Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:50 pm

I tried to ignore the males showing off as if they thought my trepidation was actually interest in their cocks. (3)Inside, a voice whispered that I was the one confused about the reason for my wandering eye. Seeing the Slowbro coming farther out of the water, I realized I had his interest. He was going so far as offering me a place working under him, but if I didn't succeed, I would probably be under him and his goons in a much more literal sense. Thankfully, I had Piper backing me up, but she hadn't moved yet, and I needed to do something. "W-what, really. That's so embarrassing." I bit my lip trying to play up my hesitance a little while I thought.

Calling whoever was in there would be a mistake. If she came out here expecting help instead of a fight, she might be more of a liability. Not to mention it would hurt her trust if I used her as bait, and Piper might not be sure if I wasn't considering turning. Taking the working with them bit too far would just have too many downsides to make it worth getting the Slowbro out of the water, and he might even just have his goons drag her to the water giving us nothing of value. "F-fine, I'll do it. Just keep your promise." Turning around, I faced the cave. Thinking this was probably the best advantage I could get for Piper, I took in a deep breath, but instead of shouting, I just broke into a sprint dashing along the mountainside away from where I knew Piper had hidden.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:51 pm

"Wh-what is he doing?" The Slowking blurts out as you make a run for it, clearly not expecting this from you. "Stop him at once!" [5, 3, 3 v. 6] Incredibly you manage to dodge a torrent of water that blasts past you and against the rockface beside you, letting you get some distance between yourself and your assailants.

[6, 2, 2, 2 v. 1] [6, 5, 5, 4 v. 6] [6, 6, 5, 2 v. 4, 4] Cries of pain ring out from behind you as a shadow passes over your head. Turning to look would let you see Piper leaping from the bushes above as a spray of stars streak out and strike upon each foe before her. She lands between you and the Slowpokes, her feet kicking up sand as they dragged along the ground into a sturdy stance. The successful ambush let her pull off an attack on each enemy with what seemed to be the move Swift, leaving the one of the two on land fainting from the attack immediately and the other one looking quite startled and bruised already. Though struck as well, the Slowking seemed a little less phased and quickly retreats back under the water now that a threat had been identified.

"My loyal subject!" he calls out as he starts to dip beneath the waves. "You know what to do when faced with a foe that can fight."

The Slowpoke turns to the king and nods before turning back to Piper and opening his mouth. Though instead of letting out any attack, he simply yawned, his head swaying lazily as his eyelids drooped a little. [6, 3 v. 3, 3] A few moments after he yawned, you notice Piper's stance lose some of its strength as she let out a yawn of her own. Her head sways and you hear her murmur "Oh... shit..." She's still standing, but she'll probably fall asleep in a moment's notice.

[6, 2 v 4, 3] [6, 4 v 4, 2, 2] Gritting her teeth, Piper acts quick while she still holds onto her consciousness. Letting out another burst of stars, she strikes both the Slowpoke before her and the Slowking off in the water to the side. The Slowpoke goes down, and the string of stars that bombard the water send up a spray of sea salted drops into the air that shower down over you and Piper. Once the spray clears you can see the Slowking surfaced again, hurt by Piper's attack but still very much awake. Piper, on the other hand, can't stand any longer and with one more yawn, she stumbles forward and collapses on the ground, dozing off on top of one of the passed out Slowpokes.

Noticing the threat had succumbed to the Yawn of his minion, the Slowking approaches cautiously, lifting himself out of the water to observe Piper's sleeping, helpless body, an eerie grin spreading across his face. His cock was lifted out of the water along with the rest of him, thicker than the shafts of his underlings and dripping water across the ground as he brought it over to Piper and slapped it hard against her face. Deep in a move induced sleep, Piper doesn't stir in the slightest as the Slowking starts to chuckle triumphantly, before turning to stare you down and see what you plan on doing next. "Working with the females? An interesting strategy. How did you convince them to go along with it? Do you have them service you nightly to ensure your loyalty? I admire your cunning, but its not enough to undermine my divine right to all females my eyes fall upon."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Mar 02, 2023 4:48 pm

I was in a bit of a panic as they laid down their assault, but I was thankfully fast enough that they couldn't seem to hit me. I stopped once I heard the yelps and saw the shadow to see Piper in action and wait if she called for my help. I felt hopeful that we would pull this through when one of them was taken down before they'd even had time to react to her presence, but it seemed they had an underhanded scheme for such a situation using a yawn. Time was not on Piper's side as she went straight into another attack. This managed to take down the other Slowpoke, but it wasn't enough to take down their boss before she fell to her exhaustion.

I gritted my teeth as he came out of the water making it clear he recognized I was Piper's accomplice which should have been pretty obvious. I also remained silent as he asked me if they pleasured me to ensure my loyalty recalling what I'd done with Happy while she slept last night and the glances I'd caught of others. It was clear he had every intention of taking Piper as his prize though I wasn't yet sure what his plans were for me. With his two goons down, would he just decide I wasn't worth chasing down on his own or was I lose end that needed to be tied up?

He was clearly injured, but he was a lot tougher than me, so I wasn't sure I could take him down even with the injuries he'd sustained from Piper. I had also promised not to get involved unless she called for me, and she had had ample time to call for me if she thought I could take him in his current state before the sleep kicked in. With that in mind, I turned away and ran. It was going to take him time to have his fun and wake up his goons. Even if he gave up on the female in the cave, I might have enough time to get some backup down here before they run off with Piper. Even if they do get away in time, I can lead them back here to pick up the trail. At the very least, they would know what kind of opponent she needed to be saved from and I knew the exact trick they got Piper with. If I got captured along with her, they would be searching down here half-blind for us. I needed to get back to the guild house as fast as I could.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:30 pm

Seeing you run, the Slowking bellows into laughter. He takes a step to pursue you, but his eyes turn to the sleeping Espeon beneath him. He lets out a few conflicted grunts, glancing between you and his captive, each grunt sounding more guttural and feral than the one before. Ultimately the primal lust within him that drove him and every other male here wild won out over his heightened intelligence and he lets out a spine chilling roar. He picks up Piper by the scruff of her neck and tears her top clean off, leaving her small, perky tits exposed to his greedy eyes. Piper doesn't even stir, so deeply under the effects of the Yawn that she stays pacified by sleep as the Slowking strips off the rest of her clothes.

You no longer see what's happening as you continue to flee, but you certainly hear it. The Slowking seemingly no longer cares for keeping whoever was hiding in the cave unaware of his presence now that he had some prey to play with. The grunting grows louder as he starts to exert himself before he lets out a satisfied and triumphant shout. "So tight!" he yells out, a wet slapping now echoing out from the cove. "Did you ever put your pencil dick in this one, little Eevee? She's stretching so nicely around me now, I doubt she'd even notice you slip your cock in after this." he bursts into laughter as the slapping sound picks up the pace, the Slowking fucking Piper's unconscious body as you run for backup. Kept deep asleep by the move used on her, Piper's body still feels some of what's happening to her even if she isn't consciously aware of it, and drowsy moans and gasps carry on the air with the sound of Slowking's thrusts until you've ran far enough away for the noise to fade out.

[5, 4 v. 1] As you run in a hurry to get back to the fort, panting heavily, you find yourself able to keep a decent enough pace despite exerting your body as much as you were. Your focus, however, isn't as keen as it was on your way to the cove, and you're caught by surprise by a force tackling into you from behind, pouncing upon you and pressing you into the dirt. A second pair of feet run up behind it and turning your head you see the dreaded familiar sight of two Poochyena's looming over you, snarling as they sniff at your familiar scent. It seems they've been lurking near the coastline since your last encounter with them, and the conflict with the Slowpoke's was enough to draw their attention towards you.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:27 pm

I continued running even after I heard the Slowbro begin to have his fun with the still incapacitated Piper. (4)I kept having thoughts about how inadequate I was for not being able to help her, but I reminded myself that I would need time to get strong enough, and this was the best I could do to minimize what she'd need to go through. At the very least, his lusts were strong enough to overcome his sense so maybe I could get back with help before they abandoned the beach for whatever hideout they had.

I grunted in surprise as I was sent sprawling into the dirt. There was no way the Slowbro had finished up and caught up with me. Seeing the familiar Poochyenas, I knew I was in trouble. I was in such a rush, I hadn't even considered I might run into someone else out here. Maybe I could have snuck past them if I'd started being careful as soon as I left Slowbro's sight, but it was too late for that now. Even worse, I was alone this time, so I'd have to fight them both together, and it hadn't gone so well with Sandy keeping one of them distracted. A part of me wondered if I deserved this for being unable to be a better help for Piper, (6)but I threw that thought aside.

Getting caught up here would only humiliate me further and give Slowbro time to make off with Piper. Needing them to drop their guard, I closed my eyes and sniffled at what I was about to do. Lifting my tail, I gave moved my eyes away. "Just please...b-be gentle." (5, 5, 1)Not having time to check if my ploy even worked, and I hoped it did, or they'd probably just be rougher on me, I slammed my head back at the one on top of me while kicking my leg out at the other trying to give myself enough room to dash off again(1, 2).
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:09 pm

[1][6] Your ploy works, at first at least. Both males pause for a moment, their breath catching at your submissive display. Their grip on you softens as their hands roam your body, starting to tug at your clothes. "Good bitch..." one of them huffs, before your head swings back and catches him in the muzzle. He stumbles back and off of you. However the other notices your leg coming just in time and moves out of the way. Though you are now able to get up, you can't get away before this Poochyena pounces at you once more, snarling in anger.

[5, 1 v. 1] It tackles into you, knocking the wind from your lungs. You stumble back, disorientated enough for the other Poochyena to also get back up to its feet, eager to return the injury you inflicted upon it. [4, 1 v. 3] A second attack that strikes into your side and claws at your clothes, leaving four openings raked across the back of your top. You now found yourself flanked by the wild males, their cocks twitching angrily and they were prepared to force you into satisfying them, just as they had done once before.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

If you plan on attacking them, it is two d6 when attacking with a normal type move (+same type bonus -flaw). Rolls are [6, 2] and [4, 1] to beat.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:33 pm

I panicked as the other one saw my kick coming only getting angrier and attacking more violently. Having the wind knocked out of me and getting a scratch for my troubles was not fun, and now I'd need to do something about this shirt later. (5)Pain was not something I was used to, but I managed to grit my teeth and push through for now. The way their cocks twitched now looked somehow different than it had when I'd facked submission leaving me concerned about what might happen even if I really did give in this time, but even if I was a bit bruised and battered, I was in a better position now.

Considering I was clearly outmatched and was in a hurry, I figured escape was still my better option, and I at least didn't have one of them clinging to my back. I quickly glanced around to remind myself which direction I had been going before I'd been tackled by them. (3, 6, 4)Letting loose with a growl to try and startle them or make them hesitate or anything that would buy me even a moment as I turned on my heels and made another mad dash. I just had to hope that whoever was patrolling the gate would give me some help, so I could get Piper her help.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:47 pm

[4, 2 v. 3] [5 v. 6] At least one Poochyena was quite taken aback by your growl, perhaps not expecting as much fight to be in you as they had been finding so far given how they had made you submit before at the beach. This ones attacks were more hesitant and you found yourself actually able to block his swing and then pull away. The other one however was less phased and tackled into you with the same ferocity as before. [6, 2 v. 1] You find yourself pinned to the ground and held in place as teeth clench around your top and tear down, ripping the fabric away and leaving your chest exposed. A wet tongue laps across your chest, seeking out your nipples to lash against as if you were a female with tits to be suckled from. [3] Despite yourself, you can't help but let out gasps and moans from the sensations this gives you, unexpected pleasure building in your chest that makes your dick stir from within its sheath and your ass twitch with a familiar hunger.

The Poochyena then pulls its tongue away and lifts its muzzle up to yours. It plants a forceful kiss upon your lips, its tongue pressing against your own to force its way into your mouth. You felt its cock grind against your own bulge beneath your tight clothes, feeling it pulse and drool precum onto you. You felt a part of you that just wanted to give in... you enjoyed it before and you know you'll enjoy it again. Its not like you were worth anything to a rescue team. You had been on one outing and left the person training you behind to become a cocksleeve for a stronger male. The others would do better if you just accepted your place as this Poochyena's bitch...

A distant sound catches your attention. A voice, faint and too far away to make out what they're saying, but you recognise it. Mary-Jane. Of course, she and Trix must be on patrol around here. If you make enough noise you could call out to them, let them know the situation so they can come rescue you and perhaps Piper as well. But did you have it in you at the moment to even do that?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Roll 1d6. 4 or higher you can continue your struggle and call for help. 3 or below and you give in for now.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:21 pm

Once again, my attempt at escape was foiled by only working on one of them. It was hard not to bemoan the fact that I'd probably be scot-free if there had only been one of them here. My shirt was now completely gone as one of them pinned me down on my back under them ripping what had been left of my shirt. I was caught off-guard when he began lapping at my nipple. The feeling of his warm breath and fierce tongue work as I rolled my eyes in pleasure. Why was my nipple so sensitive? Soft, feminine gasps were dragged out of my throat each time he flicked one of the sensitive nubs of my chest. It was like I was a woman having her breasts sucked for the first time. I couldn't help but feel a stirring both in my sheath and deep under my tail.

As he pulled from my nipple, I was finally given a break, but before I could even catch my breath, he pushed his muzzle to mine in a sloppy domineering kiss. I really was pathetic. I couldn't lead the Slowbro out of the water enough for Piper to take him out before the yawn took her, I couldn't even fight him after she'd nailed him twice with Swift, I couldn't get to the fortress without being grabbed by these two, I couldn't escape them, and now my ass was quivering in need of a deep filling. My eyes closed as my tongue touched against his encouraging him as I found it harder to resist his advances. Maybe this was just the best I could hope for. A little butt slut for a stronger male. Maybe I should have let the Slowbro and his goons have me, so I'd at least be getting topped by even stronger males.

Hearing the voice of Mary-Jane in the distance a chance offered itself. If I could scream out for help, not only would I be able to avoid this, I could make sure Piper got help too. (3)No, what would even be the point? Sure, they would help, but I'd just be delaying the inevitable struggle against something that couldn't be stopped. I would only make the fall harder by clinging to hope, so I relented. One arm went up to his back stroking the muscles of my better and admiring their strength. The other hand slipped down between us first unzipping my pants and pulling them open to release my now full hardness before moving up to slip under Poochyena's loin cloth to stroke his bigger, fatter length.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:47 pm

You find yourself in an almost tender make out with the Poochyena as the last of your clothes are pulled off of your body after you unzip your pants. Sensing your at this point familiar submission, he lets out a satisfied growl into the kiss as his tongue tangles with yours. His cock fills out to its full size thanks to the attention of you hand and soon grinds against your own small cock as he presses his body against yours. Noticing he wasn't being left much room to join in, the other Poochyena huffs in annoyance for a bit, but decides to stand guard rather than fight over you - perhaps also having heard the sounds of others nearby.

Left to the sole desires of the one pinning you to the ground, he enjoys the deep kiss you share and the feel of you hands admiring his strong, dominant body some more before he brakes the kiss with a cocky grin, knowing this was how this would end all along. He grips your legs and lifts them up, stretching them back until he lowered his body to keep your legs spread up and resting against his shoulders. This position left you ass up to adjust and perfectly lined up to feel the tip of his cock against your asshole, all the while your own cock flopped uselessly against your belly. He claims another kiss from you as his cock presses in, giving you the familiar feeling of superior Poochyena cocking spreading your beta butt for his pleasure as he starts to thrust into you.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:17 am

My hand stroked his cock carefully as if he was almost afraid it might be taken away from me even though I knew how big and strong its owner was. I felt a bit of gratitude to the other for choosing to make sure we wouldn't be interrupted during my breeding. Perhaps I would come up with some way to make it up to him and reward his patience as his partner used every part of my body. I said a little apology to Piper in my thoughts. I hoped she would either get rescued soon or quickly grow to enjoy those that captured her as I was about to.

As he broke the kiss my tongue stuck out following his as I was already missing having him work around inside of my mouth as I continued exploring the feel of the superior male specimen above me. I'd barely even noticed my pants being pulled free as I stroked both his cock and back in mesmerized devotion. As he pulls my legs up and over his shoulder, I realize what is coming next. Releasing his cock, I move down to my ass grabbing at one cheek and pulling it aside to make it easier for him to find his mark even if I know he doesn't need it. My eyes roll up as he presses in to kiss me. My lips close around his tongue to suck on it as my tongue grazes against the underside treating it as if it were another cock.

(2)As he pressed into me, there was no resistance. A weak feminine moan muffled against his lips, and my own cock quivered in a weak spasm as my watery pre washed over my belly. I had no use for such useless discharge when I could have a real man's cum inside of me. My hands now moved to his shoulders tensing and squeezing at his muscles as they slowly explored their way down his arm. This was what I was meant for. Even in my dream, I had submitted to him fully and even become a woman. I'd barely even thought about that dream which ended before he had had a chance to impregnate me.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:31 pm

As you find yourself filled deeper and deeper with his thick cock, you also feel his hand roam across your chest, finding one of your nipples and giving them a pinch, once more treating you like a female lover more than a male one. While your nipple is played with, your cock goes neglected, bouncing from the force of his thrusts and pointed down at you, trickling your fluid down across your belly, the trail trickling its way towards your chest. He picks up his pace, and a steady slap, only slightly muffled by the fur of your bodies, marks the tempo of his thrusts into you, his thighs and heavy balls slapping into your rear with each thrust. You can feel the early stages of the swelling of his knot, teasing your backdoor with a little extra girth to fuck you into a slutty, cock happy puddle beneath him.

His wild kisses and dominance of your mouth ends only for brief moments when he brings his muzzle to nip and lick along your jaw and neck, possibly even leaving faint love bites beneath you fur, or to suckle and lap once more on your nipples, before returning with a hungry growl to claim your mouth once more and taste of your submissive an willing tongue. His friend, though still keeping watch, now toyed with his cock, occasionally glancing over to enjoy the show of seeing you mated and put in your place. No doubt he anticipated taking his turn with you as well, and you wondered if your body would be able to handle being passed between two potent and fit alpha males. Even if they keep tiring you out, you can only picture yourself loving every moment of it.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:02 pm

I trembled as his hands wandered freely over my weak and fully submissive body. I was his toy to enjoy as he pleased be used for his pleasure in any way he desired. I could feel his heavy sack slam against my ass cheeks while his knot worked against my pucker letting me know how fully his engorged knot was going to fill me and how much cum it would be trapping deep inside. He saw me as nothing more than a bitch in heat, and the noises I made when he broke the kiss and began kissing, licking, and nipping my body gave every impression that I was exactly that. "P-please, let me have it. I need it inside." My voice was dripping with feminine lust.

Taking note of the partner touching himself clearly to make sure he was ready to take me next with no need to waste any time on foreplay, I simply knew I was looking forward to it, but first, I needed to finish being used by the big boy already topping my sissy boi puss. What would happen after they both finished? My mind was simply too frazzled by the pleasure of being bred by a true stud to even contemplate such a thing. One of my hands continued stroking his arms while the other moved up to his torso feeling the muscles of his chest and stomach before reaching for his cock. I slipped two fingers around the base of his shaft between his crotch and his knot trying to encourage him to finally knot inside of me, so we could both enjoy the pleasure of my ass filling with potent puppy putty while locked tight to my alpha.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:17 pm

He growls appreciatively into your ear while trailing his tongue along your jaw, clearly responding well to both your words and your touch. He pulls his head back, his eyes locking with yours as he clasps his hands onto your shoulders. You feel him grip you tightly while your own legs shake and twitch against his own shoulders as he starts to drive into you with more force. You feel his knot swell thanks to your touch and soon your hand is needed no more as he thrusts in deep and lets it swell the rest of the way. Sealed inside you, he ruts into your ass like a wild animal, panting happily over you. His saliva drips down from his hanging tongue and falls across your muzzle. His breath grows heavy, a series of grunts and pants that build up until he forces a kiss upon you once more to muffle his rumbling growl as he pumps his seed deep within you. His knot locks you in place as he releases burst after burst to fill you up. You know from experience these Poochyena's could go multiple times in a row, but this felt like a larger, heavier release than normal, filling you up with plentiful hot, steamy spunk.

When his orgasm subsides, he eases his movements, relaxing against you. He's locked in place, leaving you with your ass in the air and your legs resting against his strong body. For now he's content to kiss along your neck and collarbone. Though his partner seems to have grown tired of waiting. Even while you're still locked into a long embrace with the Poochyena that just bred you, the other one approaches, smacking its thick, musky cock against your nose, leaving a drop of pre to fall right on the tip of your muzzle to leave you to inhale his full, intoxicating scent directly. What he wants is apparent as he starts smacking the tip of his cock against your lips, waiting for you're available hole to make itself useful for his needs.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:37 pm

I shiver as he grabs my shoulder taking a vice-grip to make certain I remain perfectly in place without rock away from his knot. I shiver and squeal as I feel my pucker weaken under the force of his thrust and eventually, my muscles can no longer hold firm against his assault and my backdoor fills with fat wolf knot making sure his cock will not slip free until his balls are fully empty of his burden. Knotting was not enough to send him over the edge, however, and I found myself being even more roughly pounded as he worked up to his release. I opened my muzzle doing my best to catch the drool falling upon my face and swallowing it as if even that fluid was precious.

The assault was too much for me though, and I cried out in feminine pleasure as my bitch hole trembled around him. In my lap, my own cock twitched and spasmed covering my belly with my own pathetic load as if unwilling to make his share a body with such weak spunk. My first couple of shots splatter across my chest though the rest pathetically dribble onto my stomach showing how weak my cum shot was. As he filled me, my own orgasm strengthened for a moment before growing weak once again.

I leaned into my alpha, master, and lover as he relaxed to enjoy our embrace until the other alpha presented his shaft to me too impatient to wait for the tie to end. Feeling sorry for making him wait, and a little hungry for another load, I took him into my muzzle without hesitation enjoying the taste as I let the pool of warm spunk inside of me settle in place. One hand moving to his ballsack as I savored the taste of cock once more.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:50 pm

"Good girl..." the Poochyena sighs as his cock sinks into your muzzle, revealing that you weren't even a beta male in their eyes anymore, but a girl that just happened to have a small cock between her legs. He savours the feeling of your mouth, the warmth of your lips, the wetness of your tongue. His hand grips your head, scratching behind your ears as he takes a firm grip and starts to guide your head up and down to start getting your muzzle used to his dick. After a few more moments he began to thrust, driving his cock down to start to push into your throat.

The other Poochyena chuckles as he watches you take his friend's cock into your mouth. "Good slut, take it nice and deep..." he grunts, forming ever so slightly a longer sentence in the wake of his recent release. Soon enough he starts licking and nibbling at your neck once again, finding sensitive stretches over your veins to press his tongue against and make your body shiver. He begins stirring his cock around in your depths once more with light thrusts, still knotted in place but able to shift enough to churn the cum he has filled you up with.

The one in your mouth begins thrusting more forcefully, keeping your head tilted up just a little so he can thrust down into you. Practically squatting over your face, his balls start to smack against your nose and burry you in his thick, manly musk, his potent pheromones bringing you deeper and deeper into the heat of a needy bitch as if you weren't a slut enough for them already. His hands now cup your cheeks as he works, eager to make good use out of your muzzle.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:04 pm

I shivered as his hands came to my head calling me a girl. I could only continue working his length lapping every inch of his cock, especially the tip where I could taste his thick pre while my cheeks collapsed as I sucked as hard as I could as he started thrusting into my muzzle. The other began touching me, teasing me, and even using a full sentence as he encouraged me to suck his partner in crime's cock. My head swam with their musk, the feeling of their cocks inside of me, and my own weakness and feelings of doubt. He even began thrusting into my churning the cum trapped inside of my ass, but it wasn't clear if he was just working pleasure into me to make me fall even further into submission or was planning to dump another load into me.

(6)As I submitted fully to them, some aspect of my mind hiding away was shaken but not destroyed. For the moment, I was fully their bitch, slut, and plaything, but there was some chance I could recover from this. However, hidden away as it was, I had no inkling of it and began working even harder to please them seeing it as the whole of my purpose. I whimpered in delight around the cock as I used my legs on one male's shoulders to rock my hips with his own thrusts helping to churn the cum inside of me while my lips desperately worked the other's length in my mouth. I pushed my head forward pushing him to the back of his throat as I stared at the knot at the base desperate to submit fully to each of them.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:17 pm

Your actions stir the Poochyena in your ass to further liveliness and soon he is rutting you with renewed vigour. You find yourself folded between the two wild males as they fuck your from either end, panting and growling above you as they used your body for their own pleasure. Much to your surprise, your cock addled mind catches one clasping the other's cheek and growling out "Brother..." before they share a heated kiss over your doubly stuffed body. Clearly whatever had effected the males of this land had driven these two into a incestuous bond as they hunted down mates to share together. Not even the bonds of family were enough to prevent the lustful drive the males here found themselves overwhelmed with.

These thoughts are fucked out of your mind from two directions and your submissiveness to them is rewarded by a double helping of their spunk. [2] As the sun passes overhead, pushing on into the evening, you found yourself used a good number of times by the brothers. Though they did not curl up and sleep in sexual exhaustion as they did before. Instead they pulled you away after their knots release you the first time, leaving cum pouring from your muzzle and asshole as you gasped for air, and took you deeper within the forest. Their they took you to the shelter of bushes and trees where they could enjoy you with less risk of help or a rival male stumbling across you. You found yourself bent over rocks and rutted, bounced on their cocks as they lied back and relaxed, and made to worship their balls when they had drained their cocks into you and needed to recover. [5, 5, 4] You found yourself able to keep up with their desires for your body, despite your sexual inexperience. Though you were easily overwhelmed by them in terms of pleasure, experiencing two or three orgasms to each one of theirs, your stamina surprised even yourself, meaning you remained quite awake as you lie nuzzled between the two of them now, your belly distended enough with their cum pumped up your ass to make you look pregnant. Their arms wrap around you as the snooze, their cocks brushing against your body, no doubt eager to make more use of you once they awaken.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Firehead » Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:33 pm

I cried out in pleasure as I felt the cock in my ass stirred back into full breeding form from my actions convincing him to use my ass to let out another load even though he spent his entire second breeding session with his knot locking him inside of my ass stifling his ability to thrust fully, I did my best to make up the difference with my eager hips grinding. When I finally reached the base of the one in my muzzle, I pressed my lips against his knot as if giving it a kiss before I opened my jaw as much as I was able withi it full of thick fuck meat to extend my tongue out of my muzzle and give the knot a few laps before closing to prevent the outside air from cooling his length too much. Learning that they were brothers didn't matter to me in the slightest right now. As long as they gave me all the dick my girlish body needed, they could do whatever else they wanted with whomever. At the moment, I probably would have helped them hunt Sandy down if they told me to.

Another load filled me from both ends as they led me to a bush where we could hide our activities and avoid interruption. My lips were caked with spunk and my ass was leaking as I stumbled along behind them on shaky legs with no intention of not following them to wherever they wanted if it meant getting another filling of their cocks and cum. Once they had me over the rock, I was back to being fucked furiously by the pair. Though they were driving to orgasm regularly now, my balls had fully emptied, so each orgasm was dry now proving just how much more virile they were as they continued producing thick, full loads to leave me bloated and happy. My body ached by the time they finished up. I was tired but not completely exhausted yet. (2, 6)I felt a bit of hesitance as I pulled away from their slumbering forms. It had all felt so good, so there was a temptation to stay and fully become their bitch, but I managed to push that aside. My whole body was sore and messy, my shirt had been destroyed, and I was sure my pants had been left behind where they'd first caught me. Still, if I wanted to make up for this, I needed to get a move on. I needed to tell them where Piper had been captured and by whom. Naked, sluggish, and reeking of sex, I carefully made my way away from the bush sneaking about, so I would hopefully not get grabbed again.
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Breeding Frenzy [Firehead]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:44 pm

As you slip away from the snoozing brothers, you feel your asshole flex as cum pulses out of your backdoor and trickles down between your legs. Reflexively eager to keep the seed of your betters within you, your backdoor clenches tight soon after, your sphincter working to suck the cum back up inside of you. Though the trickling between your legs eases, you still feel overly full. Not that you need to feel it, just looking down you feel your belly would be more noticeable than your small cock so at a glance anyone would be more likely to assume you were a pregnant woman than a male. Coupled with how coated in Poochyena spunk you were, you had half a mind to look for a place to clean up instead of returning looking like this. Of course, that would mean more time passing before the others here news of Piper, which might make it all the less likely she can be rescued. It was up to you, slip back to the fort in the state you're in now, or find a stream or patch of coastline to clean up at to try and maintain at least some semblance of modesty.
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Lazy Kitsune
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