Heath0069 Wrote:I hate to say this to all of you but we have lost all our data. I know people where excited for this project
But it to the point where we either have to give it to someone else or drop the whole project.
This breaks my heart due to the fact it was my idea. A idea that for many years people look down on.
Humadragon don’t know what to do .
What the fuck!! I ain’t given up!!!
to help clarify the data HAD been lost my computer got messed up motherboard whatever
the reality is i did ALL BE IT LITTLE progress and it would be harder to make it back up again
i want heath to try and make this project his wether other have seen it or not i mostly ran the show
but this isn't my idea, nor my dream to make a vore game. in a way we had been fighting over what type it should be
either way we where mostly understaff to the point it felt i was doing everything to keep the ship afloat. but it shouldn't be that way
i WILL be leaving the project for awhile but i shall be trying to help where i can brainstorm and the like. so if anyone can help heath with his goal of "VORE-MON"
it'd be apreatated. we can't do it ourshelfs that much came clear to me. so the game isn't to droping point yet more- dragged down for less of a better term
heath needs to breath life into this project once more and i know if you cheer him on he can make this game a reality