Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:15 pm

The strange pincered bee tackles you, managing to take you down after a few seconds before you feel the damned thing begin probing at your crotch with something feels suspiciously similar to a stinger or a cock. With you no longer resisting as it mauls your tits, switching to something more akin to a cat making biscuits and massaging your tits. You begin leaking immediately, the bee quickly leaning in and stealing some of your milk before continuing to probe at you. Whatever it is, you feel the thick and rigid stinger cock begin to probe at your crotch before sinking in. A grunt escapes you as you're violated once more, the large bee seeming quite satisfied with you.

The thing actually begins to hump at you, its large backside squirming and trying to rearrange your guts as it continues to explore your nethers. With a final rough shove, it eventually seems to be satisfied, and you feel a thick knob move down the shaft penetrating you, shoving something rather large deep inside of you. With a loud squeal, you spot your poor companion pushed down, another gigantic bee tackling her from behind. You're quickly forced back to your own issue when you feel the lump hit the end, warm goo exploding out of the tip, rather than the hard lumps you expected from bee... eggs... or something. You're not a bee-ologist. Still, the damned thing continues to roughly fuck you, the warm fuzzies on its stomach providing little comfort as the thick shaft ravages your insides, warm goo filling you to almost bulging before the bee seems finished.

The bastard actually curls up after stuffing you full of bug cum, seeming to die after stuffing you full. With a groan, you manage to turn your attention to Sam, who is in the process of being ravaged, the smaller bee that is going for her much smaller and seeming to stuff something into her dick. That seems uncomfortable, and you watch her eyes roll up into her head as the smaller lumps force themselves up into her cock, and settle into her balls, seeming to turn into a massive cluster of them. Finally, withe that one done, and your exhausted self unable to resist, Sam approaches you, her cock bright red and swollen, veins throbbing across the whole thing before she shoves herself into your defeated snatch, roughly panic fucking you before you eventually feel those eggs you were expecting soon flooding your own womb. Still, you're stuffed almost to bursting with bee cum and eggs. Sam sits back on her plush ass, seeming to be completely tapped out, at least for now. You could try to wait out your exhaustion, even if you've burnt the early morning entirely. Or you could try to make it back, giving birth to whatever bees are presently growing in your abused womb.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:42 pm

"Ahhh!~ Ow! Fuck!", Selena squeals as those claws roughly grab her tits. She keeps trying to push it off for a couple more seconds but... well her boobs were really damn sensitive okay! "Okay! I give! I give!", Selena pants, lowing her arms and just going limp. She writhes on the ground for a few more moments as the mutant bee keeps mauling her chest, but it seems to detect her submission and the intense pressure its claws put on her love pillows relents. Before Selena really knows it, she softly panting on the ground with the bee on top of her, its pincers now kneading her massive milk laden tits in rhythmic fashion rather then just roughly squeezing them. Her gun forgotten for now, her chest soon becomes a milky mess that the bee takes advantage of, bringing its angular head down and lapping some of it up as it dribbles down into her cleavage.

Of course though that its the end. When Selena feels something hard and long between her legs she pretty much just sighs in resignation and just spreads her legs and accepts she's probably about to get a load of eggs. At the very least though, the giant bee had a certain regal look to it that the giant spider from many weeks ago now had. That had just been pure terror! It had also been like... on her first day though, back when she thought this was all just a zombie outbreak and not some complete rewrite of the natural world as she knew it. A minute later Selena is moaning up a storm as the bee fucks her with its breeding appendage, rocking back and forth on the ground with its thrusts as she just gives in and takes it. After a minute more she eventually can think through the pleasure to wonder why Sam hadn't saved her yet, but quickly determines why when she see her partner having some bees issues of her own.

A few minutes more sees Selena stuffed full of... cum? Selena cries out in both orgasm and surprised confusion as her inner gate is suddenly penetrated and warm spunk seems to be filling her womb rather then the rhythmic pulsing of orbs being fed into her that she expected. It still fills her all the same however, and soon Selena is moaning and cradling her stomach as it slowly inflates. "Goddammit~ Ha~ not even 9am yet! Ah!~", Selena pants as she wallows in her own pleasure high. Eventually however the bug finishes, and dies somewhat surprisingly. Well, bees could only sting once right? Made sense that their giant mutant variant could only cum once. After a few moments Vivian rolls the thing off of her, sitting up and trying to get her bearings. She quickly notices a frantic Sam who clearly had an experience of her own with the bee, her shaft angry and red and her balls massive. She sputters in panic, holding her shaft, but soon sees Selena and stumbles her way over. "Oh boy, here we go.", is all Selena says, already knowing where this was going at this point.

Selena was too tired to resist anyway, so just lays back and spreads her legs again. Sam pretty much dives her then, whimpering in lust and panic as she lines up with Selena's pussy and drives her engorged dick, naturally hefty and now made even more so, inside. Sam starts at fast and hard, the two of them moaning up a storm in the grass field as they just stared each other in the eyes, their breasts bouncing about furiously. Eventually though Selena reachs up and pulls Sam down, kissing her and making their Sam big tits and Selena's humongous ones squish tightly together, their stiffened nipples more or less sword fighting as they rubbed and ground against each other. Soon enough though Sam cums, and as Selena feels the surprising sensation of eggs coming from Sam's dick and into her, while she's not long after. By the end of it though it seems Sam is back to normal, pulling out of Selena with a satisfied and examining her now normal looking dick, while Selena just takes a few more moments to lie there and laments that she already looks nine months pregnant and noon was still hours away.

"Well... that happened.", Selena says, still laying on her back and not really feeling all that inclined to move yet as she rubs her swollen stomach. "Probably should... move back... to the river... just... gimme a few minutes here.", Selena continues. She quickly pulls up her status screen to see if she had any pregnancy timers or special effects ongoing after all that.
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:42 am

You don't know enough about bee anatomy to tell if the orgasm full of jelly like cum is normal, but the thick goo stuffs you heavily, and judging by the smell, it's intensely sweet. Of course, Sam, her sack hanging down between her knees with eggs slams home and does her best to make you explode after filling you with cum. You can feel the eggs move down her shaft, almost like sex beads pressing deep into you, eventually popping out in your jelly filled womb, where they seem to take up residence quite happily, an almost happy buzzing sensation radiating as you're stuffed full of a different type of eggs. Of course, there does appear to quite a bit of Sams cum in there as well, you might be delivering another humanoid baby besides whatever the bee put in you.

Sam sheepishly gets up as she finishes emptying her nutsack into you, and you're... happy? that she's back to normal as the former zombie helps you up. "Yes. Wash." she manages to get out, clearly upset with losing control like that. As you pull up your screen, you do find yourself pregnant. Well... sort of? It's telling you there's a combination of 'fertilized drone eggs' and 'bee queen' growing in you, and it looks like the timer should finish up sometime tonight. With it that fast, and you already looking ready to pop, do you think you have enough time to explore more, or should you head back and call today a wash? You're stronger than you were, but... you're hauling around almost another person!
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:29 pm

Still quite winded with her recent bout of sex with Sam Selena just takes a moment to rest along with her companion, laying on her back with her legs spread in the grassy field. Her pretty pink pussy was a cum splattered mess at the moment with Sam's spunk and bee cum/jelly splattered all over her slit and inner thighs. Despite the suddenness of everything that had happened though Selena felt... good. Heavy, but good! During the heat of the moment those bees had been scary for sure, but helping Sam with her problem had been... fun. "Guess I really am getting used to this wacky world aren't I?", Selena thinks, letting out a short giggle as she rubs her swollen belly. Still mostly full of cum at this point, her stomach was rather amusingly squishy. She wondered if Sam's cum might effect the bee's eggs somehow? Whatever the case, as she looked between her huge quaking tits and played with her belly, she found herself filled with a sort... happy energy, while her mind remained quite clear. A strange sensation, but not an unwelcome one.

After a couple minutes it seems Sam recovers and with a sheepish smile she offers Selena a hand, her dick still glistening with cum and Selena's love honey. Selena takes her hand and allows herself to be hauled as she checks her status screens. "Thanks Sam.", she starts as she flicks through the menus. "So... turns out I'm now pregnant with a bee queen and some drones. We'll see if your own contribution to my womb has any effect on that in time I guess. But who knows, maybe we can make our bees keep those bees at bay or something? Assuming I can control them somehow.", Selena says as she rubs her chin in curious thought. Such was questions for later though. She wouldn't know such things till after she gave birth sometime this afternoon or tonight. "Well I might be pregnant and rather heavy, but there is still lots of day left and I take a day every time I get pregnant we'll never get anywhere. Besides I feel... surprisingly good. Still though, let's head back to the river for a quick rinse and to regroup. Maybe Leslie and Dina found something interesting in the nearby buildings?", Selena says.

With that said the two naked women make their way back to the river and away from the forests edge where more bees might ambush them and stuff the two of them further, Selena having fun looking at Sam's butt the whole while. Since she had found Sam all those weeks ago she worn a pair of cargo shorts that had seen some action and were getting a bit threadbare. That last bee had shredded them though, and now Sam was part of the nude club until she could get some replacements, should she even bother given how everything fucked everything in Arcadia now. Once at the river the two of them walk into the modestly warm shallow water and clean themselves of their most recent sexual ordeal as best they can. At the same time though Selena checks her menus again and sees if she could use them to track Leslie's and Dina's location.
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:35 pm

With a newly nudified Sam, the two of you push your way deeper into the woods, finding (1d20->18) a relatively calm area, even finding a few wooden buildings that look suspiciously like outhouses, just with a bit of plastic in the construction. They are, however, completely open to the surrounding area, leading to very little temperature protection from any possible shifts. It would keep the rain off though.

(1d20->18) Heading back out, the way is almost entirely clear, like you've hit a lull in zombie assembly or something. Looking around, you could head to where ever it is that they went, if you can figure it out. You knew what direction they were headed after all.

You slow down as you fiddle with your menus, Sam keeping a good watch out while you dick with it. You can't find anything to turn on a map, or tell you anything about Leslie or Dina's locations. That's a fairly common setup, you'd think the gameverse would include a few common quality of life tweaks based on what every game and its grandmother has. Wait... weren't there older games that forced you to build radar systems or something before it unlocked? It definitely feels like a mix of several different genres of game, maybe it's doing one of those things like in RTSs and base builders where some of the features are hidden behind specific buildings.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Thu Feb 09, 2023 7:54 pm

Acting on their plan to fallback and regroup Selena and Sam head back to the river near the city parks entrance where they intended to build their new base. Luckily they don't encounter anything along the way, perhaps the apparent giant bees in the nearby forest doing a good job of clearing out all the zombies and whatever else monsters that might've been here before. Once there they drop their meagre equipment, which at the point consisted only of the shotgun Sam was carrying since Selena's magical revolver could do to her ethereal inventory whenever she wanted, then waded into the water to clean themselves quick.

It doesn't take long, the two naked women wade about hip deep in and do a couple quick submerges, rubbing themselves down and letting the gentle current take the cum and sweat away. After a couple minutes though Selena is trying to go through all her floating game like menus to see if she can find a map or something that might her help her fellow 'party' members or something. She unfortunately doesn't find anything useful, but she thinks she finds one screen that might be a map, though it was completely blank. Maybe she just needed to find something, or build something to make it work? She recalls playing a couple classic games in the bast link command and conquer... was their a build menu somewhere? Maybe she could use the resources monsters dropped to just... build things without all actual building? That would sure be a time saver!

As Selena is thinking Sam is behind her, helping Selena by running her hands through Selena's fiery waist length hair, her dick poking Selena's ass all the while. Selena didn't mind at all though, more then willing to help and sexually satisfy her friends if needed. Sam wasn't very forward though, perhaps still a little sore from her bee own experience despite her semi hardness. "Thanks Sam. Let's go check up on Dina and Leslie now. Pretty sure they should be in one of those buildings over there since they said they'd be sticking close to the park entrance.", Selena says, pointing toward the city which was only a couple hundred meters from their position at most. With that said the two of them exit the river and head over, Selena already moving pretty spryly having already adapted and gotten used to weight her egg stuffed womb added on.
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:04 pm

The two of you quickly clean yourself off as fast as you can, although you require a bit more... attention as you're significantly larger than you were. You do recall a build menu in your 'base' that was usable, but acted more like a colony manager where you just cue it and people build the thing. Still, you recall something about the raw material blocks that you 'harvested' from monsters and bosses. But there was another use, you just can't remember what it was, wasn't a food substitute? Sams dick is... while somewhat hard, doesn't seem to be fully capable of performing, likely from the fact her balls were ravaged from the inside out. You don't have a dick, but you're pretty sure you'd be operating at diminished capacity as well.

You have to walk a bit awkwardly, the shear weight of growing young in your belly enough to tilt your center of mass significantly forward. Still, the two of you manage to head about to the area you were planning to meet up. A quick investigation shows that no one has been there at any point. According to the nearby directory, there's some kind of electronics factory nearby, which does seem like a prime target of scavenging...
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Tue Feb 14, 2023 5:47 pm

Poor Sam might need a cock massage at some point after the encounter with the bees. Like an actual massage, and not just a simple handjob! Selena was sure though Sam would recover just fine given a little more time, but she might be wary of going near the woods again. Honestly Selena wouldn't blame her if that was the case, but those bees would definitely be something they'd have to deal with sooner rather then later if they wanted their new base sight safe.

Anyway, exiting the park they head back onto the road and examine the nearby area. There isn't a sign of Dina or Leslie anywhere, which really isn't surprising since they didn't exactly have much on them to leave behind and pavement didn't really leave much in the way of tracks for them to follow. There was a nearby by high tech industrial park though, like a mini silicon valley, which was another reason why they sort of choose this location when choosing an area earlier. It should provide plenty of opportunity to salvage some useful stuff for Dina and Mia to perhaps turn into some good stuff, and likely just recover some good equipment entirely intact!

Looking down the street a hundred meters or so Selena sees an intersection, one that seemed to have been the scene of a mild car pile up. There were no twisted wrecks or anything, but cars were literally bumper to bumper along one of the buildings. Looking at those cars, it seems she spots a bit of a natural path up toward the second floor of one of the buildings. A regular car, next to a van, next to a bus, next to a transport truck... and on top of that transports trailer were windows, some of them apparently broken with battered blinds fluttering in the wind. It seemed the place was some kind of chip plant perhaps, and those places were usually locked up very tight and had good security, and those cars seemed to provide an easy path in. "Over there. See that?", Selena says to Sam, pointing toward the window the cars they can use to climb to it. "Bet you they went in there."
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:52 am

With the slight discoloration of her cock and the fact that it's rather... swollen in a bad way, you should probably just give it some time to rest.

There's definitely the makings of a ladder. You're not a huge gamer, but you definitely recall that they used a 'the deeper the shit, the better the loot' mentality to keep people risking shit, maybe that's the case here? You see a few broken windows that you could maybe squeeze through... maybe. You're getting quite large, if anything else gets a shot at you, you might not make it back out!

But you've committed already, so you begin the all sorts of fun activity of climbing a small car pile up while heavily pregnant. Looking at the window, you're not one hundred percent you can squeeze through it. Looking in, you see what appears to be a series of peepcicle pods, three of them in particular show what appear to be white haired triplets who look ready to defrost any moment. And, you've spotted your two wayward companions laying on the ground, groaning and only semi-conscious. Do you spend the next few minutes trying to pull your bulk through the door, or just have Sam slip in and try to feed them back out the window to you?
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:13 pm

Selena and Sam manage to climb up the natural ramp of cars to the second floor of the electronics plant without issue, though Selena is slightly hampered by her egg stuffed belly. Nothing a quick thinking parkour capable girl like her can't work around though.

On top of the transport trailer they look inside the busted windows, and honestly Selena is quite surprised to see Dina and Leslie lying right there in the open. They appear to be semi-conscious at least, the two futa babes groaning in the middle of the floor lightly, but what did this? As Selena examines the room further it seems pretty clear who the culprits of the scene before are when she spots the trio of sci-fi like glass tanks or pods, a trio of matching white haired women in them. The glass is slightly frosty, but Selena wouldn't be shocked if all three would be ready to emerge at a moments notice. The sight of that in an electronics manufacturing office though is quite odd however, so Selena starts to think the may have stumbled across another dungeon of some sort. One where they had a short cut to the second level.

At the very least Dina and Leslie don't appear splattered with cum or inflated with the stuff, though form this this angle is was kind of hard to tell. Dina's lab coat was missing though, which did suggest some kind of sexual contact may have happened. Looking to the matching girls in the pods, maybe the dungeon has sent female enemies after them to ride them into submission? Well, Selena supposes she'd find out soon enough. Dina and Leslie weren't that far in after all. Her and Sam should be able to get inside and drag them back out here quick enough. It would only take like... thirty seconds at best. No fighting, just go in, grab, and get out.

"Alright Sam. I think this another dungeon maybe. So let's just get in, grab our girls, and get out. I'll get Dina since she's smaller and easier for me to carry while pregnant like this. You get Leslie, cause your currently not stuffed. In and out, real quick, alright?", Selena says. Once the red head was ready the two of them would get in and try to get their friends out quick as can be. Certainly the pods would take a little bit to release those girls right? And even if they didn't, they couldn't be that difficult, right?
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:47 pm


The strange dungeon, whatever kind it is, seems to be humanoid based at least, so if you do get ravaged, you at least know how many limbs your opponents are going to have. Making your plan, the two of you dive into the room, no one seeming to react as the two of you snag your stuck teammates, your eyes catching a few more sets of tubes, most of them labeled things like 'baseline' or similar. Most of the tubes also seem very small, like for babies or children. You grunt, throwing the tiny woman over your shoulder before anything happens, and the two of you manage to push your charges out of the window, the gentle crash of them hitting the truck enough to make you happy before you heave your own bulk out of the window. Turning back, you see a white haired woman, the word 'Breeder' tattooed across one shoulder looking at you from an open tube. You managed to escape unscathed!

With the white haired woman slipping back into her tube, you manage to get a look around the area. While it's the second 'floor' of the area, it looks like each section the sprawling campuses is its own area, so this might actually be the equivalent of level fifteen or something. You didn't spot exactly what the resources offered here, but it's likely something production oriented, assuming it's not a baby tube of some kind. Might be worth coming back to, the simple fact you skip a large number of floors at once makes it a bonkers return on time invested. Assuming it's still there tomorrow, not that you couldn't try again, but that white haired woman is intimidating with her built body. Letting it reset so they're no longer active might work? The damaged window has lasted this long after all.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:00 pm

It seems like everything goes pretty smoothly. The two women run in without issue, Selena throwing the smaller goblin girl Dina over her shoulder while Sam scoops of Leslie. Once that was done they immediately sprint back to the window in a short lived display of jiggly female flesh. Selena dumps Dina through the window, bending over through the frame so she only has to drop the Dina a mild distance. As she does this though her heart thumps a mile a minute as she realizes her slightly precarious position and half expects something to ram its dick up her ass in the next second while she's pretty much exposed and free to take.

Instead though nothing happens, and she hops through the window without issue, and Sam a little ahead of her already free and clear.

"Huh... that went well!", Selena says, quite happy. She turns around to look back inside though and blanches a little when she sees one of the tubes containing the white haired women was open. She was sitting up, and without the frosty glass covering her her curvy but muscular body was on full display. She looks at Selena with the most intense stare, the word breeder printed on her shoulder. Selena briefly wondered if that meant she fully female or a futa like Sam or Leslie. It seemed likely female given she seemed to have nothing between their legs and Dina and Leslie didn't seem utterly stuffed with cum and all... but well, Sunset had a dick that spent most of its time hidden inside her. The white haired girl could easily be the same... in fact it was probably likely. She stares for a little longer but soon lays back in her pod and seals again, a mist filling it as she was "frozen" or whatever.

Well, she it wasn't an all out sprint to yank Selena back into the dungeon so that was nice, and a decent shortcut to try again later and see what goodies they could find! Till that time came though Selena would instead look down at the still unconscious forms of Dina and Leslie. She'd give them a quick examination to determine whether or not those white haired women actually had spent some time fucking them or not, then try to wake them up and ask them what happened.
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:52 pm

The fact that the 'Breeder' seemed almost human is interesting in itself, as if the game is trying to preserve your race to some degree even if it's as dungeon monsters. While 'safe', you begin inspecting your charges and find they've got severely abused and moist pussies, oozing thick cream indicating that somebody got lucky. Both futa girls are soft, their dicks also moist, which doesn't give you a lot of information. Could it be some kind of breeding frenzy spray or something? Wouldn't be the first time something just hit you with a massive surge of lust as an attack.

As they wake up, their grunting seems to be somewhat warranted as they almost feel stuck. They don't appear pregnant, not yet at least, and nothing shows up on their character sheets. Could be that it took them a while to get in, and they haven't finished getting pregnant yet. You suppose you could ask them. Or convince them to have sex if you wanted to see if you could 'head off' whatever lives in this dungeon from scoring. Both of them seem to be out of it though.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:30 pm

Checking over both girls seems to reveal that either Dina and Leslie had decided to have fun with each other, or more likely those white haired tube women had taken the both of them for a intense and rough ride given the cum that oozed from their pussies. Neither seemed very stuffed though, so lucky for them Selena supposes, but it did seem like they got fucked until they passed out. Looking more to their dicks though Selena also notes while they aren't hard they are glistening with something. Selena puts two and two together, and surmises the white haired girls had likely rode them as much as fucked them.

Other then that though they seemed to be in good health, so that was a relief. Selena checks her menus and goes to her party screen, Leslie and Dina appearing back on them now due to proximity or something, but finds nothing there. It seemed like they weren't pregnant, but maybe the status hadn't hit them yet. That seemed unlikely to her though, given that her status seemed to take effect within moments of something blasting a load into her womb, but she couldn't quite rule it out yet. Maybe it worked different for party members? This was still all pretty new to her after all.

Selena breathes a small sigh of relief as the two of them seem to be waking up shortly after her check, happy to see her friends come back conscious. "Thank fuck. Are you two okay? What happened in there? Can you remember?", Selena asks them, helping them sit up if they need it. "Notice anything cool or useful maybe? Maybe need a snack?", Selena adds on, cupping her tits on that last bit for emphasis on what she meant.

Whatever their answer though once they had recovered enough to walk on their own Selena would have them all go back down to the street and back to the entrance of the park. Maybe it would be best if they all stuck together from now on.
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:29 am

Of course, your own womb seems to be head and shoulders faster than anyone else, so it may just take them longer to present as pregnant. Either way, they soon wake up, both taking you up on your offer, although with the a few rounds of nursing your hurt friends, your UI dings, popping up that they are in fact pregnant, with 'human variant' children. The hell? Poking around, the babies seem to be three quarters human, quarter... whatever race they are now? Which... doesn't make a lot of sense, but you'll deal with that at a later date. As they continue to feed a bit, enjoying the light snack as the two of them seem to put on a bit of weight, your milk seeming to accelerate whatever pregnancy is going on there.

Luck: (1d20-> Natural 20!)

Heading out to the park, the two of them aid your search, managing to find a small hill with a tiny cave leading deeper into it. Investigating shows a pretty good sized cavern, almost like something you could build a secret headquarters in if you were a group of ten year olds. Still, it could easily be adapted to your... sudden pressure hammers into your lower body, before you grunt, pulling your bloated womb in tight as your body seems to be getting ready to birth whatever is currently gestating within you. Another sudden surge indicates you're not going to be moving much further.

The group tries to help you, and you begin doing the breathing exercises you've gotten a lot of sudden practice in, your body begin to pulse as a gush of fluid spreads from between your legs. The fluid is soon followed by... a cluster of see through eggs, that run out of your pussy like a set of large beads. Taking a breath after, you relax slightly before pressure returns, another clutch of squishy clear eggs comes out of you. Over and over, more than one orgasm wracking your body, temporarily halting the birth process before there's a sudden stop. The pressure more than triples, the last bulge in your belly lowering, hitting the top of your cervix. While the eggs were a little larger than a dildo, this one is closer to an actual child. Your womb contracts, pressure mounting before you feel your inner most gates are pressed open the very very large egg pressing you open and squeezing down out of you. It seems to be the last one, the surge of pressure enough to clean you out.

You're left a trembling wreck after the birth, a pile of small squishy eggs accompanied by one very big one. Barely functional, you attempt to get back up, but you're nearly wiped out. The pile of softly glowing eggs is impressive if nothing else, and it takes a moment for you to even focus as the three herms try to keep you focused and debate what to do.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:54 am

When Leslie and Dina wake up the two of them are still pretty groggy, not seeming to register Selena's questions at all at first. Barely after the offer of milk though do the two perk up, and before Selena could count to three her two friends are shoving their faces into her tits while Sam watches with a minor blush nearby. "Ah! Girls! Easy!", Selena says, nearly getting knocked onto her back by their eagerness. The two of them suck on her nipples hard, their efforts soon rewarded as Selena's sweet milk flows into their hungry mouths. Each suckle though brings with it a surge of pleasure that tingles through Selena's chest and up her spine, making her flutter her eyes and bite her lip. She quickly holds the back of their heads to keep them close as her huge breasts squish against their faces, the two of them looking quite content as they nursed. "Oh yeah... just like... that.", Selena then mumbles, more then a little content herself as she basked in soft pleasure that came from feeding her friends.

As they suck her teats to soon to be orgasmic delight though Selena notices their stomachs starting to swell, and so quickly opens her party menu to see whats up. Sure enough, both Leslie and Dina are pregnant! It seems her milk seems to have accelerated their progress somewhat, but maybe only by like... a month or two or something. Just as well it seems their children were human pregnancies! Or close to it, with the word variant and all. Did the white haired girls do that? It must be, given that Leslie was like... a night elf and Dina a short stack goblin. Seems the most none human part of their apparent pregnancies was them themselves! Weird to think when they too were both human before the world got turned into whatever thus crazy situation was. "Well... Looks like your both pregnant. Ha!~ About time too for you Leslie! I knew you could avoid it forever!". Selena says with a laugh between her pants and moans. Leslie and Dina though don't seem at all perturbed given how much they had seen it happen to Selena and others though. In fact the only response she gets from Leslie was the form of fingers shoved up her pussy that shock her into orgasm right then and there, making Selena fall back onto her back then as the girls continued to drink their fill.

Sometime later though the quartet of them finish their recovering and head back to the park, Selena having learned of nothing of any real import from Dina and Leslie about the white haired girl women other that they were indeed futa's and quite tough. Selena would have to check it out later more closely herself, but for now with a womb full of bee eggs best to just scout the area around their planned base site and look for any easy to get potential resources. This time though they check the grassy hills to west rather then the forests to the north where her and Sam got bee raped. It was quite nice actually, with the warm air blowing past their bare bodies as walked through the long grass, sending their hair waving in the wind. Nothing attacks them either, which was nice, but they also don't find really anything to use. Suddenly though they find a cave tucked away in a hillside, and deciding whats the worst that can happen, head inside.

Luckily it was lit by a myriad of neat glowing crystals straight from a Bethesda game, and not very long either, maybe going a couple dozen meters before opening into a rather large cavern. The crystals made it quite pretty and so they all drink it in as they walk around, looking for perhaps any other tunnels that might go deeper. There doesn't appear to be any however so the girls soon reconvene in center. Barely do they get together though then does Selena's labour suddenly start, forcing a yelp from her as she clutches her stomach in her arms and feels her core tighten. A wetness tingles down her legs, and Selena needs no more cues then that to sit and down and lay back. "it's happening!", she says to her friends, even though its all quite obvious to them all. Selena start to breathe heavily and spreads her legs, and settles in for a no doubt strangely orgasmic experience as she feels the first egg exit her womb and spread her love tunnel.

Over the next fifteen minutes or so they seem to come in small clusters, three or four eggs little larger then goose eggs popping free of her snug pussy. Between each batch there is a short pause, her friends kneeling along side her and massaging her all over. They gently rub and knead her stomach and inner thighs, or run their hands through her hair, or of course, play with her sensitive breasts to enhance her pleasure and encourage her along. As well, while they don't really realize it, they pretty much poking her with their herm dicks and the while too! After a bit of this and few orgasms does the big one come though. Selena grits of teeth and pants as the pressure in lower stomach builds, the queen egg no doubt coming now. Selena huffs and puffs, mind swimming in euphoria as she feels it exit her womb, her pussy soon parting as the egg made its way out. Already dripping wet though its no real burden to get it out, and with one last push and mind wiping climax she succeeds, fainting briefly as her stomach returns to its normal flat state.

A few minutes later though and her friends manage to rouse her with some light shaking, asking if she's okay. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine... just... whew, you know? A little winded.", Selena says, still always a little shocked at how quick and normal she both looked and felt after a birth. She takes Sam's hand and sits up, doing her best to ignore all the semi-hard dicks having around at eye level at the moment and focus in on the eggs. They looked sort of translucent, but she could really see anything inside since they all kind of glowed, which was pretty neat. There was also a decent pile of them, enough so Selena was surprised that she made them all unless they had grown on their own after exiting her baby maker. She leans over them, eyes naturally drawn to the largest egg on the top of the pile, and picks it up, bringing it close to her face. "Oh, thats a little different isn't it?", she says, running her finger over it and admiring the light it gave off.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Tue Apr 25, 2023 7:34 pm

The big egg you grab seems almost heavier than you remember, the see through surface showing you something that looks a great deal like a human fetus, just with a large abdomen or tail thing between its legs. You can't see if it's a boy or girl, being thoroughly covered and your own view not being the best. The other eggs seem to have a much more clear insectoid baby in them, and are much smaller. Still, you can't be sure if you should take this one with you or not. Insectoids aren't exactly known for taking a kidnapped queen gently, and that's the most obvious creature to be in the big egg.

Decision time it seems. There's far too many goopy slimy eggs to try and cart them all home, do you leave all of them? Some of them? Leave the big one? You could wait for them to hatch, or you could go back to investigate the strange white haired futa women. If they're putting 3/4 human children in non humans, that's probably worth some study right? You're still human, right?
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:13 pm

"Oooh! Bee Queen daughter?", Selena says, getting the attention of the other girls as they gather around her. The soft glowing of the egg lets her see the human like form within, and Selena wonders if she should take the large egg and leave the smaller ones. After all, just because she gave birth to the smaller worker eggs (or she assumes they are workers anyway) doesn't mean they would be friendly. Hell most of the things Selena had given birth too had sort of run off back to the wild anyway, where she expects they would have no qualms trying to breed her forcefully should she encounter them again. Then again... she sort of had a good feeling about this. Her female offspring... well, Sunset, since she was the only one, but Sunset was friendly. Very very friendly, and maybe a bit possessive... but overall, a great help! Deciding then, she lowers the large egg onto the pile and leaves it. "I have a good feeling about this. If she's friendly, and can start a little hive here, she can protect the new base! Still, it would be best to check in often to make sure they hatch okay.", Selena says.

The other girls don't have any reason to doubt it, though Dina would love to study them some more later. Till then, they had a base to start already! Heaving back out to the riverside clearing they had chosen, Selena goes through her menus, going to crafting and finding a rather intuitive base system that hopefully make things much easier for them. It was sort of like... sim city mixed with the sims. She could produce buildings by the looks of it, and add infrastructure so easily it seemed almost like cheating, and then also edit the buildings themselves. Neat! It seemed everything had a resource cost though, and Selena recalls the blue jelly cubes. If she really wanted to get this place off the ground, she'd need a lot more!

Still though, she has enough for a basic building with a few rooms. Essentially she just makes a large living area with a few couches and cabinets for storing things, a kitchen, and bedroom with a couple of large beds, and a kitchen for them so store and prepare food. As well she adds another room with a bunch of smaller beds, to act as a pseudo nursery for now. There was no power or indoor plumping yet, but a few more resource runs into the dungeons should fix that. Or so she assumes anyway, all the large enemies in those areas is where she had gotten her current resources from after all. Hmm, maybe her over world map could tell her what dungeon contained what resources?

Well, whether it did or not Selena gets back to building and finalizes her plan before selecting "build", then watches in fascination as a building just... pop out of the ground basically before unfolding in simple structure, complete with doors and windows and everything! Hell yeah!
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Fri May 12, 2023 4:28 am

Dina seems hesitant to ask a question, but eventually decides not to. Hopefully, she's learned better than to ask about possibly dissecting your daughter. With your possible Bee queen daughter placed in the pile, they begin to pulse together, the main egg leading the way and the smaller eggs seeming to follow suit shortly after.

Focusing on your build menus, it looks like an RTS, but there's a bunch more of different setups. One is road layouts, but... they don't really seem to do much. That said, most of the buildings look rather ramshackle unless you start committing those blue jelly cubes in fairly large numbers. But you do have an ample supply of 'raw' materials from other nearby buildings or from the forest... assuming you're cool sending people into that. But you do come and put together a small house thing to start with, and it seems almost like cast stone or something, completely smooth but not frictionless as the strange material sprouts from the ground. Ideas run through your head, the possibility of taming some kind of plant monster and growing wood into the shapes you need, or maybe convincing the bees to do something with... wax?

Investigating, you find the house is how you wanted, and you finally get a chance to collapse onto a comfortable couch without someone or something trying to knock you up in the process. Browsing your build menus, you do find a set listed as 'menu expansion buildings' which resemble primitive radar stations and such, although it looks a lot like there's a fairly large list of equipment needed, your raw 'resources' having been blown on this house. Studying it, it looks like to build the addon you'll need to provide a pretty good sized computer, a radio/transmitter, various drones and drone parts and probably an operator of some kind. These are the more common helicopter drones you're familiar with, assuming you can find them. Looks like the best way is going to be investigating that computer building with the white haired women if you don't miss your guess.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Sat May 27, 2023 10:48 pm

Heading inside her newly constructed house Selena is thrilled to find what basically amounts to a pretty decent if plainly decorated summer cottage. It was Roomy and furnished, though there wasn't really much in the way of modern amenities yet. No power yet after all. As her fellow party members look around the first building of their new base Selena happily collapses onto a couch, throwing her arms back and sinking into the soft cushions as large breasts jiggle about. She lets out a happy sigh and snuggles into simple but comfy surface, soon curving her back and thrusting her chest out in a big stretch as her arms and legs flex outward. It had already been quite the morning after all, so while she wasn't really tired at all yet it was nice to get a break in!

Deciding to peruse her menus a little more Selena looks at options for new buildings and even additions to the one she was in. She could add a floor or basement, and even probably add a game room or a pool given enough time to gather the appropriate resources. That was a big far off for now though as she had spent most of what she had on the current cabin they had. There seemed to be quite a useful suite of buildings too, but they would need a little more then just the blue resource cubes it would seem. Some actual electronic components, luckily of which of a general enough nature for her to easily identify. It would seem everything it wanted though would be in that new dungeon they had found though...

Well, if Selena could get some power running, such as a windmill or water wheel, before the end of the day that would be perfect. Alas though it seemed Leslie and Dina at the very least were a little indisposed now that they had been impregnated. Those two where certainly not as use to the process as they were, so they should probably take a break or at least do something easier. She could figure out the dungeon she bet! Besides, androids and robots seemed a nice change to giant bugs and zombie horrors!

"Alright, well. Plan time girls.", Selena says, quickly sitting up. "How about you three pick over the local houses and apartments for any canned goods or whatever else food you can find and bring it back here? Or hell even some firewood for the fire place. Sam can provide some more protection since she isn't actively pregnant at the moment, and you won't need to go far. Meanwhile I'll head back into that new dungeon we found and look for some relatively simple electronics that I should be able to use to made a set up for powering this place.", Selena says, then starts murmuring to herself. "I'm sure I can find the drones in the warehouse... given that the whole place is a dungeon now though it could be round about process to get there. Would it be better to take the shortcut we found? Or maybe just go in the actual intended entrance? Hmm..."

Barring any disagreements or commentary from her friends though Selena would action her plan, and head out to the new dungeon for a bit of a solo adventure.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada


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