Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

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Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:50 pm

Ze Blitzkrieg Wrote:Name: Richard Landry
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Background: A wealthy child of privilege, Richard has always been something of a bully. Ever since he was a child he had a tendency of asserting himself over his peers and singling out those who were particularly unlikely to fight back. When he got old enough to be interested in girls, this trend continued, and he spent much of his teen years chasing skirts and leaving a string of broken hearts behind. Between picking fights and picking up girls, his parents decided that when university time came rolling around, they would only pay for his tuition at an all boy's academy, if only to keep themselves from becoming early grandparents when their boy went off unsupervised and took full advantage of college life.
Kinks: Domination, femboys, harem, large insertion, cock comparison, ahegao, marathon sex, humiliation, romance
Turn-Offs: Bathroom stuff, vore, tentacles

After the plane ride and the taxi, your legs were starting to feel cramped, but you were finally there: Vendela's Academy for Boys. It was an old, storied academic facility of over 300 years. Supposedly, some kind of Grandfather's Clause allowed it to remain boys-only instead of opening its doors to women. How your parents had even found the place was anyone's guess. Your luggage and furnishings had been sent ahead and should be waiting in your dorm room, so there wasn't any need to worry about that. According to the pamphlet you received, Orientation would begin in 1 hour at the Library, so you also had time to explore. You could check out your dorm room even if it wasn't strictly necessary, you could also see the college cafe if you were feeling a bit peckish, and there was also what was clearly a gym if you wanted a chance to stretch your legs.
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:09 pm

Finally left to his own devices on a strange, new campus, Richard was anything but relaxed. Having been forced into one of those huffy, old school universities was bad enough, but an all boy's one at that? The hell was he supposed to do with his free time? If it had been co-ed, at least he could have spent his days blowing off steam with the haughty, old money bitches that frequented these kinds of places. Instead, he'd been condemned to four years of a sausage-fest. Irate as he was at the idea, he needed some kind of stress relief before hunkering down in the library for orientation, and so he decided to go work out; he was proud of his body, and he sure as shit wasn't going to let all his hard work waste away just because he didn't have his home weight room to use any more. Plus, a weight bench was a good place to take out some aggression in lieu of a tight, wet hole to dump it in.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:16 pm

Entering the building, it was a decent place considering how much your parents must be paying for you to be here, it had to be though your own personal facilities were a little nicer, and you didn't have to share them with so many people. You could see a lot of guys of various builds doing various exercises. Near the back, you could see a room of plexiglass walls allowing everyone to see what was going on inside of what appeared to be a studio of some kind. It was probably used for classes. Right now, it was being used for a ballet troupe. You realized you must really be getting desperate, as you realized that if you squint and let your vision blur, you could almost mistake some of the dancers as girls. One particularly lithe guy with hair down below his shoulders ran to another guy to be tossed spinning into the air.
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:54 am

As he made his way through the gym room, Richard couldn't help but roll his eyes at his own raunchiness. He definitely should have cranked one out before showing up for orientation, if a couple of girly boys in tights were able to catch his eye so easily. He idly pondered how common it was for students here to hook up; sure, it was an all boy's school, but men had urges, and four years to let them build surely meant at least a couple resorted to carving their roommates out. Maybe he'd luck out and get one of those pretty dancers as his own, and he'd have somewhere better to blow his load than the wall of the shower. It did always piss him off to waste a perfectly good nut.

Shaking his head, he dragged his thoughts from the soft, wet mouth of his potential roommate and back to the task at hand. The weights would be his outlet for the day, and so he went about finding a bench and pounding out some reps until it was time to gather for the commencement.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:52 am

Pumping weights, you were able to distract yourself from thoughts of girly guys pleasuring you in every way you could imagine. You could see other guys pumping their own iron though a lot of them tended towards excessive muscle mass barely looking human anymore. Eventually, it came time to head for orientation.

Reaching the library, you find a crowd forming of what appears to be other new students. Looks of wonder make them almost look lost as they examine their surroundings. Another, older guy steps up before all of them clearing his throat. "Your attention gentlemen. I am Brian, and I will be giving you a tour of the campus." As he's speaking, you get distracted as a strange shadow passes over him, and you hear a strange woman's voice speak out. "Why won't you just die already." Looking about, no one seems to even react as if you are the only one seeing and hearing this. A moment later, the shadow retreats towards a door to the back. "Forget this, no one even notices."
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 07, 2022 7:11 pm

Well, that was spooky. That was real fucking spooky. Richard had half a mind to ignore everything he'd just seen: nobody else had seen it, so clearly it hadn't happened. He'd just follow Brian as he droned on and on about the history of the campus and all the facilities and how good the professor were.

But then, the other half of his mind won out. How the hell was he supposed to ignore some weird ghost thing? One that had only appeared before him? Sure, the movies were never kind to the poor sap who went after the ghost first, but he wasn't one of them. He was built different than that. So, ducking towards the back of the group, he broke away as they shuffled off, and made his way towards the door the shadow had gone to.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:38 am

Reaching the door, you open it to find a set of stairs leading down into the basement. There weren't any lights which seemed really odd. Did no one come down here? Walking down, the atmosphere is ominous, and at the bottom, you find a door. As the door opens, there is a strange green glow from the space beyond. The room is large and round, and around the floor are a series of green glowing lines. The shape is circular like the room, but it's broken and faded in many places.

In the middle of that circle, you can see the shadow there low to the ground. "Damn them! My binds finally slip after centuries, and I'm already too powerless to do anything. Their descendants walk around unaware of my presence, and I can't so much as give them a cold." It suddenly shifts looking like it's looking at you. "Hmm, a lost little boy? Wonder what he's doing down here." From the tone and words, it's clear this shadow or ghost doesn't think you can hear it.
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:28 am

"Little boy? The hell do you think you're mouthing off to? I don't know what kind of weird Wiccan shit is going on in here, but I'm not gonna take lip from a glorified drop shadow."

Frankly, the entire situation was bizarre enough that Richard nearly pivoted on his earlier desire to investigate. But, he wasn't about to take an insult lying down, regardless of who or, perhaps more accurately, what made it. It had also just declared that it couldn't exactly do much in its current state, so that emboldened him just a tad.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:02 am

The shape tensed suddenly as you responded to its words. Still, it seemed less than bothered by your insults as it chuckled darkly. "How interesting. You're right, no little boy would be able to see and hear me in my current state." There was a flash of purple light like a pair of glowing eyes observing you. "You have a gift I thought would have been lost in this day and age."

Shifting again, the shape appears to be sitting upright now as the shadows start to shrink down into a silhouette that looks more human. "Tell me, was it just curiosity that brought you down here?"
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:14 pm

"Was it curiosity? No shit, curiosity. Was I supposed to just sit around and ignore the spooky shadow thing mumbling above my head? It's not like I'm missing out on anything by coming down here. Nothing but a boring ass tour ahead of me today anyway," Richard answered candidly.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:10 am

"Well if you're bored, I can provide you some entertainment, and you can help me have my revenge in exchange." The shadows begin to shrink taking on a silhouette before fading to reveal the form of a woman. You can still see through her as if she were made of glass though. "Now I really should introduce myself. I am Mysaria, sister of the third circle. And you are?"

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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:01 pm

Well, that wasn't creepy at all. Granted, the entire scenario was pretty creepy, but the shadow morphing into a woman to try and make him more comfortable? That couldn't have been good. Granted, 'she' was a lot nicer to look at like this, even if he couldn't exactly get a good look at her.

"Richard," He answered tersely, unsure of whether it'd be wise to give his name to some kind of... demon? This definitely looked like some weird occult shit. He briefly counted off on his fingers.

"Mysaria of the... third circle. Gluttony? You don't particularly fat."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:49 am

"Gluttony? No, it's nothing to do with that. It's simply the name of my coven. I am a witch. The man who founded this place so long ago was a hunter. Bastard thought it might be useful to use my power to fuel a protection spell. The self-righteous can be so flexible about what's right or wrong." You can see her mouth glower as she speaks of what had happened.

She resettles herself. "Sorry, we really need to focus on the present. The fact that you can see my spirit means you have the great fortune to have a gift for witch-craft in a time where it appears to be seen as nothing more than fairy tale."
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:41 am

"Witchcraft? The hell do you mean talent for witchcraft? I'm not a woman," Richard retorted with a huff, settling himself against a wall of the room. Honestly, if not for the fact he had quite literally watched her materialize from a shadow, he'd have figure this to be some kind of elaborate way of recruiting him into some weird Wiccan cult.

"Even if I do have a talent for it, what're you gonna do, teach me magic? Have me go around hexing the staff? Granted, if my profs happen to be dickheads, I might just give it a try, but I don't see how that helps you."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:18 am

She shrugs, "Male practitioners of Witchcraft are rare, but they are called Warlocks." She stands up walking towards you slowly. "Yes, I could teach you much. It's not just the staff, several students are directly descended from those that have scorned me. As for helping me. There really isn't much that can be done besides satisfying my anger."

She stops right in front of you. Her eyes were hidden under her hair besides for a glow. "Tell me, is there really nothing you would like to do if you could put these fools under your power? There must be something you yearn for. Some longing that you could satisfy if I taught you how."
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:59 pm

Richard pondered for a moment. Perhaps longer than he should have, given that he wasn't entirely certain this wasn't some extended gas leak hallucination. What did he want? It wasn't like he needed money, or power, his folks were loaded and regardless of how the next couple years went, he'd undoubtedly find a cushy job at his dad's firm. But what about those four years? His mind drifted back to the lithe, feminine body on that one dancer...

"I'd fuck," He eventually answered, "I had to leave my girl behind when I came here, and I don't think I'm gonna be getting much pussy at an all men's college. So I guess I'd fuck the prettier ones. Next best thing, right?"
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:33 am

Her smirk curls as you mention what you'd do. "Hmm yes, you could certainly bind people to your will, make them do whatever you desire for the sole sake of satisfying you, but the first lesson you need to learn about witchcraft is you must always want more. Settling is a good way to limit your power. Do you really just squint and unfocus your eyes as you plow some girly guy and pretend you don't feel his sack every time you hilt yourself inside of him?"

Before she could continue, you heard footsteps approaching. The form of one of the girliest guys you'd ever seen comes down. "Hey, what are you doing down here? No one's allowed down here." From the uniform they were wearing, they seemed to be working at the library. The spectral entity leaned over your shoulder. "Well, this should be a good place to start. This one is very weak-willed, so he'll make a good practice. Let your desires flow, imagine them seeping out of you to fill the space, and suddenly surging towards him binding him to your will."

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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:21 am

"Do you have to be so fuckin' annoying about it? I'm starting to see why they locked you in a basement." Richard shot back, although further verbally abusing the ghostly woman would have to wait until the new arrival was taken care of. He certainly looked pretty enough, and the words of the specter in his ear certainly encouraged him to be a little aggressive. He supposed now was as good a time as any to test whether or not this was all just one big hoax, or actually had some merit.

"I'll go wherever the fuck I want," He snapped at the feminine looking library worker, more than familiar with being domineering. But rather than settle for barking his aggression like usual, he did as the spirit bid him, and focused all that anger, aggression, and pent up need on the diminutive target before him. The fuck did such a weakling think they were doing, ordering him around? He'd subdue the little fucker and use him to scratch that itch that'd been growing since the last time he'd had a nice warm hole to bust in.

"In fact, not only am I gonna go where I want, I'm gonna do what I want. Get the fuck over here, and lift that shirt up. I wanna see what I'm working with."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Firehead » Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:05 pm

She glowers at your comment turning with a huff. "They locked me here to harness my magic as a barrier against the incursions of other witches. They wanted a safe space to teach future witch hunters." She watched as you began to order the boy around. He tenses as you become outright belligerent with him. You felt something dark well up in the pit of your stomach as you continued focusing on your pent-up emotions boiling up inside of you. They surged and roiled within you until it felt like they were flooding out of you.

The boy tensed when you told him to approach freezing for a moment when you told him to lift his shirt. He hesitated, but another look to you seemed to be enough. His gaze was cast down and to the side unable to look you in the eye as he began lifting his shirt slowly. His chest was lacking both in muscles and in body hair. He didn't have even a slight swell of breast, but he could pass for a flat-chested woman. The specter behind you remained quiet, but you could feel her moving about observing everything.
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Re: Reeducation into Femboi(Ze Blitzkrieg)

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:27 pm

Richard's eyes poured over the boy's chest. Cute enough, nice and flat and girly, and probably soft to boot. He meandered across the basement until he was close enough to touch, and reached out with a hand, gliding his fingers across the poor guy's stomach. He simply stroked his way along his torso, as if inspecting it, going as far as to thumb one of his cute pink nipples before dragging his digits lower until he could grip him by his hip.

Then, without warning, he pulled, forcing the girly boy up against him, pressing his thick, muscular form against the significantly more feminine one before him. His hand, now capable of reaching, went around behind and dipped down into his pants and past the underwear beneath, getting a good handful of his ass, which Richard proceeded to enjoy to his own leisure.

"Yeah," He eventually muttered, "Yeah, you'll do. I like you. What's your name? I wanna hear it."

He didn't let up on his fondling as he asked, even going so far as to join in with his other hand, mauling the supple ass cheeks on offer.
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Ze Blitzkrieg
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