Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:41 pm

As you run through your options, you consider how your group is lacking when it comes to long ranged, focused fire. Your laser weaponry gives you an edge against your typical raider when it comes to range, but proper long ranged equipment or a specialised marksman would be useful for moments like this. Putting a longer ranged weapon in either Sundown or Decker's hands might do if needed, but finding reliable long range support is another thing to add to your ever growing to-do list if you want to have all your bases covered. It was only a matter of time before you'll wind up in firefights with more well equipped enemies and you can't expect to improvise your way through every conflict.

"Gordan'll be better for the job than me, but we'd both be down to do it. Came 'cus we felt it weren't right outsiders were the only ones doing what needed to be done 'round 'ere. We're both willing to put in our fair share of the work." Curtis says, giving you a nod. Decker turns to her equipment at hand and swipes up a radio before passing it over to Curtis. "Give this to Combs or use it yourself. Most of us have coms built into our gear. Its already set to the right channel, so click this here and we'll hear you loud and clear."

With that sorted then unless you had anything else you wanted to discuss with Decker or Curtis then it was time to check up on some of the others. You could check in quickly with Combs and Cotton, or leave them more time to themselves to chat if you wanted. Hull was off to herself at the moment, keeping watch by the edge of the perimeter. Sundown and Mayer were still talking, going through Sundown's apology.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:10 am

"I think it'd be best for the both of you to be our eyes then. You can watch each other's backs. Decker if you dont mind giving Curtis a quick run down of our call outs i'll go and appraise Combs of our developments. Thank you both, and try to get a little shut eye while two still can." Victoria smiles and nods to the both of them before making my way over to where Combs was flirting with Cotton. Certainly activity not exactly befitting a member of the brotherhood, but considering everything she had done with and for Longhorn she could hardly muster a complaint against allowing Cotton some fun on the side, just as long as it didnt distract from her duties. But all she needed to do was to let Combs know that he'll be with Curtis on overwatch.

As long as those two didnt need anything more from her, it would be a good time to make sure Sundowner wasnt driving an even further wedge in the group with Mayer, if anything is to go wrong tomorrow, its either Mayer or Sunny being in a bad mood and jeopardizing the whole mission
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:42 am

As you approach Cotton and Combs, the Scribe was giggling cutely at something the ruggedly handsome man was telling her. The two had scooted closer to each other since you last paid attention to them, Combs practically leaning over Cotton's shoulder to look at what she was doing and the two constantly turning to exchange glances with each other. Combs even had a hand on her back, which softly stroked across in a circle between below her neck and towards her shoulder. He seemed to be moving quite fast and successfully. You had half a mind to suspect that if you took any longer to come back to see them you would have found them having snuck off into the Xiphos with Cotton's mouth wrapped around the newcomer's cock.

For now though, Cotton was still carrying out her duties - just with some handsome company to keep her upbeat as she did so. Noticing your approach she smiles and stands up and Combs follows her example and tips his hat towards you.

"Hey Ma'am, everything seems to be in working order. Well, 'part from Hull's power armour but that's been banjaxed enough that I'll need to replace some parts altogether. Been working on that other project as well. Think I'll be able to get it for you right quick, its really just slapping the parts you brought back onto some laser pistol parts and giving them proper charge. It'll be a bit rudimentary, at least until we learn how it works better, but it should work fine enough. I'll be able to give you a proper update on it soon enough. Anything you need from me in particular?"

When you give Combs the update on his situation, he gives a nod. "Sure thing. I'm a decent enough shot with this. It ain't no sniper rifle or anything like that, but I should be able to hit anything nasty coming at us from down that road. Clifton and I'll keep you girls safe. Not that I'm sayin' you need that of course, you all seem as fierce as you are pretty, just that we'll do our parts."

With that out of the way, you're able to check in on Sundown and Mayer who have distanced themselves a bit more from the rest of the group in order to have their conversation.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Luck Roll: 19 Success

An conversation which seems to be going quite well. Instead of Mayer fuming at Sundown and Sundown deflecting like they were when they arrived earlier, the two were perched upon a bench set alongside one of the walls of the nearby ruins, shoulder to shoulder as they spoke. Sundown seemed to be taking the apology seriously and opening up to Mayer about the reasons why she acted the way she did, but also admitting that she shouldn't have jeopardised the Brotherhood's mission like that.

"Look, I get it! He's a scumbag. A slaver scumbag. You hate slaver scumbags. I hate slaver scumbags, we all hate slaver scumbags! I just... I've had too many nasty surprises lately, I don't need to be hanging around with more wildcards. I'm supposed to be the wildcard! I can't do with our group hanging around with someone whose a looser canon than me. I've got a reputation to protect."

Sundown chuckles at Mayer's comments and places a hand on her shoulder. "I get it, Freckles. Look, you seem real fun and cool. I could see us hanging out and being friends any other day of the week. So how about next time I get the urge to shoot a slaver scumbag in the face, I'll let you know first and we can work out from there. Sound like a deal?"

Mayer looks up and gives Sundown a soft smile. "Sure thing, ranger."

The two share a smile for a second. Then another. And then the smile softens, and they start to lean in towards each other. And its only then do you realise they're about to kiss in the heat of the moment, but your approach is noticed and they pull back, looking over to you and scooting away from each other slightly. Mayer flushes and casts her eyes away from Sundown, clearing her throat. Sundown doesn't seem all too embarrassed by you seeing that - although given what you and her had down together, almost kissing Mayer seems like nothing. Instead she keeps a cool head and smiles at you.

"Hey there, Snow. Apologies going well. Think we're ready to work together. You here to babysit or have you got something for us to do?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Jan 18, 2023 1:12 am

"Thank you for the update Cotton, just do your best, but try to get some rest when you get the chance as well, who knows what might be in the bunker. And we appreciate the support Combs, feel free to carry on with whatever the two of you were doing, tomorrow is a new day." She says to them with a smile, feeling somewhat bad for intruding on what seemed to be a warm bonding session.

Walking around for a bit looking for Sundowner and Mayer, stumbling into their conversation seemed to be a blessing overall. She was happy to see them reconcile, even connecting of all things. Though there is a certain blush on Victoria's face when she realizes just how close the seemed to be getting. The paladin coughs into her hand to make her approach known when the two finally take notice of her and inch apart in the moment to cover their tracks.

"Glad to see my efforts at diplomacy have paid off." She says with a chuckle. "As long as the two of you arent fighting thats all i needed to check in on. Im doing the last minute rounds to make sure everyone is ready. Mayer just so you know you'll be going underground with myself and Cotton, Sunny you'll be up here making sure more 'slaver scum' dont try to tag us while we're done there." She appraises them of the updated situation regarding Combs and Curtis acting as spotters.

"Nothing more for you guys to do really, just as long as everyone is on the same page for tomorrow, the two of you can get back to having your girl talk. Though be sure to at least get a little bit of shut eye." She says with a wink before making her way back to the makeshift camp. If there was nothing else then she'd need to make good on her own words and try to get a little shut eye before dawn. A last check over her weapons and tools will be necessary too. Oh well maybe she should check on Hull just in case. Where could she have gotten to by herself?
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Jan 18, 2023 1:42 am

"Right, sure thing boss. I'll just... make sure all my gear is ready for the morning." Mayer says, hastily getting to her feet and hurrying off.

Sundown watches her walk away before turning back to you. "She's got a cute butt, but yours is bigger." she says and then stands up and reaches around to grab at your rear as if to prove it, giving it a good squeeze. "Sure thing, Snow. I'll keep your flank and hers clear. Wouldn't want any harm coming to these rumps." She breaks the squeeze just to smack your ass and plants a kiss on your cheek quickly as she does so before quickly stepping away from you. "Maybe its you I'll keep from getting shut eye. You know how good I am with my fingers first hand after all."

You find Hull taking watch by the edge of the perimeter. The Deputy is waddling on by not too far away, set to a patrol pattern to keep the area around the Xiphos safe. Hull turns to you with a nod as you approach. "Something I can help you with, Newton?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:40 pm

Victoria lets out a bit of petulant huff as she feels Sunny’s hand against her ass, though she doesn’t do anything to stop her from feeling her up. “Yeah yeah sunny, just so you know Decker is in charge of the defense so you’re gonna follow her orders or else you’re answering to me after.” She turns to face Sunny feeling her cheek where the Ranger had pecked it. “Ha, Ha. If you tried that we both know my fingers will be doing all the work.”

She watched the ranger skip off into the night. It was time to find her other Knight only to find the woman nearby the deputy. “Nothing much Hull, just making sure you’re getting on well enough. Are you holding up alright? You seem somewhat off since the assault on the raiders.” Victoria was could tell that Hull was holding something back, she didn’t remember her to sit by herself especially on the eve of a firefight.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:27 pm

Hull leaned back against one of the concrete walls nearby, scarred and worn from the war and the ravages of time since alike. "I'm holding up. Just been through a lot, that's all. Been through a lot back at the Boneyard too. Its just a different kind of dust-up when you know all your friends and comrades have been captured by the enemy." Hull says with a huff. She casts her eyes upwards, towards the sky. "What do you think those bastards are doing with them anyway? Didn't think it was like the Enclave to take prisoners, so they must have some use in mind for them. And that's another pill to swallow. The Enclave are supposed to be gone, aren't they? With the NCR being the main power down here and the Lyons Brotherhood taking on the Enclave up in DC I didn't think they were really a factor any more. Let alone in large enough force to take out an entire Brotherhood chapter in one assault. Now we have to figure out where they've been hiding all this time so we can rescue everyone they took. Its a lot... you know? I'm used to simpler threats. Tell me where the enemy is and I'll lead the charge. These guys... we don't know where they came from or where they went and they seem to be able to take us out of the fight without ever firing their weapons... A proper fight I can manage, but..."

She hangs her head low and lets out a heavy sigh, before lifting it up again, struggling to make eye contact with you. "There's... a bit more to my report from the mission, ma'am. While infiltrating the raider hide I... felt it again... the effects of that gas the Enclave used on us. And when I was around all of those raiders with their cocky grins and their hands on my body and their... big... cocks... I just..."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hull Charisma Roll: Nat 1 Failure

Her eyes glaze over and a familiar pink glint takes to them as she lets out a shuddering moan. Without even realising, one of her hands reaches up and starts groping at one of her tits through her top, while the other slides down and starts to tuck its fingers under her pants. "I gave in like the dumb slut I am. Imagine... all those cocks, their cum smearing my face and filling my holes and pumping into me over and over again. It felt so right... like I belonged bouncing on the end of a thick, raider cock. They fucked me so good, you have no idea!" She bites her lip as you hear the wet noises of her fingers thrusting in and out of her pussy. "Oh fuck... do you feel it too? When you think about cocks... filling you up... the urge to submit? Oh fuck... I... I need help... I can't tell... what should I be... A Paladin or a slut?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:38 pm

Victoria took a seat near Hull as she looked over the woman. She was tending up. It was clear to herself that she struck a nerve with Hull, but it was better to get this out in the open rather than having her worry about it or having it weigh on her mind mid-mission. Though to much of her surprise.. she wasn’t expecting this to be the result of her response to her question. Victoria herself couldn’t help but bit her own lip when she heard hill speak the way she did. These feelings seeming to resonate within her and call out to her… there was only one right answer. Longhorn.

Victoria put a hand on Hull’s free breast and leaned into the muscles woman. “You’re on the right track Hull~ but you’re thinking about it the wrong way~” She says her lips nearly kissing the paladin’s ear. She slides her hand down the woman’s taut arm and joins her fingers between her legs. “You can be both, but instead of those raiders who taught you a valuable lesson. Only one man gets to do that. Do you know who? Victoria giggled as she felt her body heat up, her fingers moving faster in and out of Hull’s sopping wet cunt. Your new owner, Mr.Longhorn. Understood? He’s been my owner for sometime. And now he’s yours as well. After we’re done here I expect you to report to him for your first lesson as a Slut-Paladin, understood?
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:17 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Speech Roll (WAS): 17/4 + 6 = 23 Success

Hull gasps as you grab at her breast, feeling the nipple poking hard through her shirt. Her surprise by your action passes quick as your hand slips down to join hers between her legs. Feeling her wetness on her fingers, her pussy grips tightly against your digits as they slip in and she moans eagerly. Her own hand pulls back and she leans her muscular frame back against the wall behind her as she lets you toy with her between her legs.

"Longhorn... He can... he can teach me to be a Slut-Paladin?" she asks, almost looking pleadingly at you as if she needed this reassurance about her identity. "Oh fuck... this feels so good. Please, don't stop."

Not content to just let you play with her, she reaches out with one muscular arm and wraps it around you, pulling you tight up against her so your breasts pressed together. She quickly places her lips on your own, stealing a kiss as she lets out a longing moan into your mouth, holding you tight to her body as you finger fuck her against the wall.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:31 pm

”Of course~ He’ll teach you to be that and more Hull. You can learn to be his wife as well.” She coos into her ear. A warming reassurance. Tainted honey that would make the woman devote herself to whom Victoria had decided was going to be her endgame. She only needed to reinforce it in her comrades and they could all be happy under him, serving him.

Though her concentration was broken somewhat when Hull had suddenly kissed her. Feeling those strong lips overtake her own she couldn’t help but return the fun. Closing her eyes as she worked her fingers faster into heat of the moment. Driving her fingers back and forth wishing to her her loyal Paladin be pushed over the edge like no one else had seen. Victoria had broken her kiss briefly. “Mmm if I had known you were such a good kisser I’d have done this sooner.” Nestling her head into the crook of Hull’s neck and biting down just briefly. Her lesson was going to be cemented with a blast. Her hand working tirelessly as she dug 3 fingers into Hull’s cunt. “Cum for me Hull. Cum for me and tell me youll serve our owner!” Victoria’s voice was shuddered and heavy with lust. She wanted to see Hull fall much more than she had realized. It made her remember her promise to her owner about needing Mayer to obey him. After this raid she knew what her next objective was to be.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:50 pm

Hull's hips buck forward, humping your hand as you finger her. She stole more kisses from you, intense and passionate with her lusts while her strong hands felt up the curves of your body. You felt her grip your ass, feel along your waist and hips, cup your tits and squeeze them through your top. All the while she kept moaning heavily and nodding along to your words. "I'll serve... I'll serve Mister Longhorn~ I'm a Slut-Paladin~ Ahaaah!" She cries out as her lips clench tightly around your fingers and drench them in her juices. She releases you, slamming her hands back against the wall and digging her fingers into patches of crumbling cement. She bites her lip to try and muffle the rest of her orgasmic cry. Then she relaxes and breathes deeply... but only for a moment.

She's on you again before you realise, pulling you in for an even more heated kiss. Her hands start tugging at your clothes as she pulls you behind the wall, even further away from the camp to give you a bit more seclusion. Taking you somewhere where there was less need to be quiet. "I need you." she whispers in your ear. "I want you to feel good to. I want to make you cum... I will make you cum."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:12 am

Victoria seemed to revel in the fact that she managed to make Hull of all people cum all over her fingers. A bit of domineering pride washing over her as she gave the newly minuted Slut-Paladin a smug, self-amused smile. Only for all of that to be tossed out the moment Hull pounced on her and the two locked lips again. Caught off guard at first, she couldnt help but give in just a little and return the kiss, some pent up frustration for Sunny's earlier handling of her ass combined with Hull's own roaming made the acting-elder bothered under the collared just enough to reciprocate.

With Hull breaking the kiss and being led away from the camp Victoria was left wondering if this was at all smart only moan quietly as her comrade whispers into her ear. "Mmm, if you want me to feel good Hull, you're going to need to get on your knees and obey your commanding officer, because you're going to stay down there and eat me out until im satisfied is that clear?" She replies back, not wanting the paladin to believe she can just man-handle her boss however she pleased.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:17 pm

Your words excite Hull, making her nod and pant like an overly eager puppy. A very large, very muscular puppy. "You've got it, boss." she says, pulling you along faster and taking you across the street. Your lips press together in a series of hot and heavy kisses as she takes you towards the remains of an old world diner. As her back hits the front door, she pulls off her top, letting her big tits and toned abs out before your eyes. She casts her top away carelessly before gripping onto the zip of your jumpsuit. She starts to slide it down as she backs the both of you into the diner for some privacy.

As the zip is pulled low enough, she's quick to peel back your jumpsuit from your shoulders, letting it hang low on your arms and freeing your heavy breasts. She takes one in her hand quickly, squeezing it firmly while her lips find the nipple on the other, giving it a lashing with her tongue before suckling on it. Releasing it from her lips with a wet pop, she presses you against the wall beside the door and lowers herself onto her knees before you. Her hand slips down into your suit, her fingers trailing their way between your legs. You feel her find your clit and start to rub against it before she pushes her curious digits further. She pauses, her eyes briefly going wide as she finds something she didn't expect and you feel Mr Longhorn's toy get nudged around inside of you. Gasping, her curiosity overwhelms her and she pulls your jumpsuit down in a hurry so it falls around your ankles, leaving you standing naked before the topless Paladin. She's momentarily distracted from the object of her curiosity by your beauty, looking up in admiration as she takes in your entire form before she returns her attention between your legs. Your pussy still grips tightly to the toy you had been keeping in yourself at your owner's request, though for now it was allowed to be removed as you were about to put your pussy lips to use.

As she slides it out, she marvels at how slick it is with your juices. You can't help but feel an emptiness grow within you as it slips past your lips. A good, hard cock would really hit the spot right about now. Instead of asking about the toy, however, Hull just goes along with it and you watch as she kisses its tip, before licking across it and getting and early taste of your juices. Getting carried away a little, she slips it into her mouth and sucks the plastic cock clean, deepthroating your juices off of it before pulling it out of her mouth and setting it aside on a nearby table. Now that she had her taste, it was time for the main course.

With a lick of her lips she leans her head forward and presses her tongue against your clit. She runs her tongue against it close enough that her lips start to press against your skin, before she starts to suck lightly upon it while her tongue flicked down to taste your pussy lips. Sophia sighs happily as she starts to work her tongue into you, lapping between your folds as lets her eyes flutter shut so she can truly immerse herself in your taste.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Luck Roll: 15 Positive Encounter

Though the Slut-Paladin carries out her duties between your legs, blissfully unaware of anything outside of your pink, wet lips, you notice a noise that directs your attention across to the other side of the diner. Much to your surprise, you aren't the only two in here. It seems another pairing had a similar idea of slipping off to the building across the street for some private fun. Gordon Combs tries to muffle a mix between a surprised gasp and groan of pleasure as he tilts his hat up to see who it is that has intruded in on him. He's lying back in one of the diner booths, his belt unbuckled and large, thick cock pulled free of his pants and standing impressively tall. And slurping away on that meaty cock of his, her cute head bobbing up and town was Scribe Rosie Cotton, her own jump suit unzipped and pulled down enough that her top was uncovered except for her bra. She moaned around the cock in her lips, perched on all fours on the booth seat that Combs was lying on, her cute jumpsuit clad butt wiggling in the air as she gave him the reward for all his sweet talking.

Combs's eyes meet yours, clearly unsure how to proceed in a situation like this. Though he does tap Cotton's head to get her attention. As she looks up at him, his cock still in her mouth, he nods his head towards you and she glances on over. Her eyes widen, seeing you being eaten out by Hull. She pulls her mouth off of Comb's cock and gives you a wave. "Well hey there. Wow... Aren't we all just a jug of bellywash shy of a hootenanny?" she asks, giggling nervously as she rubs the back of her neck.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:11 pm

The wry smile on Victoria's lips only lingered for longer when she saw Hull's response, she was starting to like this position of power.. Lording over her subordinates to sate her own sexual desires, though she knew deep down a good hard cock would put her in her place. For now though she relished Hull's enthusiasm; her heart throbbed with a sort of perverse lust to see more of her sisters bend their knees and get between her legs. Especially after watching her Slut-Paladin undress. "If you arent careful you might need to fight tomorrow without your top." She says licking her lips as she led into the diner.

Though there was little stopping her now, Victoria leaned back against a wall and allowed Hull do her work, letting her jumpsuit get peeled away to reveal a rather strained bra. Victoria moaned softly as she felt Hull's hands against her breast and then had to stifle a louder moan when the woman's lips found their way to the opposite breast. Her tongue tracing the shape of her nipple expertly and eliciting a not inconsiderable amount of pleasure on Victoria as she took in a sharp inhale of air. Victoria's hands found her way around Hull's back, nails softly digging into the woman's well toned back, feeling the rippling of muscles as Hull shifted her body around. She could say it was like feeling a work of art, but she was too preoccupied by the fact that soon Hull transitioned to her knees. Victoria was left to play with her own breasts as she watched the woman slide down; slowly spreading her legs, a subtle cue for Hull. 'Come and get it,' was all it silently said as Hull dived in.

Of course Victoria failed to inform her Slut-Paladin of the toy she had lodged inside of her, a little reminder of her owner, the longhorn logo on it probably made that obvious enough though the feeling of its loss was quite palpable for Victoria as a strained gasp escaped her lips once Hull pull the toy out. Victoria looks down, her porcelain body now on full display for her comrade. But Victoria was treated to quite the lovely show of seeing her top combatant deepthroat a dildo that was comfortably lodged inside of her past the better part of the day. "Like the taste Hull?" There more where that came from." She cooed at the woman before gripping the back of her head and guiding her to the source of her newfound pleasure.

"Mmm.." Hull was allowed to recieve the encouragement that she was doing a good job pleasing her commanding officer, feeling that tongue against her folds and inside of her. It couldnt replace a good cock, but the feeling of her subordinate's earnest efforts made it all the sweeter. Though the moment was somewhat short-lived as she turned to see a familiar big hat and a particular scribe's cute ass wagging in the air. Victoria taps Hull's head to get her to stop and signal that our little private spot wasnt as private as we had suspected.

"Hah.. Scribe.. I hope you finished your task before you decided to fraternize with our new friends." Victoria says a little weakly and with a laugh, making to clear that Cotton wasnt in any trouble. "Hull have you introduced yourself to Gordan Combs? He'll be playing spotter tomorrow with Curtis tomorrow." Victoria says signalling for the paladin to get up and join her sister with the man.

"I didnt think you were in that dire need for R&R though Cotton." Victoria teases the scribe, wondering how to proceed with the situation. "Though maybe the scribe isnt at fault. Didnt take you for such a sweet talker Combs." She folded her arms under her breasts, presenting them somewhat to the man curious to see his reaction.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:42 pm

"Sure thing!" Cotton says, one of her hands going to wrap around Combs' cock as she speaks, the shaft too thick for her fingers to meet though she gets as good a grip as she can and starts softly stroking up and down - aided by the spit trail she had left along his length - to keep him hard while you talk. "Triple checked all our equipment, so I felt it only fair I triple checked Gordon's equipment too."

Hull pulls her lips, albeit begrudgingly, away from your dripping slit and turns her head over her shoulder. Her cheeks flush as she sees Cotton's familiar face smiling cheerily back at her. Cotton's smile quirks to show she's aware of the awkwardness of the situation, but in her own cute way that helps relax the Paladin. Hull stands once more, planting a kiss on your clit on her way up before heading over as instructed, slowly sauntering towards where Combs lay. "I think I missed giving you a proper introduction, Combs. I'll be sure to make that up to you. I'm Paladin Sophia Hull. Demolitions, close quarters combat and I've been told I have a very tight pussy. Want to see?"

Hull kicks off her boots and tugs her thumbs under her pants, pulling the last of her clothes off and stepping out of them, letting her athletic body stand in the nude before Combs. Seeing the way the situation was turning, Combs sits upright, shifting his stance to put his feet on the ground and spread his legs wider. Cotton cuddles in close to his right as one of his arms wraps around her and Hull sits in on his left, draping her own arm over his shoulder while he wraps his arm around her back. She reaches between his legs with one hand, joining Cotton's in slowly trailing up and down his shaft while she smiles sweetly at his face. The space between his legs has, for the moment, been left completely free.

Combs gives both the girls in his arms a flash of his charming smile before eyeing you up as you present your breasts to him. "Well, given I spend most my days keeping vermin out of the town's food supply, the only chances I get to enjoy some sweet company is usually when a pretty little merchant comes to town. So I learned to sweet talk fast to make the most of any caravan visit. Guess I couldn't help myself when I rocked up here and found myself surrounded by some of the prettiest women in the wasteland. I was admirin' you lot enough when I heard you were actually helping deal with the raiders 'round here. To see you were also a bunch of hotties, well..." he whistles "A man could fall in love over less." His hand around Cotton had worked on her bra while he talked and it soon dropped free from her perky tits once he had unhooked it. He now seizes one of Cotton's tits in his right hand while mauling at one of Hull's in his left. "Though enough about me being a sweet talker, how about you come over here, beautiful and see what else I'm good at."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:03 am

"Well you see, Combs, Im a bit of a sweet talker myself." Victoria brushes her hair back as her eyes slowly drift down to between Comb's legs. "I'm also acting Elder, so both of these girls are my subordinates. Not sure i how i feel about them all wrapped up in your arms." She says with a smirk. Though even as she says that she can feel her words hollow out a bit. Her mouth feels distinctly dry as she watches both Hull and Cotton stroke of Comb's large cock. She gulps down a bit of the dry Texan air as she finds herself slowly lowering herself down to her knees and nestling her face against the thick cock she finds herself against.

"But I guess you've certainly got your Charms Mr. Combs" She says with a breathy moan kissing the man's cock.
(Resist Cha roll: 8 vs 20 Major Fail)
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:17 am

"Sweet talker, sweet looker... I ain't disagreeing in the slightest. Though someone like you is far too young and beautiful to go 'round calling yourself 'Elder'. If that's the way you Brotherhood types do it though, I ain't complainin'. Goodness knows I'm enjoying the way you do things 'round 'ere a lot." He lets out a sigh as your lips meet his cock, his head hanging back. His fingers pinch and tug at Cotton and Hull's nipples as he enjoys his position. "I think you're gonna enjoy spending your time wrapped up in my arms just as much as your 'subordinates' will. Now put those beautiful tits of yours to use on my cock while we get to know each other better. Cut lil' Rosie here got it all nice and hard for you."

Cotton giggles as she's mentioned and runs moves her hand from Combs' cock and to the back of your head, gently running her fingers through your white hair. "He's got a very tasty cock, ma'am. I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot."

"Speaking of tasty..." Combs murmurs, turning his attention to Hull. "You got a pretty good taste of your leader just moments ago. Mind if I try?" he asks and leans forward, taking a kiss from Hull's lips. He tastes your juices on her tongue and breaks the kiss with a chuckle. "Very sweet, Victoria. Very sweet indeed."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:27 am

"Age has nothing to do with it, my.. accomplishments got me to this point." Her voice was meant to stand out as confident, though this was ultimately undermined by the fact that Victoria's heavy breasts found their way around Comb's cock regardless of her little protestations. Watching both Rosie and Sophia get taken in by the man's charm, she couldnt help but feel caught up in the moment as well as her hands pressed tightly on either side of her breasts using the precum and saliva Rosie had contributed to Comb's shaft.

"Maybe I should have expected it, but i guess what they wrote down about Texans in holodisks stayed true. You boys are too big for you own good." She says picking up the pace, feeling the wetness between her legs gowning as she continues to please Combs. The slapping of titflesh against the man's thighs and the moans of her subordinates were music to Victoria's ears as she works the man's dick. She needed this inside of her.. but she didnt want to ask for it... She wanted Combs to use that down home charm of his to get her to ride it.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:43 am

As you service his cock with your tits, Combs was busy enjoying the tits of the other girls. As much as he enjoyed squeezing them, he couldn't help but want more and encouraged them to bring their tits up to his face so he could kiss and lick and suck on both sets of nipples. With their tits in his face, his hands dropped lower, one smacking upon Sophia's rear loud enough to ring throughout the diner, while the other tugged on Rosie's jumpsuit to start pulling it off the rest of the way, taking her dampening panties with it. With the last present member of your team soon stripped naked, his hands make their way between their legs and begin toying with your women. They took turns making out with him and moaning and gasping at his touch, while their own hands roamed across his torso, starting to unbutton his shirt and show off his hairy and fit chest, skin tanned from working under the Texan sun for long days.

He took a moment to break from making out with them to return to his conversation with you. "If you've been doin' your research, you should also know we like a good rodeo. You ever rode something so wild you felt it might buck too hard and throw you off? You will tonight. Why don't you give it a good taste first, though, darlin'? A damsel as pretty as you should take time to get to know her stallion."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sat Jan 21, 2023 1:05 am

With both of her subordinates lost within their lust and within Comb's hands, Victoria had free reign to enjoy Comb's cock as she pleased. Her pace varying as the minutes go bye, using the most she had learned being one of Longhorn's wives to her advantage to please this pillar of fuckmeat. Her mind was racing with anticipation for when she was going to invite her up onto the bench with her two subordinates. They were having so much fun..

She partly was of the mind to order the two of them away, the only thing stopping her was the idea that Combs would most likely be upset with that decisions, especially as she watched him swap spit between the two women and seemed to masterfully work his hands between their legs. She partially entertained the idea of recruiting him to the brotherhood... Though this fantasy was quickly broken when he spoke up again. Igniting the smoldering flame Victoria had kindled for him. "Well, research is important of course.. and theres nothing better than hands off experience." She said her voice husky with unabated lust. Her eyes dug into him, transferring some of her smoldering emotions to him. Making it obvious to all around that she was more than elated to be fucked right now.

Victoria shifted up onto the bench, an admittedly tight fit with the 3 other bodies already up here, but she wasnt going to miss out on this opportunity. Though to make sure she was comfortable she decided to come down on him reversed, her legs hanging off the edge of the booth so she wouldnt need to force all of her weight onto his body. But as Combs was busy with both Rosie and Sophie she needed to put in the effort of 'mounting her stallion', lining up the tip of his massive cock with her pussy's already sopping wet slit and slowly lowering herself down.

"F-fuck.." A choked almost automatic response escaped Victoria's lips as she looked over her shoulder to gauge Comb's reaction, she was barely halfway down. "Are.. mmph you liking that cowboy?" She said before continuing with fucking herself on his cock, feeling his warmth spread throughout her body. After a whole day with the dildo Victoria was feeling especially needy and weak in the knees; her mind starting to already buckle from the pleasure as she slowly lifted herself up and slammed back down. Her ass rippling every time she came down on the farmer's solid thighs.
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