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Real Name: Krista Lake
Ring Name: Zorro Azul
Age: 22
Original Ring Attire (is made skimpier when the company changes)
Krista grew up watching wrestling, admiring the Luchadores and adoring the female stars/divas like Lita. She dreamed off one day becoming them and started training as soon as she could, jumping from the roof of her house as a kid more than once as she played WWE or WCW with her friends in the backyard. Soon the boys didn't want to play with Krista or demanded she had to be manager, really it was because they were sick of losing. Krista finally got her chance to perform professionally when small independent promotion came through town looking for talent. She impressed the right people and was soon making a name for herself, out going and energetic she was hit baby face with the crowd.
It was in the promotion that she met her boyfriend Rhys Thompson, also known as the Immortal Sphinx in the ring. His baby face persona wasn't an act for her, but they had to keep it secret because it just wouldn't work kayfabe wise (he was an immortal Egyptian pharaoh god type thing and she was a luchadora in the fox mask). Everything seemed to be going well until the companies biggest star got poached by one of the big franchises, but at least it meant Rhys got promoted to fill the spot and feud with the company's heel, Ghost Ravager and his manager Sanguine.
Rhys Thompson/ Immortal SpinxRhys dreamed of head lining the big times, but he's been stuck down in smaller promotions and development promotions for too long. He's been waiting for his shot and isn't about to let someone get in his way. He's hated his time with XCW and hick fans that come to the shows, but things got more bearable a few months back when a new luchadora joined the company and proved she could wrap her legs around more than an opponent in the ring. The champion just got poached (and they should have taken Rhys!) but now he's got the spot and he is going to get noticed.
Cayden Russel/ Ghost RavagerCayden knows the business, knows that you can't have a hero without a villain and is willing to take the hit. He's happy and content where he is, happy putting other guys over and making them better, so long as they give him a nod of respect back in the locker room. He's been with the company the longest almost of all the performers, seen many champions rise and get plucked away, but this is him home and family. His evil persona in the room is just an act.
Lexi Butler / SanguineLexi is Cayden's kayfabe girlfriend/ manager/ acolyte, but wishes it was more, wishes it was as real backstage as it was in the ring. She takes it bit too seriously sometimes, and doesn't understand that Cayden doesn't see her in that light. The tight leather, whips and chains are more than just an act for her. She's constantly on management to push to the boundaries, to let her full hardcore matches, to bring in the thumbtacks, barbwire and and flaming tables, but no other woman on the roster has been willing to do that yet.
Annabel Levy/ DiamondA former star, but she was injured during her rise and never recovered fully. She's been a manager ever since, currently guiding the company's latest hit, Zorro Azul and is trusted by all the talent. Diamond thinks if she said jump they would all do it immediately and then ask if it was high enough and try to do better anyway. Diamond was injured back in the day due to gimmick match, jelly wrestling, and she has been against those things ever since. Secretly, Diamond is one of three owning partners in the promotion, sinking everything she had saved over the years into it. While a purest at heart, the financials aren't looking good, if the company goes down she loses everything.
NPC :Aries:
https://img3.gelbooru.com//images/61/12 ... 14e94e.jpg After the shower, Krista had wrapped the ice in a wash cloth, putting it under herself as she sat on the floor, not wanting to get the bed wet as it melted. She turned the TV for background noise but didn't watch, just staring straight ahead at the wall. She tried to run through her match with Lexi in her, trying to perfect the timing and pace of every move and imagine how it would look from the outside... but her focus wavered... her mind going elsewhere as tears threatened and welled in the corner of her eyes.
He had used her... just like Rhys had... taken what he had wanted from her. She'd told him, multiple times; and he'd still.... she sniffed back a tear but it didn't help, they were soon streaking her face as she went red and crimson for the wrong reason.... she'd told him and he'd still... it was worse than Rhys... Rhys was selfish, direct... but he had.... Cayden had... she thought he was different, thought he actually... but it was all a con, he'd just taken and... and he'd know what Rhys had done, how Rhys had treated her and still he...
* * *
She had kept her phone turned off to save the battery, instead setting the rooms alarm clock to go off early; she needed it to for her plan.
An early night of crying had meant she was soon out of tears to share and was just left some thing else entirely broiling inside her. 'DTA', Stone Cold had said it, her old Coach had said it, even Diamond had told her to keep it to heart when she first joined the company, and Krista had finally learnt it.
She needed to be up early. Needed to be in position before they were, needed to be out of sight. She'd driven back to the house, parked a few streets over to get the Pink Demon out of view and then found a place to wait. Waited for the three of them to leave in Cayden's truck and then gone in herself to get her things out. With traffic it hadn't been hard to arrive the warehouse soon after them, parking the Demon on the other side of the car park from the truck. The venue, again, large enough she could come in from a different entrance and act like she had been there all along. She made a beeline for Diamon first.
"Hey Mat Momma," she hugged Diamon in greeting, "Sorry, my phone died completely last night and I've been trying to get a new one all morning but no luck. So I had an idea about what Cayden could do tonight so he still has something to do..."