Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

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Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:56 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Firehead Wrote:Name: Chella Bred
Gender: Female
Appearance: https://e621.net/posts/2967931
Bio: Chel was a rather accomplished trainer having gotten her third badge within a month of receiving her starter. She'd even managed to butt heads with Team Rocket a few times already, so she was feeling mighty pleased with herself when she received a letter from a businessman whose office she kicked the gang out of. To reward her, he had apparently gotten her an all-expense-paid Pleasure Cruise. Figuring she could reward herself and her team for a job well done, she accepted unaware that the letter had not been sent by whom it claimed.

The cruise ship had been very nice, so she was excited for two weeks of relaxing on the ocean. It was a little strange that there were no locks on any of the doors except those leading to 'employee only' areas, but she didn't pay it any mind, and the first two days were rather relaxing as she enjoyed the sun, activities, and the other passenger. On the third morning, they asked for her Pokemon to be given a spa day where they would be pampered, groomed, and returned to her refreshed and full of energy. Without a thought, she handed over her pokeballs and decided to relax to some music on the television in her room and drift off only to be disturbed by the sound of her door creaking open an hour later.

Lucario(♂, Naughty nature)
Gabite(♂, Bold nature)
Lanturn(♂, Hasty nature)

Looking at the Door you didn't see anyone, or anymon for that matter, it was probably a ghost mon or something that wanted to tease you or something. As you got up and walked over to close the door, you felt a hot breath on the back of your head, blowing your hair a bit. Looking back expecting the ghost mon pranking you, you instead came face to face with the biggest fucking Mightyena you'd even seen even on shows and breeder channels or contests and stuff! It was taller than you!

You looked it up and down and you noticed that one it was drooling a bit, but it didn't look hungry...you'd almost say that it looked like it was charmed or infatuated? Looking down you saw that it's paws were easily bigger than your head...then you saw something that made your heartbeat speed up, a massive cock head, as thick as your fist was now sticking out from under it's massive body...telling you just how long that dick was, it was also drooling pre all over your feet.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:32 pm

I sighed as I noticed the lack of anyone behind the door. Most of the other guests were wonderful, but there were a couple I suspected would do something like let their ghost types get into trouble unsupervised. Getting up, I walked to the door looking both ways in case they'd just opened the door and dashed away, but I didn't see anything, so I simply shut the door wishing I had a lock for this kind of thing. Then I felt the breath on my neck.

I let out a frustrated huff as I turned expecting the normal kind of overdone jump scare you'd expect from a prankster only to find a massive Mightyena. I wondered vaguely if he had some equine blood in him like a Rapidash for a father. I took a step back until my back hit the door. "Nice Doggy," I said not liking the strange look in his eye. He almost looked infatuated, but why would he be that way with me? I couldn't use Attract even if I wanted a massive hound drooling over me, then I looked down at his paws which could easily cause me a lot of harm only to see his cock. The damn thing made me jump. It had to be longer than the full length of my torso. A little freaked out, I slowly reached for the doorknob behind me trying my best not to make any sudden moves. If I could open the door before he did anything I'd regret, maybe I could get far enough down the hall to attract attention before he caught me.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:01 pm

Unfortunately it seemed to realize right away what you were going for as one paw came up and held the door shut and he let out a little growl...though thanks to his size it felt like your whole body vibrated thanks to it. Then he reached down and looked right into your eyes...then a flash of pink hit your vision as he launched an attract directly at your face. It was pretty clear...he wanted a mate and had chosen you~ And wasn't that just so romantic?

((1d20-1d4 Will Roll to resist him, negatives mean you're convinced he's your soul mate until it wears off, 11 or more and you manage to shake it off))
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:05 pm

(6-3=3)As the big, strong canid looked me straight in the eye making his intentions to make me his mate and while I really didn't want to marry a Pokemon, I would be lying if I said I wasn't flattered by the large mutt desires. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked down once again at his massive member. I should have been terrified about what such a large breeding tool could do to me, but if he wanted me as his mate, he wouldn't do anything to really harm me, would he? Slowly, I turned around, put my hands on the door and lifted them above my head, and bent my hips to push my hips back in his direction. "C'mon big boy, why don't you show me what you've got?" Even if I wasn't going to be his mate, I could still show him a good time and let him show me one as well.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:31 pm

You heard it's breath catch, before it's teeth grabbed your hair and it turned you around, pushing you to the floor before shoving it's massive cock balls deep into you, no care or love, just a feral need to mate with you, to breed you. Then it started fucking you hard, fast and almost desperately it slammed into you, over and over again, you could tell that the thickest part of the cock was easily as big as both your fists, if you weren't currently taking it again and again you were sure there was no way something as thick and long as this could ever even try to fit in your pussy and it's thrusts were so rough it felt like you were being spanked with every slap of it oversized volley ball sized balls into your thighs.
(You can try a normal 1d20 Will roll to break the attraction, below ten and it stays)
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:27 am

I groaned out in pain as he slammed himself into me with savage force. There was no love or passion in his thrusts, (3)but I couldn't recognize that as I moaned in delight at the forceful way he plowed into me with nothing on his mind, but the need to empty his massive, pendulous balls. In my addled mind, using me as a cocksleeve was a form of love, and I did my best to get my feet onto the ground, so I could lift my waist up to keep my pussy in position to receive him again and again. My arms wrapped around his neck holding on for dear life as well as embracing him affectionately. I certainly couldn't marry him, but if he needed me this badly, I could certainly let him empty his balls. "Yes, so good, don't stop. Give me your cum. Let it fill my womb with your virility." It didn't matter if he came inside me as it wasn't as if he could impregnate me.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:03 am

((Your Roll=2, His Roll=69))
If his previous speed and strength was brutal then now it could only be described as inhuman. His large heavy paws gripped your waist and he leaned onto you nipping at your neck, shoulder and ears, his eager kisses telling you just how grateful and loving he was~ As your womb was stretched and spread by his cock you felt yourself cumming first, and right as you came another Attract blasted against you, filling your head with more pink and thoughts of love, love for this hunk mon and his overpowering cock~ Not only was it's size amazing but it was hitting every single point in your pussy~ This cock was made for you~ and Your Pussy for it~

((One last will roll: 1d20-1d6, Fail and you can't try to leave until he's soft or asleep, get a negative and you'll "Fall in Love" until his balls are empty, Succeed and you can try to leave after you get him to cum once.))
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:23 pm

I moaned out even more as he only seemed to get rougher with me taking me with all the power he had and even leaving a few teeth marks as if to let everyone know I belonged to a big savage hound. It was all so much as my pussy melted around his furiously fucking bitch breaker splattering my pussy juices all over my leg and his cock and balls. As he continued to reshape my cunt until it was perfectly suited to being a sheath for his cock. Suddenly, I came around him trembling with the effort to milk his cock of everything his massive balls could have, but as my orgasm washed over me, the effects of his Attract started to fade, and my cries and moans became less desperate.

He must have noticed I was recovering as he attempted to Attract me again, (19-3=16)but I managed to resist it this time. Still, I doubted I could get free from him, so I had no choice but to play along. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Please fill me Alpha! Give me your litter!" It was humiliating, but I needed him to think he could let his guard down if I was to manage some kind of escape.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:08 pm

He Growled and howled eagerly, his hips slamming into you with rapid short thrusts as he didn't pull out of your womb. You just thought he was eager to cum and fill you...then you suddenly felt a mass of pokecock was about twice as thick as any point on the rest of his cock, smashing into your pussy lips again and again, he was planning to either actually knot you...or maybe knot fuck you with how forceful he was.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:51 pm

It seemed my words had had the desired effect of egging him on to finish, but I hadn't expected him to try to force that massive knot into me. He was already huge enough that I was concerned I might be ruined for any human lover. Having that thing hollowing me out even more while preventing me from getting out of here and finding help was the last thing I wanted. Releasing my legs from his hips, I let them fall down trying to wrap them around his knot in the hope that I could both keep it from entering me and stimulate it enough to get him off without tying the knot so to speak.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:32 pm

((Your Roll=2, His=87))
It seems that was the wrong move, mostly because when you opened your legs he took the chance and pulled you closer while slamming into you harder, his knot finally trapping itself inside your gaping pussy...you were sure that no human would ever be able to satisfy you now...mostly thanks to the fact he didn't seem content to just have the know inside you... he wanted you hilted to the base on his cock and then kept fucking you, not pulling the knot out, but going as deep and shallow as he could without letting you off it.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:30 pm

I cried out as I felt the fat knot force itself into me. I'd hoped to avoid it, but I was being forced wider than I'd ever imagined possible. Even worse, he didn't seem complacent with even that as he tried to force his cockhead as deep as it would go. Seeing no way to get him out, the best I could hope for would be to get him off faster and wait for his knot to deflate once he finished cumming. Reaching further with my feet, I began rubbing my soles against his balls encouraging him to simply finish as soon as possible before he hollowed me out completely with his knot.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:59 pm

((You=11, Him=96, Minutes until he cums?=95))
Your plan, didn't really play out as you hoped, mostly because it seemed to make your current lover even more eager and forceful his hips moving at speeds that would put most quick attacks to shame. But he seemed to have an even harder time cumming than you thought, which seemed to just make him more feral and forceful in his ruining of your precious cunt for any of your future lovers...

You on the other hand, were finding yourself faced with the opposite problem, you were now much, much more sensitive thanks to already cumming before and it just seemed to get worse and worse as you came again and again, until just his breath on your face made you cum, let alone his pussy wrecking thrusts....

You were cumming almost twelve times a minute as he knot fucked you, until finally, finally over a hour and a half later did his knot swell past even it's previous size and lock you in place and what felt like gallons and gallons of jizz flooded your thoroughly destroyed womb His cum was so thick it felt more like you had hot glue filling you than baby batter.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:30 am

I gasped and struggled, but stuck around his knot there was little I could do but lose my mind as fat Pokecock made me cum against and again. I lost track of time within the first minute of his tying me. Had he fucked me for hours? days? maybe weeks? I had no idea as I simply slipped from one orgasm to the next. I must have lost consciousness and reawoke several dozen times before my lover finally reached his limit and bloated my womb with his potent puppy putty. He shouldn't be able to knock me up, but his efforts to do so were so intense that for a moment I wondered if I could actually feel his eggs growing in the sea of spunk he unleashed inside of me.

(14)For a time, I lay there snuggling into his strong form as he filled me up. For nearly five minutes everything was forgotten as I imagined running away from my life as a trainer to live as his mate, but once my thoughts were again my own, I was left with disgust at myself for even thinking such a thing. For now, all I could do was lay there waiting for him to deflate and hoping he would need to rest after the aggressive rutting he'd given me.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Fri Jul 08, 2022 4:05 am

((Round 2?=2=No, he's tired, Random Luck=Nat1))
You had to lay there a while, possibly another thirty minutes with a napping Mightyena on top of you, that kept releasing cum the entire time, until finally his cock was soft enough and his knot shrunk enough that you could slip out from under him. During that time, no less than three different girls had looked into the room and then left you, and you saw a massive Nidoking chase one of them and what had looked like a swarm of Rotom possessing sex toys in the shape of weird dicks chase another, the third had just giggled at you and took a picture on her pokedex before leaving the door open.
((Anything Useful?=Nat1))
Which let you hear more than a few screams and moans and sobs and more and more sounds echo from other parts of the ship. After you finally managed to extract yourself from the massive sleeping mon on top of you you also realized that your clothes appeared to missing, and in their place was some rather slutty clothes and fetish gear and sex toys in the shape of pokecocks even slutty outfits based on your own pokemon.
((Who You Meet?=7))
Leaving the Room eventually you try to think on where to go, what to do, anything but you turned and found yourself looking at the most massive yellow cock, and your eyes went up, and up, and up until you locked eyes with a Huge Hypno that was hunched over to even fit below deck. The Hypno was massive, you were looking at this...monster and you were sure he could probably throw that Nidoking you saw overboard with one hand, it seemed to be staring at you...then pointed at your mouth and then at it's cum covered cock that you just knew had been in some poor girl a few minutes ago, if that.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:43 pm

I gasp as he falls asleep on top of me as I'm forced to wait for his knot to deflate. The beast clearly seeing me as nothing more than something to breed though I probably could have done better not giving it that impression if I'd avoided cumming again and again on that same cock. I even had to bear other women seeing me like this though some of them seemed to be in the same situation as me. Finally, I was able to get free. The first thing I did was move to the dresser as that beast had ruined the clothes I was wearing, but someone had somehow stolen all of my clothing leaving behind nothing but fetish gear. Still, I didn't like the idea of walking about naked, so I put on a sexy cowgirl outfit seeing it as the least horrible. I avoided the other fetish gear as well as the sex toys though. I considered washing up before dressing, but I didn't want to stick around in case he woke back up and came for round two.

Thinking a moment, I had three objectives. Finding my Mon, learning what was going on here, and putting a stop to it. I figured the best place to start would be one of the employee areas. Turning in the direction I remembered the nearest such door being, I walked right into another large, solidly-built figure looking up at the titanic Hypno before me. There was something seriously wrong here as the Nidoking hadn't seemed particularly large, yet I've stumbled upon two giants in a row. Seeing what he wanted, I was momentarily trapped with indecision. Trying to run hadn't proven very effective before, but could I really just submit like that? Plus, if my attempt to run failed, he might get me hypnosis like Mightyena did with attract. (20)Refusing to give in so easily though, I gathered my nerve and turned making a mad dash from the beast without sparing him a second glance as I ran unfortunately away from my destination.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:51 am

He didn't run after you, he just looked annoyed, or felt annoyed maybe? You could feel his annoyance aimed at you, then as you ran a very, very loud voice filled your mind "ENTER HEAT" which made you stumble and almost fall as you ran...While he didn't even try and chase you he wasn't letting you away free either, your entire pussy felt like it was on fire and your womb felt like it was melting with need, already thoughts of cock, cum and birthing eggs filled your mind

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Do You Get Away=52=Barely
Does he do anything to spite you?=Nat1=Oh Yeah
Heavy Heat Gained: -1d4 to all will rolls involving sex at all, -1d6 to all will rolls to resist moves used in sexual situations, Effect Goes away after you manage to birth 3 Eggs
In situations where multiple negative dice can affect you just use the largest.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:28 am

Beginning to run, I was surprised that I didn't hear footsteps behind me, or feel anything reaching for me. It was almost as if he was letting me go. Then I felt those thoughts reverberate through my head. (15-3=12)My knees wobbled as I felt my sex gush, but I managed to keep on my feet. I could feel my sex burn now from whatever he'd done for me, but I dared not turn back to look at him. If I saw him there standing upright and proud, I might lose my will to run. While the way behind him was closest, I remembered there being other doors into the employee-only areas, I just needed to remember where the nearest one in this direction was. I needed my team with me to deal with these rampant rape-mon.
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby eaenidu » Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:49 am

As You ran towards where you thought the entrance was you ran into another girl running away from there. She was dressed in what might have been a one piece bathing suit...if it wasn't so tight that you could clearly see her nipples and belly button...and clearly tell that her ass was fucked recently thanks to her bending over to catch her breath and you could clearly see cum all around it...and if the crotch hadn't been cut out showing a pussy much tighter looking than your knot fucked one but also coated in cum. She seemed exhausted and couldn't talk yet...though you did note that she was the girl who'd been fleeing the Rotom horde of sex toys that had peaked into your room earlier, though her outfit was different.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Poke Pleasure Cruise(Firehead)

Postby Firehead » Mon Jul 11, 2022 5:34 pm

I was surprised to see the familiar woman. Had she been into one of the areas I was seeking or was she just running from another assailant. She hadn't been the one that had laughed at my predicament, and she had clearly been in her own trouble when she found me, so I resisted the urge to be spiteful to her. As I approached her, I kept my eyes out. Two girls together would certainly be more tempting as a target than just one, but I had to see if she'd learned anything helpful while I was tied up in my room. "Excuse me, do you have any idea of what's going on out here? They took my Mon for some spa treatment before this happened, and I'm hoping to get them back."
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