Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

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Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:31 pm


A few long fingers snake their way into your slit, but once inside, they seem to stop moving. You've got a bad feeling about this, there better not be a chest burster anywhere in this strange game world. With one distraction seemingly out of the way, you focus on the others, your extendo katana allowing you to butcher more than half of the zombies in an orgy of violence. These are definitely the more traditional zombies, falling after simple decapitations and torso severings, rather than requiring actual full body dismemberment. You're soon coated liberally with blood and various juices before the strange bathing suit monster begins to squirm again, and you almost get yourself bitten by one of the bastards.

Still, while you are busy dismembering zombies, you manage to keep an eye on Sunset. The poor futa is stuck in the process of being wrapped by the damned finger monsters, one on her chest the other on her pussy and ass, digging fingers far too deep and refusing to give up. A loud squeal escapes her after your own pussy is penetrated, and you can only assume she too is being molested by the monsters. The one between her legs begins to engage in gyrations, refusing to stop moving about like yours did before the other wraps itself around her face. She doesn't manage to tear it off her face before she's tackled by a few zombies.

The handful of zombies doesn't seem bothered by the two finger horrors, and their cocks soon begin to drool clear fluid as they take advantage of your immobilized daughter. With little beyond blind resistance, they force her down, soon finding their way to penetrate her plump ass and tit fuck her under the mass of fingers, your daughter roughly gurgling and squealing as she's violated by the zombies and finger horrors. Still, at least the finger horrors are protecting her from getting impregnated by the zombies as their moans turn a bit more lewd than the common grunting, symbolizing the pulsing of their cocks as they pump defenseless Sunset full of their cum, her stomach bulging slightly as she's given a cum enema and her face is covered in thick cum under the finger horrors attempts.

Fury turns your vision red, and your sword begins collecting parts of the walls as well as the zombie parts as you lay into the slower versions of the zombies. Finally finishing, your chest heaving as the little monster on your chest squeezing you and suckling like it's your child is up and ready, depending on how you want to go about prying the little monster off of you. Unless you want to test the chest burster theory.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Sun Aug 29, 2021 3:07 am

"Mmmph!~ Saucy little bastard.", Selena says under her breath when she feels the finger horror clinging to her push some freakishly long fingers into her pussy. Thankfully the zombie thing is content enough to just to be inside her, its fingers going still rather then pump in and out. A small mercy Selena thinks as she fully extends her sword. It was already hard enough to focus with the fingers inside of her, the hands pawing at her all over, and the things head and a mouth equipped hand sucking on her nipples it was hard enough to focus as it was. She'd take not getting actively finger banged if it helped her stay on her feet!

Looking around at the approaching zombies though she gets ready to fight, her body tensing as she changes her attention to the active threat and not the currently passive one clinging to her front. When the first one gets within range a right handed swipe decapitates it, simple as that. She barely even feels any resistance as her blade cuts flesh. "Damn this sword is awesome!", Selena can't help but think as she simply moves past, ignoring a splash of arterial spray on her left arm before running another zombie though then yanking his sword upward, bisecting it from the below the rips to the top it's head. It flops back in a gory mess, but Selena continues, trying to be quick but prioritizing a methodical rhythm so she's not overwhelmed. One after the other she takes them down, killing a zombie once every six to eight seconds.

With them coming down both ends of the hall however means Selena can really only handle one side at a time. She feels awful as she sees Sunset struggle with the two diminutive zombie creatures on her back, and being unable to help, even as the regular zombies close in on her. Sunset keeps valiantly struggling, but as the regular zombies get close the two on her back make their move, one slipping down between her legs and the other mounting her face and wrapping its many arms around her head. Both begin to fuck her face and pussy rapidly, and with her arms free Sunset gets a good few wild slashes in before several other zombies reach her and try to push her over. Despite being mostly blind Sunset manages to take one out with a wild claw swing, ripping the neck out of one before the rest push her down. The lioness babe lets out a muffled yell of frustration as she falls on all fours, but it quickly turns into a moan when one the zombies grabs her hips and rams its dick up her ass. With her vision blocked either a cock or fingers seemingly in every one of her holes now Selena notices that Sunset is thoroughly overwhelmed, and her resistance practically melts away as the zombie butt fucking her grabs her wrists and pull her arms behind her back, hauling her upward on her knees. Her chest now available, another zombie comes in slips its shaft between her big and soft furred breasts, hands grabbing her impressive tits and smushing them together around its dick before it begins to fuck them. Surrounded now, Selena only hears the odd muffled moan or squeal from her anthro daughter as she just takes the fuckings they give her. Selena does not blame her, she's been in that situation more then once. She wishes greatly she could've prevented that, but with how the world had changed, it was only a matter of time before this happened to her. To everyone really.

Selena however keeps her tempo up, and soon clears one side out completely of the zombies, then begins making her way back toward Sunset, killing off the ones that had stumbled past her daughter since she was fully 'occupied'. However as she finishes off with the stragglers Selena can't miss the way the finger horror clinging to her starts acting up again. Her mind cannot but go down weird rabbit holes as she thinks of these zombies impregnating them xenomorph style. Given everything else she'd experienced thus far though that seemed unlikely to her. Plus the one on her wasn't fucking her... or least so she thought. It had fingers in her, but given the weird zombie stuff she had seen in this creepy ass hospital already it was not to far off to think those fingers in her love tunnel had all of the functions of a cock too. But even then, that was still where she as a human female was supposed to be impregnated. Sunset however... she was getting fucked everywhere currently.

Deciding to prioritize her daughter for now she keeps ignoring the one on herself. The poor furry babe was currently getting pumped full of cum as Selena made her way to her, killing a few last zombie stragglers before killing the two fucking her tits and ass seemingly just as they had finished anyway. Sunset slumps down as Selena kicks away the now headless zombie that had fucked her ass, its comically large dick popping free of her ass with a final splurt of spunk to land on her ass before Selena tries to help her. Shortening her sword to around the length of a combat knife, Selena pants in pleasure she does her best to ignore as she kneels down and tries to grab the head of the finger horror pumping its cum down Sunset's throat and simply slam her knife through its skull. Hopefully that would be enough to finish it. If that worked, she'd try the same for the one fucking her daughter's pussy.
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Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:33 am


Despite the two zombies being quickly killed, the two finger horrors are busy squirming about as you adjust your sword. Lacking a head, but having a central 'body' of some kind of palm, you manage to pull it away a bit, preparing for a stab when you feel a strange shift under your hand, like a massive deflation before you ram your blade home into it. Prying it loose, you find it's been forcing... something down Sunset's throat, a single orb left in her mouth from one of the strange hollow fingers after you stabbed it to death. Panicking, you cut at the one going for her slit, but find that it's either empty or never had anything to begin with, and it's completely spent after getting disembowel.

Still, with the one still jamming its fingers up into you, your constant motion seems to have stalled it out, and your sudden stillness has made it get excited once more. Reaching down, you feel a lump start forcing its way up into your slit, just in time to stop when you start stabbing the little pussy huger. Pulling the monster off, the soft squishy in its ovipositor finger doesn't go anywhere, seeming to have barely gotten started when you ended its life. Adrenaline drains out of you as the two of you finish cooling down, and your daughter shudders.

With the two of you having cleaned out this floor, you've managed two of the... was it four or five floors? And if your guess that Sunset has a pussy and stomach full of finger horror eggs is accurate, you could call it quits today, unless you want to try and push on.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:19 pm

Being extra careful not to hurt Sunset with her fancy extendo-sword Selena find a good spot to use her now knife length weapon and does it. Though these finger horror things were surprisingly spry and strong, they were every bit as brittle as they looked and didn't take much to kill once you had enough time to do the job without hurting yourself. It takes about another ten seconds before the thing goes limp and she peels it off her daughter heads, its extra arms and hands untangling from her daughters red mane of hair. Selena also watches as another appendage slides out of Sunset's mouth, leaving behind a final egg that Selena quickly takes out of her mouth. She casts the body away and puts the egg down, then rolls Sunset over onto her back. Sunset might as well be putty at this point though, her eyes still fluttering and half lidded, her mouth open and panting with a pleasured expression on her face. She simply lies on her back and spreads her powerful legs, the other finger horror practically vibrating over her pussy.

Seeing what the other one was doing Selena gets to work removing this one as well, but its quickly apparent that this one had discharged all its cargo into her writhing lioness daughter. Right after that though she is quick to remember the one clinging to her own front end when its start acting up again. "Mpph!~ Fucking thing!", Selena pants before falling back onto her ass next to Sunset. Her breath comes in quick pants as those fingers start to gyrate inside of her again, but without the threat of other horrors and random other zombies Selena can take her time to get this off of her. It takes a risky minute or so, but eventually she gets her blade underneath its body and slides outward and away from herself. Just in the nick of time too as she feel what can only be an egg trying to press into her body. The fingers begin to go nuts for a second as Selena first cuts, but quickly go still and silent before the first egg can be pushed out of the creepy mutant ovipositor. "Gah! Fucking hell! Haa~", Selena manages to say as she pulls the clingy zombie creature off of herself. Its freaky little head and mutant mouth arm pop free of her nipples with a loud pop despite the thing already being dead, a small torrent of milk coming from the mouths and splashing down on Selena thighs. She takes a moment and gently rubs her stiff reddened nubs, cooing a little in mild relief now that they are free of the rough suckling they had just been through.

Seeing as there are no threats and Sunset needs some time to get a breather Selena just does much the same, though find her body tense on edge. Though the finger horror had given her no small amount of pleasure she hadn't actually came at all during that fight, and thusly she was fairly horny right now, but tried not to think about that. There was plenty of ways to solve that problem after all. For now though she was content to simply sit next to Sunset and guard over her. It was actually still morning and they hadn't even been in this dungeon for an hour yet, so hopefully Sunset would get a second wind despite being impregnated with... something. Selena would try to pull up a status display for Sunset though and see if she could get any better details on how she was doing. If need be she could bring Sunset back home since it wasn't actually that far, but she wanted to beat one of these dungeons today, combat pregnancies be damned! Plus it might be better if Selena kept an eye on her.
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Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:54 pm

Pulling the horrors away from each you and ensuring they're good corpses and lie down dead, you sit and rest for a few moments as Sunset tries to come out of her sexual stupor. Pulling up your daughter's screen, you find she's got two conditions now, both of them listed as 'pregnancy:Finger Horror' but one for her womb and the other for her stomach, which has some disturbing implications as you can apparently have more than just your pussy impregnated. Containing the shiver that is entirely oriented at horror and not at all at any kind of sexual thrill.

Focusing on yourself, you've got a few options to deal with your lust before it gets in the way. You could play with yourself, either purely with your fingers or with your new sword handle. Of course, you've also got your daughter here, and sexual stupor or not, you could probably get her erect with little effort.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:08 pm

Selena has a bit of trouble navigating through these pup up menus of hers, the sight of them still somewhat baffling to her. She is getting better at it though, and after poking around her own status window a bit where she looks at a mirror copy of herself posing lasciviously she finds a party tab that lets her see members of her apparent party. Currently there only Sunset, so perhaps none of the others back at base such as Sam or Mia wouldn't count towards her party unless they were actively with her. Pressing the button for Sunset brings her daughter up and once again Selena has to fight off a mild blush as she stares an animated portrait of her daughter, her face that of woman fucked silly with her eyes rolled up and half lidded and her mouth open and panting. She's smeared spunk and cradling a slightly swollen stomach, over witch two numbers icons hover. They correspond to her conditions window, in which both show as pregnant with finger horrows in her womb and her stomach. Selena grimaces a little at that, not exactly sure how a stomach pregnancy would result. Once again she feels a cold chill as she thinks of xenomorphs busting of the chests of their victims, but she is rather confident that wouldn't happen since it seemed antithetical to everything she had experienced thus far. She'd just have to wait and see what happened with it.

She closes the screen with a have of her hand and stares down at her daughter again. She's getting better, but seems to have fallen into a short nap and Selena didn't want to disturb her. The place was still plenty creepy, but they were safe enough where they were now that Selena had killed everything off. Of course it also helped that she noticed that all the bodies of the slain zombies were slowly dissolving away into nothingness. That was convenient for loads of reasons, and she'd rather look at decrepit walls and blinking light then zombie guts anyway. Especially since she was still horny as hell!

She looks to her daughter again and really debates using her to get off. She knows Sunset would not mind in the slightest, but she'd done real good at avoiding getting knocked up thus far. Probably wouldn't last but why break the trend right? And besides she couldn't just let her own daughter knock her up willy nilly else the base would be flooded with kittens in no time! No some self control was necessary, so she chooses the classic approach with good ol' righty. She debated using the sword handle for a moment, but given its deadliness thus far she didn't want to hurt herself by accident with it. Selena places it down next to her then sits back, leaning up against the wall and spreading her legs.

"Heh. Funny that I'm resorting to this with the world like this.", Selena thinks as her right hand moves down to her pussy. She strokes her labia softly and gently thumbs at her clit, cooing softly as fresh bolts of pleasure zip through her nerves, her body already plenty excited from the finger horror treatments earlier. Her left hand comes to cup her left tit and give it a firm squeeze, before then lifting up and letting Selena capture her own nipple in her mouth. She sucks gently, a muffled moan escaping from her and she starts to slide her much more normal fingers into her snatch. She begins to pump them in and out rapidly as her own sweet milk splashes over her tongue, her massive milk tanks still having more to give despite how much the finger horror had suckled from her earlier. As her fingers speed up Selena feels the orgasm coming quick, heat and ecstasy coming in intense pulses with each movement of her fingers or suck on her nipple. No longer fighting the pleasure it happens with a minute or two, Selena moaning loudly into her own tit as a simple and short orgasm hits her. Love honey splashes over her fingers as her body goes taut, but soon the tension fades away and Selena is left sitting there satisfied enough for the moment.

Once Sunset came to again they'd start to move again. Check the floor for any potential goodies or weapons too. Maybe if there were lucky they would find another gun and she could give to Sunset? After she showed her how to use it safely of course.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I'm totally cool with the next floor going a little more south. Figured it would be a good time to try that pregnancy mechanic thing we talked about a while back! Where getting knocked up by certain monsters could unlock literal doors or make some monsters ignore Selena and co. Or even given immunity to certain conditions like heat or cold!
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Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Thu Sep 30, 2021 9:11 pm

Even with your daughter out of it, you can tell she's slightly aroused, but decide to let her stew on it. Your slim fingers are able to dive deep into your drenched pussy, the other hand quickly shifting to your sensitive tit, a squeeze spurting a bit of milk out to use as lube or something else. Still, it gives you the idea that maybe you can drink your own, and you reposition yourself, arcing your back on the floor and pointing a tit at your face before giving it a good clench to cause milk to come spraying out, quenching your growing thirst. Your milk is delightful, and you feel warmth spread from your stomach as the strange properties of it begin to permeate your body.

It takes you several moments of furious masturbation before you're satisfied, constant shifting and squirming to ensure all of your body is properly stimulated, a large puddle forming under you, a mixture of love honey and milk. Still, you lay in the puddle of sexual fluids for a moment, panting in post coital exhaustion. Sitting up, you find yourself strangely satisfied and happy before you return your attention to the world around you. Looting the room (17), you quickly find a few bits and pieces of different medical apparatuses before you manage to find an actual pistol in some zombies pocket, either a former cop or something else.

By this point, your daughter has regained her senses, and besides a few sniffs of the air, likely detecting your intense sexual stimulation from earlier, you bring her the small snub revolver and show her the basics of using it. She takes a bit to get it down, but you also recall that she's literally days old. Still, a few moments of careful instruction are all that are required before you have the chance to head up the stairs.

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Sure, if you want. Freezer zombies sound cool. Unless you've got something specific you want to do?
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:42 am

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Nah not really, not yet anyway. Freezer zombies sound cool to me!

Satisfied for now Selena goes about looking about the room in what rooms are nearby, looking for good stuff while she lets her daughter recover from the wild fucking she had just received. She checks back frequently though of course, just to make sure there aren't any other random zombies that wander in from somewhere to have a second round with her. Luckily that isn't the case, but Selena wanted to be sure. Especially considering how she was impregnated by them. At first it seems like everything is a bust as she only finds odd medical knick knacks, but then curiously notes the ones of the zombie bodies from before is being more persistent then the others. This one was already different in that still had clothes on, so she fishes around its pockets is thrilled when she manages to find a gun! A simple revolver, fully loaded but with no extra bullets. It wasn't much, but it was something. Hopefully she would be able to craft some more ammo for it back at base with the general resource cubes, or maybe even here if she could find some.

Returning to Sunset she finds her lioness daughter sitting up and getting her bearings. She sniffs the air a little, her nose making her look down to the little splatters of Selena's milk and love honey on the ground next to her. She doesn't do much other then harrumph slightly though as she gets to her feet. Gone is the fucked silly expression from earlier now as she gently cradles her swollen stomach, a slight frown on her face. Yeah probably wasn't going to be a bunch of cute little kitten clones this time... despite her uncomfortableness at being here though she doesn't seem too riled up by it all. In fact if anything she just seems a little moody and salty that she lost against such comparatively tiny creatures, eldritch like horror not withstanding.

Anyway, seeing that she was up and more or less ready to go Selena gives her the revolver and a few pointers on how to use it safely. Sharp as ever Sunset picks it up in no time at all and takes the gun, though definitely still seems more inclined to use her teeth and claws. Still at least she had a ranged option now. That done Selena gives her daughter an encouraging slap on the ass and the two of them proceed forward. The floor is another relatively small one with few rooms to explore, most other ways heavily barricaded and blocked off. They find the stairs in short order and proceed forward, Selena taking the lead this time but keeping a watchful eye on Sunset to see how her alien like pregnancy was progressing.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
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Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:56 am

Where the first floor seemed to be mostly an entrance, the second floor is more along the lines of patient care storage? Perhaps the plague thinks on sorting the hospital on the types of things inside. You find a wide variety of wheel chairs, pallets, gurneys and other things to push people around, although there's not much in the way of medical medical equipment instead of just the kind of pushing people around, hopefully, the next floor might have more of what you found on the first floor.

Sunset has a slight bulge to her stomach, not a full size yet, just enough to provide the outline that she might have something in her womb and stomach. Still, pulling away with a milk mustache, her tongue darts out, slurping up the little bit of nourishment. Still, she's in good enough shape to handle being shown how a gun works, although with her sensitive ears, you might need to do something about that. Still, with the two of you armed, you feel a hell of a lot better.

Your lioness daughter doesn't seem to affected by the pregnancy, at least not yet. As the two of you head up the stairs, you feel a growing chill, the strangeness of that tweaking you, shouldn't the coldest part be on the bottom of the floor? What do hospitals have that needs to be chilled? A shudder runs down your spine, recalling that many have a morgue, but you can at least hope it's actually for medicine storage, right? (Luck:15) Your temporary stop to think on this saves your butt from more violation as well, a heavy 'thump' of something large, humanoid sized stomping along warns you that whatever type of zombies is up here, they're roaming the hallway.

Taking a tiny pick, you see a big bulky zombie, not as big as the brute outside, but still big and chunky, more importantly, covered in thin layers of frost.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Thu Oct 14, 2021 4:09 pm

Selena pauses at the landing going between the second and third floors, already feeling the sharp decrease in temperature even from here as her skin tingles and breaks out in goosebumps from the slight chill. Looking further up to the third floor two she can even see little wisps of cold air fall over the upper stair before they faded into nothingness. That was odd. Why was it so cold up there? A morgue perhaps? But aren't those always kept in the basement or first floor for building heating/cooling efficiency reasons? "Why am I even asking myself this? The world barely made sense even before I started having my own personal menu screens...", Selena tells herself. She was more or less in a video game now. She couldn't expect everything to make perfect sense.

She creeps up the stairs and tells herself she needs to get a pair of sandals or something since the floor was damned cold. Not to mention dirty and covered in all sorts of obstacles... but come to think of it that had hardly been an issue thus far either. Still: cold. She was now slightly envious of her daughter's fur that was for sure. Reaching the third floor she peaks out into the hall, and for the most part it seems pretty clear. No horde of horrors come immediately bearing down on her this time after all. Not completely though, as she spies a single zombie. It was much bigger then the average regular one, but nothing like the huge brute she had fought outside the dungeon. Less muscle too, with this one being much less toned and perhaps even slightly flabby. It also had bluish skin though, and seemed to covered in layers of frost. "I thought cold was supposed to stop zombies...", Selena mutters under her breath. Still she supposes she shouldn't really complain. Two arms, two legs, a head... overall pretty normal compared to the thighpedes and the finger horrors from the first two floors. So it was cold, big whoop... right?

Knowing she couldn't really learn anything from staring at it any longer Selena checks the other way down the hall to see if it was clear, which it seemed to be. Then looks back to Sunset and tells her to follow her lead. The two of them enter the hall, quickly take aim, and try to gun this first zombie down quick and easy.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Mon Nov 01, 2021 6:29 pm


The two of you advance on the zombie, and like most of their brethren, they're dumb and barely conscious, only noticing you when the first one gets its head blown off, and a few more zero in on you. Of course, that's as well as the combat goes for now, as the now hefty zombies begin to close on you, and a glancing hit rips ones face open, the wound leaking a blue liquid and frosting almost immediately. Still lumbering but toward you, one of them belches blue fluid at you, and while you dodge, the biting cold is enough to set you and your daughter shivering from a near miss as the freezer zombies continue their approach.

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IRL, hospitals need a wide variety of coolants for various medical equipment. MRIs use SQUIDs which require liquid nitrogen to function properly.

Blargh, got distracted on this, sorry.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:05 pm

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All good my friend.

Also I'm sort of picturing regenerators from Resident evil 4 to a degree, at least as visuals go.

Squaring up on the first one is fairly simple. In fact it doesn't even notice Selena and Sunset approach. They get to within twenty feet of it without it noticing, the things back to them as the two of them take aim. Selena takes the first shot, the round ramming into the back of the zombies head and making it finally take notice of them as it lazily turns about. Sunset fires next, also hitting it in the head. When it completely turns around Selena fire a third and final shot, getting a brief view of its macabre face before her round its its forehead and the entire thing's head explodes into a gory mess. Blood that was already sludge like but now even thicker due to the cold splatters about, but the thing just stands there. It even takes a lazy step toward them before it face plants, giving Selena a bit of a scare that losing its head wasn't lethal to the thing. Thankfully though that wasn't the case.

The two of them advance further down the darkened hall, but quickly other similar zombies begin to emerge and shuffle their way toward them, and quite a few too. Thankfully they seem very ponderous and slow like most zombies thus far, so Selena and Sunset can take their time. A good thing too since they didn't have a whole lot of ammo left and Sunset literally only had what was in her gun. As they begin to take down another though Selena is quick to notice the blue fluid leaking from one of the zombies head wounds, and quickly ice over. Then her and Sunset are quickly dodge as a jet of that same stuff spews forth from its mouth. Immediately Selena and even Sunset are shivering as the goop goes by them with a wave of intense cold. Once again Selena is questioning way she isn't wearing clothes, but them remembers her supposed 'perk'. Why did she even trust that anyway? She should really put some clothing on sometime and see if there was an actual difference.

That was a thought for another time though. For now she was here, and she was naked, so she she'd just have to work with it. "L-lets back up Sunset.", Selena says to her lioness daughter. The zombies were slow and demonstrated they had a ranged attack, but the range of said attack wasn't really that far by the looks of it. Hopefully they could keep the zombies out ranged. They had set out a fair ways from the stairwell at this point, so had room to move. Of course though that was assuming they weren't also being closed in on that side now too. Which as it turns out, they were. Cursing Selena and Sunset turn around to deal with the freezing zombies behind them, hoping to remove them and regain access to the stairwell before the ones that had first engaged caught up with them.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:12 am

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Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar! Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains! Zombie thread rises from the grave!

Yeah, close enough. And I can't recall, was she running a snub nose revolver or just a mag fed pistol? Either way, locking it for one turn seems fair for a low roll like this. Also, this was planned as a loss, right?

(Combat: 7)

Shaking out your pistol as you glance about, you realize it starts resisting you a bit, and a quick glance shows that some of the blue goop caught on the moving parts, acting as some kind of temporary cement or something. A quick smack just results in losing a small strip of flesh that sticks to the goo, indicating that it's most certainly going to take a few focused seconds to clear the jam, leaving you the option of either attacking with Sunset with your sword or trying to clear the jam.

Glaring at the creatures, they don't seem to be spraying more goop, although as you head back toward the first batch, the chasers spurt a bit at you, which you nimbly dodge. Is it a response to prevent enemy retreat? Zombies are rather well known for their slowness, perhaps the game system is 'evolving' different types to subvert these weaknesses.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:34 pm

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Selena has a mag fed pistol. Sunset just recently found a revolver. And yes, this was planned as a loss to act as sort of in-game tutorial for Selena to learn that getting impregnated by certain creatures and monsters will have excellent but temporary benefits. Such as incredible cold resistance in this case! And of course being mostly ignored by whatever creatures did the knocking up.

In fact feel free to just hop into the loss part. I don't mind at all!

Selena is no stranger to the use of guns, so when she fired another shot after dodging that surprise freezing goop attack she doesn't even bother to fire again because she immediately notices the lack of casing ejection. Luckily it seems like her and Sunset had backed up enough to be outside the lumbering range of these freezing zombies, and they weren't super quick, so she had a moment to try and deal with the stoppage. Still they didn't exactly have a ton of room to work with. She would have to try and clear this jam quick!

She gives it a quick glance, and notices that a decent glob of the blue gunk the zombies spat her seems to have adhered itself between the body and slide of her pistol. She tries to pull back the slide, but its stuck fast. She then tries to smack the damn thing, but only winds up scratching herself for her trouble. "Goddammit.... f-fuck!", Selena curses, teeth clattering a little bit in the cold. Why did she come into this ice box of a floor completely naked again? She might be in a slightly wacky gameified world now but that didn't mean she had to make equally goofy decisions!

Sunset and Selena keep backing up the way they came toward the stairwell as Selena keeps trying to clear her jammed weapon, tugging on the slide with greater and greater force before eventually resorting on trying to bang it against some random hospital they pass as they retreat. A final bang rings out and signals Sunset's final shot and the fact she was out of ammo since she had no spare bullets. Thankfully one of the zombies down the hall crumples in response, but there are still a half dozen of them in view. Worse yet though was the fact there was another batch of freeze zombies coming in from behind them now, already cutting them off from the stairs! They were trapped! Selena and Sunset dodge another spurt of freezing spit, but they were quickly running out of room!

Selena quickly give up on her pistol and holsters it again and draws her nifty extendo sword. Hopefully these cryo zombies or whatever they are wouldn't be more of a threat at close range. Her and Sunset would just have to fight their way back through to the stairs if they could. Still Selena was worried about Sunset since she just had her teeth and claws, and was a little off kilter after getting knocked up by those finger horror things on the floor below. They'd just have to try their best!
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:54 pm

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Alright, I'll just write a loss scene then. Something like this: ... id=4968594

Debating hybrid pregnancy for Seline with a Frost Lion offspring between her and Sunset, but I suppose Sunset's already going to have one.

Backing up as best you can, switching to close range weapons, you study the advancing horde of zombies. Fortunately, they don't seem that much tougher, just bigger. And all freezy. Your sword sings as it prepares to wet its appetite for violence as you take a position. You manage to get some momentum up, removing one arm, but a frightening chill explodes down the blade, almost making you drop it as the frozen blood effects the sword. Shaking your hands, you look with a growing panic to your daughter, discovering that she's in much worse shape than yourself, her claws having frozen fast to the cryo zombie she was attacking. Soon, the swarm of zombies covers her, the moans turning more than a little lusty before you manage to tear your attention back to the approaching swarm.

Unfortunately, your initial damage was the most you got to inflict, as an inopportune slash to ones side leaves a thick blob of frozen blood trapping the blade and the zombie horde collapsing onto you. The growling moans soon part as a few zombie hands find their way to your tender bits, the ice causing you to tremble as the tingling spreads. The first few zombies force you into a classic gangbang position, and the horde uses you like a piece of meat, fucking every hole on you before emptying themselves of their icy cum. Chilled or not, the fluid quickly sends you into a shivering fit before a massive hand wraps around your thigh, picking you up and growling at all the others, the boss zombie for the floor seeming to have decided to investigate the noise.

The horrid monster is a huge amalgamation, four arms and two thigh thick cocks beginning to wake as both you and Sunset are extracted from the horde, leaking fluids before each of you is positioned over one of the swollen monsters and thrust down. Air explodes from your mouth as the cock is shoved deep into you, forcing everything else away as your stomach bulges out past your impressive tits before you're dragged back off it, tearing multiple orgasms from you as the cold shaft rearranges your guts. Your daughter lets out her own grunt as she's forced down and the two of you are forced into a lewd rhythm, a symphony of sexual grunts as the two of you are ravaged by the floor boss.

It takes moments to realize something is different about this time, as both of you are shoved all the way down, the balls under your bubble butt swelling and churning, before cool fluid floods your womb. You stare down in horror as your stomach swells and bulges, the freezing liquid seeming to alter your body temperature, and soon there's more chilled fluid in your womb than blood in your veins. Shivering, you feel the coolness begin to spread out from the womb, soft glowing blue lines extending from your swollen middles. Soon... you're not cold anymore. Not really, you can tell you're still 'cold' just not... that it bothers you. As the two of you slip off the monster cocks impaling you, you grunt as you're cushioned by your bloated womb, sliding down onto your side.

In desperation, you look at your status sheet, a new 'effect' listed: cryo-sanguiny. Your mind is barely functional as you try to read more details: your body has undergone a temporary shift due to a massive injection of non-compatible monster seed in order to provide a hospitable environment for the child. Strangely, you discover that the other zombies are now ignoring the two of you as you recover from the violent fucking. The soft blue lights have spread across yours and Sunset's bodies, and where before your breath would frost, now it seems to be comfortable in the cold.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:43 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

That... that was a fantastic post. Many thanks!

And yeah. Hmm. Tempting! Fun as that idea is though I don't want Selena to bring all her off spring home. Most I'm thinking will just be born, suck on her tits for a bit, then go scurry off to become a mob or maybe a special mob or something. But I do like the idea of starting a society of anthro lionesses with Eevee evolution like traits! Fire and ice and psychic oh my!

Selena grits her teeth as she watches Sunset disappear behind a wave of frigid bodies, but as her angry growls turn into surprised squeals Selena knows that that they are only raping her lioness daughter. A thought that still made her angry of course, but better that then being eaten like one would expect of zombies. But then again when was the last time she saw any zombie do anything like that to anything female? Literally never. Besides, Sunset was getting used to this kind of thing just as her mother was. She'd get filled with spunk, that would be that, and then they could move on or try again.

But this time was a little different then all the rest. Even the finger horrors from the floor below! As she did a lethargic slash and got her sword stuck in one of the approach zombies the ever present cold was starting to take its toll. The more zombies seemed to appear the worst it seemed to become, as if their combined presence seemed to caused a cumulative effect. Like status effects stacking in a game! In fact that was probably exactly what was happening, but in the...cold of the moment, Selena didn't have the attention span to spare about checking that on her status screens.

Selena tries quickly to pull her blade free, but its stuck fast, so rather then keep trying she lets the hilt go and tries to back up even as she knows she's rapidly running out of space. She doesn't even get two steps though before her back thumps again the chilly body of what can only be another frost zombie, and quickly realizes whatever space she thought she had is already long gone. Before she can even turn around a hand grabs at her neck and another at her hip, then a moment later Selena is crying out in surprise as an icy cold cock rams right up her asshole on the first try. "Gah!~ F-fuck!~", She gasps as her hips jerk forward, her ass suddenly reflexively squeezing around a thick 9 inch dick or so. Before she can even think about trying to squirm away though another pair of hands paw at her big milky tits and start kneading, more cold radiating into her chest as the digits sink into the soft flesh of her chest. Another two seconds later and her legs are spread by more hands and another zombie steps up between her spread legs, shoving his shaft into her wet and ready pussy and quickly pistoning away. Now feeling life she was getting fucked by two rods of ice Selena gives up any hope of somehow slipping away and just goes limp and does her best to hold on.

Soon the crush of bodies around her makes the two fucking her topple over, and before Selena can even really blink she her stuttering cries are silenced as another cock is shoved down her mouth and throat, and then another slips between her tits and begins pounding away. Other cocks slap against her body all over, some against her hands, or feet. Really just any part of her as other ice zombies wait for their turn. Selena has a hard time tracking anything though, her vision dominated by a pair of ice blue balls slapping against her face and her thoughts sluggish due to the cold. All she knows is that despite the cold though the pleasure she feels is still quite real though, an orgasm coming in tune when the first round of zombies release their sub zero loads inside her clasping holes. There is no break though, for as they finish more move in and she is impaled on yet more cocks in a new position, but the effect is much the same. For next half an hour the things gang bang Selena and Sunset silly until they attract the attention of something even bigger and more frightening.

Dicks slip from Selena's orifices as a massive hand pulls her from the cold crush of bodies and Selena can do little other then just stutter in shock at what she was seeing. Another amalgamation of some kind, but this one had more a hindu god like appearance, though it looked nothing divine. It merely had a small sense of symmetry unlike the rolly-polly things from outside the dungeon or the gargantuan horror she had seen in that bus at the mall parking lot. Walking on four legs the thing seems to have four separate crotches, and on two of those four are some of biggest hardening cocks Selena has ever seen to date! Massive poles nearly as thick as thighs for christ sake! Hands manipulate her into position, as well as Sunset she now notices. "N-no way! You c-can't!", Selena weakly stutters. This would be the biggest dick she had ever taken by quite an order of magnitude. She was beginning to think that perhaps she was not so safe from bodily harm as she thought and her insistence on trying to finish a dungeon was in fact a very terrible idea! Between the cold and size of that thing this could be the end of her and her daughter! All due to her own confidence and hubris!

A moment later and there isn't any more mental capacity for rational thought as the boss zombie rams her and Sunset down. The humongous shafts ram up their pussies in moments, really putting their elasticity to test as their bodies shift and make way for them. Any screams of surprise or pain are short lived as air is driven from their lungs. Before they know it both are looking down at obscene bulges in their stomachs that go even beyond their tits, which is really quite the feat given how stacked they both are, Selena especially! Freezing and stunned the two can only stare in surprise as they fucked right to their wombs, and soon the arms begins to drag them up and down, fucking them both in a slowly increasing tempo. Thankfully some things hold up, like the fact that their is definitely much more pleasure then pain as soon both of them are cumming one after the other, but the only hint of that are weak squeals, moans, and breathy pants as they struggle to breathe with such a massive pillars of meat inside of them. Their bodies jiggle and bounce as they are roughly fucked, the sound of clapping flesh filling the room as their asses ripple against every powerful thrust. Within twenty seconds and the two of them are cumming, love honey pouring from their cunts and milk spraying from stiff pink nipples with every consecutive orgasm.

Somewhat thankfully the whole affair is maybe five minutes, though perhaps the time felt longer to Selena and Sunset when you combined the sexual euphoria with the bitter cold. When the boss finally shoves the two of them down to the base again and leaves them there Selena eyes widen with fright as she feels another intense cold rush. Balls pressed against her thighs churn and twitch, and soon cold cum pours into her, making the cock-bulge in her stomach balloon outward and round out as she stuffed full of freezing zombie spunk. The more she's filled however, the less the cold everything seems to feel. At first Selena thinks she might be becoming hypothermic or something, but quickly realizes there is something else happening as she doesn't feel sleepy at all. Blue lines begin to snake around from her stomach, like little lines of frost. By the time the zombie boss pumps her full she even feels completely normal. Well, other then huge penis inside her anyway.

When the massive zombie amalgamation is done it simply drops Selena and sunset and lumbers away, the two of them grunting in discomfort as they land in unceremonious oversexed heaps. Selena promptly lumps over to her side, groaning as she cradles a belly now so stuffed with cum as to look pregnant with triplets. Odds are that might even be true now too given what had just happened. She takes a glance over at Sunset and confirms her lioness daughter is also squirming on the ground next to her, then takes a moment to get her bearings. The zombies around them were wondering around still, but otherwise ignoring them for the moment. Deciding to open her status screen she sees the new effect of 'cryo-sanguiny' and checks it out. Sure enough, she is pregnant, but more curious was the the other effects of the unique monster. It seemed this monster and its abilities had altered her body to make it suitable for producing its offspring, and thus had granted her and Sunset an incredible tolerance to the cold. It seemed ridiculous, but then again just about everything in her life was so Selena didn't think to hard about it. All she knew was that right now this room didn't feel like an icebox anymore. It now felt like a perfectly nice 21 degrees celsius(70 f). "Jesus... christ... fuck...", is all Selena can really think to say. The intense rape session was unfortunate sure, but... but this was wild! Was there other monsters she could maybe so this with? Noiw that she knew that maybe she could replicate the effect with one of the lesser ice zombies later rather then a giant ass gang bang session?

Questions and fascinations aside though Selena ignores her myriad of questions for now since they were all rhetorical at the moment and had no answers. She crawls over to Sunset and checks up on her and makes sure she's okay. Her daughter had just went through everything she did and was already impregnated by the finger horrors. "You okay Sunset? That was... that was something else. But hey, we're immune to cold now! Might be able to use this!", Selena says to her daughter. As she goes to her she pulls up her daughter's status screen in her party window, seeing if she was double impregnated or if maybe one overrode the other. She might be a little overwhelmed though if the fuck drunk cum plastered photo of Sunset on the screen was any judge, but then again her own status photo looked much the same.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:28 pm

Dropping the two of you, like discarded fuck dolls, the beast wanders off, likely back to whatever boss arena it has. It's going to be some time before you're comfortable challenging it, most likely after your birth as well. Still, it takes you a moment to regain proper control of your bulk, the huge wad of near frozen cum in hanging off of you shifting your weight off center badly. Checking on your twitching daughter, you see that she's got the same status as yourself, faint blue lines tracing across her flesh and making new stripes in her fur.

Her status screen does indicate something else interesting as well, as she appears to have been impregnated once more, but this time there's a slashed out tool tip on her first pregnancy. Reading the tooltip, it seems that 'cryo-sanguiny' makes the body hostile to any life form that isn't also cryo, or possibly pyro?, attuned, so the various eggs injected into her for safe keeping are no longer safe at all, the intense cold and frozen cum bathing them likely having killed off the finger horrors. Of course, whether or not you'd prefer to birth cryo-monsters or finger monsters is up to you, but the monster has certainly made sure that any risks of a chest burster are certainly taken care of.

After a few more moments to wrap your suddenly comfortable brain around this, you notice the lack of zombie attack and rapes. Moving closer, you can see that the frost zombies are not interested in you, although how far you're willing to push that disinterest is a decision you're going to have to make. While you're probably not going to be able to loot the boss room of the most valuable parts, certainly not without a repeat of how you got your cryo-sanguiny trait for a bit, you could maybe loot the rest of the floor, assuming opening and closing doors doesn't piss off the frost zombies. Or you could try and sneak upstairs, to see if this zomboid apathy is universal, or just for the cryo-zombies. Still, with Sunset beginning to stir, you should probably have a decision to direct her with, as she's likely to want to engage in sex if you don't give her a clear goal, much like many of the military men you've worked with.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I mean, we could have Sunset plant a cryo baby in someone, such as Selena, if that's how you want to do this. Maybe so that zombies can't be part of the normal parentage?

Sorry for the pitiful post, haven't been up to a full setup.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:13 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hmm, I like that idea. We'll leave it in reserve for a moment though and see what happens.

And no worries my friend. I'm sorry for the novel, but I couldn't just let a gang bang happen in passing!

Selena knees next to Sunset, her lioness daughter laying on her back on the floor next to her and squirming a little as she the last vestiges of the sexual overload she experienced starts to drain away. She still has a bit of fuck drunk expression on her face as her hands cradle her cum stuffed stomach, but for the most part is still as she slowly gets her wits about her again. Looking around Selena is grateful that the other zombies seem disinterested in them for the moment, as it gives her time to look at her and Sunset's status screens and try to figure out what the heck just happened to them.

With a hand rubbing her own spunk stuffed belly Selena overviews Sunset's status, is both surprised and not surprised to see that the finger horror eggs that had Sunset had been impregnated with were in danger of destruction unless they were born soon, which seemed unlikely given how short ago they were implanted her, even with accounting for the shockingly quick gestation times this new world seemed to have. The frozen seed seemed to be destroying the eggs in her womb and stomach, and soon enough they would be gone and dissolved away, turned into other materials more suited to the cryo zombies they had both now been impregnated by. Still that status did sort of imply there were other potential 'cryo' monsters out there somewhere. Could they be impregnated with both at the same time? That was a bit of a development! But maybe that could also be useful... Selena uses her fingers to trace out some of the blue lines on her skin, going all over her body like some kind of fancy tattoo. "Immunity to cold eh? I wonder what other crazy effects there are out there to get...", Selena says idly to herself.

With that figured out though she needed to figure out what to do next. Sunset was coming back too fairly quickly, but was still fairly unused to this kind of thing and thus needed more time then Selena herself did to recover. Once she did though she'd need a goal to keep her on task, or before Selena knew it she would be grinding her cock between Selena's thighs before long even despite the back to back zombie monster sex they just had. Which really wasn't that surprising though. Selena was much more attractive then these horrific zombies where, but Selena was pretty certain that after getting one upped by monsters Sunset liked to bang her(or anyone potentially) as a sort of confidence booster. To remind herself that she was strong and capable! Which she was of course, but fighting hordes of monsters, many bigger then the both of them, might be bit rough on Sunset's relatively juvenile sense of self-esteem.

Well luckily Selena could provide both a task and a confidence booster. Once Sunset was good to go she'd tell her daughter to go about searching the floor for any weapons they might be able to use, and to avoid the zombies in possible since they seemed to be under either a grace period after getting fucked, or were masked from them now that they had both been impregnated by the cryo zombies. Selena would do much the same, though first and foremost she'd try to find the zombie her sword got stuck in and try to retrieve it. It would be a decent test to see how much she could get away with too know that she was pregnant with their spawn. Hopefully she would be able to get her weapon back without getting fucked by the zombie, but if need be she'd give it some service if it meant not calling another gang bang down on herself.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby porne » Wed Feb 16, 2022 7:47 am

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Any interest in recreating this scene or something like it? ... id=4389266

Well... you assume you're immune to cold and this isn't secretly killing you slowly. Probably. Who knows. Still, you get Sunset up and scavenging as best she can, struggling to keep her normal grace going while being lopsided stuffed with super cold cum and likely baby cryo-zombies. Exploring around, you don't find much useful, as disturbing the items in the rooms seem to gather attention from the frozen horde around you as soon as you start shifting it. Still, you're pretty sure you'd have to defeat the boss monster to gain full access to the floors materials, and that seems quite unlikely, at least for now.

Still, poking around, you also find the zombie that you lodged your sword in, quickly bracing yourself and yanking it out. (Luck:2) Unfortunately, many of the zombies instantly zero in on your and your busy grunting of trying to pull your sword loose from the zombie. Do you back off? Do you throw caution to the wind and try to run back down stairs? Or do you do something else?
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Plague City Part 2 (Jondude)

Postby jondude » Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:42 pm

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Oh hell yeah we can. A robot/android themed dungeon could be fun! Maybe it could be a little too high level for Selena's current party :lol: Or we can do that right now with the zombies. I'm not picky!

Sunset seems a little frustrated after getting fucked hard twice in relatively quick succession, but otherwise is a good girl and listens to Selena. A little more front heavy Sunset stumbles about for a few minutes as Selena gets her on task to try and rustle up some more useful items and weapons for them now that the ice zombies seemed indifferent to their presence. Really though that task is only a short term thing to keep Sunset occupied for the time being. Once they were done here Selena would need to give Sunset some loving no doubt. She was probably itching to do some pitching for a change after getting ridden by creepy zombie horror creatures for the last hour.

With her doing that Selena tries to find her lost sword, a thankfully quick task as she spies the zombie with her extendo blade skewered though it. She hadn't even stabbed it either, it had been a slash that had simply gotten frozen stuck as she lost momentum in the middle of her swing. With it seen she looks around to see if there is anything else worth grabbing, but as soon as she opens a random medical closet do the ice zombies suddenly groan and shift toward her. Selena gulps and stops, and after a few steps the zombies cease moving, going back to milling about. Did she have to be more stealthy? Or did they just not like it when she touched things? Testing it a bit she moves some things in the closet and once again the nearest zombies groan and approach. This time its a close call though, as one even reaches out and grabs her ass before it suddenly retracts its hand and goes still. "Okay... hopefully Sunset found a spot with no zombies then.", Selena thinks. Given the fact she heard no combat or Sunset's pleasured squeals though she was probably fine.

Deciding to focus on her sword then Selena goes to zombie, standing before it with her hands on her hips. Its stares past her dumbly, its creepy face staring off in the distance. After a moment she grabs her sword, and there isn't much of a reaction. With a shrug she decides to go for it, thinking that if she did this quick and fast it would result in the least reaction from the zombies. She grabs the hilt in both hands and yanks! ...and fails. Sure enough the zombies groan and come toward her, and the one impaled on her sword stumbles before it too starts to reach for her bouncy tits. Now the reasonable reaction to this would perhaps be to back off and get out of there. But Selena was really afraid of sex at this point, was already pregnant, and she really wanted that sword back! That was the best thing she had found so far and it had been so useful already!

Acting fast and hoping she didn't regret it one of Selena's hands lets go of the hilt and reaches down toward the impaled zombie's cock and grabs it. She begins to stroke it rapidly, pressing it against her hip gently as she goes about jerking the big zombie off. Hopefully that would make it and its fellows mellow down. Otherwise... well otherwise she was probably going to get fucked again. But hey at least she would know that for next time right?
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada


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