by Lazy Kitsune » Fri May 20, 2022 11:06 am
Drifting off beside Emma, who stayed staring vacantly up, you feel that same feeling as before... of being not quite alone. You can see photos, hanging on a wall under red light. Most are completely undeveloped, but the one you just took of Emma hanga right in front of you, clear as day.
Looking around, you say more photos hanging from above, though they are completely blank save for the black marker pen style writing on them.
Capture the essence of feeling. Those who carry it will feel the same.
Ask to hold a position or strike a pose. It will be held until you declare release.
Place another's image over a freshly taken image of yourself. You will find new angles you may have been looking for.
Were these more things you could do with the camera? You try to make out more writing but you're distracted by the sound of breathing and someone turning on a tap. You definitely aren't alone in this room.
You jolt awake, your memories of the dream already becoming blurry once again, though you retain the clues to three new camera abilities that you saw.
What catches your attention first, however, was that Emma's eyes were lidded but open. You think she might be awake, but after a few seconds you recognize that dazed look. She's still in a trance. Had she been like this all night? Could she have been vulnerable enough that she won't wake up from it unless you tell her to?
Perhaps you could make use of this. You didn't make much use of her trance before passing out. She likely needs more... adjusting before she'll become a willing assistant in your endeavours. Plus whatever else you might like to change about her.