was the only man for her. Looking online, she found a very nice resort off-world that was very nice for its price. The only problem was the trip took three weeks. Thankfully, she was able to book passage on a ship with cold-sleep facilities. It would require Dulane take extra time off work, but they would be done with the trip before they even knew it. Plan in hand, she booked everything scheduling it so they would arrive at the resort on their anniversary.

Name: Dulane Lambert
Age: 22

Name: Marius Bernard
Age: 27

Everything had gone to plan and Dulane was happy to go on a vacation with you. The possibility of cold-sleep made the interstellal travel affordable for the masses as the ships could save on food, drink and other accomodations if the passengers slept through 99% of the way. You two boarded the semi-big spaceship with about 100 people in total and were each put in cold sleep in a big 'storage' room under the supervision of the ships crew, who got into their own seperate pods last.

Dulane and you had pods side by side and the last thing you remembered was looking into his eyes through the thick glass and you both smiled at each other with love, thinking you'd wake up in three weeks somewhere where you and him could get back to the roots of your marriage.

In reality though you woke up to a siren like sound and flashing red light, disoriented and clueless as to what was happening. Dulane shared the same fate and banged on the inside of his pod until it opened with a loud hissing noise, the alarm from his pod stopping. Coming over to yours he called out "Aria?", looking to see if you were awake like him.

Seeing that you were he clutched the handles for the glass dome and tried to pull it open, but failed thanks to yours seeming to be stuck harder than his or him just not getting a good grip. "Help!" he called out into the flashing red sea of pods, pivoting his head around to find someone without much success. "Somebody help!"

But then he heard something that you could not, "We're Here!" he seemed to answer. And soon after a stranger arrived at your pod as well towering over Dulane with his big stature. "Her pod is stuck! It won't open!" Dulane explains to him, rattling fruitlessly at the handle.

"Let me try." the stranger suggested already moving into Dulane space. "Didn't you hear me it's stu-" he started to yell, his anger issues once again surfacing in this stressful atmosphere. But he was cut off as the big man gripped the thing and with his arms bulging ripped it open. It sounded like he snapped something in the locking mechanism.

"You ok?" he started to ask, before Dulane pushed himself between the two of you and layed his hand on your cheek. "Everything ok Aria?"

The stranger stepped back with a bit of a raised brow, but let Dulane to you. That didn't stop him though from catching glances of you.

"I don't want to ruin the moment, but we're still not out of trouble." he then announced. "Something happened that threw off the ships systems and evidently the pods. At first I thought I was the only one that got woken up, but it seems you were affected as well."
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:43 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:12 am

I smiled through the port hole as Dulane and I were sealed into our pods giving him a wave and mouthing, "I love you," to him as we both went under only to see each other in three weeks at our resort. I figured after a week at a resort that was high-end though not quite luxurious would easily allow us to get over the strange paranoia he'd gotten into his head while away at college. I reminded myself that it was just because he loved me, and the best way to get through this was to make him confident that he was the only man for me.

I was shocked by the sound of the alarm. That shouldn't be happening during arrival, should it? I pushed against the door in front of me, but I couldn't manage to get it open from the inside. Seeing Dulane struggle as well as he too woke up, I worried about what was about to happen to us. When he got loose, I put my hand to the glass as he came not sure if he could hear me as I spoke. "What's going on?" I tried to push from the inside as Dulane pulled on the door, but it just wouldn't budge even with the two of us. Dulane had opened his pod alone from the inside, so mine must have been unreasonably jammed. I was surprised when he looked to the side calling out to someone else who must have been coming. With any luck, they could explain what had happened and help us back into cold sleep if we were still a way out from our destination.

Seeing the man, I was surprised at how easily he pulled the door open before I had even had time to try to push from the inside. Even with both my husband and I working together, we couldn't make it budge even an inch, and he managed to force it open by himself. I wrapped my arms around Dulane as he pushed the stranger away a little worried about how rude he was being, but the man seemed to back away, so I hoped he understood. "I'm okay, just a little worried and confused. There's nothing to worry about, honey." I put my arms around him giving a hug to reassure him before turning my attention to the stranger.

"Thank you, sir. I'm Aria, and this is Dulane." I waited a moment for him to introduce himself before I got to the real crux of the matter. He'd already answered some of my questions. If only we were up, there was no way we had arrived already. "Any idea what exactly went wrong? How far out are we? Any chance we can go back into cold sleep?" The whole point of cold sleep was to reduce the need for resources, so I found myself worried about what would happen if we were up most of the trip.
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:55 am

"No problem." the man replied to your thanks and introduction, seeiming to pick up on quickly that the two of you were a couple. "I'm Marius." he smiled, his eyes going back and forth between you and Dulane but staying trained on you much more often...But that was just because you were talking to him, right?

Marius sighs when you ask him for some more info. "I don't really know what caused it or how broad the situation is until I can get to a working system panel. We can't go back into cold-sleep no. These passenger pods aren't designed to go under more than once between stops. But we should be good for three weeks. They bring three days rations worth for each passenger per regulation."

"And how do YOU know all this?" Dulane interjected, already seeming to get slightly annoyed at how comfortable you and Marius were getting with each other.

"Well they also are required to bring other personel than just the small crew for takeoff and landing. But for profit margin and since it's almost never necessary they fill that requirement with passengers who have the needed qualifications in exchange for a small discount." Marius explains. "I'm a mechanical engineer and like to travel so a win-win for me...At least it has been."
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:23 pm

I gave Dulane's hand a reassuring squeeze at his outburst. While the question was certainly a good one, I didn't like the tone of it, but I doubted it was a good idea to talk to him about it in front of someone. We'd have to find some time in private, so I could talk some sense into him. The man was trapped in the same situation as us but knew more about how all this worked, so pushing him away was definitely not something we needed to do. Even if we didn't need his help, it was also very rude. I'd hoped the time at the resort would fix this, but the current situation was stressful enough that I was worried it might grow worse.

"So you came looking for other people that had woken before looking for a control panel? Thank you for choosing to get me out before searching for a panel. We can search the ship together then." I figured working together on a task might be a chance to get Dulane to warm up to the guy. "You seem to know a lot more about this stuff. It might make the search faster if we split up, only...I think me and Dulane should stick together in case something happens to one of us." Marius seemed to know a little bit more of what he was doing and getting him to go elsewhere would let me talk with Dulane discreetly.
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:17 pm

Dulane felt you squeeze his hand and looked at you not quite getting what he did wrong, as if he didn't even notice how stand-offish he is being towards Marius. On the plus side Marius didn't seem to mind either, exuding a confidence your husband never posessed.

"Yeah I heard a commotion and came over to find you guys. And honestly I'm glad I'm not the only one..." Marius replied heavy heartedly. Then he agreed with your suggestion, smiling at the fact that you seem to a person that keeps their eyes ahead and doesn't simply freak out in a situation like this. "Good idea!" He started, leading you two out of the pod room and into the main corridor. "You take that side and I'll go this way." He continues, pointing in either direction of it. "Let's say we meet here again in...about 30 minutes."

Pointing at the wall beside the door you came out off he shows you a flickering screen embedded in the wall. "We are looking for a screen just like this one that isn't fried." He explains before going off to search, leaving you and Dulane alone to talk.

He initiates the conversation in fact by grumbling. "Why do you have to suck up to him like that? Who knows if that guy actually knows what he's talking about."
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:09 am

I was glad to see the man didn't seem bothered by Dulane's rudeness, but I wished my husband was confident enough not to be so belligerent with every guy around me. I was glad to hear him agree with the idea of splitting up to search for a working panel. At the very least, it would give me a chance to talk with Dulane and set things straight. The last thing we needed was for him to get into a fight with the only other person around as we tried to figure out what was going on and what we could do about it.

Once we were alone, I shook my head. "I wasn't sucking up. He helped us and I thanked him for it. As for knowing what he's talking about. We don't know anything right now, so it doesn't hurt to go along with his idea even if he turns out to be wrong. It's not like we have a better option for what to do." I stopped and gave him a hug. "I really wish you would calm down around other people. He's stuck in the same mess we are, so we should really work together if we're going to get through this. Please, can you just try to give him a chance for me? I'd hate to not get along with the only other person stuck in the same mess we are. Especially when we don't know how long we're going to be stuck waiting for the ship's autopilot to get there." As I released him, I continued to walk along looking about for any more screens stopping to see if they're working or not.
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:27 am

Dulane wasn't a fan in the least, but begrudgingly agreed. "Okay...I will try." But he had a request of his own. "Just...promise me you won't flirt or let him flirt with you..."

Walking down the corridor you two find a common area with tables, a huge sofa and a corner for games like billard and air hockey. The games seem to work, but again the control screens are flickering and are unresponsive to your touch. "I guess we have some entertainment at least..." Dulane comments down troddingly.

Moving on further you find the cafeteria, though it was hard to make it out as such with no people or food out in the open. Marius was right though and searching the area behind the counter you and Dulane find more than enough food and drink, even some wine, which could help to bring some relaxation when needed. But working screen...or beds for that matter as the passengers would all sleep in the pods.

You could already see that being an issue for Dulane to share the big couch with Marius, even though there was more than enough room for the three of you to lay down.
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:43 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:23 am

I held back a sigh as he showed he didn't trust me enough not to flirt with another guy. "I won't flirt with him. I wouldn't be flirting with some guy even if you didn't make me promise, but I promise all the same." With that, I made my way into the commons area seeing that the control panel here was on the fritz as well. "I wonder what happened to knock most of the control panels out. Everything but our three pods and the panels seems to work fine. Wish I knew more about computers and electronics. At least we'll have some entertainment."

Seeing what we had available for food and drink, I put it all back in place taking a mental note of where it was. We'd need it in the foreseeable future, but I didn't want to risk anything happening because I didn't leave everything in its place.

I sighed as I noticed we might need to sleep on a couch together. Dulane wasn't going to like that, but it might be easier on him if I suggest he sleep in the middle, so he can stay between me and Marius. "Doesn't look like there's anything here we can use. Do you see any otherp laces we can go, or should we go see if Marius found anything yet?"
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:47 am

Dulane thanked you for your promise, smiling more again now that the two of you were alone. "Yeah. I don't understand what's going on either." he sighs and at your mention of at least having entertainment he added. "Sure...but what about privacy?" His distain for the other mans presence all the more obvious.

Finding nothing yourself Dulane shares the same situation. "No. There are bathrooms back there, but no more panels" he shock his head and without any more options agreed to end your time alone to meet up with Marius once again. "Let's go back and see if he found anything..."

Finding your back to the pod room the two are you are suddenly feeling wall of warmth coming your way and hear the faint sound of an alarm similar to the sound in the pod. "Whoa. Why is it suddenly so hot?" Dulane asks, stopping in his tracks. Picking up a bit of speed you follow the heat to the source which turned out to be a big open door to what looked like the engine room, a pad with a handprint scanner at the side.

Marius was inside, furiously tapping away at what seemed to be a working panel and sweating perfusely. Wiping some it it from his forehead he does a double take seeing the two of you, shaking his head a little in annoyance at the things he found out in the meantime. "So from what I can tell, we were hit by a really strong solar flare or something of that nature. There is no loss of pressure or other life support systems but some electrics were fried, including parts of the cooling and cold-sleep system. The caples to the remote panels acted like antennas and it fried those, but this one luckily still works. The other passangers and crew can be woken up in port but we need to fix this cooling problem before something blows up. I am working on diverting the excess heat through the whole ship to use the cooling for the other areas, but it will get hot..."
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:33 pm

I thought a moment about the question of privacy. "This ship isn't exactly big on space, so we'll won't have much privacy, but I'm sure we will find some time for just the two of us from time to time." Maruis seemed like enough of an understanding guy that I figured we could just let him know if we need some time alone though I figured I should wait for Dulane to build some trust in him before I suggest telling another man we were sneaking off for some 'couple time.'

I shook in surprise as I heard another alarm and felt the heat rising. What could be going wrong now? I needed to stay calm and strong for Dulane though, so I focused on what we could do rather than how frustrating this vacation was starting out. "C'mon, let's check on Marius and see if he knows what's going on."

Heading through the corridors, the heat was already uncomfortable. I found myself tugging at the neck of my shirt before pulling the zipper down a little exposing my neck. Still, I wanted to remain modest, so I kept even the barest hint of breast or cleavage well secured.

Finding Marius, I was surprised at how much warmer it was. Even from outside, it felt like an oven in there. How could he even stand it in there? Before I could even ask what was going on, Marius gave us a full explanation. That sounded really bad, and I wasn't sure how we could even help, but I figured it was best to help in case there was something simple he needed that we could do. It would also give me a chance to get a few questions answered about what he was doing. I tugged at my shirt again trying to get the girls a little air as the heat got more intense. "Alright, but I've got a few questions. How long is this going to take to diffuse the heat and start cooling back down? How hot is it going to get exactly? Is there anything either of us can do to help?" As much as I hated to admit it, a part of me hoped we couldn't help him. This heat was really getting unbearable, but I didn't want to loosen my clothing anymore than I already had in front of Marius. Dulane would freak if I took off my shirt anywhere the other man could see me.
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:23 pm

Dulane stood beside you nodding along to your questions and Marius thought for a bit muttering some numbers but struggling to concentrate in the intense heat. Frustrated he pulled off his soaked shirt and threw it onto the floor with a wet slapping sound. You knew he was a lot more muscular than your husband but seeing it was something different entirely. And Dulane saw it too furrowing his brows and beginning to say something which was probably some sort of complaint when Marius came up with answers.

"T-The heat of the machines should go down to the allowed range in about 10 minutes after it's reconfigured and the ships overall temperature will slowly rise and stabalize in about 2 hours" he estimated, a bit out of wind from the intense heat in there. "The new room temperature will slowly rise above 30 degrees but shouldn't exceed 35 based on the rough numbers I got."

All signs pointed towards a sweaty time ahead and you got the feeling Marius wasn't that concerned about his modesty as you were. "Fuck me!" Dulane groaned, also feeling the heat and flapping the collar of his shirt.

Marius sweat started to bead up on his skin, running along the grooves between his muscles as he continued to tap away at the panel. "Yes!" He suddenly celebrated. "Okay. Could you guys turn off valves number 3 to 6 over there on my signal?" He asked pointing at a wall of lights, switches and knobs. "You need to turn them clockwise when I say so. And don't stop until you can't turn them anymore"

Maybe Dulane finally got the gravity of the situation or maybe he just wanted to prove his manliness, but he quickly agrees "Okay. On your mark.", going into the heat, quickly pulling off his own shirt and putting his hands on two of the valves.
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:38 pm

I cast my eyes aside a moment when I realized Marius was pulling off his shirt certain Dulane wouldn't appreciate me looking at the bare chest of another man though it was hard not to see the firm muscles covered in a thick layer of beads of sweat when I returned my gaze to his face to hear his answer. Learning that it would get a bit hotter and stay that way for a bit, I wasn't too pleased, but it was probably much better than having something explode and dying in the cold vacuum of space.

Sadly, my hope that I could go somewhere else to undress and wait out the heat would not come to pass as he needed us to work some valves to help him out. Dulane went to two of the valves removing his own shirt now. That meant I needed to work the other two valves which meant staying in this heat with both guys nearby. They were so lucky that they could just remove their shirts entirely without having to worry about who could see what as I considered how to go about this staying somewhat comfortable without giving Marius and eyeful or Dulane a reason to get worked up.

"Right, I got these two!" Walking up to the valves, I stood with my back to Marius, so I could at least loosen a few more buttons on my shirt exposing my breasts and cleavage though I kept it closed enough that none of my bra could be seen. Preparing myself for the discomfort of just boiling in this heat with my clothes confining most of my body, I waited for Marius's signal that we could start turning the valves off. I was certainly going to go through the supplies after this looking for the coldest food or drink item we had on board.
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:50 am

It was a tense atmosphere and Dulane didn't even notice your small exposure just yet. You waited for excruciating seconds with your tiny bit off extra ventalation to your chest doing very little to stop the heat from becoming almost unbearable. But at last Marius tapping on the screen slowed and he said "Ready? NOW!", tapping one last input.

Both you and Dulane start turning immediatly, but in the literal heat of the moment he had started to turn counter clockwise instead, meaning he opened the valves more instead of closing them. You could hear the liquid inside the pipes picking up pressure and speed until a joint gave and both of you were sprayed with warm coolant.

Marius heard it too and quickly came rushing over, pushing Dulane away and closing the valves rapidly, stopping the leak. "Didn't I specifically say to turn it clockwise?" he sighed, looking down at Dulane who fell to the floor when Marius pushed him aside and now stood between the two of you. Your husband got a bit huffy once more, but couldn't really deny that it was his fault, looking down and grumbling. "W-Well! I...Mhmpf...I'm sorry..."

"Are you ok?" Marius asked turning towards you, worse of all before Dulane had the idea to ask. Your whole chest was soaked in the slightly green liquid and the force of the stream had pushed your cleavage open more. Marius looked down your front and saw it too before he looked up to your face again. "It's not that dangerous, but we should really wash our clothes and get that stuff off your skin." he said, having gotten hit as well.
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:43 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sat Jul 08, 2023 12:54 am

Hearing the signal, I began turning the knob in my hand as fast as I could hoping to have this done quickly. I was so focused on my own, I didn't even notice that Dulane was turning the wrong way until the coolant sprayed all over me. I froze a moment until Matius shouted and bowled Dulane over. I was reminded that I still had to turn a little more lest I make more of a mess.

I was still in a bit of shock when he asked if I was okay before I realized how open my shirt was and how slick and dripping with coolant I was. Quickly, I pulled up an arm to cover my bosom. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little shocked." I turned my attention to Dulane who'd clearly noticed the eyeful Maruis must have gotten standing right next to me with my chest exposed and dripping offering him my other hand. "C'mon, honey. We should all clean up."

I wasn't sure if I should say anything about Marius pushing over Dulane. We were in a bit of an emergency, and I had no idea just how much danger we'd be in if Marius hadn't acted quickly, so I didn't want to chastise Marius. I'd just have to have another private chat with him later. "We found a bit of a lounge area while we were searching. There was a bathroom there, so we can wash up." I was speaking to Marius who I couldn't really look in the eye after what he saw, but what happened wasn't his fault, and we needed to stay on good terms. With my hand in Dulane's, I began to lead the way. "Do you know where the luggage is kept? I don't think I'm going to be able to wash this up well enough to put it back on, so I'll need a change of clothes."
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:00 pm

Dulane got up with the helping of your hand and was clearly displeased by the whole scenario, but like you didn't really voice that with more important things on your plate. Though he did have his head on a pivot making sure Marius didn't try to catch more glimpses than he already had.

Marius in turn simply followed as you took the lead to the bathroom you had found, answering your question as you walked in a brisk pace. "Well...I know where it is, but usually it can only opened by the crew. I botched my way into the sytem to to fix the problem in the engine room, but I'd have to go deeper to get access to the luggage compartment..."

"Of course!" Dulane sneered, the news being again a last straw for him. "You better get to that right away then, because you are definitely not getting anywhere near Aria while she isn't dressed." He continued, antagonizing Marius even more and stopping in front of the bathroom in an attempt to let you enter while he blocked him. "You can use the sink in the kitchen."

Marius wasn't intimidated though and gave him a sort of 'really' expression. "Look...Dulane, right?...I really don't mean to offend you, but I'm going in there wether you like it or not. This isn't a game and I frankly don't give a shit about modesty right now. And you shouldn't either. Why don't you go and fix things? Oh right, because you CAN'T!" he explained getting aggitated for the first time as well and standing closer and closer to your husband, looking steeper and steeper downwards as he towered over him. Your husband looked almost paralysed as Marius pushed his way through him and went into the bathroom where you could hear him take off his clothes as well as the splattering of water.
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:43 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:59 am

I led the men along glad that things had remained civil after the incident with the vents. At the very least, we were getting along for now. I sighed when I learned only the crew could get access to the luggage. Would I really be forced to wear only this for however long we were stuck waiting for the trip to finish? Before I could say anything Dulane got agitated and things only got worse when we reached the lounge and the bathrooms.

With Marius in the bathroom, it didn't feel appropriate to walk in there since that would only agitate him further and it really would be a bit of a betrayal. We needed to get along for this trip, but stripping with one another wasn't appropriate. Taking Dulane's hand, I led him over to the kitchen. "C'mon, we'll wipe the coolant of in the kitchen sink. Once Marius is done with the bathroom, we can use it to dry our clothes." Getting a washcloth, I began wiping up what I could while listening for any sound from the door that would indicate it had opened.

"Neither of you should have said what you said. The three of us are going to have only each other, so we really need to get along." I kept my tone level trying to make it clear I was sad about the argument rather than angry. It was hard given Dulane had been the one starting it even though Marius was indeed crossing a line. Why couldn't things have gone as planned? "I doubt he wants to wear the same clothes for the whole trip, so I'm sure he'll do what he can about the luggage. Depending on how long we were in cold sleep, we might have a very long trip in close quarters with each other, and I'd hate for there to be bad blood between the two of you."
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Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Sun Jul 09, 2023 7:18 pm

Dulane was seathing but let you pull him along to the kitchen without saying a word. But his eyes spoke more than a thousand that all were directed at Marius. Having already removed his shirt and having been hit with the least of the liquid he wets a rag in the sink and wipes his upper body clean.

He listened to what you were telling him, but didn't even look at you. And worse yet he got tipped off again at the way you worded it and focused entirely on that. "Bad blood between the TWO of us?!" He asked as if hanging on that one specific word and slapping the wet rag into the sink. "What about you? Aren't we supposed to support each other? Because to me it almost sounds like you don't see yourself on my side."

That's when you hear the bathroom door opening once more, followed by the wet tapping of feet echoing through the lounge. Marius had his wet clothes under his arm with only his necklace and black briefs left on his body. They were wet too und clung to him and the colour hid the details somewhat, but your eyes were drawn to a thick and long bulge that distenten them.

But it was only there for a brief moment as Marius without saying a word turned and made his way back to the engine room.
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:43 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:37 am

I tried to keep calm as at least one of us had to as I carefully wiped up as much of the coolant as I could while keeping moisture on my clothes to a minimum. I still had to wear this until we got access to our luggage unless I wanted to spend time in my bra and panties waiting for my clothes to dry.

I sighed when he mentioned sides. "I don't want there to even be sides to be on." I stopped as soon as I heard the door making sure to cover my chest once again as Marius returned. I hadn't expected him to just walk out here wearing only his boxers even though I could see his other clothes were soaking. As he carried them with him, I wondered if he was going to use the heat of the engines to dry his clothes faster. I tried desperately, but it was impossible not to notice his boxers or the bulge underneath him. I'd only ever seen Dulane in the buff, so I didn't really have anything to compare him to until now...NO! I shouldn't be looking at other men and comparing them to my husband.

Once he was out of sight, I moved to the bathroom now that it was open. "We're stuck with each other until this trip ends, so there's no point in antagonizing each other. It can only make things worse for all of us." Marius hadn't done anything yet to deserve being attacked, and I really just wanted us to get along as long as we were stuck here.
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Tes » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:44 pm

Dulane escorted you to the bathroom, looking around the corner to make sure Marius was actually gone as you made your way there. "I'll try, okay? It's just like the complete opposite of what I hoped this vacation would be and I feel so useless." he murmured watching you take off your clothes.

That and the confrontation seemed to have gotten him riled up in a different way as well though and he made his way over to you, hugging you from behind and laying his head onto the curve of your neck. "...And it feels weird how we haven't even kissed once since we woke up..." he whispered, planting soft kisses on your skin. "Maybe we should use our little bit of privacy now that we got it." he then teased, carressing your sides sofltly.

But his hands soon moved upwards and he ground his crotch into your rear as he took hold of both of your tits, squeezing them in his palms a bit stronger than usually, almost posessively in fact as his dick hardened and started pressing against you noticably as well. "What do you say, huh?...Let's distract ourself from all this shit for at least a little while."
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:43 pm

Re: Trapped in Space [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:35 am

I nod as he says he can try. "Thank you, it's not what I wanted either, and it is frustrating." I put a hand on his shoulder. "There's not much I know what to do in this situation either, but we've just got to help however we can."

I shivered when I felt his hands on me. The situation certainly wasn't ideal, so I wasn't really in the mood, but something to get my mind off of things and relieve stress would probably do me some good as well. "Things have been pretty hectic, so I've had things on my mind other than showing affection."

I nod. "Sure, I could probably use some stress relief too. I'm afraid the whole situation hasn't left me very much in the mood right now though. I'll need you to get things warmed up for me first." Reaching back, I put my hand on his crotch rubbing his erection through his pants. There was a brief moment when I remembered the bulge in Marius's boxers, but I quickly cast the thought aside in order to focus my attention on the matter at hand: proving my love to my husband.
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:19 pm


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