Hey everyone!
New build! A string of real life stuff happened last month which pushed the build to this month but here we are!
This build focused on a better tutorial. The last one was dry and basically a wall of text so it was easy to zone out and not absorb the information. In this one, Hugar will walk you through all the basic things over the first three rounds of the game while giving a tour of Drakdor. I also didn’t skimp on lewdness as Drakdor is full of it. ^_^ It’s much better than before.
It still needs the accompanying pictures, though. I started editing some but it was kind of a mess. Lol. I am far from an artist. After my lovely wife is done with what she’s doing for me right now, I’ll have her get right on that.
I also made the first three rounds easier by not having “wild scorchers” spawn during that time and now have the first barrack be free. (paid for by Hugar using all his savings.)
I also fixed the speed for the fighting animations. It was super slow for you guys compared to when it played in my editor. You can tell me if it’s still too slow for you or it’s now too fast. Hehe.
Here’s what’s new since you’ve last seen breaking the princess:
(You can play it for free here:
(Breaking the princess V0.15)
- new building added to proclamations (Tavern)
- new building added to proclamations (Workshop)
- new building added to proclamations (Br*thel)
- new unit (Siegemaster)
- new unit (Wh*re)
- new unit (Knight)
- Aquarine town.
- Aquarine’s palace.
- Aquarine’s merchant.
- Aquarine’s military grounds.
- New battle art. (Knight)
- New battle art. (Miner)
- New battle art. (Wh*re)
- New battle art. (Worker)
- New battle art. (Drig)
- New battle art. (Fighter scamp)
- New battle art. (Beastmaster) (not implemented yet)
- New battle art. (Imperial knight) (not implemented yet)
- New battle art. (Mage) (not implemented yet)
- New CG (Julianna - anal)
- New CG (Elizabeth - infinite blowjob)
Or, for only 1$, you can get all that is previously mentioned, plus:
(You can get it here:
(Breaking the princess V0.16)
- Added that the first time you buy Harmony, she will offer Elizabeth for half off.
- Made it so that the maximum “Live” stat for a non-hero unit is 90%.
- Automatically recall all wall troops on new rounds.
- new building added to proclamations. (Beastpens)
- new unit. (Beastmaster)
- Added menagerie to the building tab (when you have a beastpen up).
- new menagerie unit. (Varg)
- new menagerie unit. (Drig)
- new menagerie unit. (Coiler)
- new menagerie unit. (Wall terror)
- added Harmony event (Harmony's dignitaries)
- added Harmony event (Harmony is offended)
- added Harmony event (Harmony is impatient)
- added Harmony event (Harmony wants a fine pelt)
- Add the fight result panel at the end of the animation fights rather than having to click the done button twice.
- New CG (Julianna - Face fucking)
- New CG (Harmony - Breath play)
- New battle art. (Dorongo)
- New battle art. (Life stealer)
- New battle art. (Lilith)
- New battle art. (Sky claw)
- New battle art. (Squirmer)
- New battle art. (Warleader scamp)
- Lots more resources at the start since you will have to restart. (Just for this build)
Or, for only 5$, you can get all that is previously mentioned, plus:
(You can get it here:
(Breaking the princess V0.17)
- New and improved tutorial.
- Fixed the fighting speed.
- Made Aquarine max safety 90% rather than 100%.
- Made Hunting max success 90% rather than 100%.
- Added action cost to sending a party to Aquarine and hunting.
- Had the safety of Aquarine go down by 10% for every 20 gems sent after the first 20.
- Buying the first barrack is now free.
- New CG (Elizabeth - Takgore)
- New battle art. (Inferno)
- New battle art. (Magic scamp)
- New battle art. (Oni)
- New battle art. (Takorian)
- New battle art. (Wall terror - enemy side)
- New battle art. (Wall terror - your side)
- New battle art. (Shadow death - revised)
- New battle art. (Siegemaster)
- All pixel art is now done!
- Four monsters (Takorian, Shadow death, Wall terror and Inferno) are super sized. This will mean something at a later date.
- Made the first 3 rounds easier.
- Removed “aquarine” and “hunting” buttons for the first round of tutorial.
- Removed “proclamations” and “talking to Drakdor” for the first two rounds of the tutorial.
Or, for only 10$, you can get all that is previously mentioned, plus you can get the cheat codes for not only this game but for my four other free games.
(You can get it here:
Next month, I’m going to add a "previous" button to go back if you misclick “continue” twice in the text. I should have that function in all my games but it always got pushed back for one reason or another so I’ll commit. ^_^
After that, I’ll do a bunch more “talk to Drakdor” scenes. I’ll experiment with short ones not involving Hugar and longer ones with him. All will be nice and lewd. Hehe.
That’s all for this build. Thanks for your patience and have a great week!
Breaking the princess V0.15: Available for free. -
https://www.patreon.com/PyorgaraBreaking the princess V0.16: Available to 1$ patrons. -
https://www.patreon.com/posts/1-build-links-67425146Breaking the princess V0.17: Available to 5$ patrons. -
https://www.patreon.com/posts/5-build-links-67425179Breaking the princess cheat: Available to 10$ patrons. -