The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:04 pm

Morth nods, hanging back a little as you approach so she may better keep an eye on the situation, her gaze shifting to survey the surrounding woodlands in a steady, slow and methodical manner. "My, you're both big lasses, aren't you? Mercenaries or something?" she calls out to you as you approach, looking you up and down before she bends over her cart to start fishing things out. Her skirt rides up the side of her leg, showing a curve to her thighs that you have no doubt would feel all so soft wrapped around your hips. "By the Eight, I'll never be able to carry all this without the cart. Feel free to pick what you wish from the wreckage as your payment for keeping me safe. Better it goes to you than bandits."

She drops a few things as she tries to pull out a couple of supplies. She seems to be quite clumsy, although she could just be rattled by recent events. Or nervous from attempting to trick unsuspecting travellers. She seems to need a moment to realise you asked her a question. "Hmm? Oh, me? Solitude. Well, originally, though I'm travelling out from Markarth at the moment. I did have an Imperial escort, but apparently they were only escorting me until I didn't need to worry about Foresworn anymore. I don't suppose you're heading the way of Falkreath. I could do with some... eh... tough looking, and heavily armed company."

She holds a clutch of goods and materials to her chest with one arm while trying to dust down her dress and tidy up her hair to make herself more presentable. "The names Doria Goldthread, a pleasure. Who might you be?"

Introductions are cut short by the sound of Morth crying out in anger and surprise. You hear a heavy thud and turn to see your companion being launched against a nearby tree. She keeps to her feet impressively enough and readies her shield. "Chief!" she cries out. "I think I've found what spooked her horse!"

A beast, like a wolf but no natural wolf that you've ever seen, stands upon two hind legs and towers over Morth. A Werewolf. Its fur a pale white, with faint scars visible across its muscle bound body. It snarls down at her and brings its mighty claw to slash across her. She raises her shield to catch the blow, but the force from the swipe is enough to knock her onto the floor. The beast pins her down beneath its weight before turning to look towards you, growling viciously as its affixes its gaze upon you, one eye a cold blue, the other grey and marked by a scar across its face.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:29 pm

Though she still held a healthy suspicion, Urzula's doubts about the merchant did fade somewhat when she offered them their pick of her goods. Usually, the trap would've snapped shut the moment they approached, though there was always the risk that they'd strike while any would-be saviors were digging through the wreckage. Still, there was no to deny the woman her share of conversation in the meanwhile, especially if she proved to be telling the truth.

"We're from the nearby Orsimer hold. I'm Urzula gra-Shurkul, and that's Morth gra-Shurkul. We're both headed to Falkreach on business, so we wouldn't mind escorting you along the way, would we-" The sudden sound of her sister's shout caused her to wheel around, her blade leaving its scabbard as she watched her companion sail through the air and crash into a nearby tree, "Morth?!"

It seemed as though Doria Goldthread was an honest woman, and that her horse had the good sense to leave before a bloody lycantrope pounced on it from the foliage. It seemed an old beast, with how many scars riddled its hide, and that meant it was probably a cunning one. Monstrous as they tended to be, even she wasn't sure of her odds in taking it on head-to-head. But her time in the Legion had drilled into her the notion that while alone, a warrior could only accomplish what they could by the strength of their arms, but in a unit, they could accomplish so much more. With teamwork, they could defeat Hircine's spawn, silvered weapons be damned.

Of course, that meant getting the beast off Morth so she could flank the bastard. Urzula met the werewolf's gaze with her own, righteous indignation in her blood red eyes as she loosed as deep, thunderous war cry. With her shield raised and her sword at the ready, she pushed off the fine cobbles of the Nordic road and charged her foe, hoping to throw the force of her charge behind the heavy steel of her shield and knock it off Morth, and then follow the stagger of such a blow with a swift stab from behind it. A classic legionnaire tactic.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:44 pm

Doria pales at the sight of the beast man, collapsing back against the side of the cart, gripping to its wooden frame tightly as she stares, wide eyed and shaking at the lycanthrope atop Morth. Not as easily phased as a civilian, you start you're charge swiftly, and though the creature sees you coming, you tackle into it with enough honed force to stagger it back off of your sister. Grunting as she rises, Morth returns to her feet, a glare in her eyes. No doubt she's eager to return the blow the monstrosity dealt her several times over. Though you are the one to draw first blood, your blade driving forward and digging into its strong hide.

Though it wears no armour, the blade sinks slow as if catching on some protection. Its natural hide thick and sturdy enough to be tougher than any studded leather. Though you drew blood, the wound was not as nearly as grievous as it would have been against any lesser creature. Whats worse than its toughness is the lycanthrope's speed. No sooner than you have made your attack, it is already retaliating. Its furious swipes cleave towards you and Morth both. You manage to catch its first swing with your shield and whether the blow. Morth holds fast too, however the creature's attacks are relentless. You find yourself tossed against the cobbles of the road by a backhand that catches you in its backswing. Morth stays standing, though its taking all she has to whether its assault, leaving little opening for her to strike.

The creature lets out a fearsome roar, and as dreadful as it is its purpose was not to frighten. Its roar is met with a howl, and then another, and then a third. The sounds of three sets of wolfen paws rushing through the growth around the road reaches your ears. The beast seems to have called true wolves to its aid, and a pack has answered its call.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:25 pm

Urzula snarled a curse under her breath as she was knocked back by the beast's mighty limbs. Had she known there were werewolves prowling the woodlands near her hold, she would have splurged for silver when she commissioned her sword. But that was then, and worrying for it would do no good. She had much to worry about in the present as it was; there were reinforcements rushing to greet them, ruining the only advantage they had on the lycantrope. Retreat was a word scarcely found in an orc's vocabulary, but even if she wished to, she doubted outrunning the creature would be possible. It was faster than her or Morth even without their armor, and wolves were creatures of endurance, so they'd likely be hunted all the way to Falkreach. Their only option was to fight to the bitter, bloody end, or at least put up such a fight that the werewolf hedged its bets and was forced to retreat to lick its wounds.

She forced herself back up onto her legs, sword and shield at the ready. Morth had done well in keeping the beast occupied, though she had little chance to counterattack given the ferocity of its blows. But simply withstanding the assault was more than enough; she seized on this advantage, circling around the monster until she could put herself on its bad side, where the scar across its face had rendered the eye pale and damaged. Realizing that the thickness of its hide would render any slashing blow ineffective, she instead threw herself forward in a lunge, hoping to ram her blade into its chest and force it up into something important once the tip had bit through the fur and flesh.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:42 pm

Though you were confident it could not see you're approach, evidently the werewolf's other senses kept it sharp enough to notice you're approach. It swivelled away from Morth's defensive wall and met your charge head on. You were once again driven back, towards the sound of approaching wolves. This gave Morth the opening she needed however to deliver a hefty axe swing to the creature's back, digging into its shoulder. It roars out and swings an arm back, knocking Morth back. She's just able to keep her grip on her axe and pull it free.

With the werewolf caught between the two of you, the two of you could press the attack from both ends. However you had another concern that demanded your attention. Three wolves now emerged from the forests around you, their grey furs breaking through the green leaves that surround you. One lunges towards you, though the beasts simple charge is one easy for you to bash away with your shield, leaving it vulnerable for you to execute with a swift sword swing. The other two, however, have noticed easier prey, and begin circling the cart which Doria now climbs on top of to try and escape their hungry jaws.

She was clearly no warrior, and had but a simple dagger dangling from her belt to defend herself with. She may not survive. It wouldn't take long to rescue her from the wolves yourself, but doing so would require leaving Morth alone to face down the werewolf. She handled her shield well, but was it worth risking leaving her to survive against the beast in order to rescue the merchant you had just met? It would take but a few seconds, but a few seconds was all it took for the tide of battle to turn.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:05 am

There was a difficulty decision to be had. The werewolf, wounded as it was, continued its rampage. They could probably continue to whittle it down, one strike at a time, until it eventually collapsed or beat a hasty retreat. But the wolves complicated matters. True, she could have simply left the merchant to her bloody fate, as she was nothing to Shurkul, while Morth was one of their prized warriors. But doing so left a terrible taste in her mouth. She had spent eight years a legionnaire, defending the inhabitants of the Empire from bandits and necromancers and elvish rebels all. How could she leave an inhabitant of that same Empire to die while she had the ability to stop it? Even beyond that, if the woman were to perish, then their valor was for naught; unless they meant to drag a dead werewolf to Falkreach, the Jarl would have only their word that they had defeated such a dangerous threat within her holdings.

If she were to be the chief of Shurkul, it was necessary to have faith in the capabilities of her underlings. She couldn't accomplish ever goal her self, and needed to trust in the strength of her brothers and sisters in arms. Gripping her blade tightly, she called out to Morth.

"Hold it back, Morth! Focus only on keeping it at bay!" She commanded, her voice booming as she turned to rush against the duo of canines assailing the merchant. She only needed a few precious seconds to cut them down, then she could focus on slaying the beast that had brought them into such a situation.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:20 am

Morth lets out a ferocious roar of her own to drown out the howling of the beast as she readies her shield to hold fast against the full force of the werewolf before her. You turn your back on that fight to make haste to the merchant harried by wolves. The wolves notice your approach, withdrawing from Doria and facing the real threat. The first is able to get by your blade as you make your attack, circling around your back to try and harry you from behind. You keep it at bay with your shield, while its pack mate jumps at you from the front in an attempt to seize your throat in its jaws. Simple beasts are easy work for a warrior of your callibre and this wolf finds its attack is for naught and soon instead it lays dead by your feet. The remaining wolf proves more troublesome, darting back and lunging with opportunistic attacks, backing off before it can get hurt. Each moment it stayed alive was another moment Morth had to hold off the lycanthrope on her own.

For her part, Morth was doing admirably well. Though most of the battle was heard only, the bash of her shield and angered snarling of the beast was telling enough of how much trouble she was giving the creature. Though it tried to claw at her with the same speed and savagery it attacked you both earlier, she kept deflecting off its blows and pushing it back. Though she fought defensively, she had the upper hand, backing it against a tree and cornering it. This hard earned seeming advantage however proved to be her undoing. The beast leapt up, its sharp claws digging into the bark of the tree up high. From above it pounced down, lunging over Morth's shield and pinning her down on the ground. Though winded, she managed to hold her grip onto her weapons and continued to fight with the beast even as it tried to drag her off to the woods.

You still had one wolf to deal with, while the lycanthrope seemed to desire separating you from your sister. She was making this as difficult for it as she could, though it may only be a matter of time before the beast's superior strength won out. Finishing this wolf fast would prove crucial for getting to Morth in time.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:29 am

Letting out a roar that was equal parts blood lust and frustration, Urzula found herself brought to yet another difficult choice. The merchant was of little use in the fight, and even though she had easily dispatched one, the other remained a difficult. She couldn't allow the monster to drag Morth off into the unfamiliar woodlands, and she couldn't rush off to separate them while the opportunistic wolf continued to harry the Nord, if only because that meant it could just as easily attack her while her back was turned. She had to do something to turn the tide. Thinking quick, she decided to take a risk. The fingers coiled about her sword briefly peeled away, hastily pulling at the straps of her shield. Once they were loosened enough for her to pry her arm free, she did the unthinkable, and spun where she stood to face the lycantrope. With all the force the motion could muster, she hurled the circular hunk of steel and wood like a discus, hoping to smash it in the side and at least distract the creature long enough to give Morth a chance to shove it off.

Of course, this left her open an vulnerable to the wolf she was fighting. That much was intentional; it was elusive, and the longer it continued to test her defensive stance, the longer it would be until she could return to Morth. Hoping that her brief turn away, and the absence of her shield, would bait the creature into lunging, she spun back around and, with both hands steadying her sword now, cut a killing arc towards it, hoping to slay it then and there so she could rush to her sister's side.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:48 am

It was a long shot, and as you turn to hurl your shield at the lycanthrope, you already hear the wolf moving in to take advantage of the opening. The shield flies through the air, your aim as true as it can be with a weapon you're not used to throwing. The lycanthrope's reflexes, however, are much too quick and a swift clawed hand bats it out of the air and sends it spinning off past the treeline. You have little time to linger on this failure as the wolf lunges in towards you. You turn in time to see its teeth baring down on you, but your blade is faster and soon the wolf's head flies past your own, landing on the ground behind you while its body falls flat before you.

Now nothing stands between you and the Lycanthrope, leaving you free to chase it down and aid Morth. Morth fought well, lodging her axe into its thick hide several times. If her blade were silvered, the beast would surely be dead. All she managed to do was hurt it enough that it lashed out, clawing across her armour with strength enough to leave deep gashes across the steel. It finally manages to rend her axe from her grip, though she still hols her shield and uses it to keep the beast's claws from tearing at flesh. She can't, however, prevent it from leaping away with her in its grip, as it bounds into the woods. You still have it in your sights, however, and have a chance to pursue before it disappears into the fog.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:54 am

"Oblivion, give me a break!"

Urzula had little time to worry about the merchant once the wolves had been finished off, although she was sure the woman wouldn't get far if she couldn't do so much as fend off a wolf. She hurried along the path, grabbing her discarded shield as she rushed off the trail and into the woodlands, in fast pursuit of the werewolf and her companion.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:08 am

You keep good pace. Or at least, as good a pace as any mortal could with a creature spawned by the influence of a Daedric Prince. In the distance you still hear the sounds of struggle between Morth and the beast, though after a particularly disconcerting thud that struggle falls silent and the beast picks up its pace. There's no sign of your companion discarded on the ground, so no doubt she must still be carried by the thing, but now no longer fighting against it. At best, she had been rendered unconscious. At worst...

There is little time to worry as you needed to focus on catching the thing. It keeps disappearing into the fog however, but Morth's handiwork bears fruit as trails of blood help keep you on the right track. Eventually you can no longer hear its movements, but following the blood trail leads you to a cave entrance a fair run from the road. The beast's lair perhaps. No doubt it had gone inside to rest after such a harrowing battle. Its unclear if it knows you followed it all the way here or not.

The cave entrance is covered in wet moss, and a small stream flows out into a pool by its entrance. Its large enough for the beast to enter, but only just. Depending on whether or not the cave opened up inside could change a great many factors about how a fight within the cave would go. There was one other factor to consider though. From within, perhaps announcing the return of their master, the sounds of wolves howling could be heard. There would be more of the smaller beasts to deal with within. But they were little trouble, and Morth had already wounded the lycanthrope greatly. Perhaps this could be managed swiftly.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:14 am

The string of curses never seemed to end as Urzula fought her way through the underbrush. She couldn't afford to let the beast go. Even if Morth had managed to continue resisting it, any scratch or wound that it managed to inflict upon her would be liable to become infected. The last thing she needed to happen was for Morth herself to become a werewolf, and have to worry about putting her own blood down like a dog. Luckily, the beast's lair seemed only a short whiles into the forests, and trail of blood leading her right to the place it had taken shelter. Ordinarily, she would have tried to set up a trap and lure it out. But, given that it had taken one of her own a captive, she could not afford to plan. She had to rush forward and win back her blood, or she could not call herself the chief of Shurkul.

Keeping her shield up and taking advantage of the narrow nature of the corridor, Urzula took a deep breath to brace herself for the trial to come, and marched forward into the cave, hoping that her choice of sword and board would allow her the advantage in such a confined space, where the huge, reaching swipes of a werewolf would be hindered by twists and turns.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:23 am

Your heavy footsteps echo through the gave and you sense that many things from within are now aware of your presence. As the winding paths continue, however, you find yourself moving in quite deep without encountering anything. Perhaps the wolves were all hiding with their master. Or perhaps there was more to this lair than met the eye. The latter seemed like it may be possible as you find the cave opening up as you push deeply enough. Shafts of light make their way in from above, illuminating an overgrown central cavern, where the stream from earlier is shown to be an offshoot from a larger river blocked in by the rocky terrain. Around it trees and bushes grow, giving the lycanthrope and its wolves a small forest to hide in all to themselves.

It isn't long before the first of the wolves make themselves known. The light catches the glimmer of their eyes through the foliage as four of the beasts step forward, snarling and holding their ground in a ring. They seem to be giving you the chance to back off. Foolish, though its not that you'd expect any beast to know the way of the Orsimer.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:29 am

Though she had never had the calling of a smith like Graza or some of her other sisters, she thanked Malacath for the steel that they and their like forged. She would be outnumbered by these beasts, but she had a strong shield, a sharp sword, and armor thick enough to fend off their fangs and claws. Putting her faith in that equipment and the strength of the body which held it all, she let out a thunderous roar the likes of which would echo off the internal chamber of the cave, and threw herself into battle. Her shield remained up, always, never letting them find purchase or circle around it. It only ever moved long enough for her to lash out, hard and fast, with her sword, quick thrusts and cuts that occupied what little space she made, as if daring them to exploit the gap in her guard, before vanishing behind it again.

She had to be quick, to slaughter the wolves before their master had time to lick its wounds and prepare to face her, and so her stance embodied that. She advanced as far as she could without jeopardizing her defense, lashed out whenever she could, and maneuvered such that she could herd them towards the walls and terrain to keep them from dancing around her freely.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:53 am

The beasts assailed you from all sides, and in the clash of tooth and claw on steel and orcish ferocity you kept yourself ever advancing deeper within the cavern. Keeping to walls and obstructions in the terrain helped keep at least one side safe from the pack's multiple angles of assault, helping you focus down those that were currently attack. The first wolf fell in their initial assault, the very first to attack you meeting your blade instead of any flesh. It was a life sacrificed so the second could dig its teeth into your leg before falling back from the bite of your blade. The wound hurt, but not enough to stop you. They would try to attack at once, falling back whenever one of their number was hurt or slain. A second fell, and then a third, though they had taken much time already, and the two remaining grew more evasive, darting into the cover of the foliage before rushing out to try and catch you from an unprotected angle, keeping you from ever being safe enough to advance freely.

Now that there numbers were reduced, they were easier to deal with, and your superior talents were no longer being offset by their numbers. You were able to hunt down and slay one of them before they could retreat back into the thickets of their den. The last one left clashed with you more fiercely, and you had to hold them at bay with your shield multiple times before an opening came to finish them off. You did not come out of the battle fully unscathed, but better than most would after facing so many wolves at once in such difficult terrain.

More howls could be heard up ahead, but what caught you ears now was Morth's voice. A relief, to be sure, that she lived and had awoken. The grunts and groans of a struggle carry with the echoes of the cavern, along with the howls of the lycanthrope that had stolen her away. Though as you listened, it became clear this was no simple fight. There was a hunger to the beast's tone, but not one for food. And the clattering of metal against the stone floor could only be the sound of Morth's armour being shred from her body. This beast was not hunting for food, but for a mate. And it sought to claim your sister. Perhaps you as well if you weren't careful.
Last edited by Lazy Kitsune on Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:05 am

With the wound of her leg throbbing in tune with the beat of her heart, Urzula let out a snarl. She had defeated the wolves, but at what cost? She could hear the monster, deeper in its lair, with Morth. The filthy mongrel had decided to attack her, chief of Shurkul, and spirit away her blood so that it might defile her? The thought made her blood roil. With her sword still clenched taut in her hand, she pushed ever further into the depths of the cave, intent on rescuing her fellow orc.

She had hope that the beast hadn't managed to mount her yet, that it might be rutting against her body in a vain attempt to couple, but the wetness of the sounds put a worrisome objection to such thoughts. She could only hurry forward, hoping to spare her sister the indignity of being raped by a beast, but intending fully to pay back every small ounce of pleasure it derived from such an act with an unspeakable amount of pain were she too late.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:10 pm

As you race ahead, another heavy thud can be heard echoing throughout the cave, followed by a howl of pain from your quarry. It seems Morth still has fight enough left in her to keep the beast at bay, even without her weapon by her side. Though the sounds are echoing off of every wall in the cavern, the commotion makes it easier for you to track them down. Eventually they come into sight. In a break past the foliage in the cavern, the path before you rises to a plateau surrounded with a wall of wooden spikes, no doubt where the lycanthrope chose to rest. The heads of bears mark several of the spikes as warning, presumably the previous inhabitants of this grotto. The sounds of a scuffle can be hear within and as you approach you can vaguely see the shape of the lycanthrope's form shifting about over its makeshift fortifications, silhouetted against a campfire within. It howls in pain once more, recoiling from being hit with something heavy. Drawing closer you see what through the entrance of this enclosed area.

Morth wields her breastplate as a weapon, her armour having been torn from her by the beast while she was knocked out. Her athletic form glistens with sweat in the light of the campfire as she lets out a fierce growl of her own, clutching the remains of her armour to hold the beast at bay like she did with her shield. Stripped of all coverings, her large breasts sway with the motions of her swings. With such a bounty bouncing with every movement, its no wonder the beast sought to make her its mate.

The beasts own cock was engorged, a large wolfen thing with a knot swollen and angry. No doubt eager to make use of your sister's body, an appealing mix of athletic build and generous curves. If there was any pleasure to be had here, it was in delighting at the beast's frustration of being unable to claim its desired mate.

Though your sister is now in sight, the path to her isn't any easier. The howl of wolves from behind you catches you ear, letting you know your are being chased from behind, by how many you cannot be sure. But in front at least four more of the pack have gathered to block the path to the lycanthrope. It seems the entire pack may need to be culled before you can reach their master.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:14 pm

Even though she had slain so many, there seemed to be no end to the number of wolves who poured from every portion of the cave. Their pelts might have made for fine trophies, had she come upon them under better circumstances, but in the moment, all she could think of was securing the return of her fellow orc. So she pressed on, and on, until she finally came upon the lair of the beast itself. Snarling in her blood lust, Urzula found her way once again blocked by a wall of fangs and claws. Vile beasts, defending their Daedric overlord to the very end, it seemed. And the end was not soon to come, if the baying of additional wolves was anything to go by.

But there was still hope. Despite the beast's intentions, her sister fought proudly and to the last, even wielding her armor as a bludgeon to try and fend the fuck-hungry lupine off. She could not allow such bravery to go unrewarded. Adrenaline from wounds and rage alike pumping through her veins, she raised her shield again, let out a mighty bellow, and threw herself forward with all her might. She could not allow herself to be surrounded on two sides, with the wolves before her and the wolves soon to arrive behind. So instead, she made to charge her way through the line of beasts in front of her, bashing with her shield to throw off any who might attempt to bring her down. She had to move forward, only forward, until she cleared their number and made it to Morth.

Only then, with her back to the wall and her shield-sister safe from the wicked fangs of Hircine's chosen could she prepare to fight for their lives.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:35 pm

If there were any survival instinct left within the wolves before you not overridden by the presence of their lycanthrope master, it would be telling them to flee, flee from the wild orc warrior baring down on them with battle in her heart. Though they out numbered you, your feet kept moving with haste so the bulk of their number could not catch you. Those before you were cast aside by the might of your shield or laid to the ground with the swiftness of your blade. Seeing your charge, your sister's eyes light up, seeing a chance of triumph approaching. She rushes away from the beast to meet by your side. She's able to escape its grasping claws and run to you, a few scraps of cloth still clinging to her around her waist as she comes to your side.

"Apologise for getting captured, my chief." she grunts out, crushing a wolf under the weight of her chest plate as she brings it down over its head. "Though if it makes up for it, our foe now has a very bruised sack to go with the gashes I left along its ribs."

The werewolf roars, climbing atop a spear pointed rock to perch upon as it oversees its pack surrounding you. It watches now, harried from the fight as it is, waiting to see if its loyal pets can finish you off or tire you out to be easy pickings. Side by side, however, you need not fear being flanked, and your enemy was little more than wild animals, even if the lycanthrope's influence gave them a greater deal of strategy than they would normally hunt with.

As equipped and experienced as you are, most of the fighting that follows is carried by you, though Morth does well to keep your flank secure. A storm of gnashing teeth and tearing claws surround the both of you, though through the blood and fur and steel their numbers start to diminish. Finally, one last howl calls silent the growls of the remaining beasts before you, which lower their heads and turn in a hurried retreat. The beast itself seemed to have turned to flee, seeing the direction the battle was taking. It leapt through the trees growing in the fractured light of the cavern, heading for the exit desperate to get clear before having to face the both of you again.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:49 pm

A roar of triumph found its way from Urzula's lips as the wolves seemed to break under the carefully coordinated attrition of her strong defense. The beast seemed eager to flee from them, perhaps realizing that there were easier ways to empty its balls than to contend with the women of Shurkul. She wished to pursue it, to enact bloody vengeance on it for daring to assault one of her number, as Malacath would demand. But it was fast, and Morth had been peeled clean of her armor and weapons in the struggle. She had to attend to her duty as a chief before sating her need for revenge, and see that her shield-sister had not been harmed by the monster. Any scratches or bites that had fallen upon her hard body wouldn't just bring with them the glory of a scar well earned, but also the ravages of lycantropy, and they would need to hurry to Falkreach to see her cured of the affliction before it could set in.

Wiping the blood from her blade, she turned to give Morth a once over in the dim light of the fire. She looked her up and down, side to side, trying to glimpse any minor cuts or scrapes that might have befallen her during her captivity. Of course, in doing so, she had a good view of every bountiful asset the fine young orc had on offer, from the strong muscles of her back, the flat, hard lines of her stomach, or her heavy breasts that seemed so high and perky despite their weight, soaked in the glistening sweat of a well fought battle.

She felt a throb between her legs. Oblivion, she had missed being among her own kind.

"Are you well, Morth? Any wounds, any at all? We can't be too careful when dealing with Hircine's ilk, or you might find yourself becoming one of them," She asked briefly, bringing her mind back on track, "Let's hurry back outside. We don't want this all to be for naught, and for the beast to run off with our merchant. Mayhaps we can pilfer some potions from her cart while we plan our next move."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:42 am


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