by eaenidu » Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:28 am
I Blinked and blushed, staring at her in surprise when she asked about my day, not at all expecting it "O~Oh, Um, Odd? A~A Lot of stuff happened, I~I didn't really understand, B~but Winona is nice, S~So are the Apples...Even if their closest attacked me." I muttered with a blush "Granny's teaching me to K~Knit, She said it'd be G~Good since I won't B~Be able to do much when pregnant." I told Sweetie as I followed her hands shuddering happily at her attention being on me like this.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”