The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:11 pm

Once it became clear enough that the two of you were safe, Morth let her makeshift shield of the scraps of her chest plate fall to the floor. She bent over, pressing her palms against her knees as she caught her breath. Breathing heavily, the angle gave you the perfect view of her breasts heaving in all their glory, large enough to jiggle even with their youthful firmness. Much like Lagtha, Morth had much to offer in terms of shapeliness, though her perkiness and athletic build would no doubt provide a very different feel to her than the soft and fluid give of Lagtha's matronly assets. Sweat trickles down her body, heavy enough from such a harsh trial for a fresh faced warrior to smear some of the war paint on her face. Droplets of her perspiration roll across the light green hills of her cleavage, trailing to a drip off of her nipples, perking in the cold. The softness to her lips catches your attention as well as she gasps for heavy breaths of air, leaning close enough to see how they curve around her tusks and shift with each breath. She looks up at you after a few moments with wide green eyes, wiping some of her hair out of her face.

"I... I'm alright, I think... hurt but once it had my armour off it stopped trying to scratch me..." giving her a cursory look over, it was clear she was hurt. Bruises and scrapes could be found from the struggle, though none seemed deep enough to be the mark of a werewolf's claw. Still, it would be wise to get her checked up in town and treated by a healer just to be safe. If a lycanthrope was this much trouble, one born from the ferocity of an orcish warrior could only be so much more difficult to deal with.

She gathers the remains of her chest piece as you leave. It was unclear if it could be repaired, but at the very least the deep claw marks raked across the front would make for a vivid memento of Morth's first true battle. The journey back is much more straightforward than the one to the cave, and Morth is able to recover her axe and travelling sack once she reaches the road, though she has little in the way of coverings.

Doria is found more or less where you left her, and the Nord merchant is visibly relieved by your return. "Shor's bones, I was dreading you might not return. Are you okay? Is your friend... uh... oh..." Doria's pale features flush red as she sees Morth's topless from behind you, and she casts her gaze away. "Ah, there are clothes within the cart. I don't know if they're quite you're size but, ah... please, help yourself."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:46 pm

Happy to see the fog-stricken daylight once more, Urzula scanned the immediate area for any signs of their foe while Morth collected her belongings. Once the coast was clear, she returned to the merchant's side, eying the cargo which had been so haphazardly strewn about the road for the choicest of picks. It hadn't even occurred to her that, nude as she was, Morth's state might offend the more delicate sensibilities of the Nord whose company they had come into.

"Suppose that's a good idea. Can't have Morth wandering into Falkreach nude; I know from experience Nord men can't resist the sight of a big, busty orc bitch," She japed, reaching down to try and see if she couldn't grab something utilitarian to toss her sister's way. She also kept an eye out for potions of any sort, if only to treat their more immediate wounds, while she rifled through the remains of Doria's haul.

"We'll be fine enough, though we could do with some healing. I haven't traveled this road in recent years, so I can't say how long you'll be in our company for. Do you happen to know how far out we are by foot?" She asked the Nord, "We don't mind bringing you along with us, but it might be a little cramped in our tent if it's the three of us. Not that I mind you nestling up beside me. I've always mirrored the men's sentiment on fine looking women of other races."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:05 am

Tossing Morth some traveller's clothes, she begins putting them on as you fish around the cart for some useful supplies. A few small potions could be found. Healing and stamina it seemed, three of each, kept safe in a wooden box. For the most part she was carrying luxury goods. Rolls of carpets, clothes, silks, perfumes - things that you might be able to trade for a decent amount of gold, but were of little use to a warrior. Still, it might be worth taking some of that as well to trade in town for more useful supplies, like replacement armour for Morth.

A tearing sound catches your attention, followed by Morth murmuring "Ah... oops." Turning to look, you see the clothes have struggled to contain her size. What seemed like a sturdy red tunic had ripped, widening the neckline drastically. A few lace threads were all that held the fabric over Morth's tits, with much of her cleavage proudly on display in the middle. The sleeves had ripped in multiple places and Morth even decides to give up on them entirely, ripping them off from the shoulder and leaving herself bare armed. The travelling skirt that came with the outfit didn't fair much better, tearing around her thigh. It would keep her covered, though she would stand out. Though in a very pleasant way.

Doria's cheek flushes more as you speak. "I... ah... well... I have a tent of my own, that's okay." she murmurs, casting her eyes to her feet. She brushes some of her curly blonde hair behind her ear and clears her throat before continuing. "With no horse, we're still a couple of days out, though there should be a hamlet between here and the hold capital if we need to resupply. I'm... glad I'll have some company along the trail. I didn't expect to run into anything quite as troubling as that... thing. Did you slay it?"
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:14 am

Urzula couldn't help but give a throaty little chuckle at the Nord's shyness. She had met a few such women during her worldly travels. They played at being modest and uninterested, but give them enough time, maybe a little privacy or some good, strong wine and they were willing to indulge. Maybe she'd manage to get those thick thighs she had been admiring earlier wrapped around her waist yet. Malacath knew she'd need to blow off some steam in between Shurkul and Falkreach if she was wandering the roads with a big, muscly warrior like Morth, all her best assets popping out of a much too small set of clothing. The chief tossed the potion box into her traveling pack, and gathered up the pricier looking goods as repayment for services rendered. She could sell them for good gold, when they arrived at a proper settlement. She even pilfered a few bottles of the nicer smelling perfume, figuring she could gift them to Lagtha for good behavior.

"It got away, unfortunately. I'd track it if I could, but it might've managed to wound my companion here, and we're not going to risk her turning over it. I've got business with the Jarl, so I'll let her know what happened here. Perhaps I'll even seek it out for a rematch, on my return trip." The damned things tended to heal quicker than most, so it would undoubtedly be at full strength if she were to track it down days later, and if it were as smart as its aged implied, it would likely vacate its den in favor of a safer hiding place.

Rolling her arms and stretching as the rush of battle left her, she looked further down the road. It was still good daylight, and they had a trek to make. With luck, the hamlet might have a temple to the Divines, where they could find some proper healing. Gesturing to the merchant to gather whatever she desired, she prepared to set off.

"Come now, pretty thing. We've got a long walk, and I don't want any wolves running off with you while we aren't looking."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:23 am

The merchant finished gathering what she could, bringing with her a sack near overfilling with goods - clearly not happy with leaving so much behind for scavengers to reap the benefits from. She almost topples from side to side as she secures the sack on her back, before steadying herself and beginning to walk with you down the road ahead. "Right, yes, wolves would be bad..." she says.

As you walk, the Nord offers much conversation, her thick accent quite pleasant to listen to given it comes with a sweet tone not commonly found among her people. "So, you mentioned you came from an orc hold, right? What business do two stronghold warriors like yourself have with the Jarl?"
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:28 am

"I am the new chief of the hold," Urzula explains plainly, figuring there was no point in trying to put on imperious airs when she had already proven herself a worthy warrior to the merchant, "We're headed to Falkreach to secure a formal alliance with the Jarl. My predecessor had one such bargain with her before, but things fell through due to his incompetence. I intend to be his superior in that matter, and provide her with all she needs."

She thought on it for a few moments. She remembered Lagtha's words, that she might manage to earn a title within Falkreach if she were to be helpful enough to the inhabitants of the hold. Although she had not managed to slay the great beast, she had managed to rob it of many of its subordinates, and also rescued a merchant accosted on the Jarl's own road. Surely, if she managed to get on Doria's sweet side, she might manage to whisper words of praise to to the ruler of Falkreach, and make such a thing all the easier.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you could speak of what happened here, when we arrive. It would do our cause well to have news of Shurkul's warriors defending the interests of their neighbors spread across the hold. And I assure you, the appreciation of an orcish chief is worth more than just a few slain wolves."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:37 am

"The chief?" Doria's eyes widen as she looks up at you. "Oh, goodness, I had no idea... your highness? Apologies, I don't know how to address an Orc of your position."

Morth snorts a little at her comment, shooting you a quick grin before going back to keeping an eye on your surroundings.

"Of course, I'll let the Jarl know what help you've been to me. I know all too well you could have just taken what you wished from my cart and left me to fend for myself. If putting in a good word to the Jarl will help repay you for your kindness, I will do it gladly."

She hums a merry tune to herself before her next question pops into her mind. "So... I have no real experience with Stronghold orcs... what's it like, being the chief of one of those. I imagine it must be like being a Jarl, but I'm sure its got to be different enough too."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:49 am

Urzula mulled the thoughts over some more. She was fairly certain the Nords looked down upon the killing of kinfolk, so perhaps it was best to omit that stronghold orcs could only assume the position by killing their fathers and claiming the empty throne. There was other things to speak of, and with how easy it was to embarrass the plump Nord, she decided to be a little bold with some of the claims.

"It's quite different. In a Nord hold, the Jarl reigns by blood. In an orcish hold, we reign by strength. You only become chief by defeating the previous in single combat," She explains with a proud grin, "Once you've done so, the others fall in line. They might nurse thoughts of challenging you, sure, but few are bold enough to do so until the chief grows weak or old. In that way, only the greatest orc has the right to rule over their lessers. Such value do we put on strength, that only the chief, the greatest of member of the hold, may have the right to breed."

Her grin growing just a little more, she continued.

"Seeing as though I'm the new chief, I'll need to secure some fine wives to get with child. You happen to have any suggestions? I've been thinking of shopping around, maybe looking outside the holds for some lovely women. Maybe I'll find a few pretty Nords down in Falkreach to return with, and fill Shurkul with strong, blonde haired warriors. Nice, tall, strong things to give me equally powerful sons. Though, I certainly don't mind a nice plump woman now and again. A good soft body to keep you warm in the nights. Certainly keep the babes fed well, I'm sure," She settled just a little bit closer to the merchant, walking such that she could fully display the disparity between their forms, big and small, strong and weak, before carrying on.

"You happen to be married? Call me curious."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:00 am

Her face reddens more as you speak, and it isn't helped by how close you stand. Her breathing quickens and she fumbles over her words as her fingers tug at her sleeves nervously. She seems like she might even faint into your arms if you continue pressing her like this, but she manages to stay standing with a nervous gulp. "I... uh... that's very... unique. Definitely different from Jarls in that... uh... that sense." She coughs to clear her throat and glances away from your eyes, lest you might read her mind with your stare.

"I... yes, actually, I am. My husband, and business partner used to make this run with me, but he's been, ah... less inclined for it of late. He's managing the store in Solitude while I peddle our wares in other holds." She straightens herself out, swallowing as she tries to cool the delightful red that filled her face. "We've not been married long, but we were childhood sweethearts so... it uh, always seemed the obvious future."

She hums, though her voice is more shaky this time as she tries to distract her thoughts from racing exactly the way you want them to race. "So... do you... ah... travel a lot?"
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:17 am

Another chuckle left Urzula's lips as the woman seemed like to pass out from her teasing. The fact she was married was a sad thing, though many of her comrades in the Legion had also been married before she got them into her tent for the night. She had never managed to share a bed with both husband and wife simultaneously, though, and so a trip to Solitude had a certain appeal to it. Or perhaps she could even take turns, passing the plump little bride between herself and her husband to see who could make her squeal the loudest. The thrill of that caused yet more throbbing between her legs, and she shook her head as if to dispel the thoughts for the time. Walking with a tent in one's breeches was never very comfortable.

"Newlyweds, eh? Don't know if I'd be able to exercise your husband's resolve, if I were him. The only place I'd want to be after my wedding is between my wife's legs, making her scream and writhe until she couldn't waddle, much less walk to another hold," She boasted, if only to keep those pretty cheeks of Doria's nice and red with the implication. She asked another, less charged question, though, and so she humored that as well.

"Far as I'm aware, Morth has scarcely left our hold before today. Me? I joined the Ruby Ranks when I was just barely a woman grown. Spent the better part of eight years keeping the peace across Cyrodil and Skyrim, though my Legion occasionally stopped in Hammerfell from time to time." She answered, thinking fondly of her many years of service, though it was much easier to do so when she no longer had to rise before dawn for early marches or drills. "Never been to Falkreach, though, so I suppose this is a fresh trail for me as well."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:27 am

Your words brought a noise out of Doria that sounded awfully similar to a mouse squeaking, struggling to contain herself as you painted a very picture in her mind. Though whether she was imagining you or her husband in the roll of the partner making her scream and writhe remains to be seen. Perhaps she's struggling with an inner conflict of picturing the both of you. By the time you answer her question she seems able to compose herself once more, however, perhaps intrigued by your answer.

"Oh, you were with the Legion? So you must have been in Solitude before. I wonder if we ever crossed paths... though I feel I would remember you." she murmurs the last part, but moves on quickly. "Ah, uh, well that's really quite impressive. My family have always been big supporters of the Empire, so we always show our respect to the brave men and women of the legion. My dad served for a bit. Long time ago, but he keeps his armour in the family home. Its a point of pride for him. I think he's a bit disappointed I married a merchant rather than the strong Imperial officer he always envisioned he'd have for a son."

She chuckles, and it may very well be an old family joke for her by this point, but to your ears there were clearly a few layers of truth. Perhaps more than even Doria admitted to herself. It may be more than just her father that wished she married someone with more of a martial inclination.
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:40 am

"Oh? I wasn't too far from a promotion, you know. Had I decided to stay in the Legion instead of returning home to rule my hold, I'd have a good chance of leading a cohort one day. Wouldn't that have made for a sight? Bringing a big, tough orc woman home to father, and naming her your husband," The way she spoke of it, she seemed quite resigned to her less than happy fate as the wife of a merchant, content enough to just go along with the obvious, rather than fight for what might have pleased her more. Perhaps, if things went well, Urzula could provide that pleasure, if only for a few nights, and show her that she needed not settle for anything in the world.

"Well, if you're ever curious what laying with a member of the Legion is like, I'm more than willing to indulge you. Consider it a show of support for the brave men and women of the Empire. Your husband needs not know, and, well, I doubt he'd mind much any way. I've never known a man to not be at least a little intrigued by the idea of two women sharing a bed, much less three."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:26 pm

Doria's eyes go wide as, spurred on by your words, her mind plays out the scenario of introducing you to her parents as her partner. Perhaps she was picturing you in a Legionnaire's uniform. Perhaps in her mind she has you wear it as you consummate your marriage. A strong, military officer than can pick her up and carry her to her bed before spending all night filling her with children. You could practically smell the nervous sweat on her through her perfume... and perhaps a different kind of wetness gathering between her legs.

"Daddy always did tell me to show my support for the troops..." she murmured almost dreamily, now possibly picturing you returning home from a campaign to be treated with the warmth of her cooking and body - letting you unwind and unload from your hardships... on her... in her... in anyway you wanted. She shakes her head frantically, snapping herself out of it. "I couldn't possibly... I made vows. Besides, I've only just met you. You're... ah... very forward... and bold... aren't you?"

The fact you've managed to get a newly wed woman to seriously take to consideration spending a few nights with you spoke highly of your well practiced silver tongue. However it seems Doria would need a bit more of a push to actually give herself over to you. Perhaps some wine, or some carefully coordinated moments of intimacy, could get her to indulge. Though given how much of an effect you seem to have on her, you might even get away with pressing the woman against a tree and having your way with her as you wish.

Though it seems Doria herself may offer you a chance to test out whether her boundaries are genuine, or merely a crumbling wall that a light tap would send crashing down. She looks alert, recalling something you mentioned. Your words in hear ear had been something of a fog to her ability to properly focus, though her mind still worked to put the pieces together when she could.

"Wait... didn't you mention having... ah... strong sons was it? With Nord women? How... how do you plan to do that if you're the only one in your tribe that can marry? Don't you need... er... well a man for that?"
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:30 pm

"I wouldn't be a chief if I wasn't bold enough to take what I wanted," Urzula responded in turn, a sultriness to her voice that indicated exactly what it was she wanted, if her overt propositioning hadn't already made that readily clear. It was rather cute, how easily she her resolve seemed to teeter on crumbling. Perhaps the showing of might against the earlier beast had awoken something in her, proving that the orcs accompanying her were, in fact, great soldiers to be worshiped. Maybe her husband hadn't done well in his duties to his wife, and the long journey had left her wanting. She briefly considered stepping off to the side of the road and trying her luck right then and there, hiking the merchant's dress up and fucking her against a tree until her legs were too useless to keep walking.

But, then they'd never get to Falkreach on time. Better to bide her time, and perhaps pay a visit to the tent she seemed so quickly to bring up earlier. There was a certain satisfaction in dominating a sweet, pliable woman, but there was an equal amount of satisfaction to be had in slowly peeling away her resolve into she came to you, wet and willing, desperate to be touched and savored. She certainly gave a good opportunity to further erode her complaints, with her question.

"How do I plan to do that? The same way a man would, of course," She answered with a cheeky grin, stopping her strides so that she might go for her belt. Once she got the buckle undone, she hooked a thumb down into her breeches and pushed them down, just enough so that Doria might glance at the base of her pride, heavy even in its softness, the majority running down her leg so that only the thickness of her base and the first several inches remained in view.

"Never met another woman with one of these, so I must be special. A blessing from Malacath, perhaps, so that I might fulfill my destiny and sire many warriors in his honor," The chief offered as a matter of speculation, though she was sure the poor Nord would have more on her mind than the whims of a Daedric Prince, "Pretty big too, isn't it? It's a wonder I've gotten to use it as much as I have, but as long as you exercise a certain... finesse with it, it gets the women howling like you wouldn't believe. Some of the braver men, too."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:16 pm

Doria is surprised as you go for your belt, but whatever objects she has, they are overwhelmed by her curiosity. She watches with great interest, curious to see just exactly what you meant. Even she if had suspicions to what she might find, none of it would prepare her for the particular specimen you carried. Even the small segment offered by your display had her mouth agape in shock and awe. "Its... so big..." you managed to her hear whisper under heavy breaths, even though all she can actually see is the girth of your base and the outline of only some of your length. The poor woman must no doubt assume it to be the entirety of your length and even that had her salivating a little. Poor thing must not have much to satisfy her with even when her husband is around.

You notice even Mork sneaking a glance out of the corner of her eye during her surveillance of your surroundings. Your equipment was known around Shurkul hold, even if few realised just how large it was. Most may consider it little more than rumour given the time you've spent away, and Morth was too young to have ever shared a bath with you while growing up or have been in the same sparring group as you for chance contact to give proof to the rumours spoken by the hold's wives. Its possible she just sought confirmation, but perhaps there was more interest there to be stoked as well. You certainly had the opportunity to admire her body, after all.

Doria meanwhile was still staring at your cock. Likely unawares of her movements, she had leaned closer, breathing deep through her nose as she examined it. Her mouth was still agape. The heavy sack on her back threatened to topple her over. If you didn't say anything, whose to say how long it would take before she would shake herself to her senses and pull her eyes away from your cock. If she stayed mesmerised by the base for long enough, she may even be toppled forward by the weight of her sack and have an unexpected taste of what you had to offer.
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:18 am

Urzula couldn't help but grin at the Nord's reaction. Poor thing must've been quite pent up, if just a glimpse at her orcish pride could get such an utterly desperate response. Satisfied neither by the circumstance of her marriage, nor the lovemaking that accompanied it, it felt almost wrong to tug her breeches back up into position and deny poor Doria a taste of what she'd been missing. So, instead, she hooked her thumb ever further into the hem of her garments, and pushed it ever further down, revealing more and more of the thick, veiny green shaft that hung so prominent between her thighs. Only once she'd managed to get it down passed the head, and allowed her masculinity to spring free did she stop, her trousers just above her calves. She could feel herself growing thick with the thought of taking the sweet blonde right then and there, but the weight of her member kept it from quite reaching full mast, instead dangling heavy between her knees, visible evidence for how much she eclipsed her potential rival by.

"You're curious, aren't you? You've probably never considered cocks got this size. You must wonder how it'd feel to hold it, to feel it pulse in your hands. Maybe how it'd smell, or taste, or what it'd be like to have it slide between your legs," She reached forward, aiming to cup Doria's face gently, thumbing along her plump cheek, "It's okay. Nobody but we three have to know. Get down on your knees and explore it. If you like it, we can have a lot of fun together until we part ways. If you don't, you never have to deal with it again. Consider it a... one-time tribute, to the troops."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:58 am

Doria's eyes widen further as you tug your beltline lower, letting more and more of your dangling length show. She audibly gasped, as if shocked by a sudden scare, though one that made her heart beat faster with desire more than fear, as she saw it kept going, well past whatever she assumed before when she was already marvelling it as the greatest symbol of masculinity she had laid her eyes on. "H-how... how can it... possibly be... so..." you know her next word would be 'big', even if it never made it past those plump, glossy lips of hers. No answer the world could offer the unfinished question would take away from the fact that you sported something she knew no worthy comparison of, and the real question she wanted to ask was more along the lines of 'How much better would that cock feel than my husbands?' or perhaps 'How much more of a man is this Orcish woman than my husband?'.

You don't know if she can even hear you words properly, affixed as she is by your swaying cock, though she nods along to the tune of your voice all the same. Though she does fall to her knees as commanded, it seems more because of her feet growing unsteady under the weight of her sack. The drop shakes her from her cock induced daze for but a fleeting second, before the accidental taste she gets of your cock from her lips smacking against your shaft send her back under. The strong, potent flavour of a sweaty, virile Orc cock and the potent musk of an Orc chieftain eager to breed a new conquest must be a more primal flavour than this merchant wife was used to as she's barely coherent in the following moments, attempting to murmur out an apology for falling against you. This two falls quiet before she finishes it, replaced instead by the sound of soft licking and sighing as she tastes the side of your cock and rubs her nose and cheek against it.

Her hands grip your shaft, stroking it up and down slowly, exploratorily, like she's seeing how it'll react, all the while her face rests against it like it was giving her some soothing comfort. Morth whistles, looking down at the merchant. "Well, either Nord women are easier than I expected, or you've got a magic cock, chief." she snorts. This comment seems to snap some sense back into Doria, who lifts her cheek away from your cock. Her hands stay on it however, as she looks up at you. "Is it... really okay for me to be doing this?" she asks.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:14 pm

Letting out a low, content groan, Urzula ran her fingers through the Nord's pretty blonde hair, encouraging her to brush the obscene length between her legs across her face and enjoy its weight in her hands. She could feel it stirring ever more, growing thicker and longer, her arousal allowing it to stand prouder and prouder with the passing moments. It certainly seemed as though Doria enjoyed it; she was practically in a trance until Morth interjected. She gave a chuckle in return, though she couldn't help but be a tad irritated by the soft, delicate stroking she had been receiving coming to an abrupt halt.

"It's as magic as a cock can get. And if you keep interrupting, you'll be on the receiving end instead of her," She threatened, if it could even be construed as a threat, given how sated the last orc who had taken a ride on her shaft had ended up, "Break you in for your future husband. Show you what it's like to have a real orc."

Of course, Morth wasn't exactly the woman who needed her attention most in the moment, so she turned instead to Doria, reaching down to give her a comforting stroke across the cheek. She was a little more tender with the Nord, gentle and reassuring when she spoke.

"Of course it is, sweet thing. I want it. You want it. Keep doing what you want. What you've always wanted. Haven't you always been curious what it'd be like to service a big, strong soldier? To reward them for their heroics with your body? To feel their powerful body atop you, fucking you into the furs, making the long wait between campaigns oh so worth it? Now's your chance."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:58 pm

Morth's breath catches for a moment after you stern response, and you note a faint blush darkening the green of her cheeks as she casts her gaze down to the thick cock you draped across the travelling merchant's face. She pulls her gaze away and returns to eyeing either end of the road vigilantly, straightening her back as she does so. She clears her throat before responding to you. "Right, apologies my chief."

Each word you spin through Doria's ears makes her breathe deeper and heavier of your musk, her eyes loosing focus and she rubs her cheek affectionately against the mighty green cock you've grace her with. "Yes..." she lets out, barely more than a whisper with how much she's panting like a bitch in heat. "By Shor, I want it. I want it so badly. I want you so badly."

She starts working her hands up and down your cock again, gripping and stroking it exploratorily, as if it were the first time she was discovering a cock. Given how much larger you must be from what she's used to, it might as well be a fresh discovery for her. Could she really call what her husband has a cock after experiencing what you're packing? She leaves wet and warm kisses along the side of your shaft, breathing deep through her nose as she presses her lips to your cock flesh. She trails her tongue along a thick vein running the length of your cock, before finding herself having lined up your ever hardening cock with her mouth. Gulping, she takes a few moments to compose herself as she stares down at your tip, her hands shakily holding onto the the sides of your cock. Breathing heavily enough you can almost feel the butterflies in her stomach just by looking at her, she steels herself for what's to come and opens up her plump, pink lips and takes the tip of your cock into her mouth.

She's gagging almost immediately, having to adjust to your thickness right away. Feeling her tongue pushed down more than its ever been before, she sputters for a moment and her mouth fills with saliva. This helps wet your cock, however, letting your slide your head in, its ridge tickling the top of her mouth as her cheeks balloon out in an attempt to adjust quickly. It seems to be too much for her and she pulls back, gasping and letting spit fall from her lips and across your tip and her chin. Her eyes have already started watering, but she's learned from her early mistake and takes your cock in once more with more success. Your head slides past her juicy lips with a little more ease this time as she opens her mouth wide for you and she soon starts to move her head up and down, only taking in a couple of inches of your length at the moment, but her mouth felt delightfully warm, wet and soft. She even started trying to use her tongue, curling it up to lap and stroke at the underside of your cockhead as she sucked on your tip and felt your taste at the back of her tongue.

Morth looks back to you, a worried expression on her face as she sees how far you and Doria or going before she returns her attention to keeping watch on the road. She follows your instructions for now, however, avoiding interrupting and letting you enjoy your latest conquest while she stands guard.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:29 pm

The bliss of a warm, wet mouth finding its way around the head of her cock certainly helped soothe whatever irritation Urzula might have felt. She continued to gently stroke the Nord's face as she explored the obscene length before her, letting her take her time in getting used to such an incredible symbol of masculinity. There were times when a good, hard throat fucking were warranted, and others where a more tender, encouraging approach were necessary. Perhaps, if she were lucky, she'd manage to break the pretty blonde between her legs in enough to give her a real taste of what orcs were capable of between the furs. If nothing else, she was sure that by the time they parted, the poor peddler would certainly want to ply her ware back in Shurkul, if only for the promise of what else was to come.

"Mhhmmm... Good girl. Take it nice and slow. Savor it. I want you to remember how every inch feels. How it smells. How it tastes."

She purred throatily as she felt more of her cock enveloped in Doria's mouth, her length throbbing in response to the diligent tongue work. Her hand moved, instead taking a place of authority atop the Nord's head. She didn't use it to push her any further, but merely left it there, her fingers tangling their way into the golden locks beneath, her palm resting its comforting weight against her crown. A reminder that while she was merciful, Urzula was ultimately the one in control of the situation, just as effortless in commanding the flow of their encounter as she had been in seducing the dedicated cocksucker servicing her. With how easy it had been, she imagined Doria was the type to prefer a strong, guiding hand in the bedchamber. Perhaps her husband had proven to be as disappointing in that aspect as he had been in his endowment.

"Stroke what you can't fit, sweet thing. And see about getting your chest out. I want to admire what I've earned."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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