The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:39 am

"Lagtha will be able to tell you most about those. Hopefully she did not annoy you to the point of killing her after we parted ways. Though, if she did, I can tell you enough to help you get started." your mother says. "There are two towns of note nearby, both under the rule of different Jarls. To the south is the town of Lakewood. They manage Lakewood mine, which runs into the same mountain range as we do. A likely option for a source of Orichalcum. Beyond that, Lakewood is also a logging town. A good source of lumber, if needed. Its ruled by the current Jarl of Falkreath. I believe her name is Inga Fenrarsen. Lagtha can tell you more of what kind of ruler she is. Further north, the town of Rorikstead. I believe this is ruled by the Jarl of Whiterun, though it is at the far edge of Whiterun's reach. Its a farming settlement mostly, and supposed to be quite the fruitful one."

Your mother casts her gaze over the hold for a few moments, her face growing stern before looking back to you. "We cannot go in full strength to either location, let alone both. If we do, we leave ourselves open to any that may be waiting to take opportunity of perceived weakness. This area is rife with banditry, and I wouldn't put it past any of the men that left us to join up with them in an ill conceived plan to return to challenge you in force. I wouldn't bid you to leave here alone, but you may have to travel in a small group until we bolster our numbers. No more than one or two warriors accompanying you at a time is what I advice, but the call is yours my chief."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:53 am

"Lagtha is... handled. She saw reason in my way of doing things, and has agreed to resume her duties in handling the hearth. She understands the consequences of acting against me again." It was perhaps the more diplomatic way of putting things. Though she was proud of her accomplishment, having to explain to her mother that she intended to take one of her rivals to bed was not something she was prepared for in the moment. Her mother spoke reason well enough; though she had grown somewhat accustomed to life on the road by her lonesome, it was good to have at least one or two companions, if only to rest in shifts while in the deep wilderness.

"It is imperative we handle the food shortage first. Our warriors will be worthless if they waste away before a single arrow is fired. I will prepare to leave for Rorikstead in the morning, unless I am led to believe this Jarl Inga is more amicable to us than Whiterun might be." She said, deciding to leave her options somewhat open. While a fruitful farming town could better soothe their long term need for grain, if she could win enough favor with a proper Jarl to see immediate aid, then she would be better off in the long term, to say nothing of limiting her number of potential foes. Lagtha's input would be required, and so their nightly pillow talk would immediately involve matters of the hold's future.

"In any case, Morth, you will accompany your chief. See that you've got all you need for at least a week's travel, and your arms and armor. We'll have the chance to discuss your future during the trek."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:01 am

Your mother raises an eyebrow as you mention that Lagtha has been handled, clearly impressed that you have dealt with a potential issue so swiftly, albeit also evidently curious as to how you pulled it off. She speaks nothing of it, however, leaving the matter at hand as the only one to be discussed for the moment. Morth nods, though her eyes widen briefly as you signal her out as coming with you. "It... it is my honour, chief. I will do our hold proud."

Graza observes this silently for the most part, but seems content with the direction the conversation has gone. "If you do bring back Orichalcum on your travels, or secure a new mine, the first thing I shall forge with the resources gathered is a fine weapon worthy of a chief, to commemorate your new position. I would have done it sooner, were it possible." she says, but then returns to her forge. Even if there is little Orichalcum, it seems there are still plenty of iron and steel tools that need mending and replacing, and Graza was never one for leaving work unfinished. Still glistening with sweat from having been working the forge before your mother sought her out, Graza gets right back to work, her strong arms seemingly not tired or weakened by her age.

Unless there was more you wished to discuss with the women here, it seems they were content with your decision so far. All that was left to do on the matter was discuss things with Lagtha. A conversation that came with other benefits you were expecting, whenever you were ready for it.
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:23 am

"I'll make sure to keep an eye out."

Even though she had found release twice that day, seeing Graza glisten with sweat, her muscles well-honed from years in the forge... Though she had waited longer than most to cast her lot in with Urzula's claim, Graza had still supported her. Perhaps there would be a day when she would reward that support with more than just ingots, and make some of the fantasies of her youth a reality right in front of the forge. But that was for a later day, and with a nod, she left the others to return to whatever duties they yet had. While it seemed a waste to return so soon to Lagtha, she had little else immediate to do, and so she contented herself to wander the hold, checking in with faces old and new alike, and making a show of her presence. The hold had a new chief, and it would do well for all of those who remained to know her. Only once the sun had begun to dip down below the horizon did she return to the longhouse, to share in the night's meal and to prepare herself for the conversation to come, once she had the chance to enjoy Lagtha's company alone.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:14 pm

As you make your way around the hold, you notice Dulac and the other men from before all training in the yard, testing their metal against each other. Keeping each other going through such a rigorous routine showed a dedication on their part to become a fierce fighting force - whether that's out of inspiration from your words earlier to to gain the strength needed to challenge you remains to be seen. Either way, they seem to have the spirit needed to become worthy warriors of Malacath. Though they weren't there yet. If any were to challenge you for the title of chieftain of the hold, as was their right, you felt secure that you could handle them in a fair fight. Besides, it seemed unlikely that any would choose to challenge you so soon after agreeing to stay with the hold earlier. More likely they would wait to see what your leadership would bring for making their move. That was most the loyalty any chief could expect of the men beneath them, though if you lived up to your words you may just manage to inspire true loyalty from these battle yearning warriors.

Dulac notices you observing and, after a few moments of holding your gaze, gives a respectful nod before returning to his training. He barks instructions at some of the younger men, many you remember not having been able to properly lift a sword before you left. A time was your father would have managed this himself. He was not always as negligent as your current situation would seem to imply. An orc isn't able to adorn his favourite wife with such finery as you tore off of Lagtha if he had never been successful, after all. Somewhere between being a respected warrior that earned him the large number of wives he gathered and being the disgrace of a chief you slew, he grew laxed in his duties and left the training of warriors behind him. Fortunately Dulac seems to have taken up that mantle, though you imagine your own experiences in the Legion have left you with the knowledge needed to really put these soldiers into shape once you had the time.

The mood in the hold has livened somewhat by the time the nights meal comes around, all talk of deserting having been left in the conflict earlier that day. There is still a serious air as many are aware that the stronghold is not doing as well as it could be, though Bula and Graza are keeping the specifics of just how set back the Stronghold is between them, leaving it up to you to decide who needs to know what.

Though once that has passed, you are left once more to do as you wish, and currently what you wish lies in your bed, behind the doors to your chamber. Entering into your room, you find her, spread upon your bed which was now adorned with fresh furs at your request. Her jade skin was left bare to your gaze as she lay on her side, running one hand along the curve of her hips while the other stroked the furs beside her. Lagtha smiles back at you curling her legs slowly, showing a tease of her tight slit between her thighs, the lips a darker verdant and already wet from waiting for you. Her tits spill out onto the bed beside her, and shake as she shifts her position to get a better look at you as you enter.

"There you are, my chief. I hope the bed is too your liking. I promise everything for you here is soft and ready for you to settle in... nice and deep." she murmurs, a sultry purr to her voice as she rubs the plushness of her rear invitingly.
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:35 pm

Urzula found a sense of relief as she walked through the longhouse and to her new chambers, as if she could shed the weight of the day from her shoulders and allow herself a few hours of respite far from the expectant eyes of her followers. The fact that, once she had gotten through the thick doors, she was met with such a wonderful sight waited for her made things all the better. She let her eyes feast upon Lagtha's sweet curves as she hurried with the buckle of her belt, stripping away piece after piece of her clothing to adorn the floor of the bedchamber in her wake. With every article she bared more of her body, showing her lover both the hard, carefully sculpted lines of her warrior's physique, her well defined muscles, but also the fine, wide curves that accompanied them. By the time she made to kneel on the edge of the bed, she had done away with all but her undergarments, and those too found their way to the ground, tossed haphazardly over her shoulders so that she could display ever more; her heavy tits bounced free, perky and palm-filling, each of her dark green peaks stiff with her excitement, a fate shared by the huge shaft hanging between her thighs, already thickening at the promise of Lagtha's body.

She crawled towards the matronly she-orc, grinning at the promise in her purr. Her hands found the redhead's hip, and Urzula rolled her onto her back so that she might climb atop her. She made her way up slow enough, running her hands along her lover's plentiful thighs while she nipped at her mound, slipping further up so that she might also lace the softness of her belly with a multitude of kisses. Soon enough that belly would swell with her progeny, her seed taking root in the fertile womb of a proven mother. She couldn't wait for that. To see such a proud, haughty woman forced to waddle about carrying her offspring, humbled into breeding stock for the good of the hold... She practically throbbed against Lagtha's leg at the thought. She kissed further and further up, carefully savoring everything along the way, whether it was the stink of their earlier fuck, the smoothness of her skin, the way her pampered body seemed to contrast so well with the strength of her own. She enjoyed every second of it, stroking and kissing and sucking until she found herself nibbling her way along her lover's jaw.

"Mmmhh... I need you for more than just pleasure tonight, Lagtha," One could be forgiven for thinking the contrary, with how smoky her tone was, murmuring sweetly into the crook of the heart-wife's neck while she lavished it, "Shurkul is in dire need of a strong hand, and I need you advice on matters of diplomacy."

She was sure, prestige hungry as she was, that much would please the chief's former favorite. Perhaps almost as much as the promise of their rutting would, a promise not long from reality, as Urzula settled between her legs, her maleness thick and throbbing as she pumped it back and forth, grinding its length between the lips of her lover's sex, a slickness accompanying each subtle shift of her hips.

"Would you speak of it now? I would wait until after we've had our fun, but I fear you might be indisposed by the time I'm satisfied. It has been a long time since I've had a full, uninterrupted night with a woman."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:50 pm

A quiet, yearning gasp breaks the air around Lagtha's lips as she feels your slow exploration up the length of her body, tasting every inch of her as you crawled over your conquest. She smell and taste of your earlier love making still lingered on her, leaving her marked as yours just as you commanded of her. A melody of happy sighs and teasing purrs fill your ears as Lagtha takes her hands and runs them over your body, mirroring your exploration with one of her own. She feels along the strength of your arms and runs them across your back, feeling the faint marks of scars for battles past. She even runs a hand low to grip at your ass once you had fully moved over her, showing her own appreciation of your form with a teasing grope. She turns her head to the side, showing her neck to you as you nip and kiss along her jade flesh.

Once you speak, she turns her head back, nipping at your own ears as you talk to her. Her hands move back up your frame, running along your neck and cheek as they did before, the intimate comfort of a lover that added to Lagtha's matronly allure. "Mmph~ Oh, of course my chief." She doesn't hide her excitement and the prospect of being turned to for advice genuinely this time, although her words are still laced with enough amorous and sultry intent that its clear she has no desires on changing the nature of your relationship just yet. "You may ask anything of me, and I will serve you dutifully."

She gasps once again as you feel her wetness slicken your cock. She glances down with a coy smile and shifts her hips, teasing your tip as you grind yourself against her. "Hmm~ I will speak of it now, yes, before you fuck all sense of thought out of me. Though that doesn't mean I will leave you without some satisfaction." she nips along your jaw and plants a kiss on your lips before continuing, gently running a hand through your hair. "Lie on your back, my handsome chief, and I can put these tits of mine I know you enjoy to use while I answer your questions. Does that sound agreeable to you?"
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:16 pm

With a longing sigh, Urzula nodded. She had long waited the opportunity to bury herself to the hilt in the motherly orc beneath her and rut her into a proper bed, but duties of the hold came before all, and having her cock wrapped between two huge, verdant breasts was near enough as good. Taking advantage of the ample space of the chieftain's bed, she rolled onto her side, and then settled in on her back, resting her head back on a pillow and tucking her arms beneath it besides. As she gazed down at Lagtha and eagerly awaited her sultry ministrations, she decided to get right down to the most pressing of concerns.

"The hold is severely lacking in resources. We scarcely have the supplies to arm our hunters, much less our soldiers. Father not only left us with little in the armory, but also little in the granaries. We're going to start running out of food soon enough." She explained, figuring it was better not to dance around the issues and try to make them seem less than they were. She would project strength in the public eye, where it was needed, but among her wives, she could not afford to hide things. Only with transparency and cooperation could they run the hold in her name.

"Mother told me that we had traded with local settlements to make up the difference, but father fell through on his end of the bargains, and so they've shunned our markets. I mean to reopen them. Lakewood and Rorikstead are the prime options among them. Rorikstead could shore up our supplies of food, but Lakewood could help bring in much needed lumber and ore. I'll make my decision when I set off in the morning, but I was told you would know better than most which would be more amenable to my efforts. In particular, I was told you knew of Falkreach's ruling Jarl, who presides over Lakewood. Tell me of her."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:51 pm

Lagtha slips over your legs, letting her tits hang low and drag across your thigh as she gets into position. She runs a hand up the side of your cock as she awaits you to begin speaking, before bringing it back down to help hold your shaft steady by the base as she presses her tits around your thick pillar. She lets out heavy breaths and laces them with sighs of wanting, keeping the mood erotic and relaxing even as you discuss matters of business. Her motions start slow, hefting her cleavage up and around your cock and giving it a gentle rub, focusing on letting you feel the warmth of her breasts more than anything else.

"Ah yes, I can certainly be of help here." Lagtha begins, before spitting down over your cock, she trails her tongue over the tip and lets more of her saliva trickle down and wet it so her tits could begin to slide up and down your length with greater ease. She pouts as she talks, both her hands pressing her voluminous tits together, with your cock between them, and jiggling them up and down.

"Jarl Inga has a warriors heart. I believe the two of you would get along well, or constantly compete to see who commanded the room. She valued the strength of Orsimer and reached out to the Stronghold first for a trade deal, hoping to build a defensive alliance. Your father never thought to highly of her, but was happy to play along for the sake of trade. Well, I suppose happy for a while, evidently he lost interest in even that." She glides her tits up and focusing on smothering your cockhead. Hear she rolls her breasts over your tip and then wraps them around the ridge of your head. With a forward and back motion she sooths along this line, circling where its sensitive enough to make the rest of your cock twitch.

"Hmm, right on that spot you make sounds that remind me of your mother. Oh, of course I know how she sounds in bed. I wonder if you would enjoy the same style of touch to your tits that she used to. Your father used to enjoy multiple wives in his bed at once. It was in this very room that I met your mother for the first time, even. Though I'm getting distracted. We are speaking matters of business, and should stay focused."

She lowers her tits back down along your cock, the large, verdant cleavage flowing across your length with a mouth watering jiggle to them, and always warm to the touch. She leaves a soft kiss on the crown of your cock before continuing. "She is a stern and grave woman. I suppose that comes from ruling a hold most famous for its cemetery. And she values strength enough that its become a household tradition. Her own daughter is her housecarl, something of a bodyguard and right hand. She's also a strong supporter of the legion, so your service may be a way to win her ear. There's more I could say, but let me know if you want to know of anything specific... and if you want me to pick up the pace."
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:24 am

Reclined in a warm, fur lined bed with a beautiful woman between her legs, Urzula had no reason to hide her pleasure. She was generous with her praise, letting languid moans slip from her lips whenever Lagtha's breasts would slide their way across a particularly sensitive length of her mighty shaft. She listened intently, pleased to hear that the Jarl of a neighboring hold was something of a kindred spirit. If she appreciated orcs for their martial pride, than she needed look no further. To battle was in her blood, and her years with the legions had taken that natural inclination and forged it into something greater. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the commentary to follow, though. Of course Lagtha would've laid with both her parents.

"Perhaps you will become reacquainted with some of them in the weeks to come," She husked as her member throbbed between the mountainous cleavage before her, "If nothing else, I... mmhh... intend on inviting Graza to join me on these furs once things are made more stable."

It was good to hear that Jarl Inga seemed to buck the traditions of her own people as well. The fact she ruled as a woman, and seemed to intend for her daughter to follow in her footsteps, meant that their sexes would not get in the way of a potential alliance. She thought for a time, although the thoughts were undoubtedly tinged by the pleasure building between her legs, made all the raunchier despite herself.

"Yes, faster... I like how you look wearing my seed, after all," She coaxed with a throaty chuckle, "This Jarl Inga, does she have a husband still living? I would be lying if I said I wasn't immediately... interested, in getting to know such a formidable woman more intimately than mere allies. And, if she has a daughter, perhaps I could come to know her as well. I am not so sure how the hold would react to me taking a Nord to bride, but if they so desire strength, perhaps leaving their bloodline with a strong heir of Orsimer blood would be as good as marriage in winning them to our side."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:43 am

"Graza, hmm? I actually had sparse little experience with her. Oh, I was in your father's bed more often than not, but Graza was rarely touched. I think he found her stiff. More likely, she just never found him appealing. Not that that stopped her from carrying out her duties of course. Always focused, that one. You know, it just occurred to me that I was all too likely present and active in your conception... hmm, does that intrigue you, the thought of my tongue and tits helping draw you into the world only for them to now..." she leans down to run her tongue across the tip of your cock "Be serving you in other ways."

Lagtha does as instructed, picking up the pace immediately. She doesn't just shift her tits, but her entire upper body, being sure to make a show of the experience for you. Her hot breath falls on your cock, becoming heavier and heavier with her exerted movements now that she ran her tits across your cock. Each peak of her verdant flesh roved across your cock in an ever so slight discordance with each other. One always inched higher over the other and began to change direction before the other did. This helped keep each part of your cock feeling some stimulation, all the while improving the show. Such shifting with her movements provided variety, and helped demonstrate the impressive fluidity of her cleavage as they overflowed from her grip several times over just to glide up and down the sides of your massive cock.

"Hmm, I'm not surprised. In appetites at least, you are your father's daughter. He was never successful in bedding the Jarl, though a Nord tavern wench that held a striking resemblance to her may have made her way into his bed on occasion. As for the real woman herself, her husband passed in service to the Legion. I don't know what she's made of her love life since, but nothing official for certain."

She pauses to consider the rest of your comments. Pauses in speaking at least, her tits never stop to envelope your cock in their shifting warmth. She pressed them more firmly around you, squeezing your length as she thought of what to say next. "It would be unusual, but not inherently rejected. It is more whether or not their offspring would be considered members of the hold that would be debated. But the trophies and pleasures of the chief are something she is entitled to."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:01 am

"That is... hnngrhh... Comforting, to hear. Perhaps I'll return with more than just good tidings and a cart full of supplies. A sweet, strong Nordish thing to adorn these chambers sounds wonderful..." Urzula panted, finding her eyes mesmerized by the display of titflesh before her, growing ever more aroused as her throbbing shaft found itself stroked so vigorously in such a warm, sweaty embrace. She couldn't help but wonder whether her size, while posing some challenge, had given Lagtha greater liberties to ply her trade with. With such a generous amount of cock to go around, the experienced minx probably had all nature of ideas with what to do with the excess.

Pushing herself back into the bed to steady her mind, the chief found herself rising her hips in tandem with her lover's motions, ever eager to feel greater stimulation. She reached down, cupping the redhead's cheek, her thumb tracing affectionate circles about it as she spoke next.

"Your tongue. Lap the head while you go... and... mmhh... Give me your thoughts on matters of marriage. I cannot simply take from my father's harem or peruse my finer half-sisters. I must look for new blood outside the hold. Are there any nearby who hold us in good standing? Or perhaps those we would do well to ally ourselves with?" While she had resolved to do as much by herself as she could, she was no fool. Prideful, glory hungry, ravenously lustful, yes, but no fool. She would need to forge alliances of all sorts if her ambitions were to bear fruit. "Our numbers dwindle, and I'll have to fuck a whole new generation into being... but having a place to start, that... ohhh, fuck... that would be good. Faster, Lagtha. I'm getting close."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:18 am

Lagtha's tongue runs across your cock head, sliding over your bulging tip and lapping it clean of the precum that had risen to the tip. She swirls her tongue around, being sure to tease the ridge around your head as much as she did the very tip itself. She even wraps her lips around the tip to suckle on it and lash at it with her tongue with greater ease, while her tits start working the shaft over at a faster pace still.

She pulls her lips off of your cock with a pop so she can continue to play the roll of advisor while she services you. "Well, the hold I came from still has a strong friendship with Shurkul. My father once fought beside your father in battle. My brother now rules instead, having taken the right of chief through conquest as you. No ill will was born between him and your father. Burga hold lies in the mountains west, closer to Skyrim. Batabuk might be worth contacting. Your mother's birth hold may be pleased to hear that a daughter of one of their old chiefs has birthed a chief of her own. They are further away, up north where the mountains are frozen over all year round, but if we plan on growing our strength then it helps to have allies near and far."

She dips her head back down to lap at your cock some more, letting out grunts and moans of her own as if your pleasure somehow was rubbing off on her. She had more to say though and stopped the tongue work lest she tip you over the edge to soon. "Though given you have interest outside Orsimer for brides, would you like me to also speak of the other races nearby that may be worth... getting closer with? No need to hold back, I can still give you advice while coating in your cum." Once more she returns her lips to your cock, kissing with wet, sloppy kisses that left her tongue running across your head while her tits shook around your mighty spear, working up a sweat that just made the motions slicker and warmer.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:36 am

So many choices... and so little reason to limit herself. Given the chief's right to claim all the brides they could handle, there was little reason not to extend as many feelers as she wished. Perhaps some would send daughters immediately, and others would bide their time, but she would collect her forge-wives and shield-wives and hunt-wives all the same. Burying her fingers into the furs beneath her to keep herself grounded despite Lagtha's expert titfuck, she spoke again.

"Send... Send word to all of them. Declare to them that a new chief rules Shurkul, a... oh Malacath, a strong chief, and that she is in need of fine daughters to take to wife." She managed to speak well, despite the sultry gasps escaping her lips, as she felt her balls begin to thrum for the treatment she was given, especially the careful tongue work along her swollen glans. At the offer to speak of other potential spouses, she nodded.

"Tell me of them all. You know that I am... hnnngrhh, my father's greater... in both battle and in bed. I will need many fine, fine wives... to sate my lusts!"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:54 am

"Of course, my chief." Lagtha murmurs in a husky tone as she practically bounces her tits on your lap. "I will do whatever I can to keep your dick nice and wet, whether with my own body or those I can find for you. Lets see... well, there is a Khajiit caravan that travels roads near here. Regularly they have tried to encourage trade with the Stronghold, but were always turned away by your father. Cunning merchants as they are, one would make for a fine hearth-wife. I'm sure you could find some arrangement with them that could end in a lovely pair of warm, furry tits to give you a similar treatment as this.

The woods of Falkreath are filled with hunters too. Hunt-wives from all sorts can be found and the inns in towns tell to be a place to find talk of the latest places these hunters are gathering. Joining a few on some hunts may not only be a good way to build your reputation, but perhaps win a few hunters into your bedchambers.

We are near Whiterun hold as well. I am sure you have heard of the Companions that call their home in that city. Often their members have been seen on jobs near here, dealing with bandits, wild beasts and even giants that threaten the citizens of Skyrim. As battle thirsty as you are, I would not be surprised if you met one in your travels. I could think of no better shield-wife than one of those hardened adventurers whose hunt unexpectedly ends them up on the end of your cock.

The Legion have a presence in this hold. I don't know the whereabouts of all their military outposts, but a few forts along the roads are being kept secure by their number. Perhaps you can leverage your time spent with them to open communication, maybe get an officer or two to start taking your orders. Truly my chief, there is far more out there then even I could know, but I will keep my eyes and ears open for anything that I think my... appeal to your desires."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:12 am

Close as she was, the thoughts of what could have been did not help ease Urzula's needs any. Whether it was the thought of the sweet, rough tongue of a beautiful Khajiit lapping at her body, the feeling of a cute little Bosmer squirming beneath a Mer of hardier make, or witnessing the pride of a great Nordic warrior break under the weight of her heavy thrusts, they all helped race her to a powerful finish. Perhaps best among those was the thought of bringing one of the Legion's haughty officers to submit to her. She had met dozens of them, usually Imperial, so uptight and severe in their duties. She could only imagine how loud one of those rigid beauties could be with her hair let down, and a massive hunk of orcish meat carving her out, showing her the pleasures of giving in to instinct and rutting like wild beasts.

She didn't need to think too hard about what it'd sound like when a legionnaire came. She hurdled towards a strong release of her own, bucking to the rhythm of Lagtha's dutiful service.

"Fuck, yes... All of them. I want them all! If you find a beauty, you send her to me! I'll breed them... hnnnngrrhh fuck! I'll breed them all! Here it comes!"

Her member throbbing mightily, she threw her head back and let out a roar of blissful agony, huge ropes of her thick, opaque seed filling the air before raining back down under their significant weight, painting both Lagtha's cheeks and bust with their sticky plenty, but also landing in fat wads all across her hard, powerful stomach. She kept it going, rolling her hips up in time with the waves of pleasure that overwhelmed her, until her stream came down to a trickle, a few last droplets leaking down her proud green mast.

"Ooohhh... That's it. That's what I needed. Fuck, it's good to be chief. Clean me up, and then get on your back. Tonight is the first night I take my rights, and it will be a long one."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:29 am

"There it is! Yes, let it all out my chief!" Lagtha cries out as you paint the both of you white with your seed. She basks in the shower, giving a few more pumps with her chest to help you really empty yourself out. She leans back, her plump ass falling onto her heels as she cups her cum covered tits and lets you get a good look at your handiwork. "Feeling better, my chief? Whenever you need help with matters of diplomacy again, just come to me and we'll talk it through like this."

She leans forward and pulls her hair back as she brings her lips to your cock. With heavy slurps, she runs her mouth around your cum coated shaft, slurping up all your seed as she had before. "Mmph~ I'm always ready to be of service." she murmurs, moving onto your thighs. The process of cleaning you feels almost as good as the process of making the mess in the first place, as Lagtha's tongue warms your body inch by inch. She lingers after cleaning a spot, savouring the taste of both your seed and skin. She even trails her tongue over a few areas that don't have cum splattered on them, tasting the sweat from your abs and under your breasts. With these exploratory licks and kisses, and the look in her eyes as she gazes up at your face, it would seem she enjoys your body just as you enjoy hers.

With the cleaning done, she slides up beside you, cupping your cheek. "This will be a night both of us will cherish, and there will be many more like it my chief." She offers a quick kiss before she rolls onto her back and spreads her legs, leaving herself open to be claimed however you most desired.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:01 am

Though she could not excuse the man for what he had become, she could understand some small part of how the hold had fallen into such disrepair. Even though she had cum only moments before, with Lagtha rolling her tongue across her cock, her stomach, her tits, Urzula could scarcely grow soft in her presence. How much of that was the vigor of youth, her incredibly hungers, or the beauty of her partner was up for debate, but the performance she put on was certainly a factor. She moaned softly as their lips so briefly met, and when Lagtha rolled onto her back, she chased after, pulling herself over until she had rolled atop her matronly bed mate, locking lips with her with hunger and affection. She ran a strong hand down her hip and leg, pulling it up and around to hook about the swell of her hip. With the sopping wetness of her sex better exposed, the chief lined lengthy pride up with her free hand, her weight resting on her knees. Once the head had found purchase, she wasted little time driving her hips forward, filling as much of Lagtha's sex as there was to fill with a single, long stroke.

Only once she felt her weighty balls resting against the plush cushion of the older woman's ass did she withdraw, bracing her hands on either side of her head. She dug herself into the mattress good and hard, getting all the leverage she needed to slam home a second time, eager to watch her heavy tits bounce, to hear the air force its way from her lover's lungs, sweet, irresistible moans mixing with the wet, frenzied clapping of their sexes. Her muscles tensed and loosened as she threw herself into the act, her thrusts hard and fast, but never without reason. Every handful of powerful thrusts saw her adjusting her angle, sometimes higher, sometimes lower, but always searching for a louder gasp, a higher squeal. She had conquered Lagtha, broken her resolve and made the once prideful she-orc her eager bedmate, but she had yet to master her body. To learn how to make her scream out the name of her new chief, to busy her fingers in the nights of her absence, yearning for when she might once again find herself pounded into the furs and bred like no other had done to her before. It didn't matter how many times it took, how many ways she was taken, or how many hours needed pass before she lost herself entirely to the pleasure, unable to stand another womb-flattening thrust.

All that mattered was that by the time the sun had risen, she was beyond words and beyond objection, her body soaked in sweat and drool and cum. The first bride of many yet taken, and a very satisfied one at that.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:33 am

Lagtha kept a hand on your cheek as you kissed, her fingers moving up and into your hair. The kiss was fierce and hot this time, and when it broke she chased your lips for more, keeping your tongues entangled as often as she could. Even once you spread her slit on your cock and she leaned back against the furs to roar out in pleasure, she only took a moment before returning to kissing. You saw the wide eyed gasping look of pleasure on her face turn to a smile and then her lips came back to yours again. Her hand now clasped the back of your neck and together you made the sounds of the muffled moans of lovers and the slurping of your tongues tangling with each other fill the room as much as the sound of your thick cock slapping into her depths. You learned new lengths of holding a kiss before coming up for air, having begun to share the same breath in order to spend more time feeling each others lips pressed together. As the passion of the night climbed, so too did the intensity of the kisses, until they became messy wild things of women overwhelmed by the need for each other's affection. When they were broken, you saw as much her drool as yours covering her chin and trailing down her neck, and no doubt your own face must be a similar sight.

Each of your thrusts made her toes twitch, her thighs shake and her tits bounce beneath you, constantly swaying back and forth from the motion of your rut. A voyeur to the side would see them as pendulums swinging always in motion, except for brief pauses and the respective peaks of the swing. Your heavy balls clapped against her ass often, and when they did she would have no control over how loud she became. Not that she was quiet most the time - quite the contrary. Lagtha was very liberal with moans, gasps and words of praise, but when you bottom out entirely into her she becomes a wild thing, forgetting herself, her composure, her words- possibly even her name- and just cries out loud and blissfully. It took but a few of these especially deep thrusts to bring her to her first orgasm of the night, orgasms that you would find ways to play from her body over and over again.

Lagtha made no secret of her body to you. Whenever a series of heavy thrusts seemed to pound near a spot that made her weak and noisy, she would adjust her hips so you could strike against that spot directly. Your cock drove forth like a battering ram, barging through barriers to Lagtha's cries of pleasure constructed by her only so you could enjoy the feeling of conquering her over and over again. As each new key to the pleasure of her body was revealed to you, many ways to turn it were explored. This only made her more eager to share her body's mysteries with you, to leave her utterly open for you to dominate.

Though you were already certain she was with your child, another full release into her depths couldn't hurt matters. She took load after load after load from you in all sorts of positions and holes. Taking her ass for the first time provided a chance to fuck her from a new angle, and see her from behind as you conquer her. Her ass cheeks prove to be as good as her tits at teasing your cock and smothering it with warmth, but pushing further beyond that and fucking her open from behind was an even greater feeling. She was louder when your cock was in her ass, though also able to form sentences better. The grunts and shouts of her begging you to fuck her harder and praising you for how incredible you feel. It helped keep you feeling lively and awake. You very much had the full night to make the most of your latest prize.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: The Code of Malacath [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:03 am

Her first night as chief was as good as she had dreamed it. For what must have been hours, Urzula made her dominance known. In the bed that she had been conceived, that she seized through her own strength of arms she took Lagtha, hard and fast and vigorously. She took her from the front, from behind, at angles, even bounced her atop her cock until her womb filled again and again with the potent seed of a stronger, better chief. She tasted nearly every inch of her sweet body as well, sucking and kissing and biting whatever stretch of smooth green skin took her fancy. The marks her tusks left, across her shoulders and neck and chest and thighs alike would serve as visible reminders of what they had done together, and the deep, primal ache that she would undoubtedly feel would ensure that any time she made to walk or bend, she would be reminded of her chief, of her new lover. It would have to do until her seed took fully, and the swell of her belly served as a more permanent reminder of the passion they had shared throughout the night.

By the time the coals of the fire place had begun to die entirely, and the warmth of their light dimmed such that the coming dawn could be seen through heavy curtains, Urzula had long since lost track of how many orgasms she and her lover had shared. Her stamina was such it scarcely mattered; many a night she had spent while on leave from the Legion, rutting one of her fellow soldiers, or a curious barmaid, until they had all but given out beneath her and became little more than a tight, cum soaked hole to dump yet another heavy load into. Lagtha proved herself to be made of sturdier stuff, sexually gifted as she was, but she was also well into her years. When there were other wives to share the chief's bed, she could more safely be given respite, allowed to catch her breath and rest while the other beauties of the hold did their duty and gave themselves fully to their chief's desires. But, that was yet to come, and so Urzula gave all her ferocious attention to her lone lover, soaking the new furs beneath them with sweat and more than a little cum, the room utterly soaked in the scent of their mating.

"Hnngnhhh... Almost... Almost there. Malacath, I'm so close! Fuck! It's coming! Take it! Hrrhaaaaagh!"

She had forced Lagtha prone at one point, crawling over her body and entering her from the back; she had found she quite liked the sounds she made when taken from behind. Numbed by countless releases, she had rutted for what felt like an eternity, working her body to a feverish pitch despite the long hours of their lovemaking. Her strong, lean form holding her newly crowned hearth-wife to the furs and rocking her hurriedly into them from above, her orgasm hit with the force of a sledgehammer, and she found herself burying her face into the fiery mane of hair before her as she roared a muffled triumph, relishing in the sex-damp scent while she overfilled the orc's ruined loins with another load of her rich cum.

It was good. Too damned good. They had spent the whole night exploring each other, coupling like beasts at the peak of their season. With some small semblance of reason returned to her in light of her release, she softened her death grip on the woman below, using a sweaty hand to brush her hair aside and plant a long, loving kiss on the nape of her neck.

"Mmmm... You still with me? I think we ought to rest, at least for a few hours, before I set off. We'll lay in each others arms, savor the ache... and you can see me off in the morning after a quick wash, hmm?" Her fingers ran the length of Lagtha's arms, gliding until she could cup her hands atop those of her elder, and interlock them, a small showing of affection while she rocked her hips and tried to stir her with tenderness.
Last edited by Ze Blitzkrieg on Sun Dec 11, 2022 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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