Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Which character is your favorite so far?

Emilia (Warrior)
Rhiannon (Berserker)
Irine (Priest)
Cesca (Thief)
Thyme (Sage)
Lanie (Magician)
Sairyn (Martial Artist)
Asella (Paladin)
Total votes : 1714

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby KITAmaru » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:05 pm

Great. Once you have the ability to PM, send me a message with your first, second, third and fourth choices for girls you want to be a tester for. Before I tried different things like randomly assigning 2 girls to each tester, but hopefully with this setup people might be more motivated if it's a character they at least remotely like. This testing session might be bigger than normal since I will most likely be having people test the gallery mode as well as the new events / H-scenes. I'll release further instructions with the test version.
Current project:
Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Zodiark69 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:04 am

@KITA Hey man, care to send me a message with what you're going to do next? No need to ruin the surprise for everyone else, right?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Raio10 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:21 am

yeah that would kill the surprise and then you might not be as excited for the next update as you will already know what's new.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Velotix » Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:52 am

Well, Since I had to make a new profile, Might as well not be a lurker and say that this game you are making is epic as hell. I've only managed to do the Emila and the Rhiannon but good lord I want to play them all... Man thats going to be a pain in the butt. I'll probably live here and tell ya how awesome your game is and which dialouge seems better than others. I don't know, I lurked for way to long.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby lok987 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:55 pm

:cry: :cry:
KITA, why are you ignoring me and my last question?
You don't want me dying of curiosity, now do you?
:cry: :cry:
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby KITAmaru » Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:13 pm

Zodiark -
Sure, you wanted spoilers for the storyline or the patch's content or something?

lok987 -
Haha, sorry, sometimes it's difficult to pay attention to everyone's comments at once, I guess I just noticed the other points in your posts first.
Anyway, I AM planning on expanding on some of the older scenes such as the gargoyle one and what not... As far as Game Overs go, I'm trying to use them sparingly, so no promises on that one.

Well, I really appreciate you making an account to comment on the thread like this. Hopefully the Gallery mode will be another incentive to play through as some of the characters... and hey, don't worry--you don't have to do it right away, maybe wait till 0.10 or later patches to play certain girls and so on. :D Either way, thank you.

To everyone who sent me their PM's, thanks. Expect a copy of the test version around the 2nd or 3rd as promised.
Current project:
Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Sakome » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:29 am

Kita you're still in school right? How do you balance it all?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby If_You're_Into_It » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:29 am

KITA, I love you.

Is this game something you've been planning out over a long period of time or something? Or is game-making a huge passion of yours? Because you seem to work away at it every day without break, you're always making constant updates and thorough responses on this thread too. Just how much of your daily life does this take up?

Not to mention that the quality of the writing since the beginning of this game has only gone up. Did you write a lot in your free time before making this game?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby KITAmaru » Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:58 pm

Sakome -
Yeah, I go to school and work part-time at a clinic. For a project like this one, when I'm busy, sometimes all I can do is plug away little by little--maybe an hour or twoish a day, and sometimes that's really only enough to get part of a scene done... but eh, it's a labor of love, and the way I look at it is, some progress is better than nothing. Other developers often take half-year breaks or outright quit, and my philosophy towards the development of Despair Labyrinth is 'slow and steady wins the race'... or something like that.

If_You're_Into_It -
Haha, thanks. I love you...too?
Nah, not a whole lot. I actually don't write all, but I guess I'm more inclined towards literature and words than numbers, if that makes any sense. I used to do a bit in middle school but haven't done anything substantial since then. I would guess around 3 hours is spent each day doofing around on forums and trying to think up ideas for the game (probably like 5-6 hours a day during Winter Break).
It honestly doesn't take me much more than say, 15 minutes to occasionally post here, I'm just letting you guys know I'm still alive. Even when it starts to get crazy busy, as I'm taking a good load of credits this winter quarter, I'll be sure to at least say hi every other week or so.

Here's my plan for the next few patches;
0.08 - 4 exclusive H-scenes (Asella, Rhiannon, Emilia, Sairyn). Several NPC encounters / storyline insight. A new 'miniboss' of sorts and enemy type with their respective areas. Gallery Mode. A minor Gwyn scene added. 2 'generic' H-scenes for each character, which are expanded to 10+ CG's instead of 3-4.
0.09 - 4 exclusive H-scenes (Thyme, Irine, Cesca, Lanie). Several more NPC encounters / storyline insight. New types of enemies with respective areas. Begin work on overhauling existing 'pixelated' CG's--the old ones. Fix possible bugs regarding the Gallery Mode.
0.10 - Might finally give you the stupid clown game. Purity System based on choices mostly, if not fully, adjusted. Intro to the Arcane Division.
Current project:
Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Sakome » Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:20 am

Part time and school huh, jeez. I have a hard time with academics alone, college is quite a bit of work :/ What kind of clinic if I may ask? PS: I would PM these to you as it's completely off topic, but I lurk and don't post...
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Sakome » Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:25 am

I'd respond, but I can't reply to PMs because I don't have enough posts?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Insomniac » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:11 pm

Any chance of a handheld item that tells you your purity? It'll make it easier to track how high / low your purity is for better aim at specific scenes, like the three Wolfram scenes and stuff like that (Been curious about the middle one for a while now, never seem to be able to get it. I always tend to over or undershoot that..)

Or more mirrors, whichever's easier.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby DragonRB » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:56 pm

Sakome Wrote:I'd respond, but I can't reply to PMs because I don't have enough posts?

You need to get to 10 posts before you can use PMs. Go find other things in the forums to comment on! :D

Insomniac Wrote:Any chance of a handheld item that tells you your purity? It'll make it easier to track how high / low your purity is for better aim at specific scenes, like the three Wolfram scenes and stuff like that (Been curious about the middle one for a while now, never seem to be able to get it. I always tend to over or undershoot that..)

Or more mirrors, whichever's easier.

There's a couple of different options for displaying purity that we're looking at at this point. Not sure which KITA is going to go with or if it will be in the next patch, as the final decision is obviously his, but it's a common request we're going to address.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Insomniac » Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:44 am

Ah, okay, thanks for the heads-up. Also, is there (either currently or planned) an option for a Gwyn relationship for low-purity players?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:17 am

I seemed to have missed something here. My bad for not checking in each day.

But hey, can't wait for the next update to this great game.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Sakome » Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:39 am

DragonRB: Yeah I know, but I can't reply to ones already sent so I guess it's still due to low post count.

To add on to Insomniac's question: Will future scenes include Gwyn. IE: If she's in your party and you use surrender or whatever will the punishment be dealt to both of them?
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby DragonRB » Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:49 am

Insomniac Wrote:Ah, okay, thanks for the heads-up. Also, is there (either currently or planned) an option for a Gwyn relationship for low-purity players?

The relationship with Gwynn is actually dependent on a separate, hidden relationship score. It just so happens that currently, the only way to increase said score is through a high-purity event. That may change at some point in the future.You'll just have to wait and see. ;)
Sakome Wrote:To add on to Insomniac's question: Will future scenes include Gwyn. IE: If she's in your party and you use surrender or whatever will the punishment be dealt to both of them?

In theory, yes. In the completed version. Which means don't expect it any time soon. KITAmaru would have to more or less write a new version of every existing loss scene, as well as every picture, to do this. Not to mention 2 versions of every scene going forward. Hard to do that while trying to advance the plot and such. :)

As a side note, my answering questions probably makes it seem like I'm much more heavily involved in the development of the game than I actually am. Really KITAmaru does all the work, with several of us consulting on an as needed basis; I've also been following the threads from the beginning and have an odd memory for details. So if anything's changed, KITA, by all means correct me. :P
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby Sakome » Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:42 pm

Well all the better for him so he doesn't need to answer every question huh haha
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby mafagafe » Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:40 am

Omg where is the new update !!?? XD , will be release at least this month? Keep doing the great Work !!!

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.07C (11/8/

Postby KITAmaru » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:08 am

Brushing up stuff on the test version. Should have it up by Tuesday morning or so. If you want to be a beta tester, please get yourself to the 10 posts and PM me if you haven't already so I know who to send it to, since the ability to exchange PM's is pretty much mandatory.

Well, basically what Dragon said... certain features in game will be dependent on high Purity, mainly because well, I'd like to provide some kind of 'reward' for people who play the game to stay relatively pure (apparently, they do exist!). Of course, as of right now there are far more scenes for people who take the low-Purity route, and I'm hoping to get this at least closer to even. By the very nature of the game and system, a low Purity route will inevitably get more H-scenes, but generally less of the romantic variety.

I'll try to add certain scenes when Gwyn is in your party but no promises on when or how many. There are actually going to be opportunities to have several different party members in the game as you go along, so honestly, making a variation of every single existing H-scene while including all of these is... hum... it feels like something I should add in later as opposed to prioritizing, since as I said before, the game isn't nearly long enough right now on a single playthrough. However, if someone is in your party and you have a high relationship score with them, I will add some romantic-ish H-scenes with them typically every other patch.
Current project:
Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:08 am


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