Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:19 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Unarmed Roll: (13+10=23): Success
Contested Strength - Hull v Coyote: (3+4=7)v(19+3=22): Coyote Wins

This distant clamour of power armor boots hitting concrete and energy cell discharge triggers something ingrained deep within Paladin Hull, something far more crucial to the core of her being than her love for cock (at least for now). Her warrior instincts kicking back in, she prepares herself for combat, mustering her strength even while her master Coyote fucked her tight ass. Waiting for the right thrust into her to give her the momentum she needed, she swung back with her leg, striking Coyote on the thigh and send him tumbling backwards. A strange emptiness overcame Hull as his cock was pulled out of her backdoor, but she had more important things to focus on right now.

"What the hell, bitch?" Coyote snaps, falling to the ground. As she moved on top of him she could feel his earlier deposit begin to ooze onto the ground in front of the Paladin, leaking out from her well fucked pussy and onto the floor. "I see you still need some taming. Just makes it all the more fun for me... its boring when they have no fight in 'em. Wait... what the fuck is that sound?"

By now it was closer, and even the sex absorbed, untrained rabble that surrounded Hull and Cotton noticed the distinct whirr of gatling laser fire and the panicked, dying screams of Coyote's crew just out of sight. Hull may not have been able to take out all that many members of the group, but she certainly helped distract enough of them to leave the entrance relatively unguarded for Decker's assault.

The group fucking Cotton see him first, scrambling away from the cum soaked slut of a scribe that now lay in the middle of their gangbang. They rush to grab their weapons and gear, the biggest among them being cut down immediately as Decker starts his approach. A few more are blown to ash by lasers before they even get their weapons ready before the remainder finally start getting to cover and making use of whatever they could grab in time.

Coyote is quick to try and join the action, pushing against Hull as she tries to keep him pinned down. Before Hull has a chance to knock him out and join Decker in rescuing Cotton, it seems the raider boss has a bit more fight in him than expected and pushes the Paladin off of him, throwing his disobedient bitch to the ground. Getting to his feet, Hull has time to do the same, leaving the two of them standing separated off from the rest of the action as Coyote quickly slips his cock back in his pants and raises his fists. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you." he says, waiting for her to make the first move.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 11, 2020 8:58 pm

Hull had to stop him here and now, any less and he might get away and start a whole new drug ring, causing issues down the line for herself and the rest of the brotherhood. "Yeah? I'd like to see you try!" She says as she takes up an offensive stance, she was certain she was larger than him at least in muscle so if she could pin him and get him into a hold it'd be all over. Just had to make sure his huge dick didnt end up back inside of her, or else it might really be all over. Her legs tremble slightly from the thought due to the drug's remnants, but she steeled her resolve as best as she could and then tried to go for a tackle on Coyote.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:12 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Unarmed Roll: (7+10=17): Success
Contested Strength - Hull v Coyote - Best of Three: (Hull has advantage in first round due to successful tackle)
Round One: (18+4=22) v (12+3=15): Point to Hull
Round Two: (11+4=15) v (13+3=16): Point to Coyote
Round Three: (12+4=16) v (15+3=18): Point to Coyote
Charisma Save: (10-2=8): Fail - New Perk Gained For Hull

Steeling herself for the fight, the paladin charges with enough resolve to tackle Coyote against the counter behind him. Winded from the impact, the raider is dazed and struggling to protect himself, allowing Hull to drive her fist against his head. Seeing stars, it would only take one more solid hit before he would drop. Hull prepared to elbow him in the side of the head and knock him out against the counter, but he managed to block her arm just in time and focus through the pain to headbutt her and cause her to stumble back. No longer pinned, Coyote charged Hull this time, knocking her to her knees and getting a grip around her head. Struggle as she might, she soon finds her face pressed against his cock.

Its not long after he shoves it into her mouth that her resolve crumbles. With her master's cock filling her mouth and causing her to gag and her eyes to water, her struggling starts to ease and eventually fade away entirely. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he pulls her to a back room away from the fighting and face fucks her relentlessly. Decker is left to fend for herself while Hull gags on raider dick. Her heart beats for Coyote's dick, she breaths for Coyote's dick. She chokes on his cock until she passes out and he escapes after blowing his load down her throat.

Perk Gained:

Coyote's Bitch
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

She may not admit it to herself after recovering from this ordeal, but deep down inside she knows it to be true. Hull is now Coyote's bitch and will have to resist submitting to him should they ever run into each other again.


Perk Gained:

Raider Bait
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Without Hull aiding in her rescue, Cotton spends more time at the mercy of the raiders. She knows how to keep a group of raiders focused on her to make for a useful distraction very well now. Although there might be a risk she likes it too much.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:58 pm

The fight was called from the start, Hull knew her heart wasn’t in it and soon she payed the price.. though maybe she was all to happy to offer herself up for coin for her friend’s rescue and the destruction of this bandit safe house. Still when she found herself on her knees after she had failed to land a decisive blow she could have done anything to prevent that Lovely cock from splitting open her lips, but she accepted it like it was nothing.

Initially she had found herself gagging but really that was more out of surprise and her resistance melted away in minutes as she moaned and began to pump her head back and forth along his shaft. Only to whine as she was forcibly pulled away into a back room. She mind still reeling Coyote claims his prize for good this time as she gags against his throat and lovingly accepts her punishment for rebelling. She should be a good bitch and live for his dick. Her last dead before passing out was swallowing as much of his cum as she could as she laid undressed and covered in spunk on the cold ruined floor dreaming dreams of her Alpha’s cock.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:30 pm

"...And I'm afraid to say the leader managed to escape. I know using Cotton as a distraction was unconventional, however it allowed Paladin Decker and myself to take out the hostiles without significant issue. Though if you wish for us to avoid such tactics in the future I will understand." Hull coughs nervously as she finishes her debriefing, looking a little flushed. Cotton also blushes profusely, and it seems one of her hands has started idly rubbing her crotch through her clothes, likely subconsciously. With the debriefing over, your squad awaits your response.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:09 pm

Victoria listened intently at Hull's debriefing of the situation doing her best to not make any faces that would give away any sort of judgement of the strike team. After all they accomplished the mission, even if it was unorthodox who was she to deny that their tactics were effective. "I see, dont worry Knight, We're in desperate times and desperate times call for desperate measures, as long as the team agrees that its what is best to ensure minimal casualties i can accept it. If it was a shootout from the start it sounded like there might have been a good bit of trouble, so thank you for trying to stay safe out there."

Victoria claps the muscle-bound woman on the shoulder with a smile. "You three have earned some R&R so go and get it, we'll see what we can do about Arlington first thing tomorrow."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri May 14, 2021 8:37 pm

As everyone focuses on resting up and keeping an eye out while you camp outside the gymnasium the sky begins to darken. You eventually catch the sounds of people approaching. This must be Mayer and Sundown back with Sheriff Parks. And the tell-tale mechanical clanking sound that follows them must be Bessie's robot deputy. Though when the group finally comes into view, you're surprised to see that Bessie isn't anywhere in sight, but instead two men have joined Mayer and Sundown on the trip over. Both very dashing from what you can see under the light of the Xiphos's headlights, both tall, but one a towering, broad shouldered figure, while the other had more of lean build, but neither were the Sheriff you were expecting.

To help clear things up, Mayer storms over to you in a huff. "The cowgirl shot the Sheriff's prisoner! Took about all I had to convince them not to come to blows! Now she's too pissed to come help us herself. We do have these two strapping volunteers though."

The leaner of the two men stepped forward. "Howdy. I'm Gordan Combs, this big guy is Clifton Curtis." Clifton tips his hat to you but leaves to talking to Gordon. "We 'eard from Bessie what 'appened to you at the Spit Bowl. Neither of us are the type to let such things slide, and we don't like how these criminals have been using Arlington as their own personal stomping ground. Now, we can use our guns, but our experience has been keeping mole rats and the odd raider off our property, so I don't know if we'll be much help compared to the rest of you Brotherhood types, but we're willing to do our part."

Sundown walks over to Xiphos and crosses her arms, keeping her hat low. She doesn't seem to want to volunteer a defence for why she did what she did. Clearly her actions have caused some animosity between her and Mayer and has cost you Sheriff Parks's support for this mission, but at least the Sheriff still saw fit to send the deputy over, perhaps as thanks for helping fix him in the first place.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sat May 15, 2021 9:09 pm

Victoria only blinked. Somewhat shocked and not a little confused by the events at hands. The Knight did her best to calm Mayer down motioning her to join the other brotherhood members while she dealt with the newcomers. "Thanks for your report Mayer, but get some shut eye it'll be all hands on deck tomorrow." Victoria then greets the two volunteers with a warm smile before turning her attention to Sundowner "We'll have a talk later" A steely glare shot over to the ranger who obviously couldnt keep her cool.

"Thank you, you two, we appreciate the help, hopefully it'll be mostly safe and all you'll need to do is help us haul gear, we'll do our best to protect the two of you, but if youve got at least some experience thats better than none. Why dont you two introduce yourselves to the rest of the team, i'll need to have a private conversation with our resident ranger."

Excusing herself from the two cowboys she walks over to where Sundowner had chosen to take a load off. "You said you'd keep your cool Sunny? Are we going to need to talk to our Owner about your behavior and get you disciplined? hmm? I bet you'd like that, slut." despite her words her face was one of seriousness, she was just about ready to drag Sundowner by the hair if she needed to, towards the manor to have Mr. Longhorn discipline her, if she was no good on the field she can be the housewife instead for this mission. That was, if she didnt give a good enough reason for her actions.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun May 16, 2021 5:14 pm

Combs and Curtis make their ways over to the girls, Mayer helping introduce the volunteers to everyone else. While they talk, and the robot deputy lumbers around loudly announcing how the law has come to town, you make your way over to the loose canon Ranger, who glances over to you as you approach.

Sundown tilted up her hat slightly as you approach, definitely having expected you to come talk to her, but not at all enthused about it. She sighs and crosses her arms under her chest, glancing off to check that no one else was listening in before turning back to you, keeping her voice low enough to keep this conversation between the two of you. "Listen, Snow. You're cute, and Longhorn has a good cock. But we're a few hours from the ranch right now, and when it comes to my job as a Ranger, he's not my boss. That scumbag the Sheriff had locked up for questioning, he's done a lot worse than anything she'll charge him for. He used to sell slaves to the Legion. And he's been my mark for a long time now."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Speech Roll:(18+6=24): Success

She huffs, but then tries to relax her posture. "Look, this was Ranger business, not Brotherhood. Its done now, and I'm more than happy to help out with what you're up to, no more divided loyalties for this job. It was... also a personal matter... to say the least. I'm sorry it messed things up, I thought the Sheriff would put the needs of her town over whatever sense of lawfulness she works by. I'll make it up to you, you can take a bit off of my cut for helping find the Arsenal. Sound fair?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 17, 2021 11:39 am

“Tsk.. I knew I should have went with you.. alright, but as a show of good faith to the sheriff I’m giving that part of your cut to her so she can train up her militia. Got it? If she keeps the town running safer you won’t need to track down more men to shoot right?” Victoria waits for confirmation from her friend and fellow housewife before continuing on.

“For now we just need to rest and get ready for tomorrow. If aren’t too tired take first watch tonight, I can even join you if you want. I’ll also talk to Mayer because she seemed rather pissed off by what you did today. Can’t have people staring daggers into each other tomorrow. And I want you to apologize to her face got it?” Victoria did her best to project an air of authority to the Ranger who no doubt was exploring out on her own to get away from such a voice. But Victoria hedges her bets that Sundowner wasn’t just about to give up on one of the biggest hauls in this are in decades.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon May 17, 2021 9:09 pm

Sundown shrugs a little but then nods before saying "Not in this area, sure. I'm still a Ranger, I'll have to deal with some mark or another eventually, but the town can handle its own peacekeeping from here on." She seems a little less keen on the idea of apologising the Mayer, however, and seems to roll her eyes a little at the notion. "Snow, I'm not really one for 'sorry'. Making things up to you is only because I like you, and its one thing to apologise for an outcome, another for an action. You can argue semantics or whatever, but while I am sorry what I did pissed the Sheriff off so much, I'm not sorry for what I did, and I'd do it again if I had to. Its just part of who I am. Fortunately I don't have to and I don't plan on getting myself into a situation where it would be necessary again. I'm happy to clear the air with Freckles, but don't expect any boot licking. She's not our owner after all."

She flushes and bites her lips at the mention of Longhorn and seems to edge slightly closer to you. Her voice becomes that of a husky whisper as she speaks again. "Hmm... and I know you're trying to be a tough leader right now and all, and its kinda hot, Snow, I won't lie. But I'm not under your command. And I've seen that all I'd need to do to get you to be more agreeable is push you against the side of that 'bird of yours and slap your slutty cunt until you agreed to bark and roll over for me. We both know you'd love it, too. Think you'll take that instead of an apology, Snow?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Make a Charisma Roll with a +3 Modifier.
7 or below and you submit and gain a new Perk.
8-14 and you submit for this instance at least.
15-19 and you stand your ground in asking Sundown to apologise to Mayer
20+ and you not only stand your ground, bet get an opportunity to try and turn the tables on Sundown to be the dom out of you two.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 19, 2021 9:06 pm

Charisma roll: 15

Immediately a hand slams into the metal side of the xiphos, her palm pressed flat a few inches away from Sundowner’s face and her glare cold and steely. “Sunny I really like you, but I’m in command here, I won’t roll over for just anyone. And I’m not expecting you to lick any boots a simple sorry is all. Are we clear on that?” Her resolve was ignited Sundowner’s display, she knew she was having too much fun with Mr. Longhorn but this could be bad if she let just anyone convince her to get down to fuck.

“And you’d better make it quick if you wanna get some sleep, I’d hate to see those blonde locks of yours singed by laser fire.” She says pulling away from the xiphos. She listens to the last of Sundowner’s response before checking in with the last of her crew then getting some rest as well.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:26 am

Quest Log
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Main Quests
Restoring the Brotherhood - Find allies in Texas to help restore the Brotherhood of Steel. Find a way to counteract the advanced mind weaponry of the Enclave. Locate and recover the captured members of the Brotherhood.
Arming Up - You've found the supposed location of the Arlington Arsenal and have arrived to investigate the site in full force. Thanks to offering some of the supplies inside to the town of Arlington, you have been sent assistance in the form of the robot Deputy and two men; Gordon Combs and Clifton Curtis. A territorial raider named Dwayne Winslow plans to make a move on Arlington soon, and possibly hopes to locate the Arsenal before you.
Follower Quests
Bride to Be - Longhorn is willing to offer the Brotherhood more supplies and connections, provided you can offer him up Mayer as a willing bed companion.
Big Iron on Her Hip - Sundown's vendetta seems to have cost the group valuable support from Sheriff Bessie Parks. Though you've got her back in line for now, she's still a Ranger first and foremost. It seems more work will need to be done if you hope to keep her around as a reliable ally.
Side Quests
A Taste of Paradise - A raider known as Coyote seems to be using drugs lure women into slavery. He escaped his last encounter with the Brotherhood and will likely be more trouble in the future.
Clayton Longhorn mentioned possibly having more work for you once he got in contact with more hired help.
Check in with Scribe Cotton after your next mission to get an update on the Mesmetron
Enclave Awareness
Fort Worth Area - 59%

Sundown's eyes widen at your aggressive response, though she soon relaxes back into a more familiar, calm expression with a teasing grin thrown in for good measure. "Right, right, I get it, Snow. And I'd like to correct what I said earlier... It's not kinda hot when you're like this, it's very hot." She leans in a little closer, her hands moving to gently rest against your hips as you keep her pinned between Xiphos and your body. "Good god damn, I know it'd be a terrible idea given how pissed you are with me right now, but I really want to kiss you something fierce, Snow. But you made your point well enough. I'll go apologise to Freckles. But for between me and you, you think a more literal kiss and make up might be on the table? Doesn't have to be now of course."

She gives you a wink before dipping her hat and pulling away. "I'll go do my big apology now. Don't know how well it'll go over, but Freckles seems sweet, so I wouldn't mind mending that bridge anyway. Give me a whistle if you've got anything more to talk about... or for anything else." She blows you a quick kiss and then heads off to go speak with Mayer.

At the moment you were camped outside the most likely place to locate the Arlington Arsenal according to Bessie's father's journal. The gymnasium is a wreck, along with many of the buildings in the area - with barely enough structural integrity to walk inside of. If the Arsenal was here, it was probably in a bunker underground, the access to it hidden in the ruins someplace scavengers wouldn't just stumble across it. Your whole squad were securing a perimeter around the Xiphos and checking their gear and you had two new faces to talk to as well. It was a good chance to get a quick appraisal of everyone's situation and take some time to prepare before taking a team into the gymnasium to locate the Arsenal and begin recovering its contents.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:07 am

VIctoria felt a slight shiver run up her spine as she felt Sundown's smooth hand caress her hip. This woman was something else.. More taming was in order. The paladin's eyes glanced down at the hand and slowly traced the ranger's figure until they locked eyes again. "I appreciate the candor Sunny, but if we're gonna kiss and make up, it'd be after we've made some progress and shot the baddies. And with owner's cock between our lips. so hop to it." She gave the ranger one last smile as she watched her leave to talk to Mayer. A part of her wondered if she should follow along, but she couldnt be there to babysit forever.

Checking the perimeter was most prudent and things looked good. Their own supplies for the assault and defense of the location looked solid enough, but given her own past as a scribe, it was only prudent to double check everything and everyone. She wanted to focus on the new faces in particular to assess their qualities seeing if they would be better on the attack or defense should the need arise. Though the protectron seemed rather straight forward she needed to appraise Combs and Curtis more closely. If they've hunted mole rats, they can certainly shoot something much larger if they've got the support and cover.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:13 pm

From what brief interaction with them you had, it seemed like Combs was more of the talker of the two, although it would be worth taking a moment to talk with them both. They came armed at least, the larger of the two carrying a mean, though simple looking shotgun, while Combs had a varmint rifle slung over his shoulder. They seemed to have split up to mingle with your group separately, giving you a chance to observe how they interacted with different members of your team and to try and talk to them individually.

You catch Curtis letting out a whistle as he approaches Decker, whose currently bent forward tinkering with her Gatling Laser. "Well, don't we have a beauty over 'ere." Curtis says as he walks up to her side, though the 'beauty' in question isn't remotely the kind you had grown to expect the men around here to be talking about. His eyes trace up and down the form of the Gatling Laser as Decker worked it over. Seeing the newcomer's appreciation for her weapon, the Paladin stood up straight and gave it an appreciative tap.

"Oh yeah," she says, smirking as she speaks. "This piece of equipment has kept myself and those close to me safe through a fair few firefights. The UB-FRIED 3000 Gatling Laser, the prewar model that made the H&K L30 redundant. Instead of wasting power on rotating the barrels, the barrels fire in rotating order, keeping it steady while allowing a more constant rate of fire - less of a worry of over heating then you would get by firing a laser through a single barrel over and over again. Got a longer effective range than most heavy ordinance. Light doesn't exactly have a drop like a bullet, after all." She speaks about the weapon with a surprising amount of admiration for your usually more stoic protector. Boys and their toys, you suppose.

"I ain't ever seen nothing quite like this..." Curtis says, before reaching out with a hand and looking towards Decker. "May I?"

Decker folds her arms over her chest and appraises Curtis before giving a cautious nod. "Sure, just be gentle. I've just got done fine tuning it."

A big grin spreads across Curtis's face and he runs his hand across the Gatling Laser's barrel, feeling the metal under his palm. "So this is the kind of fancy weaponry you Brotherhood types get to walk 'round with? And you carry this heavy thing? Stronger than you look."

Decker bristles a little at that comment, shifting her stance with discomfort as she sighs. "Used to be stronger. Now I can't hold it as steady as I used to. Not without my armour at least, but that's out of juice at the moment."

"Be a shame to leave this beauty out of action. 'Specially if we get in a firefight with those raiders looking to make a move on Arlington. Hey... I know its a big ask, but I don't suppose you'll let me take her for spin if we get into trouble. I'll make sure to return her as good as I got her once the fighting's done."

Decker huffs as she thinks his request over. "It isn't Brotherhood policy to let civilians walk around with our tech. Or any advanced tech for that matter. But... we are trying a new friendly face approach to these things. And you look like you might be strong enough to hold it properly... It'll be Newton's call, she's in charge. But I won't object if she doesn't."

Curtis grins like a kid on Christmas morning. "Thank you kindly, ma'am. Clifton Curtis." he holds out a hand for her to take.

"Paladin Jay Decker." she replied, taking his hand in a firm shake. "A pleasure."

Meanwhile Combs had gone over to kneel beside Cotton while she set up a small makeshift workstation for herself in the shade of Xiphos One. He titled his hat up as he looked over the various gadgets and pieces of scrap electronics she seemed to be sifting through, a quizzical look on his face. He looked back and forth between the mess and the Scribe's face, before he finally spoke.

"Awful young for a soldier, aren't you?" he asked.

His voice caused Cotton to jump, who seemed to snap out of some tech based trance she has put herself into as she worked. Gasping as her body settled down from the flight of fight instinct it had kicked off a moment earlier, she pressed her palm to her chest. "Gosh darn it, you really rattled me like a Gecko in a rad storm there, mister. Sorry, didn't notice you come over. I get a bit focused when it comes to my work, didn't mean to be rude or nothing. I just get into patterns of work easily, my mentors used to call it my Mr Handy mode. You'd think it be useful but it used to drive my ma mad, always having to clean up the loose wires and bits of scrap I left in my room from projects I'd start but never get round to finishing. Bit of a Bloatfly on a Bighorner ride when it comes to managing my personal projects, you understand?"

Combs chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think I understand at all, miss, but I like the way you talk."

"Thank you!" Cotton replies, smiling before returning to her workstation. She pauses once more and looks back at Curtis. "Oh, wait, you asked me a question didn't you? I'm sorry, my brains all-"

"Its okay." Combs says, holding out his hand. "Just thought you were a bit young to be a soldier, is all."

"Oh, well, Brotherhood starts its training much, much younger than I am, but I'm not really a soldier anyway. I'm a Scribe. My jobs more... tech, research... wires and electronics and stuff. The others are the real fighters, I just make sure their gear is still working properly when they're all done."

"Ah, so you're the brains of the operation then?" he asks. "Impressive."

"Oh, no, no, no. Goodness, no." she says, blushing and letting her head sink in between her shoulders. "Goodness, no. I'd get the operation lost somewhere up north, without a map and probably all in our underwear, given a day in charge. I mostly just fiddle with techy things. Try and give answers to what Newton asks me and see if I can come up with a gadget or keep someone's gear in working order."

"Still impressive all the same for someone who only just looks old enough to have a shot at the Spit Bowl. Why don't you come round some time if your crew swing by Arlington again. I'm sure you'll wow us simple folk aplenty with your gadget know how. Brains as pretty as yours will have men lining up to buy you a drink."

Seems like Combs was quite the sweet talker, and it seemed to be working on Cotton given the bubbly giggle she gave in response. There was room in either conversation for you to interject yourself, and it was probably good to swing by to both at one point or another, it was just a matter of deciding who you wanted to check in with first.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:34 pm

Victoria couldnt help but sit back and observe the two conversations, at least the two men seemed to be in quite good spirits and they seemed like a good sort of folks. Honest and willing to lend a hand. Which is more than she could ask of them. Of course their firepower was needed, though she was a bit hesitant about allowing someone with no training using the Gatling Laser, that might cause more trouble than its worth. Still seeing even Cotton and Decker take the time to converse was uplifting for Victoria's own spirits. Enemies lurking in the shadows and getting by with the skin of their teeth. Allies of any sort were going to be helpful. If they could secure the weapons maybe the bunker itself can be a better forward base than out by Longhorn's ranch...

But for now she was going to let Cotton and Combs have their little discussion, Cotton could certainly use the company after her ordeal with the raiders a while back. Soon enough Victoria steps out from behind her cover to approach Decker and Curtis as they were finishing up their discussion about the Gatling Laser. "What was this about needing my sign off?" She asks in a nonchalant tone, "While i appreciate the candor and enthusiasm these weapons are somewhat more complicated than just point and shoot, so for now Decker is in charge of it, but if the situation is dire enough, we dont want it ended up in raider hands either. So Curtis you have permission to use it if the need arises." She says with a small nod to the man.

"Aside from that, Decker do you have anything to report about our perimeter, i want us to be ready for anything once we're inside. You, Hull, Curtis, Combs, Sundowner and the deputy will be holding the line while Cotton, Mayer, and myself will explore the gymnasium for the bunker. Once we locate the weapons we'll relieve your squad to make sure we beat back any threats before loading up the Xiphos. How does that sound?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:08 am

"Right, got it ma'am." Curtis says, swinging his shotgun up into his grip to present it sideways before you. "I can always rely on Big Game here if I need to. Not as fancy as your laser weapons, but it kills all the same." He holsters it once more and takes a step back from your conversation with Decker. The Paladin stands to attention at your address, ever the professional and formal sort. "Our perimeter is secure. That Protectron still has its patrol orders intact so it should help keep it that way. As long as we keep someone on lookout in the right spot we should be able to see any enemy coming. Problem is, they'll probably spot Xiphos easily enough as well, even with our attempts to keep it behind cover. If hostiles really are on their way to this location, then a firefight seems unavoidable if we aren't gone by the time they get here."

She frowns a little as you mention the team you plan to bring in with you. "Sounds good for the most part, but are you sure you don't want a combat specialist in there with you? I understand the need to bring the Scribe on something like this, but whose to say what kind of threats may be waiting in there. If there's something you'll need to fight, I'd personally feel safer if either Hull or myself go in with you. Its your call though, ma'am. If you prefer all our best shooters are out here keeping you covered, then I understand completely."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:21 am

"I dont want us traipsing into a bombed out building in the dark, so we'll hit it on first light and hopefully find the bunker and largest stockpile before a fight is supposed to happen. As soon as she come out we'll alert the Sheriff who can reinforce our position after we find it, if it is here." She says looking around. Decker was always the cautious one and of course she would wanna protect her few sisters she had left.

"I appreciate the concern, but open combat in an arsenal is exactly what we want to avoid, we dont want to accidently set something off, Mayer knows her way around tech as well and she wont be piloting the Xiphos, so she'll be more useful providing back up to Cotton, if there are defenses we'll bypass them and possibly repurpose them as well rather than outright destroying them."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:33 am

Decker nods along with your words. Though her protective instinct guides her to be by your side, or make sure someone just as capable was with you if she herself couldn't be there, she agrees with your reasoning. "A sound plan, ma'am. Is there anything else you would like to talk about? If not, I'll see if I can make some chokepoints on the road ahead, see if I can't force the enemy to take a slower approach. I doubt raiders will have anything that can match the range of our weaponry, so for as long as we keep them at a distance we'll have the advantage."

Decker points out a few spots along the nearby road she had in mind where the rubble seems like it can be built up to make traversing even more difficult. "Also, for vantage points I had a couple in mind. We can put someone up on the Xiphos, it'll provide them a good view of the surrounding area, but it'd put them in plane sight, and mark out where the rest of us are located too as well. Against raider weaponry, it might not be too much of a risk, but if they're packing grenades it could be dangerous. Alternatively, there's a building just across the road. The second floor could make for a good sniper or spotter perch. Its concealed and can help create two overlapping fields of fire for when the enemy gets close. But it limits our spotter's vantage point to the road, and leaves them separated from the rest of the group. I'd prefer to get someone up in one of these spots sooner rather than later. Do you have a preference for which one we should use, ma'am?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:13 pm

Victoria listens along to Decker's suggestions for a spotter. Any advantage would be necessarily especially in and around the ruined shells of buildings, but having someone on top of the Xiphos would be much too dangerous. Though leaving someone out on their own would also be quite dangerous. "Well it definitely cant be Hull, she's much better in a close fight, I want you here on the ground coordinating... Sundowner has her pistols which wouldnt be good at the top of a building for anything other than spotting duty. The deputy is staying down here.." Victoria turns to face Curtis. "Would either yourself or Combs be willing to be our eyes for this mission? We can provide you with a radio that links up the xiphos so you can talk to Decker as well."
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