Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:32 pm

"Yes... fuck," Krista grumbled as Lexi mentioned some of the weapons her fans had brought, "Hey, just remember I would like to be able to sit down after this match is over."

Krista started to go through the steps of their match again, spot by spot as she warmed up, stretching to keep herself limber until it was time. Hearing her music play, she gave a nod to Lexi and ran for the curtain, using the momentum to energize her entrance and get the crowd revved up... only their energy was different this time.

There was still shouts and cheers, but amidst it she heard the leering comments, angry barks to take her top off again or show even more. She tried to drown it by trying to focus only on the cheers but as she approached the ring she saw a bunch of Lexi's fans had pushed their way forwards to the standing area behind the security barricade. The crowd was ready to break loose and even the announcer could see and feel it as he announced Sanguine immediately after Krista got in the ring.

Centering herself, Zorro Azul went to her corner, squatting down to keep stretching and keep loose. It was time, the companies first all female main event in its history and here she was. There were some boos from the sexists and some shouts for more skin from the creeps, but that didn't matter. She could show them, would show them and Boss they could do this without getting their tits out.

Time to start she rolled to the centre of the ring, tumbling over her shoulder to show every fan in the crowd who hadn't seen her what to expect. She was the nimble one, the high flyer, the one to cheer for. Seeing Lexi approach, Krista counted down the first move, reaching out with both her hands towards Sanguine, fingers splayed. The challenge to the classic test of strength, the perfect way to show new watchers that Lexi was the bad guy in the ring.

Krista yelped loudly after she lunged forward to engage the challenge, Lexi slipping to the side but reaching forward to grab and tweak Krista's nipples through the top. Much a like a chop or slap, there really wasn't a way to fake it and Krista's reaction to the stinging attack was virtually legit as she stumbled back, rubbing the area. It was Lexi next who put her hands out, offering the challenge again to the baby face Zorro, who like a sucker, went forward again only to have the same nipple cripple done again.

Only Zorro was annoyed now as much the fans jeered and laughed, leaping up she drop kicked Sanguine straight in the boobs, sending them both the to mat. They both bounced up quickly and Krista cartwheeled forward again, catching her feet around Sanguine's head hurricanranering her across the ring. Following up with a few Irish whips to the turnbuckles and some running knees, Krista was smiling. Lexi had lost the rust and was actually selling it, bringing her back to her feet and into the centre of the ring, she locked her up in a grapple as if she was going to suplex or slam her. Pinching Lexi lightly on the arm as they locked up, she sent the signal to other woman it was her time to have some control and dominance in the match.
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:12 pm

Lexi was glowing as well, enjoying her time with Krista in the limelight to the fullest with no slipups just yet, taking her hits and setting up for the next. They danced and their rythms finally matched up. Getting her signal Lexi lunged forward to grab Krista's leg from inbetween hers, pulling it up from the ground and jumping forward to force her into a front split with her ass landing on Krista's thigh, pushing her the last couple of inches down to to the ground.

She stood up, celebrating as Zorro struggled to get up herself from the awkward position as the fans rooted for Krista to surprise Lexi and punish her for what she had done. Sanguine was ready though and immediatly pounced her from behind once she got onto her legs, putting her head nder her arm and lifting her up for one of the atomic drops they head been practicing. The moment lingered, silence taking over the crowd as Krista hovered splayed in the air.

But a loud empathetic groan resounded through the masses with the sound of her feet coming down onto the wood they stood on when Zorro's crotch fell down on the leg beneath, Lexi extracting herself afterwards as Krista over exaggerated the pain, using the time to slip from the ring and grab a chair from underneath, pushing it through under the bottom rope before climbing in after it.

The crowd yelled and tried to get Zorro's attention as Sanguine grabbed it's legs and made her was over to her, lifting it up above her head to slam it down on her like Cayden had done to the alter not long ago. When Krista looked up at her, Lexi waited for her to give the go ahead signal, dragging out her motion so Krista could prepare herself for what she knew would be a painful experience from training.
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:41 pm

Krista was suddenly very happy for the all the pre-stretching as Lexi pulled her down into the splits. She wobbled comedically as she tried to stand, splay legged a bit to let Lexi hit the rear atomic drop, Krista's face to the crowd to let them see the fake pain and emotion from having her pussy bombed down onto Sanguine's knee. As she landed, a bit too hard and sending up a jolt up her spine, she sprung back up and forward like recoil, 'accidentally' clipping the ref and knocking him down as crashed to the mat, hands covering the front of her shorts as she tried to sell the pain.

She knew they had to time this right, the three working together to sell the chair shot and timing, but fortunately Lexi was quickly back in. She gave the nod to Lexi and squared her back as best she could, like they had trained for, and immediately wished she hadn't as the clang of steel off of flesh filled her ears and body locked up with pain. Crawling as best she good, she made it the corner and turned around, propping herself up against the turn buckle.

Selling the pain and exhaustion was easy for this bit, her spine still ringing from the shot. Head tossed back and panting, she saw the Ref get back up and take the chair off of Lexi so she didn't get disqualified. Krista got herself ready the next spot, a bronco buster, Lexi charging into the corner and smashing her groin and ass into Krista's face and tits. Krista's vision filled with Lexi's tight covered crutch as the woman rode her, slightly shocked when she felt Lexi's hand twist in her hair and push her deeper between her thighs. That hadn't been part of the plan, but Krista went with it as Lexi playing to the crowd.

The Ref soon pulled her off with a count of being on the ropes and Lexi backed up again to repeat the humiliating process, but Krista dodged forward this time and Lexi ended up straddling the ring poll. Krista staggered to her feet, twisting an arm around Lexi's neck and slamming down in a middle rope neck breaker.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Krista knew this next part would suck as well. Pulling Lexi up, she grabbed and twisted Lexi's arm before she climbed the turn buckle herself, stepping out and balancing on the rope.
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:35 am

Lexi writhed on the floor, struggling for breath after Krista pulled her backwards off the turnbuckle and slammed her to the ground. As such she also didn't resist Krista taking her arm and leading her back towards that very corner. But it didn't stay that way as Zorro prepared for her next big move of course, Sanguine slinging forward and shoving Zorro off the ropes and into her lands outside of the ring.

The referee got positioned behind Krista to take her fall and get knocked out to allow for the fans weapons to come into play, Lexi slinking out under the bottom rope and strutting over to her victim. Pulling her from the ref by one pigtail Lexi brings Krista closer to the gates surrounding the ring, pulling her arms behind her back and stepping on the back of her neck, pushing her face into the floor as Lexi gestures for her fans to get out whatever they brought with them to the fight.

She quickly got something fun judging be the look on her face, reaching out to take a black crop from the front row like the ones usually used for horses. It had a flat leather flap at the tip that would surely slap well against Zorro's leather clad ass. She didn't have to guess much though as Lexi extended her arm and pulled back, cracking down on Krista's upturned behind like she was her dressage mare and she really wanted her to jump over the next hurdle, reigniting the pain receptors in her already sore flesh from Caydens repeated assaults.
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:59 am

Krista arced her back as much as she could with Lexi's boot on her neck, yelping as the first stinging blow landed. She was thankful Lexi had aimed for the shorts, giving the blow some padding and preventing any tearing of flesh by it hitting her thighs or back. Krista grunted and clenched her teeth, the yelp of pain real as braced for the next shot on the other cheek.

This shot too landed with a loud wack, making her gasps breathlessly as Lexi lifted her boot up allowing Krista to roll around on the ground in the pain, clutching her. She rolled onto her back and started to scootch back away, holding a hand in front of herself to plead with Sanguine for no more as Lexi went to the crowd for the next object. At the back of her mind, Krista kept track of the moves, Lexi got a couple more strikes with the next one and then it was her chance for some payback. Her eyes darted to where the ref had tossed Lexi's chair, snapping back as she saw Lexi coming back with something else.

"No no no!" she pleaded loud enough for the near crowd to hear.
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:31 am

Lexi grinned in sadistic pleasure hearing Krista plead, having acquired the flogger she had mentioned earlier after browsing her options from the crowd. She swung the thin leather straps around playfully, quickly catching up with her tormented victim despite her leisurely pace thanks to Krista's slow shuffling motion on the floor.

The crowd cheered her on, a low chant coming through the noise though. "Make her strip! Make her strip! Make her strip!" they called out for, Lexi scrunching her nose a little before she vented the anger and whipped Krista laying on the floor, first hitting the top of her thigh, then the side as Zorro rolled up and tried to shield the hit area, always exposing the next target until she ended up on her stomach and recieved a flurry of hits on her lower back and then her ass again as it arched obscenely from the stings.

Lexi turned to the crowd, getting distracted like a stereotypical villain to give the hero a way out of some unescapable predicament. "Who wants to see me punish the fox some more?" she called out in a 'are-you-not-entertained' kind of posture and demeanor, getting pissed at all the chants and callouts.
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:58 am

Krista's lower body burned as she crawled away, still feeling every single lash that fallen on her as Lexi worked the crowd. Reaching the chair, her legs wobbled for real as staggered back to her feet, pressing the steel frame against herself as she did, pretending to conceal it from her opponent. Hearing Lexi coming , she turned and tossed it to other woman, Lexi catching in mock surprise, blinded by the steel seat and unable to see Krista leaping up to drop kick the chair flat into her.

Landing on the mats after her leap, Krista had to admit to herself there was something satisfying of the clattering crunch sound the chair made, and maybe started to understand the appeal of this hardcore stuff. The clatter had been the que for the Ref to 'wake' back up and she grabbed the stunned Lexi and rolled her back into the ring, bringing her to the middle to give her a DDT right in the middle of the ring. Krista was actually sucking wind now she picked herself up again and climbed the turn buckle.

A brief moment of vertigo hit her as usual as she balanced at the top, shouting a cheer to the crowd before launching herself into space. Her stomach churned as she spiraled, twisting as she flipped into a swanton bomb and connected with Lexi. The shock of the impact jarred her briefly but she fought through, grabbing Lexi's leg and lifting it into a pin for 1... 2...

Lexi kicked out!... as planned.

Letting out a large huff of fake frustration, she grabbed Lexi by the hair and pulled her towards the turn buckle again, pinning her in the corner as she climbed off over her, setting up a move that wouldn't happen. Lexi was meant to counter her to punching her in the ribs, by Krista's eyes went wide as Lexi ad-libbed and instead very obviously grabbed her mound between her legs and squeezed hard. Krista legitimately panicked for a moment, losing her focus and balance as her knees immediately tried to lock together in response to the sudden groping, allowing Sanguine to slip out of the corner. She had to focus quickly again as she felt Lexi grab her thighs and start to lift her and Krista prepared herself for the next round of abuse... as Lexi dropped her legs either side of the rings ropes.

Krista gasped in pain again as her pussy was squeezed against the ropes by her weight and drop, the tension of the strands making her bounce several times on to the enjoyment of the fans.
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:34 pm

Krista had barely manager to cling to the middle rope with her feet, keeping herself upright as her crotch bounced on the taut elastic material. The fans loved the alternative crotch grab and the lewd undertone her subsequent yells had. Lexi took hold of the two braids of hair swinging out behind her opponents mask and pulled them back like reigns, not allowing her to take the rope to her lower stomach instead.

Like the prior match when Krista straddled the fence, and much to the crowds delight, Lexi then shoved her free hand down the back of Krista's bottoms, rummaging around her crack to collect as much of her panties as possible, Krista's recently plundered asshole shooting out signals of concern through her whole body as Lexi's fingertips dug into it.

That was by far the least concern though in comparison to the feeling of Lexi pulling them out from under her shorts, the back of her panties digging into her flesh even harder then the rope already did, threatening to rip under the tension it was put under.

It was the same move she had already pulled, but she couldn't predict how much harder it hit today thanks to Cayden. As far as Lexi knew from Rhys, Krista even actively avoided getting fucked in the ass and she didn't really give her anything to work from in the hotel...except maybe the big bag of ice and her awkward gait.
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:02 pm

Krista bit her lip as Lexi grabbed her two pony tails and yanked back, not only lifting her stomach and breasts from the rope to increase the pressure between her legs, but making Krista grind her clit against the rope as she continued to bob slightly. As much as Krista hated to admit it, a tingle of pleasure flashed up her spine from the motion, her feet on the ropes preventing hiding where she supported most of her weight to stop it being painful.

SHe blushed beneath her mask as she felt Lexi reach down her shorts again, hoping her partner didn't realize it wasn't only sweat from their moves making her panties damp and yelped lightly when she felt Lexi grab more than just panties initially. The unplanned yelp was soon drowned out by her scream as Lexi wedgied her harder than Krista had ever felt before, her body legitimately locking up and flailing as it felt like her panties was going to split her pussy and ass in two. She nearly swore and cursed Cayden as felt the torment of his sodomy anew, her legs accidentally slipping from the ropes to send her tumbling outside the ring again.

Landing hard, Krista tried to make her self breath again as she swayed to her feet, leaning against apron for support and Lexi slipped out it after her. She threw a staged punch to Sanguine's face, slapping her own thigh at the same time to make it sound like the blow connected hard. She followed it with an elbow to the gut, before pushing Sanguine back against the apron, stepping to the side to give the crowd and camera a clear view. Putting a finger to her lips, she shushed the crowd for the moment, before slapping her hand hard across Lexi's chest and tits, cupping her hand to make the sound echo more. She delivered two more chops or slaps before Lexi 'drove' a knee into her stomach and whipped her against the metal security barrier.

Her back stung from the impact as she turned into the fence at the last moment, selling the real pain to the fans again. Krista knew this was the last sequence, a few more weapon shots and then Lexi would leave her outside for a count out win. Through half closed eyes she watched the gloating Sanguine approach, lift her up and then split her on the metal barrier again and part of Krista dreaded what Lexi would grab from a fan next.

To her shock or surprise it wasn't a weapon, and Lexi waved some fluffy pink handcuffs in front of her to give her a heads up. Krista didn't resist it as Lexi cuffed one of her wrists to the railing, deciding it made sense and added to why she wouldn't get back into the ring afterwards. Glancing to the side, she saw the Ref had given up yelling at them to get back inside the ring and had raised his arms to start the count out. Just a count a ten, that's all she had to survive...
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:25 pm

10...With Krista cuffed to the metal, Lexi reached out to her fans once again, getting handed a weapon that had the potential to cause the most damage out of every one she had been gathering so far, a wooden padel about a foot in length, sanded smooth and stained black with a handle at the bottom.

9...Hands began wandering over Zorro's body again, getting quite bold right from the start as some of them helped in keeping her locked in place as one of them glid under her top, groping her breast before pinching her hard nipple. Meanwhile Lexi didn't care for the count just yet, Sanguine having Zorro in a prime position in combination with a great instrument to torture her.

8...The hard wood came down hard on Krista's ass, knocking the wind from her lungs, her free arm instinctively reaching back to protect herself, only to be grabbed by another fan from the masses polling beside her. It quickly got trapped between bodies of two of them.

7...Suddenly she felt her hand on something warm and firm, covered by a layer of jeans like cloth, realising that whatever pervert it was had brought her hand to his crotch and layed it down on his hard cock, pushing it up and down his member to stroke himself with the helpless wrestling girl he normally only got to oogle at from afar.

6...Another swing came cracking down on her, the other cheek this time.
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:55 pm

Krista screamed loudly with each slap of the paddle, her rear exploding in pain and searing heat with each blow. She grimaced, tears welling in her eyes and threatening to flow as she gasped for air. Her face was flushed red not just from the paddling, but also having some stranger maul her breast so savagely, his fingers not kind in any way. She had to keep herself pressed flat against the failing to try and hide as much of it a she could from the camera which had come in close as. She tried her best not to think what was happening with her hand either, lost in the dark and confusion of the crowd she was forced to only feel what was happening.


Okay, she didn't need to hold out much longer, Lexi would need to slide into the ring soon and...


Okay any moment now...


10? What? Krista snapped her head back to see Lexi rolling out of the ring again with the paddle, restarting the 10 count and... she screamed again the man groping her tit tweaked her nipple hard as Sanguine paddled her ass again.

9..... She felt the touch of denim leave her hand for a moment and then felt hard, warm, cylindrical flesh against her finger tips...

8.... Lexi reared back for another strike as Krista felt something else slapping and poking at her face annoyingly, trying to make her turn her head and get into her mouth.

Snapping and having enough. Krista grabbed hard and twisted with her hand lost in the crowd, immediately feeling whoever had grabbed her wrist letting go. Her hand free, she snatched whatever the thing poking her face was from the chump probing her had. She felt heavy rubber or latex under her fingers and it had some length and heft, it didn't matter, it would do.

Rearing up herself suddenly, the explosive movement loosening the grip on her breast as well pivoted at the waist and swung whatever she had. It connected with Lexi's cheek, her hand occupied with the paddle unable to block it as the rubber rod whipped around. Krista felt the impact tremble down the length of the object, the thicker part she gripped suddenly giving in slightly at the impact.


The next thing she knew Lexi was screaming, on the ground clutching her mask and Krista wondered what was going on. Blankly she looked down at what was in her hand....


Oh you had to be kidding... Zorro Azul stared blankly at the large, foot long, canine shaped dildo in her hand, her fingers wrapped around and squeezing hard on the knotty bulb at the end. Some white liquid dripped from the tip, apparently stored with the knot until squeezing released it in a blast.


Oh fuck! Krista realised, Lexi was down, blinded by whatever had been loaded in the fake dog dong... and shit she was still carrying it in front of camera. She quickly dropped it and rolled herself off the barrier...


Shit Lexi was still down, unable to properly clear her eyes of the goop with her mask on.


Krista locked eyes with the Ref, seeing the panic in his eyes as he was forced to keep counting despite the problem.


Krista bolted for the ring, thinking she could maybe salvage some result with a win instead, but screamed and gasped as her arm and shoulder was wrenched back. Krista looked back in shock at the pink fluffy cuffs binding her wrist the barrier, apparently the real deal and not the fake play toy.


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! Krista screamed mentally as the bell rang... double count out....

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Damn, just realized our count is backwards and should ended at 10... oh well :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:42 pm

The crowd went apeshit at the ending, yet another undecided match. It was the worst scenario and would only get worse by the prospect of having to strip down furing the next match thanks to Krista's stupid bet. Lexi finally managed to get to her feet, wiping the sticky white substance that tried to immitate semen rather succesfully from her soiled eye.

She needed to stay in character though till they got off stage, scoffing disappointedly at Zorro and throwing the keys to the handcuffs on the mats just out of Krista's reach, walking off. The ref got over and quickly uncuffed her as security came in to seperate her from the mass behind the fence and keep them from storming the ring.


"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" the boss yelled at both of them, having summoned them to his office and clearing it from all the others, pacing around them as they stood their side by side. "Krista! Why did you feel the need to just grab a random object from the crowd and flail it towards Lexi's face, huh?!" he went in on his favorite fox. "Can you explain that one to me? That could have been anything!"

"And you!" he turned to Lexi. "I know you like the extreme and push the boundaries, but why couldn't you just leave it at the humiliating defeat on being counted out of the ring? No! You just had to play your little game of dragging it on despite the situation already getting out of your control."

"I-I just wanted to give them a show fit for the top..." Lexi stammered, biting her lip to not let out any of the rage she felt from this ending to their first big match. "And they still had a great show...up to the end....I promise we'll do better next time!" she tried to convince the boss, not getting anywhere and adding hesitantly. "W-W-We plan to show some more Aries and Nyx today...We didn't want to rush into it on the first match, but seeing it be recieved so well with them...we could really give them their money's worth and then some in our next."
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:10 am

Krista sat perched over the back of one of the couches as the Boss yelled at her and Lexi, her shorts around her knees while Cindy worked under a towel on her rear. The towel was draped from her midriff and Krista was thankful for the bit of modesty is gave her, particularly in front of the Boss and what he had been pushing for. She propped her head up on her hands, elbows on the top of the couch as she was essentially bent over on it. She'd grumbled internally a bit as Lexi spilt the beans about their bet to strip in the next match

"Lexi's right, we put on a great show, even with the ending, and it would have been better if Nyx and Aries hadn't been so blatant getting their gear off," she snapped back at the Boss, forgetting herself as Cindy rubbed some cream over a particularly tender spot on her ass, "fuck that, our ending was perfect for the long run. The first match can't have a satisfying ending otherwise why would you watch the next two, we need to lean into it not run away, there's no way our feud can be contained in the ring."

Krista straightened up, wrapping the ends of the towel around her waist as she did so to maintain her modesty, still standing on the couch to give her some more height and imagined power in the argument.

"We need to get out ahead of this, ramp it, promote the next match as no disqualification, no count out," she continued, posing slightly with her shoulders back, "Both our characters are pissed now, there can't be anything but victory and defeat, nothing gets in the way next show."
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:41 am

Cindy worked diligently on Krista's inflamed skin, the cold relief soothing her subtle behind as the boss dug into her from the front. Her powerful pose was only slightly diminished by her bottoms stretched around her knees. The boss chuckled at her speech, a grin appearing on his face that neither Lexi or Krista particularly liked to see.

"So you both want to go bigger next time, huh? It definitly wasn't a perfect ending...for the simple fact that we still need the viewers to come back to see the next fight. We already hyp- *ring*" the boss started to mock their plan only to be interrupted by his phone, clicking whoever called away. He huffed annoyed and continued "We already hyped up THIS mat- *ring*", only to be cut off again and getting even more pissed. "We a- *ring*"

"We're in the middle of a meeting here! What's so important?" he almost yelled into the phone after finally picking it up, listining to whoever was on the other side, his expressing slightly relaxing. "Uh huh...I see...Really?...Tomorrow?...And how much we-...Ohhhh...Okaaay...I think we have a deal sir." he muttered, the full picture still not clear but the way he lit up said that it was a rather promising opportunity that presented itself.

"An interesting promo shoot just opened up. That guy is responsible for the sales of a big adult toy franchise and apperently the stunt you pulled really pushed their sales of canine dildos since your match got aired and made it's rounds. He wants us to shoot in one of their stores and offered good money on top. Does that sound like a good opportunity to show us how you're gonna save this or would you rather I ask Onyxia and Aries to do it?"
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:18 pm

Krista really wanted to roll her eyes, block her ears, scrub her brain with bleach, the usual things one would want to do after hearing the last thing the Boss said. Instead she knew she needed to keep her power pose strong and in play.

"I don't see anyone else pushing sales and bringing in investors and sponsors? Do you see any else, apart from us, doing that, Lexi?" She clapped back at the Boss, calling on the other woman for support, "Was there a part of tonight I missed, where Trigger Dave, Dare-Man, Whopper, Nuggets or Sphinx brought attracted an investor that could match all of this?"

She motioned to all that was around them. Feeling Cindy finish up, she hopped back off the couch, dropping the towel quickly and wiggling her shorts back up, using the back of the couch to block the view of it as best she could from the Boss. Covered again, she leapfrogged the two connected booths to stand in front of the Boss.

"Tell me, did Roy Roone ever bring in anything this big?" Krista knew it was a low blow to the Boss to bring up the champion who had walked out on the company just like that, kicking up this whole mess; but Krista wanted him to know she was not just XCW's babyface, she was the THE face of the promotion, "Of course Lexi and I will do it, but why choose between Nyx and us? Tina's gonna be marrying Sphinx right? Is there a better reason for a bunch of girls to visit an adult store than a bachelorette party? We can do it a store brawl, like the WWE did in the attitude era."

Flicking her hair back over her shoulders, she strutted off to the door and down the stairs, not waiting to be dismissed as she played the diva and primadonna. It wasn't until she was down the bottom of the stairs that reality came crashing back in and she started to panic.

"Oh fuck, what did I do"
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:10 pm

Lexi nodded along as Krista took up the boss on his challenge, strongly agreeing with her if a bit unsure where she was going with it all. The boss in turn seemed to be getting exactly the reaction he wanted, being one upped again by Krista as she defended her spot at the top vehemently, his right eye twitching a bit though when she pours salt onto old wounds.

"Okay, Sounds like a plan. You got yourselves a bachelorette party to attend." he muses as she finishes up, much more pleased than when Lexi and Krista first got to him, but sadly for all the wrong reasons. Naked skin, sex toys, a bachelorette party...the company for which Krista now lent her face to to represent it turning more and more into something she never signed up for but couldn't seem to get out of now that the changes started rolling and picking up momentum.

Most of the crew and talent packed up for the night and was on their way home already but Krista found Diamond pacing back and forth in the corridor at the bottom of the steps, waiting for her to come out and share the news with her, definitly stressed out to the max. It took a moment for Krista's arrival to bring her out of her own head and back into the real word, but it did and her eyes widened, her legs turning on the spot to walk towards Krista, seeing the regret on her face and expecting the worst.

"So...Is this the end of the line? What did he say?"
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:46 pm

"No... fuck... it's worse, Diamond" she pouted, slumping against the wall, "We're even deeper down the rabbit hole... the Boss has us shooting a promo at a sex shop tomorrow and then we're meant to strip in the next match like Aries and Nyx did tonight... fuck... it's starting to feel like there's no way up, or like I don't even know which way up is... I feel like just getting in the Dodge and going home, you know, like this isn't what I signed up for..."

She let out a long sigh and straightened up, running her hands through her hairs to pull out the hair ties and let it fall down her back before she pulled of the mask.

"Sorry to dump that on you, I'm good now, just needed to vent," she tried to smile, "I aint gonna do something stupid like run off on you..."

Patting Diamon on the shoulder, she headed off to grab her bag and head back to the hotel, hoping to avoid Cayden or the girls on the way out. She didn't plan on going back to the house, not with how vulnerable and antagonistic she felt.
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:07 pm

Diamond sighed deeply at the news, her eyes lloking a bit empty as she stared into the distance. She put on a smile as well and looked back up at Krista when she apoligized. "I'll be there for whatever decision you make...Just keep me in the loop, ok?" She looked sincere, but it was obvious that she was also disappointed with where the career she managed was going, bringing back all those demands she had been put under years ago.

The arena was almost empty, no soul to disturb Krista as she got on her way out of this hell, going to the other side of the parking lot where she had parked her car when she avoided the others on her way here, all her stuff that she picked up from the house once everybody left still there.

Her drive through the night was silent, no one to talk to, completly alone with her own thoughts until she got back to her single bed hotel room and her new phone started to buzz. It didn't stop and looking at the screen she saw that it was Cayden, the contact info having been transferred from the cloud. Acting as Nyx and Aries driver he didn't stay like Diamond, but he also seemed to want to know what happened and probably how she was dealing with it. Just her kayfabe boyfriend wanting to know how his kayfabe girlfriend was doing and how it might affect him...
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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby exalted » Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:29 pm

Krista tossed her gear in the corner as she entered her room, flicking the TV and letting the smooth jazz from the radio channel it started on by default fill the space and silence. She looked at her phone as it rang, tossing it on the bed to let it go to voicemail instead of answering it. She could deal with that later, right now she just wanted a shower to wash off the sweat and shame of the night.

She still felt numb after the shower, the hot water not providing the usual mediation or soothing thought it usually did. Her eyes locked on the phone as she dried her hair in the towel, knowing she should really pick it up and look if he left a message or call him back... but couldn't bring herself to. She wanted to procrastinate, needed to...

Normally she would do something with Nyx or Aries, have a girls night, or sneak out with her secret 'boyfriend', but none of those sounded like options right now. Tensing her jaw, she decided to bite the bullet and grabbed the phone...

"Hey Lexi... it's Krista," she scrunched her eyes shut as she spoke into the reciever, "Do you want to get a drink at the bar downstairs?"
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Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

Postby Tes » Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:53 am

The tone of her call reaching Lexi and waiting to be picked up on the other side repeated in Krista's ear four suspenseful times until the connection was made. "Hello?" she heard Lexi ask from the other side, unsure who might call her at a time like this. "Oh, Krista..." she murmered, still a bit unsure when her caller identifyed herself and made her proposal.

"Mh, you know what? I could really use a drink! So why not?...Meet you down there in twenty minutes?" she suggested, her mood increasing at the prospect of drinking away some of the things that happended to the two of them today and would happen in the following. Almost all relationships Krista had in the company have been thrown around in a short timespan, Rhys no longer her boyfriend, Aries and Nyx for the time beeing on her bad side, Cayden in this indistinguishable state and Lexi somehow having become her best option to share a drink.
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