1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Forum for publicly viewable but closed-group role-playing.

Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:08 pm

Dang this thread got grim fast, you all doing okay?
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Tes » Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:16 pm

Well, for me at least 2022 is going way better than 2021, even though globally speaking it's still rather...tense. I finally got into a more fitting job that is less likely to turn my brain to mush and has a lot of other benefits like working from home :).

Lately I've been lurking a bit more and reminiscing so if anyone would be up for a game or two feel free to pm me. As for some ideas of my own:
-futuristic setting where neuroimplants have become the norm but the divide between poor and rich has also grown. MC would be like a network technician that's fed up with the way he/she's treated by the high rise clients despite his/her supirior intellect and hacks into those implants. Could also include some body alteration via rare and expensive nanites.
-more fantasy oriented setting where present earth gets exposed to magic which changes people to elves,orcs,anthros,etc... depending on how attuned they are. i.e from just changes ears to fully attuned. Somewhat Equivalently is could just be a modern setting were these species existed for much longer and have mixed with the humans to create this modern day population with latent genes. Either way this would lead to some 'purer' families and those that are less fortunate. All that is to say the MC would be an unassuming guy that has some strong orc genes in his pants that the other species can hardly resist xD
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:06 pm

Looking for someone to run a star wars set game for me. If you haven't played with me before, I'm big into hypnosis, gradual bimbofication and being coerced / pressured to give sexual favours; but also attention to story and characterisation is important to me. I'm happy to discuss details over pms.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby exalted » Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:21 pm

*Splutters to life, shaking off the accumulated dust and pretending I've been awake all this time*

I'm not dead.. ummm I mean ahhh...

Anyone up for a game? Usual quid-pro-quo of dming?
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sun May 08, 2022 2:17 pm

I am mildly interested in RPing a few different ideas as of late.

-I've had this idea of someone being informed they have magical potential and an offer to join a team of Magical Girls in fighting against monsters that are trying to take over Earth. However, he/she didn't expect themselves to become a Magical Girl, or to find their appearance changing permanently as a result. Neither were they prepared to deal with the consequences, or the fact that they end up having very low stats, with the exception of "Potential" (EXP gain if they can manage to gather any). On top of it all, it turns out that Magical Girls have an unfortunately high libido for some reason.

-Guy manages to piss off a random girl, who turns out to be very into the occult and casts a curse on him, which transforms him into a girl the next day as (s)he wakes up, at which point, the strange girl was long gone. He tries to figure out a way to undo it and hide his new girl nature, only to fail and have it revealed to the entire class. The class begins teasing and making fun of her, before forcing her into a female school uniform, eventually evolving to publicly embarrassing and molesting her in class, no one, including teachers, interferes or cares as a result of the curse.

-A rather lazy couple wishes to take a break from their kids for summer and send them to a Pet Training Camp (for adults), thinking it'd be something they'd enjoy. Turns out, the camp wasn't quite what anyone expected, especially when one of the siblings is assigned to be the trainer, and the other the pet. (There are a few different ways this could be RPed.)

-A boy raised as a girl attends a girl's school. However, while none of the adults find out, the girls in the school do. Considering there is suddenly a single male in a school full of horny teenagers and no sex-ed... Well, you can imagine.
Inspired by these pictures.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


-A guy/girl driven to suicide after being rejected and humiliated by the girl he loves, comes back as a vengeful ghost only seen by the girl. Naturally, he decides to take out his sweet, sexy revenge.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat May 21, 2022 6:45 pm

Had a few plots in mind I've been looking to do.

First would be a hypnosis plot. A young man attending an all-male university finds himself frustrated with the lack of tail to chase. He stumbles upon a hypnosis textbook, and after seeing it's not just horseshit but actually effective, decides that if there are no girls on campus to satisfy his needs, he'll use his newfound knowledge to make a few.

Second, a young dragon is finally ready to leave the nest and set off to make her own den. Only, she doesn't want to be a dragon. She wants to be like the knights that occasionally came trouncing up to her mother's lair. So, she uses her shapeshifting, commandeers some armor and sets off on a quest just like those valiant little men in their tin cans. A more lighthearted fantasy romp, full misunderstandings, adventure, and plenty of lewd encounters.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Mashugana » Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:36 pm

Got a few ideas, thought I'd fire them off and see if anyone would be interested in these either playing or dming.

Firstly, a potential VTM based game. If I was the player I'd like to try my hand at being Banu Haqim/Assamite. Possibly going for Path of Blood.

Secondly, if you've ever heard of Punch Club, it'd have the player taking up the PC's role as a prospective fighter trying to start their career/life path and going on from there. If you're unfamiliar with the game, you can play a straight laced fighter in the ring, a super hero, or join the mob and other things, so shit can get wacky.

Thirdly, a modern/semi modern fantasy/horror setting where the protagonist is in a strange town with a lot of bizarre goings on. Ghosts, occult rituals, cults and potential Cthulhu Mythos shit could go down. Time span wise, probably looking at 90s to nu20s.

On that note, a post apocalyptic setting where Y2K actually happened. Could take place immediately after everything went down, a little while afterwards or even a generation or two after the end of civilization. Overall mood could be flexible, from relatively alright to bleak and harsh.

Finally a sort of chill regular fantasy, you know, generic adventure stuff that could go wherever either of us agrees.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Mashugana » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:09 am

Thought of something else as well (apologies for the double post)

A prison situation where the player is convicted and sentenced to incarceration in a strange offshore facility, circumstances can be flexible depending on what the player and GM are interested in doing, from a woman sent to an all men's facility to the opposite, to an experimental ground where prisoners are used as lab rats, etc.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:10 am

Wondering if anyone might be up for running a lewd Resident Evil game of some sort. Whether a more original scenario or just taking one of the first three games and giving it a lewd twist.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Firehead » Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:50 am

Been a while, but I'm looking to get back into RPing here if anyone else is still here. I have a couple ideas but feel free to PM me your own ideas as well.

The world is suddenly changed when Orcs become real, and the character goes to the first school to have both humans and orcs both as students and staff. The orcs, of course, use this opportunity to show the women the superiority of orcs over human males.

Just hoping to put herself through college, a woman stumbles into a secret war between monsters and magical girls on her way home from her part-time job. In the confusion, she's forced to become one herself. Unfortunately, the monsters can sense her power and are drawn to her, and as an adult, she can only generate magic to fight back through sex with non-monsters.

A human gets Isakied into a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-type world where all males have gone feral and rape-happy, but he's unaffected. If he can prove himself useful to the post-apocalypse society the uncaptured women have formed gathering resources and rescuing the captured, he'll be as good as drowning in pussy. This one could include some gay content around the protag losing some fights to the rape-happy males.

A high school senior with a reputation of being a good girl has always been secretly a pervert, but has always feared ruining her reputation to indulge in her varied, secret desires. That all changes when she wishes on a star one evening and attains the power to transform into a completely different woman. Now this strange mystery girl can garner the slutty reputation for indulging all of her deepest desires while she remains squeaky clean, but the more she indulges, the more temptation claws at her. Can she enjoy her new secret identity while maintaining her regular self's obligations?
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:48 pm

I think I'm up for running a game for someone, though probably something simple and shorter in scope.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:42 am

Looking for folks who'd be willing to run a couple of plots for me.

First one would be a feudal Japanese type thing, wherein a kitsune who had been sealed away for causing all manner of mischief is released from her prison by a desperate young lord, hoping that she might be able to remedy the crises befalling his clan. Out of a sense of gratitude, and for the opportunity to cause some trouble, she decides to help him, becoming something of a vizier/court mage/diplomat on his behalf. I'd be looking to play the kitsune, in this case.

Second would be a fun little isekai, wherein a mother finds herself transported into the world of Pokemon while cleaning out her son's old video games. She ends up taking the role of the mother in the game, taking care of the various Pokemon who are sent back home by her kid while they're out on their journey. Of course, the Pokemon of this world have certain needs absent in the one of the game. Essentially a comfy, lewd slice of life type deal.

I'm willing to run games in return in the usual fashion.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Clap4thewolfman » Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:58 am

Hello everyone! My name is Clap4thewolfman, but you can all call me Wolfman. I used to be a part of this rp community years ago, and decided to come back and see if it was still alive. If anyone wants to rp, feel free to message me and we can discuss kinks/limits and plots.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Tes » Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:28 pm

Hey all. Can't believe a year went by so fast since the last time I've shown myself on here. If anyone would be interested I had this idea for a setting I'd like to gm and flesh out. Something along the lines of a couple trapped in space with another man that manipulates and blackmails them into letting him do more and more depraved acts with the women who would be the protagonist I'd be searching for. This could either happen on another planet where they are the first to arrive in a new colony or on a spacecraft where the three of them woke up by themselves similar to the movie passengers. For the couple I picture a jealous man who's easily agitated, but with no bite as the women wears the pants in their relationship. And the antagonist would be a bigger man in more than one way, a mechanic who combines brawn and brain. If anybodies interested in something like that, just send me a message ^^.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:23 pm

Been looking to get back into smut writing recently. Currently looking for someone who is willing to run a sci-fi frontier kinda game ala Trials in Tainted Space. Themes would include exploration, crew building, general adventure. I'm in the mood to try and write some femdom type content, with the PC functioning as either an older, MILF type getting back into the planet rush game for a gentler sort of femdom, or a glorified pirate captain trying to make her fortune for the rougher type.

As per usual, I'm willing to run a game in return. Doesn't even have to be in a similar vein, I'm good to run most everything, so long as it doesn't require huge buy-ins to a fandom I'm unfamiliar with.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sun Oct 22, 2023 10:00 pm

Peeking in to see if there's any interest in running a Pokemon game focused more on human x anthro relations. Could be either a classic "my Pokemon team is now a bunch of sexy girls/boys" type thing, or maybe a Mystery Dungeon type game, though rather than have the protagonist become a Pokemon they maintain their humanity upon washing up on the island and have to go around building up a li'l Rescue Team to make up for their shortcomings.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby cryosabre » Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:01 am

Hi folks,

Decided to drop back into the forum to see if anyone was interested in scratching an old itch for a high fantasy roleplay with all the usual themes?

Happy to run, but would rather play if possible. Fire me a PM if you're interested :)
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Soru » Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:28 am

Hello everyone,

I decided to return here to see about doing some RPs again, though maybe a bit slower than I used to be and probably not as many as before.

As for the type of RP I would like, that can be up to discussion. Typically I like using already pre established worlds (sometimes with tweaks or modification) like Pokemon, Digimon, Fallout, Skyrim, WoW, FF14, etc and sometimes playing as a canon character like Cynder from the Legend of Spyro or Krystal from Starfox. Of course I'm open to original worlds as well; futuristic sci-fi, fantasy, or even modern work just fine.

Anyways, if anyone is interested to run a game for me let me know. I can also run a game in return. And if any of my old RP partners wants to resume or revive an old one I'm also fine with that.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:28 am

Find myself in a real strong Persona 5 mood. Kind of find myself wanting a game set in Persona 5 Royal or Strikers. Whether it be playing one of the characters (probably Ann, or maybe Akechi with his Loki form), coming up with a complete OC, or making use of my human oc persona and throwing them into the setting or into a setting like it, would be cool if anyone up for something like that.
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Re: 1on1 RP Request and Interest Thread

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:12 am

Looking to start up a game based on a lewd D&D 5e homebrew supplement I've found. Likely going to either run with a generic fantasy world, or maybe run it in a pre-existing smut game world (like CoC). DM if interested.
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