Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

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Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Mon May 16, 2022 6:41 am

Name: Selena Stora
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: 26
Appearance: ... id=4447426 // ... id=4604968 (But with blue eyes)

Bio: Selena had an interesting upbringing with parents who were military contractors, causing her upbringing to one rife with frequent moves and being brought places all over the world. As such she learned various interesting skills and became acquainted with many cultures. She followed in her parents foot steps with military contract work for a few years when she was an adult, but soon found her life taking a very different direction after solving discovering and busting a couple drug and human trafficking circles. Soon knowing her strengths laid in her investigative skills Vivian went to school for a few years to acquire knowledge in criminal theory, forensics, and several sciences before starting to hired as an independent investigators for governments trying to solve strange events, uncover conspiracies, dismantle cults, or find crime rings natural where law enforcement agencies were simply to unwieldy to be effective.

Selena is a rather witty and catty girl who loves helping folks and solving a good mystery whether it be discovering who stole the cookies or which corrupt politician likes fueling wars for personal gain. She is very fit, incredibly smart, and has a broad set of skills in both general knowledge and using equipment. She is quite resourceful, able to use whatever available resources around her to come up with creative solutions to problems. And of course she is stunningly beautiful and knows it, having no issue using it to give her an edge if need be. Almost ruthlessly pragmatic at times, she has no issue sleeping with evil and vile men if it means she can ultimately bring them down. Or as she would soon learn, having sex with just about anything!

Recently Selena was sent to the island nation of Arcadia by the Australian government to discover why the area has gone completely dark and why ships and planes have gone missing around there. Her government employers fear that the island, located just shy of a hundred miles off Australia south west coast, might have been taken over in a military coup or perhaps invaded by another country. After being sent it to investigate though Selena finds the reality much wild. Zombies, mutant creatures, feral animals, tentacled monsters, robots both blocky and android like, dragons, aliens, Orcs and goblins are just a small sample of the things she sees. With communication with the outside somehow cut off, Selena is forced to try and figure out why this is all happening on her own as the entire seemingly goes to hell, but its hard going as that is not all. Everything seems to have taken a strange sexually charged nature as the rules of reality as she knows them are broken. Since arriving she has not only been raped countless times, but impregnated in odd episodes that can take as little as an hour to fully progress to an orgasm inducing birth!

But it'll take a lot more then that to get to Selena. She doesn't find much in the way of answers, but she does find friends. A dark elf hermaphrodite zombie turned dark elf named Leslie. An amnesiac soldier now turned into an sexy futa red head named Sam. A stunning raven haired mechanic girl named Mia who has morphed into an elf. And of course her most peculiar companion: a stunning anthropomorphic hermaphrodite lioness Sunset. Selena's literal daughter born after a run in with an actual zombie lion and coming to full maturity within a week. She is powerful and strong and fast and a quick learner, but a little naive, and has a mild infatuation with her mother.

They've carved for themselves a little spot of safety at a shore side house in Arcadia's upper class suburbs. But one day when Selena walks up she finds the world has taken another curious jump. She has access to strange but undeniably helpful menus like a video game. She is able to store items in some kind of strange void of an inventory, able to put things there and recall them with the use of her new menus. And of course the environment. On a map screen Selena is shown that dungeons of various kinds now have appeared all over the city and island, and above the island itself is now the floating mass of a massive castle. A brief tutorial tells her in order to access the castle she would need tokens taken from the bosses of these various dungeons, but how she got up there was on her own!


Nudist: +2 to Dex when naked or scantily clad. -1 when more fully clothed.

Character kinks: Anal, bestiality, being dominated, lesbians, breast feeding
Kinks: Anything not in turn offs
Anti-Kinks: Toilet play, sexual gore, hard vore, diapers, m/m, character death, paedophilia, genital piercings, permanent mind breaking, and long-term enslavement.

After the... less than successful attempt to push further into the abandoned hospital turned 'dungeon full of zombies' and the fresh ravaging they gave you, even after the process! You have a new batch of materials to add to the pile, and a bit more of a goal. Plus the new information about your 'Cryosanguiny' condition that resulted in a pregnancy. Still, you've had worse experiences even if none of them left you quite so frequently pregnant and waddling around with a baby in you.

Of course, with the two of you preparing to head back, you do have a bit more of a decision to make, namely if you want to slink back to base pregnant... or hole up for a bit to see if the pregnancy advances enough that you can give birth and theoretically hide the ravaging you've received. Even the random zombies had a go at you, and from what you recall the direct progeny of such isn't exactly what you'd call controllable.

With the added resources, you doubt it's going to be much more difficult to deal with the pregnancy, and with the added goal of constructing some way to reach the castle, you are stuck thinking of ways around everything. You do have some resources, the magic little resource blocks, that can be put to use. Considering the ways you're going to need to reach the castle and defeat the boss, it might be better to save your resource cubes for creating... an airship or something? Lots of ways this could work, and it almost seems like a waste to turn them into bullets or an ammo factory if you could do it yourself given time and other resources.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Wed May 18, 2022 7:28 pm

Selena and Sunset tiredly walk out the dreary zombie infested hospital, though despite their exhaustion the time is only around noon. Selena and her lioness daughter had tackled it first thing in the morning, Selena curious to see whether or not they could best it and get one of those castle tokens one of her tutorial screens had told her about after she had woken up with game screens to play with. They made a decent effort, getting molested the entire way, but only got to the third floor boss before getting gang raped by freezing zombies and impregnated by the boss, Selena getting further fucked afterword just trying to get her sword back. But hey, she learned about a new 'game mechanic' in the process and now she was basically immune to cold, so that was kind of neat right?

To think she was more interested by that then the fact she had been impregnated by a freaky zombie amalgamation thing.

Back in the nice southern hemisphere sun Sunset is especially glad to be free of the zombie dungeon, the hole place having creeped her lioness daughter out. The poor girl had had a rough time on the second floor with the finger horror things in addition to the defeat on the third floor. Outside of the dingy dungeon though she perks right back up despite the rough treatment in the dungeon. Selena is right there with her though as the sun was nice, and with the cryosanguiny they were basically naturally air conditioned so another minor bonus, alright! Selena is still slightly frustrated though she hadn't been able to get a token to access the castle though, but as she looks up and sees the massive structure floating high in the sky maybe that wasn't exactly a big deal yet. Not like she had a way up there yet. Maybe use the game crafting system? It seemed to have countless options for making things. Or maybe she could take Mia to the city airport and see if they could find a working helicopter or fix one up.

Well, no use thinking about that now. Probably best to get home, though maybe Sunset and her should deal with these pregnancies first. When born the offspring could be tame for a little while, but quickly became rather wild as she had learned. Mostly anyway, as Sunset herself demonstrated. "Come on Sunset, lets hide toward home for now. Maybe we can raid some houses along the way or find a mob that drops resources or something...", Vivian says, before walking off in a slight waddle. Her stomach already looked 11 months pregnant with all the cum that had been pumped into her. She was slowly shrinking, but probably wouldn't shrink all that much given the pregnancy speed in this new wacky world. She checks her status screen, seeing if she had a timer maybe.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Sat May 21, 2022 8:44 pm


Some brief examination shows that you do indeed have a timer on your current pregnancy. Pregnancies? Whatever is growing inside of you, it seems to be at least partway done. Much of the cum packed into you seems to be more as a... raw material to be processed into baby zombies or whatever. Still, you've got at least four hours on the... first pregnancy, with a second one due two hours after that. Sunset doesn't, fortunately, have more than just the one timer, and based on the status of 'cryo' whatever, whatever eggs were injected are likely frozen. Silver linings?

Still, how much of your education is coming back to you is interesting, as 'cryo' is a common enough word that you know it has to do with freezing and cold, but what's 'sanguiny'? Your memory might pull up something, but there's smarter people than you around for that sort of thing. Shaking your attention back to what's going on around you, you do have a few options for loot, assuming you can stop getting impregnated long enough to get it together. There are a few houses, and you recall that your sword came from one, which is definitely nice, and there's the ever present moaning sluggish zombies. While nothing looks exceptionally rich for rewards, most look at least decent, right?
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Thu May 26, 2022 1:55 pm

"Double pregnant?", Selena exclaims, then looks down at her massive still mostly cum stuffed stomach in surprise. "Jesus. Throwing new curve balls at me everyday aren't you world? Sheesh."

Weird as that was though Selena is not perturbed by it overly much. She had been fucked and impregnated by a whole menagerie of strange things over the last month, so much of the initial shock factor of that was gone. This was just part of how life worked now. Maybe even all over the world! But before she dealt with the world, best deal with Arcadia and its mystical floating island first.

On the plus side though, Sunset didn't seem to be pregnant with the finger horror's gross eggs things anymore though, so that was nice. Small victories!

With that determined, the two of them start heading homeward, though Selena would check out any nice looking houses they saw along the way. She certainly wouldn't say no to any other weapons. They had a couple pistols and her extendo sword. There was also a shotgun back at base. That was pretty much it though. Even if Selena counted Sunsets claws as a weapon, and she did, that was still less then one weapon for everybody in their group, and that was hardly ideal. Of course looting houses might mean more encounters, and maybe getting raped again. Selena and Sunset were hardly at their most agile right now, and as nifty as being immune to cold was it might not dissuade a lot of things from trying to fuck them... but maybe it would? Might be worth it to experiment Selena thinks.

Perhaps if she encountered something that wasn't a zombie type monster she might... concede to it, and see if she could get triple pregnant... for science! That way she could determine if different monster types interfered with each other or not. Sunset might get a little jealous though, but Selena could satisfy her later. That and she wasn't sure if she wanted to start a whole tribe of lion people with her own daughter yet. At the very least it would probably be better if she started it with Sam or Mia or Leslie... but Sunset was quite clingy.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Fri May 27, 2022 3:28 am

Normally a ravaging leaving a little surprise behind is something you're getting used to, but this is still... new to have two of them from two different 'fathers'. While you're far from an expert on biology, it doesn't seem too unlikely that you could carry multiples from different fathers at the same time. Of course, Sunset doesn't seem to have 'lucked' out the way you did, and just seems to be carrying the boss monsters child(ren). A brief thrill at the possibility of getting impregnated and ravaged once more runs down you, but you try to focus on the world around you.

A quick look shows that your earlier assessment was accurate, and there's a few houses, and no visible zombie presence. Still, the local island wasn't exactly well armed before hand, so the pistols and shotguns are the most likely finds in a house... unless 'the game' decides to spawn something else like your extendo sword. Still, it doesn't take long for you to spot a promising candidate, most of it seeming to be unbroken into, so hopefully unlooted? Now... how to enter the building?
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Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:20 pm

Selena looks at the few zombie free house candidates before her, examining each one for a moment before she eventually shrugs and just goes to the one on the left. At this point it didn't really matter which one she went to, since ultimately she was trying to do something productive while her pregnancy; correction: pregnancies, ran their course. Given how she had randomly found her extendo sword in a house, it seemed reasonable that any of them might contain another interesting weapon. Or even if Selena was lucky enough to find a regular weapon that might've been their before everything was gamified, like a pistol or simple hunting rifle or shotgun, that would still be good. Might as well try to get an array of tools for an array of problems right?

Approaching the house with Sunset in tow Selena's first instinct was to kick the door down, but how large her still mostly cum filled stomach was that motion would be a little hard. She's tries the simple option first, and simply tries to open the front door. If that didn't work she'd walk around the house to see if it had a back door and try that. If all the doors were locked though then she could just her a rock or a sword hilt to break a window. Preferably one not to large so she didn't have to deal with too much broken glass. Or preferably one that she could break right where any window locks were so she could just open the window and get in with as little mess as possible.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:10 am


You circle the house a few times, confirming that there doesn't appear to be any direct openings, but nothing is smeared in blood or anything either, which is definitely a good sign. Still, you can't see inside very well, but the lack of response from within may be a sign of emptiness... or a sign of something smarter. Still, the more time you spend outside looking around, the more your body works on the massive loads of cum you're stuffed full of, which will hopefully help you in any fight that is to come.

Finding little else, you eventually go looking for a window to smash in, finding one that's only waist high and large enough to fit you, even with your massive stomach full of cum. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have the kind of lock you can just break out, which means either shattering the glass and alerting anything within, or anything else you can figure out.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:20 pm

Selena huffs at no simple way in, but eventually finds a decent window. She gives it a glance over, trying to see if she might be able to open it without making a rukus, but no go. "Well whatever. Probably nothing in there, and if there is it's probably not as bad as whatever was in or around the dungeons. Besides, what is it going to do? Fuck me? Pfh.", Selena thinks. She holds out her hand access her inventory with barely a though, and next thing she knows her fancy extendo sword is back in her hand. Neat feature that! She really liked it, but a part of her wondered if that was just because whatever power that be that had caused all this enjoyed seeing her naked? If that was the case... then that power had good taste in girls Selena thinks.

Not bothering to extend her sword Selena simply uses the hilt to smash the window in near whatever mechanism would allow her to open it. She wasn't concerned at all with sound at this point, so makes no move to quiet anything down as she breaks in. Really she just wanted to contain the mess of glass for her bare feet. Though that had never been a factor before, even in the spooky decrepit zombie infested hospital dungeon, but better safe then sorry. Once inside Selena would then just go about the house and check each room for bad guys before rummaging around, unless she saw something particularly good just sitting in the open that is.

And if she did find a bad guy she'd pause and go from there. Given her current cyro-sanguine condition she was curious how it might effect her interactions with mobs. Would it make then shy away from fucking her? Give her an advantage against certain kinds of mobs? Maybe if the mod wasn't a zombie and didn't give her the heebie jeebies she might feel... inclined to test this apparent stacked pregnancy mechanic a little more. See if she could mix and match classes of zombies. Maybe her current condition might effect it too? It was hard to say. Selena would only know once she knew what was inside the house, if anything.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:23 pm

(Luck:Natural 20!)

Considering that you did get bent over after getting pregnant with the cryozombie baby, chances are pretty good that won't shy away too much. Well... unless they're opposing elements maybe? Still, you focus on the current situation, searching the small building and finding a choice window to break. Eventually, you decide to just have at it, smashing your way inside and quickly finding it easy enough to sneak into. A loud moan gives you a warning and you ambush and kill a normal dumbass zombie which seems to be all you can hear in the building. Of course, with the one zombie, you make sure to cross out every room before you settle in to stare at the obvious bait in front of you.

At first, your suspicion is far too aroused to trust what you're seeing, and you make sure to stab it with your sword, which doesn't trigger a response of any kind. There's just a fucking chest in the middle of the central room. It's not a mimic, it's... just a chest. Still, everything that the fuckin' world throws at you, you can't trust something this easy. But... it doesn't respond like a mimic would, it just acts like a fucking magic loot chest. Still, you can't shake your suspicions, but everything seems safe. Of course, if you're not particularly brave, you could always have your daughter open it instead. But if there's something shiny, you'll probably never see it again.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:19 pm

Even as heavily gravid as she currently was Selena not only has little issue getting inside the now opened window, but dispatching the sole zombie that seems to be wandering around the house's ground floor. A quick swing and a spray of blood later and the fight is over, the zombie thumping lifeless to the ground without even so much as getting a glancing grope on her. From them on Selena is free to check the house over with Sunset. It's modest two story house, so it doesn't take long.

In the living room however is a chest, and one that clearly wasn't apart of the house before everything had changed to the strange gamified world she was now living in. It was more then a little suspicious, making Selena think of the chest that had quiet thoroughly fucked her and her daughter while in the tentacle dungeon she had first tried. Granted however, this was just a regular house. In retrospect she should be surprised that in a dungeon where most of the walls were made of fleshy tentacles that they had also attacked her from a treasure chest as well. Hopefully this would be different.

She gives it a couple pokes with her sword, and nothing seems to happen then her creating a few pock marks in the chest that reveal brighter and non weather worn wood underneath. Sunset meanwhile stays back behind her, suspicious of the chest as well since since the last chest she had seen ended up sodomizing her. "Well... seems safe enough. Hopefully this won't end like last time.", Selena says, withdrawing her sword to dagger length before kneeling in front of the chest. She undoes the clasps and swings the lip open, hoping there would be something nice inside and not a storm of tentacles ready to yank her in. Even if that was the case though, well, it wouldn't be the end of the world. But still, hopefully something good!
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Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:18 am

Opening the chest, you expect something to leap out at you, leaning away and shielding yourself before you return your attention to the open chest. Glancing inside, there's little beyond a small revolver pistol. It honestly looks like something from a cowboy movie more than a modern one with rails or anything, and almost looks like it'd be rusty. But... you quickly grab at it before something seems to snake out, wrapping into your body on a visceral but non corporeal level, and you seem to be stuck with it. Even putting it down, you still feel the link. Pulling up your screen, you quickly look to see if there's any new status effects, which there aren't.

Instead, you've got a bit of equipment listed, an 'enchanted six shooter' which seems to be linked to your body. The ammunition section is fixed, listing itself as six, with a small arrow pointing up into a horizontal bar, seeming to indicate that the pistol can't accept more than the six rounds. However, it doesn't seem to be linking to your supply of pistol ammunition, even as silly as genericized 'pistol ammunition' is. So... you can test it by firing it, or you can just take it back home with you and hope for the best. The gun does appear to be 'bound' though, as it lists you as the user.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:14 pm

Selena squeals a bit in surprise as the a strange ethereal energy seems to snake its way from the gun, making her drop the gun and back up a few steps quickly. Sunset quickly gets into a battle stance and swats at the ghostly tendril still connected between Selena and the gun, but her strike does nothing. Luckily however the whole affair seems to not be what Selena assumes is another surprise sex session. The tendril seems to flatten and wrap around her, then quickly sink in before a sudden ding fills her ears. Honestly surprised she isn't getting fucked by a... ghost or something, Selena takes a moment to make sure nothing weird continues to happen before opening her inventory, where she notes the gun. "Enchanted gun? Oh. Oh! Interesting!", Selena says, her tune quickly changing. She goes back to the chest and sees the gun laying in there still, Selena feeling an odd connection with it.

Picking it up again this time nothing out of the ordinary happens, allowing Vivian to inspect its rather antique but ornate looking make. It was very much a calibre western style revolver, and seemed to be linked with her ammo count, as silly as that seemed. She wondered if was attached to her for good or if she could share it with the others potentially? She supposes though she could loan Mia her SIG226 for now though while she gives this thing a try. "So... hmm... Do I not need to actually reload it then?", Selena mumbles to herself.

Well, might as well test right?

Nothing else to see in the house Selena exits through the front door, the thing unlocking easily from the inside, and heads back out into the street, once there Selena takes aim at the nearest road sign with her new acquisition and lets it have it. The air is filled with a loud echoing bang as the gun bucks in her hand from the single short, nearly instantly followed by the tinny pang of a bullet punching through a thin sheet of steel. Shot made Selena inspects the gun, trying to see if the ammuntion count went down or if any other interesting effects happen.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Thu Jul 14, 2022 9:31 pm

The pistol reminds you vaguely of a Rhino, but with the fancy moving drum of the Nagant revolver. Still, the recoil is... moderate for what you expected, the pistol being heavier and thus a bit easier to control, but it doesn't seem to do anything at first before you feel a slight internal drain and then a sudden increase to the weight of the pistol. You wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't been deliberately paying attention, but there's definitely a sixth bullet back in its chamber, but your base ammo counter hasn't changed.

Playing around a bit more, you find that you can set it to use a pattern instead of a number, a set of six triangles arranged in a hexagon, and when you fire, one of them empties and the symbol rotates before a circle around the symbol fills and then the weight returns. Whatever the energy it's stealing from you is, it seems to be recharging pretty quickly. Further experimentation reveals something interesting, it doesn't start regenerating ammunition if you're tired, like it's leaning on your internal energy stores to replenish, so sprinting while firing will just let you empty it, but it starts to recharge once you've rested a moment. It doesn't feel as nice as your Sig, but the whole 'limitless ammo' thing is pretty damn nice.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It's supposed to use Halo shield/hp logic: you've got to be aware during combat, but once you've stepped out for a bit, it fully recharges so you've always got six rounds going in. That seemed like a natural 20 level weapon.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:40 pm

Selena plays around with the gun a bit more to learn more about it. It was interesting how it didn't actually seem to take from her stored ammo! As she plays around more though she decides to riddle the sign she was using as a target with as many rounds as she can to see if she can empty the gun. She does so, managing to empty all six chambers of the heavy set revolver into the thin steel stop sign and making all the chambers cycle. The come back soon in successive, but Selena is quick to notice a slight drain on her stamina. By the time the last round cycles in she's even breathing slightly heavier, like she had just down a short sprint or something. "Hmm... maybe not the best weapon to use if I'm running away then... and hopefully its not eating my soul to regain ammo or something.", Selena says to herself. She places the weapon at her bare hip, and after a second the weapons fades from sight as it joins her mysterious pocket void inventory. Gosh that would never stop being handy!

With that taken care of Selena thinks about what to do next, but doesn't get very far when a sudden kick in her womb gets her attention. With a slight gasp she clutches her heavily rounded stomach as the... things she was pregnant with bit shift around. Looking down though it seems that her belly has finally equalized between the babies and vast amounts of spunk pumped into her by the freezer zombies in the hospital dungeon. Which is to say, that she had finally absorbed all the spunk and shrunk down to a slightly more mobile point, however with another hour or so to go on the first pregnancy she would likely get that size back as she finished growing her latest set of offspring.

With nothing overly pressing to do until that point though Selena knows she has some time to kill. "Well Sunset, still plenty of daylight. Let's make a detour to the beach. Once things run their course then we can head back to the others and plan for tomorrow.", Selena says, putting her hands on her hips as she addresses her lioness daughter. Maybe they could relax a bit on the beach while they waited to give birth to... whatever cold zombie like thing they were pregnant with. That and Selena was kind of famished. Maybe they could find a snack store with some chips or something when they were there. And if not... well they could always suckle from each others tits Selena supposes.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Request one roll for a nonzombie encounter at the beach please.
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Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Wed Jul 20, 2022 6:31 pm

While your internal sensations indicate that both babies are... growing at the same rate now, it's clear that they're still very different sizes, and you can guess that the big one is likely from the cryo-zombie that got you first, and the second from whatever got you second. Still, they both seem to be heading toward the end of their gestation cycle. (Encounter: 14) Both you and Sunset are quick to find your way to the beach, and you see that it is pretty clear. There are numerous tracks across the sand, but nothing moves as you get closer and investigate. Of course, your body soon decides you've had enough time to settle on a location, as a gush of fluid between your legs alerts you to the fact that both babies are done.

Sunset and you wind up on the ground soon after, holding hands as you both go into a very rapid and nearly pleasurable labor. Of course, the pair of you are stuck for a bit, the pressure growing far more than you were used to as the cryo monsters babies are quite a bit larger than normal ones, although your second keeps you clenching and pulsing as Sunset flips you over onto your back and helps massage your belly. The two larger monsters latch onto you, doing their best to drain you dry before your second birth distracts you. By the time you come to from your intense, orgasmic birth, you realize the two larger zombie babies have disappeared, while Sunset is cooing to a fuzzy blue furred catlike baby, who seems to be... dammit, you never did get a good look at the 'zombie' that got you the second time did you?

Sunset was a sneaky bitch and planted a kitten in you when you weren't looking! And it actually seems to have adopted some of the cryo powers the two of you were saturated with, as her 'stripes' seem to be a cool glowing whitish blue instead of matching her... father Sunset. Still, this one seems to be staying put, possibly because both parents were 'human' or 'players' rather than zombies? You'll have to check with your base to see what's going on, and if any other surprise pregnancies have occurred with in your team.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:58 am

It takes about half an hour but eventually Selena and Sunset make their way to the beach without issue, without any random encounters or even zombies to block their path. They cross what appears to be a public water front park area, then before they know it finds themselves on a classic boardwalk in front of a large swath of Miami style beach. The place was pretty and decorative, though some spots a little overgrown with grass, and utterly abandoned. Unfortunately no snack places either, other then an abandoned hot dog stand which seemed to have a fair few flies around it. No point wasting their time with that.

Crossing the boardwalk the beach looks like it had seem a modicum of activity recently and even before whatever crazy event had happened to the world had happened. Scattered across the beach are towels and umbrellas and the odd pilfered looking bag in little. All through the sand are various tracks, some human, some animal, and a fair few... completely unidentifiable at all. There was nothing in sight at the moment though, so Selena decides to why not enjoy a big of afternoon sun while her and Sunset wait things out? She's not really sure if she could work on her tan at all with this cryo-sanguiney effect, but she was naturally cooled so at least she didn't have to worry about getting too hot. Besides a little time to just relax and chat with her lioness daughter about random stuff would be good bonding. So the two grab a couple towels and lay down, luxuriating in the sun as Selena basically talked about what the world was like before this crazy changes, and answering Sunset's many curious questions. It would seem her anthropomorphic daughter quite enjoys the lazy time in the sun.

Eventually however the time does come, Selena and Sunset simultaneously gasping as their labour starts. They roll onto their backs and spread their legs as that familiar pleasurable heat flares to life, both girls quickly panting as he pressure within their wombs built. Selena grasps Sunset's hand tightly as she begins to push then, moaning in alien orgasmic delight as the first of two exited her baby chamber. The first orgasm comes as the baby starts to crown, soon followed by many others as Selena's back arches and her eyes flutter. "G-goddamn! So big!", Selena manages to grind out. Despite the baby's size though the process is as quick as she's come to expect, and within ten minutes the first baby is over and her stomach has reduced in size considerably, though she still had another to go. As she prepares for the next one she's glances down at a pair of blue skinned zombie babies hungrily sucking on her nipples, greedily drinking down her milk so quickly they appear to visibly gain mass with each gulp. With the added euphoric sensations of getting her tits suckled on Selena soon cums again, eyes screwing shut as the next baby start to arrive. This time though Sunset was kneeling next to her, her own labour finished, and rubbing Selena's still rounded belly.

After another ten minutes of much of the same Selena is panting in post orgasmic bliss, her entire body but especially her pussy and breasts tingling as the magical pleasurable sensations faded away. Her eyes flutter back open after being screwed shut for a little bit and are mostly greeted with the sight of her jiggling tits. Little dribbles if milk come from her nipples, both stiff teats now unoccupied and the zombie children nowhere to be seen. She brings her hands up to her stomach, sighing happily at the wonderful flatness of it again before bring them up to cradle her sensitive chest. It seemed like it was over, so after taking a couple more moments to breath she eventually props herself up on her elbows and sits up... and gets a bit of a shock when she sees Sunset kneeling in the sand in front of her, cradling what was clearly not a zombie baby but one of feline origin! Selena's jaw dropped a little, quickly thinking back to when she had gotten a follow up gangbang after fighting the cryo zombie boss when trying to get her sword back. She had thought one of those zombies was a little to soft! She had been... she had been impregnated by her own futa daughter! "Sunset! You sneaky kitten!", Selena tries to say in the best mom voice she can muster.

Despite that though the baby appeared to be in good health. And seemed to have a tiger like quality to it despite her lion like... father. Sunset was a tawny light golden brown, while this baby was blue with stripes. She suckled happily on Sunset's left tit, and was quite cute to be honest. Eventually Selena just sighs and stands up, wiping some sand from herself before putting her hands on her hips. "Silly girl. I would've thought after the whole tentacle dungeon debacle we'd gotten to the point where I don't satisfying you. Unless this was what you were aiming for the whole time. We better hope genetic diversity isn't an issue down the road at this rate."

Whatever Sunset might have to say to that, it seemed this one was sticking around and was more along the lines of Sunset. Which likely meant in a couple weeks this girl would be fully grown. She does suppose a little extra help would hardly be bad though. Sunset after all had become indispensable part of the team. "Well... let's head home then. Hopefully the others haven't turned the place into a complete maternity ward. At this rate I might need to look for some pretty lady monsters for you all less me and Mia become mostly stay at home moms at this rate. Though come to think of it I don't think Mia's ever actually gotten got so to speak..."
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:37 pm

Laying down seems to be the right idea as your massive belly is large enough it'd be difficult to maneuver properly, something that must be because of the gigantic zombie baby growing you. This thought is soon confirmed as a small toddler sized baby is born, even if it quickly seems to disappear into the surroundings, likely to find a new home after being born and drinking their fill of your magic milk. Still, the reverse ravagement is intense and leaves you quivering as you give birth to your own grand baby.

Sunset appears completely unapologetic at having put a baby in you, the way only a cat after mischief can, but does her best to keep her new child fed. This one doesn't seem interested in wandering off at least, which you suppose is for the best. Still, genetic diversity is something you'll have to get your captured gnome/dwarf scientist to look into as you check into things. With the severe necking of genes, if your group is the only survivors on the island, you're going to need to figure that issue out.

Considering your overall physicality and how easy it is to move, you're not sure if being pregnant will even slow you down short of the last few hours or so. Not to mention, even if the home base isn't a maternity ward, you frequently seem to bring that status home. Still, unless you've got something else you want to do, you can head home.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Idea on the 2B scenario for you: remote piloted bodies that can be impregnated, but left at home. The birthing process will cause Selena to mentally crash as she's forcibly brought back to the body as it gives birth, but you could go adventuring while the preggers body stays home.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:58 pm

With her hands on her hips Selena continues to give Sunset a narrow eyed stare, though Sunset seems completely unfazed. Probably because she was holding the reward for her stealthy efforts. In this instance what was done was done and Selena couldn't exactly undo them. Eventually though Selena just releases a deep breath and sighs, bringing up a hand to rub at her temple real quick. "Sneaky kitty. Next time it'll be face to face, that'll be certain!", Selena eventually says. A dirty and foreshadowing thing to say for sure, but lets be real here. Selena knew it was only a matter of time before Sunset eventually impregnated her again. There was enough lust inducing creatures, monsters, and traps to just about ensure that Selena knows, her thoughts going back to the bout of intense sex her and Sunset had after their first defeat in the tentacle dungeon.

Anyway, it seemed Sunset was happily taking care of their new baby, which Selena would think of a name for shortly unless Sunset had something in mind. They could decide it by the time they got back home probably. "Well come on then, let's head home. Come on!", Selena says happily before giving Sunset's ass an encouraging smack to get her moving. If that didn't have immediate results Selena would just lead the way, since Sunset would no doubt follow her swaying ass anywhere. As they start off though Selena can't help but do a little twirl in the sand, sending her fiery red and yellow coloured hair in a flurry around her. Now that her pregnancy was over she was slim and trim again, her belly flat and even her breasts feeling a little lighter then usual after getting drained by the zombie offspring her and Sunset had birthed. Granted half a day from now they'd be as full as ever, but she was used to that and it wouldn't be a problem.

And so they head straight home barring any potential random encounters, eager to see their little impromptu family again.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mmm... maybe? We'll see when we get there. Also since you appear to bringing the good doctor back, feel free to give her a different name and whatever personality you'd like!
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby porne » Wed Aug 03, 2022 11:13 pm

Sunset does manage to growl out a possible name for you, "Winter?" but stays quite otherwise. Still, there isn't much left to do here, and your daughter seems quite satisfied having knocked you up. Of course, the idea that she might try again the next time you get impregnated with an elemental boss baby to create a variant of her own. Well, that seems like a lot of work to go through, but you could certainly do it if you wanted. Getting home quickly, you check in with them, finding that they appear to have set up some of the... stuff to create a stable base. Mostly, they're working on ensuring they've enough food and water to carry over, although they certainly won't complain about the equipment you bring home.

The doctor seems fascinated by the variant child you and your daughter have produced, quickly taking blood samples and such, before turning her attention to the rest of you. With the changes to your genetics caused by the nanobots, and their continued interaction, it seems unlikely that 'inbreeding' is going to become an issue, as it's mostly the result of toxic recessive traits manifesting, and the nanobots seem to be able to toggle specific gene patterns on and off at will.

You've ensured that the base won't starve, but they're still very limited on food stuff, have little in the way of medical or machinery supplies, and a whole host of other issues, which you'll have to figure out issues. Turning in for the night to sleep on the issues seems like a good idea.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Arcadian Disaster (Porne for Jondude, continuation)

Postby jondude » Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:19 pm

"Mm, I was thinking Nala. But Winter is more thematic and less cliche. And most importantly it's still cute! So let's go with that.", Selena replies, agreeing to Sunset's suggestion before they made their way back home.

Luckily the journey back isn't far or difficult as they don't even encounter so much as a wayward zombie along the way. As they go though Selena still can't help but feel a slight eeriness as she looks at the abandoned upper class beach front neighbourhood. Barely more then a month ago this place was probably vibrant and lively, but now no one was around. It seemed all of Arcadia's original inhabitants had either died or simply vanished with only a few exceptions. That and whatever... cosmic event or whatever that had drastically changed the nature of the world and gameified of all things had not been kind to it in general. Some places still looked rather normal or pristine even. Most others though were overgrown and changed in strange ways, and other ruins.

They get back to the villa the place had been one the buildings mostly spared. It was roomy and had a wall but was quite empty beyond that. It made a good enough base of operations for now though since creatures and monsters never seemed to hassle them here or seemed to spawn in the immediate area. For all she knew that was just luck though. Inside they are quick to come across their comrades since near the beginning: Sam, Mia, Leslie, and the Doctor. They were all crowded in the kitchen and living room area, apparently taking overall stock of food as Selena and Sunset return. There is a brief flurry of excitement as the others comment on Selena's and Sunset's frosty aura's and blue stripes due to their cryosanguiny, not to mention Winter, but things calm down as Selena tells them it was only temporary and not really negative at all. The Doctor runs a series of tests then on Winter as the others poke Selena and Sunset, everyone getting a short laugh when Leslie squawks in surprise when Selena grabs her dick with an icy cold hand.

"Alright, well. It seems food and water are bit a concern right now, and it appears we don't have much in the way of utilities at the moment. This place is safe for now, but maybe we should think about trying to find something else. Maybe along a river or something? That way we can at least grow some fresh food and clean ourselves. Unless you think you can get that all running here?" Selena says, mostly directly her last question towards Mia since she seemed to be quite the engineer.

Once Selena gets some input from the others she supposes they'd turn in for the night. Selena and Sunset might have to get a separate bed though given snuggling with them would be quite chilly. But hey if any of the others were interested in some slightly different sex she wouldn't deny them.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada


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